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T O P I C     R E V I E W
latininxtc I'm surprised with all the Brits on here no one has made this topic!

It's currently 10:20PM/22:20 my time here in Houston and currently Leave has the lead by about 500,000 votes.

I jokingly said that I support whichever decision weakens the British pound because I want to visit England one day and want the American dollar to be strong so my money goes far there lol. Reports have already come in that the British pound fell in value by about 7% and that's due to Leave taking the lead. Looking at and yup it has decreased. Also odd to see, the value of the Euro has gone up.

So what are everyone's thoughts on the results as they come in, or as you wake up?
latininxtc And they're calling it. Britain is leaving the EU.
The drunken scotsman Would've voted to remain if I hadn't got so badly delayed at Heathrow yesterday, but it wasn't something I felt too strongly about either way. I can see potential pros and cons of either outcome. In the immediate future our economy will be worse off - the pound has already taken a huge dive against the dollar. After that it's anyone's guess.

What is more interesting from a Scottish perspective is that we voted overwhelmingly to remain whereas it looks like the rest of the UK will take us out of the EU. This will start the shouting for a second independence referendum and that is something I really can't be arsed with.
latininxtc I wanted to ask someone about that. If Scotland and Northern Ireland, also voted to remain, wanted to remain in the EU, would they have to vote on their independence? Or can they vote to rejoin the EU without having to deal with the independence vote?
Elipton I voted Brexit. I'm pleased we won, but I'm anxious about the markets and the Scottish.
latininxtc Wow I'm looking at this site and apparently the value of the currency in commonwealth countries, including GB and Canada, has fallen, while the Euro has strengthened lol
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by latininxtc:
I wanted to ask someone about that. If Scotland and Northern Ireland, also voted to remain, wanted to remain in the EU, would they have to vote on their independence? Or can they vote to rejoin the EU without having to deal with the independence vote?

As it stands Scotland and NI are both part of the United Kingdom which means that we leave the EU despite voting to remain. If we want to be part of the EU then we need to vote for Independance then apply to join the EU. It's very early to say what will happen in much detail, but it's a guarantee that the SNP will put another Independance referendum in their next manifesto and to be honest I can see it happening this time. Not sure what the situation is in NI.
arpz GBP has tanked.

People are so ****ing stupid. This is an awful day for our country and it's only just beginning. Very dark times ahead :(
silver Massively tanked like 10 - 20% ... crazy times.
wong I didn't vote, not because i couldn't be arsed (the polling station was only 5 buildings away from my house) but because i was genuinely undecided. I have n idea if the result is a good or bad thing, only time will tell.
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by wong:
I didn't vote, not because i couldn't be arsed (the polling station was only 5 buildings away from my house) but because i was genuinely undecided. I have n idea if the result is a good or bad thing, only time will tell.

Our economy has already taken a hit so initially it's a bad thing. On a larger scale you're right, time will tell.

To try and make this relative to the hardcore scene, it could have major implications for HTID in the sun. Any Uk artist performing in Spain will now need a work permit which costs money. There will undoubtedly be additional costs on the organisation and running of the event as well, who knows what that could mean. Don't think Alex Prospect will care too much though ;-)
latininxtc And David Cameron has resigned. I think most people knew that was going to happen, just not so soon.
Triquatra (The Past)

I am glad the referendum is over. It's been a silly campaign with each side demanding the other look at their misinformation, speculation and opinion.

My thoughts on the results?

I'm not surprised. I'm not surprised because the attitude of the vocal tended toward the "I am right, and you are a racist"
All that did was turn people who were only lightly remain, off; push people who were on the fence over into the leavers side and make the leavers want to leave even more.

Arguments like this didn't help either
"We have no less power with the EU, please don't leave the EU as it will give the conservative government more power" o.o
I mean aside from the contradictory nature of the sentence; it's only going to be recognised by people who are going to bother voting. The *voting majority* voted in a conservative government, it's as good as telling them to vote out.

