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 No playlist in firefox

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mishmash02 im not sure if this is the right forum but there seems to be no other forum for the info i need.

anyway im having a bit of a problem getting the playlist to work in firefox, the music plays fine, and the playlist does open up, but no tracks are being displayed, ive added the site to all my allowed sites, and its not a firewall problem because the playlist works fine in internet explorer, but i prefer to use firefox, so any help is much appreciated thanks.
whispering The site is coded for Internet Explorer, and the playlist is one of the things that only works in IE. I use Opera, so it bugges me too :p
CorDharel So u mean when u use windows media player?

I always use winamp, and it always works. totally recommended!
yaddam205 Welcome to the site, i use winamp too IT"s DA best
-RAVIN9- Yeah, i agree with the guys^^ Winamp is the way to go!
Originally posted by CorDharel:
So u mean when u use windows media player?

I always use winamp, and it always works. totally recommended!

But what browser do you use? She means that when she uses the radio, the playlist that opens up in her browser (Firefox) doesn't work.
mishmash02 i didnt say i used windows media player did i?
i use winamp too, 96k one

what i meant was, when u click on the link, it opens 2 things up - winamp, and another browser displayin the title of each song, the person whose mix it is, and a pic if poss

now when i open it up in firefox, theres no ones pic there, no title of the song, no artist name etc, thats what i mean.

anyway all i wanted 2 know is why it did this, cos personally i think internet explorer is a pile of crap, and i hate usin it, but in order to get the songlist i have 2 use, i was just wondering if there was a reason it didnt work in forefox

but i know why now, so thank you whisper for clearing that up for me

edit: oh and i aint new to the site, just to the forums =)
DarrenJ playlist jutsu firefox!
I think its possable for it to be coded to open a ie window in firefox and opera, since spyware ie windows can still be activated thu firefox/opera
silver Yeah it does not work because the way firefox handles a certain function in Javascript is actually wrong (yeah you heard me firefox does something non standard!)... I just need time to re-code it.... or more programming staff :)
Originally posted by silver:
Yeah it does not work because the way firefox handles a certain function in Javascript is actually wrong (yeah you heard me firefox does something non standard!)... I just need time to re-code it.... or more programming staff :)

Submit the bug, or the standard and the way it should work to Mozilla and they'll take care of it
urinetrouble *cough*

That's not what you're all talking about, is it? I'm confused here.
Originally posted by urinetrouble:

That's not what you're all talking about, is it? I'm confused here.

Launch the radio from this site, and it also opens the realtime tracklist.
urinetrouble As an aside, Opera doesn't like the dropdown menus on this site. Every other browser seems to agree with them, though.
Originally posted by urinetrouble:
As an aside, Opera doesn't like the dropdown menus on this site. Every other browser seems to agree with them, though.

Its because opera for some reason makes flash movies always on top, and that means banners get in the way, annoys me on a few other sites too
Originally posted by DarrenJ:
Its because opera for some reason makes flash movies always on top, and that means banners get in the way, annoys me on a few other sites too

On Opera 8, the dropdowns dont work at all. Thats why i still use 7 at home.
madsie The track listing not working in firefox really annoys me too.
Until firefox solves the problem or something is done with the stream this may be useful.
bristolboy05 its not workin on mine neither, so u aint the only 1 m8.

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