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 Bernie Sanders running 2020!

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Triquatra You guys are in the celeb era now, the only way to beat a celeb is with another celeb :P
Samination Time to make Arnold Schwartzenegger president then. We need to make Demolition Man a reality!!!

Also, **** those burner bro's or whatever they called themselves. Just as bad as the MAGA idiots...
Triquatra Hehe! Naw he's not a natural born citizen so couldn't. :P
Originally posted by Triquatra:
Hehe! Naw he's not a natural born citizen so couldn't. :P

I know, they said that was changed in the movie for some reason
trippnface oh gawd

Have faith people, we need this.
Impulse_Response Bernie is awful. Socialism kills/destroys. How could you honestly think this is a good thing? Please keep this contained is California and break off to form your own socialist country if that's what you want.
Originally posted by Impulse_Response:
Bernie is awful. Socialism kills/destroys. How could you honestly think this is a good thing? Please keep this contained is California and break off to form your own socialist country if that's what you want.

Right. If we exclude the idiots trying to run Sweden atm, you really think Socalism kills?
Triquatra All the systems 'kill' at some level so it does seem a bit redundant.

I was going to suggest Will Smith, but then I think he's having a bit of a bad run at the moment what with the Rewind and Aladdin cock up.

Maybe Chuck Norris?

Originally posted by Impulse_Response:
Bernie is awful. Socialism kills/destroys. How could you honestly think this is a good thing? Please keep this contained is California and break off to form your own socialist country if that's what you want.

Democratic Socialism is most certainly not Socialism.

I assume you are a Republican?

You can't be a liberal with an attitude like that :p
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by Impulse_Response:
Bernie is awful. Socialism kills/destroys. How could you honestly think this is a good thing? Please keep this contained is California and break off to form your own socialist country if that's what you want.

Right. If we exclude the idiots trying to run Sweden atm, you really think Socalism kills?

If you want it, you can keep it. Glad to have an ocean between us.
jenks The socialist? What could go wrong...
Originally posted by trippnface:
Democratic Socialism is most certainly not Socialism.

It is part of socialism. Just a lighter version.

All Nordic countries have been for decades privatizing all government owned businesses. So in effect moving away from Democratic socialism.

In my opinion if you want proper public health care, it has to be government owned. Thats why it will not work in US (you would have to get rid of whole industries, and there will never be enough support to do that), and thats why it will eventually not work in Nordic countries either (due to privatization).
warped_candykid Where I don't agree with Trump's actions, I do agree that something needs to be done about illegal immigration and welfare abuse (both from illegal immigrants and natives). I don't feel Bernie is going to address those issues. Sadly, the democrats have been shooting themselves in the foot here through the years with all these 20 year olds needing "safe spaces" and having a list of "trigger words" that upset them if said. Matt & Trey nailed it on the head with this clip:

If the democrats want to build themselves back up, they're going to have to drop the PC/Snowflake crowd and go back to working on equal rights for all, better education, non-discrimination practices, and how to regulate government assistant that encourages people to find work instead of living off the government.
Originally posted by warped_candykid:
Where I don't agree with Trump's actions, I do agree that something needs to be done about illegal immigration and welfare abuse (both from illegal immigrants and natives). I don't feel Bernie is going to address those issues. Sadly, the democrats have been shooting themselves in the foot here through the years with all these 20 year olds needing "safe spaces" and having a list of "trigger words" that upset them if said. Matt & Trey nailed it on the head with this clip:

If the democrats want to build themselves back up, they're going to have to drop the PC/Snowflake crowd and go back to working on equal rights for all, better education, non-discrimination practices, and how to regulate government assistant that encourages people to find work instead of living off the government.

The DNC/ modern dems definitely need to lose the PC crap.

I also do not support open borders or sanctuary cities, and I may differ on that than most leftists. I think Sanders would be a step in the right direction, although clearly he does not fit all the bills.

I don't see the DNC bringing out any other viable candidate for a long time. Trump is certainly not the worst, but I definitely believe Sanders would do a better job.

If the DNC tries to give us someone like Biden, Harris, Beto, etc, I will definitely tell them to kiss their ass again.
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by trippnface:
Democratic Socialism is most certainly not Socialism.

It is part of socialism. Just a lighter version.

All Nordic countries have been for decades privatizing all government owned businesses. So in effect moving away from Democratic socialism.

In my opinion if you want proper public health care, it has to be government owned. Thats why it will not work in US (you would have to get rid of whole industries, and there will never be enough support to do that), and thats why it will eventually not work in Nordic countries either (due to privatization).

This is true, thought at least in America, for a lot of the baby boomers, they hear "Socialism" and think the USSR is coming back,along with the cold war. It's like PTSD. It needs to be said that the future implementation of socialist aspects entering our system, will not be representative of various communist empires.

The US is so big and varied the healthcare issue is a cluster****, I am curious to see where we go with it.
Originally posted by trippnface:

The US is so big and varied the healthcare issue is a cluster****, I am curious to see where we go with it.

As long as Health Care is a profitable entity, it will never be "universal" in the grand scheme of it being offered openly to all citizens. There's just too much greed, and just enough people who back up non-universal healthcare in the voting pool. Even if we offered tiered options, with the basic level being what everyone gets, and then you can purchase higher tiers, those would become even more gaped as policy makers would start including more things for their premiums, which would wind up being just as it is now.

We have let people abuse the welfare system for so long, that it's become the thing to do. I'm a teacher, and another teacher told me one of her students told her she was just going to stay home and "collect her checks" instead of getting a job. We need to re-establish a will to work and rise up; people should be able to obtain higher options through working. But at the same time, how do you "cut those people off" without some big uproar? You can't. Something is going to have to happen and I feel Trump is taking those...extreme steps; we've just waited too late as a country and now it's a big no-no.

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