Biggest reason has to easily be the part where the remainers tried to make it about money.
That clearly has to be the *worst* mistake ever. A bunch of big buisness leaders coming out and telling people we'll all be worse off out of the EU.

Nice one, you just made 51.9% of the country say "**** 'em!"

I mean Latin, you're talking about money your posts...but if people gave a shit about the money (because hoooooooooly smokes did they ram it home about "what would happen") the nation would overwhelmingly have voted to remain.

(The Future)

In an ideal world, I would like to see this energy transferred over into a change in the electoral system, to make it more fair, followed by a general election, followed by a move to making "real" happy hardcore again.

Samination Yea, **** influences, lets' make breakbeat happy hardcore again, just like in 1992! **** you all!

Anyways, ofcourse it's all about the money, money has the biggest impact on the larger scale :P

If we go small, will I be able to visit London in October with my National ID card, as I don't have a passport at the moment?
Triquatra That's my point though, it wasn't about the money. Otherwise the remains main argument would have won the day and we'd remain.

The media/remainers can continue to talk about money, but as the results have shown..."we told you so" isn't going to make a difference, as crystal clearly most people were willing to roll with the punches.
Smoogie I voted remain although at first I was very pro 'no EU' but I wanted to l see things from another angle and I was concerned about all the clever stuff like markets and economy ect so I felt rather than run a risk we could stay.

I do see pros and cons in both arguments which is probably why the votes where very close on both sides with only a exit vote being slightly higher so it would be hard to even see one side over an other. Had there only been a 10% remain or leave vote it might be safer to see an argument from the majority but with such a close tie it is almost impossible to even work out what outcomes will be seen in the future but I do fear, what with the weakening of the pound that things might not be a be of roses straight away if we leave.
Triquatra if we leave?
Samination Considering the numbers where so close, I do hope they will take it slow. Because 49% of population is a way to big number to **** up
Triquatra I'm sure it'll be taken slowly,

as for population splits, the US elections are the same each time always on a knife edge always clefting the population in twain.

There is now a petition going calling for a second referendum.
I can only imagine what the hard left would be saying if the results had been the other way around and the leavers were asking for a second referendum.
Originally posted by Triquatra:
I'm sure it'll be taken slowly,

as for population splits, the US elections are the same each time always on a knife edge always clefting the population in twain.

There is now a petition going calling for a second referendum.
I can only imagine what the hard left would be saying if the results had been the other way around and the leavers were asking for a second referendum.


**** Cameron & Obama; this is excellent news and hopefully the start of something grand :D

The globalist elite can eat shit :D !

lol guys... the World at large is in debt because of trash corrupt institutions like the EU. A temporary market flux is WELL worth your freedom from the elite swine that pretend to defend Democracy; but really are simply warmongering Capitalist sociopaths. If England or any other country is to take back control ; they must leave the EU & Nato; 2 entities bent on destroying Nationalism .

Not voting to leave would have been like an American voting to continue allowing wall street to rape us.

" Oh; we can't let the big banks fail; then we will all be broke and the economy will collapse "

That is called fear mongering. **** the markets and **** the governments.
Did Obama and Cameron want Brexit?
Then you can bet your ass it is good for everybody.

The EU & NATO have long outlived their purpose.

awww poor whiny bitch obama ; no wonder he is so upset :(

"Much of the exodus could come from the big U.S. banks. Foreign financial firms were some of the remain camp, saying the consequences of voting to leave the EU would make London a less advantageous place to do business. Goldman Sachs spent at least $500,000 helping to fund the remain campaign. Goldman has 6,000 employees in London. It hadn?t said how many it may move out if the vote went for ?leave.?"

Or how about this? " Except refugees; or pay EU 250 000 Euros PER refugee.
Seems to me the EU are terrorists and extortionists.

** wow; reading and seeing the amount of idiots who think brexit supporters are pre dominantly " right wing" are brainwashed idiots of the highest order. Absolutely nothing like defending your slave masters; and fighting against your own salvation. I am about as far left as it gets. Neoliberals are really; really stupid...

I mean shit; the EU already stole Palestine from the Palestinians; best remove them before they steal Europe from the Europeans... Long time Genocide & Imperialism supporters

ViolonC The two things i took away from this:

Old people voted exit, young people voted remain.
Regions very dependent on the EU voted exit, regions not so dependent voted remain.

I understand the first one and it's a shame that the old majority has the power to destroy opportunity for the younger generation. The second thing seems very silly unless you consider the vote is not cast because of the issue but to express a general frustration with the government and its policies.
DJ D-Luc-D
Originally posted by ViolonC:

Regions very dependent on the EU voted exit, regions not so dependent voted remain.

The second thing seems very silly unless you consider the vote is not cast because of the issue but to express a general frustration with the government and its policies.

Well it's frustrating to know that you're run from overseas by people who you didn't elect, yeah. So it's probably both of those things.

Also an age breakdown (all of these you see are only surveys):


Old people voted exit, young people voted remain.

I understand the first one and it's a shame that the old majority has the power to destroy opportunity for the younger generation.

I can understand people's perspective on this but I think people are forgetting that there was a lot of support for Brexit among age groups from 35 to 64, not just just 65 plus. Even then you'd expect 65 plus to be higher than 60% for leave.

Also, they were around when the UK was not a member of the EEC/EU so they have a better understanding of what they're voting for.

That graph was taken from this article by the way.
What I did find funny in this were the complaints that baby boomers "had caused house prices to soar" and suchlike.
Of course when it comes to immigrants, it's nothing to do with that, it's the government's fault for not building enough houses right? xD
Originally posted by DJ D-Luc-D:
I can understand people's perspective on this but I think people are forgetting that there was a lot of support for Brexit among age groups from 35 to 64, not just just 65 plus. Even then you'd expect 65 plus to be higher than 60% for leave.

Also, they were around when the UK was not a member of the EEC/EU so they have a better understanding of what they're voting for.

Have this chart to make it meaningful.

You are absolutely right that just "blaming" the 65+ age group falls short. But the general trend won't change and it's no different in other European countries as you can see here.
But i don't believe old people have a better understanding on what they voted just because there where there before UKs entry to EU.
The world today is a very different one. We are living in a globalized world and protectionism and nationalism will not get you anywhere but getting played by other powers.
Things have become so complex and out of touch that people feel the need to reduce complexity they don't understand by removing supra national structures. The EU needs reforms to bring it back to a more democratic and transparent form. But nevertheless the EU will be very important for the UK may it be a member or not. So it's a question whether you want to be part from the inside or the outside to aid this reforms.
Guest i call ******** and been calling the middleclass retards since
DJ D-Luc-D
Originally posted by ViolonC:
Originally posted by DJ D-Luc-D:
I can understand people's perspective on this but I think people are forgetting that there was a lot of support for Brexit among age groups from 35 to 64, not just just 65 plus. Even then you'd expect 65 plus to be higher than 60% for leave.

Also, they were around when the UK was not a member of the EEC/EU so they have a better understanding of what they're voting for.

Have this chart to make it meaningful.

You are absolutely right that just "blaming" the 65+ age group falls short. But the general trend won't change and it's no different in other European countries as you can see here.
But i don't believe old people have a better understanding on what they voted just because there where there before UKs entry to EU.
The world today is a very different one. We are living in a globalized world and protectionism and nationalism will not get you anywhere but getting played by other powers.
Things have become so complex and out of touch that people feel the need to reduce complexity they don't understand by removing supra national structures. The EU needs reforms to bring it back to a more democratic and transparent form. But nevertheless the EU will be very important for the UK may it be a member or not. So it's a question whether you want to be part from the inside or the outside to aid this reforms.

Was it ever democratic since it became a political union? They've ignored plenty of referendums from its member states or told them to vote again for years.

Anyway what I mean is older people will understand how democracy and sovereignty has been eroded over the years. People are also forgetting they have grandchildren and many of them will be voting in their interests. Sure, the world has changed but if we're living in a globalised world, then it's no good limiting ourselves to Europe. Nationalism won't get us any more "played" than being in the EU; the UK's voice has always been ignored in Brussels. We can still cooperate with the rest of the world without unions that require the extreme and invasive levels of involvement that the EU does.

It won't matter soon anyway, give it a few years and it's going to crumble. :)
Guest they don't understand nothing about modern life, most of them don'nt event know what the EU is

finding out about the EU was the biggest search term on google the day after

the middleclass are all thick, with primitive lives and have no logic to be able to work out anything too complex because they grow up with such shit lives doing nothing much in peace and quiet cul de sac's
Originally posted by Guest:
in peace and quiet cul de sac's

that actually sounds pretty good!

Originally posted by Triquatra:
Originally posted by Guest:
in peace and quiet cul de sac's

that actually sounds pretty good!

not really, it might be good for a week, then you can physically feel your brain shrinking, and logic disappearing
Triquatra Trust me, it is better than being the same situation, but having 50 kids being noisey.
Guest the middleclass don't have 50 kids, they have 1 called thomas or rupert, they are all brain dead with ginger hair and scrump apples from the apple tree in their garden

PS ( Wall street is not on our side )

PSS ( Obama and Cameron are on the side of wall street)

PSSS ( Wall street is an institution of terrorist twats)

What is wrong with the English youth; I thought this was common knowledge?

One of your finest politicians. LEGEND. Don't make em like this in America.

look at that nasty smirk on Camerons face.
Who is smiling now **** :D!
Elipton The statistics of the polls should be held in the same regard as the BBC index used to predict the outcome.

Young people have limited experience of the EU, have lived through relatively less change, and therefore see the future in the short term.

40 years ago we joined a common market, and in that time it's transformed into an institutionalized union. I agree with leaving, and I'm optimistic that in the medium-long term it will be to our advantage.
Originally posted by trippnface:

PS ( Wall street is not on our side )

PSS ( Obama and Cameron are on the side of wall street)

PSSS ( Wall street is an institution of terrorist twats)

What is wrong with the English youth; I thought this was common knowledge?

One of your finest politicians. LEGEND. Don't make em like this in America.

look at that nasty smirk on Camerons face.
Who is smiling now **** :D!

nothing todo with politics, its banks in the uk buying alot more shares then anyone else on wall street because of the currency exchange which makes america economy stronger, then they sell them all to make profit which gets taxed in the uk

its why ISA's can be locked for 2 years, and why banks go bankrupt and have to be bailed out by governments. so you get your money back
Smoogie People still talking about this? My Facebook feed calmed down Saturday afternoon!
Originally posted by Guest:
Originally posted by trippnface:

PS ( Wall street is not on our side )

PSS ( Obama and Cameron are on the side of wall street)

PSSS ( Wall street is an institution of terrorist twats)

What is wrong with the English youth; I thought this was common knowledge?

One of your finest politicians. LEGEND. Don't make em like this in America.

look at that nasty smirk on Camerons face.
Who is smiling now **** :D!

nothing todo with politics, its banks in the uk buying alot more shares then anyone else on wall street because of the currency exchange which makes america economy stronger, then they sell them all to make profit which gets taxed in the uk

its why ISA's can be locked for 2 years, and why banks go bankrupt and have to be bailed out by governments. so you get your money back

Exactly why " The City Of London" voted so heavily to remain of course ;)

The banker elite in london had far too much to lose!

"its why ISA's can be locked for 2 years, and why banks go bankrupt and have to be bailed out by governments. so you get your money back"

Indeed. This is fraud!! A bank that goes bankrupt; should become insolvent and forced to liquidate. It is not the job or responsibility of taxpayers to continuously bailout multi billionaire corrupt elites. That is EXACTLY what the remain campaign was REALLY about. Continued economic domination. This xenophobic spin is such ********; but entirely expected.

Now; look at this haha!!
Getting out was definitely an extremely wise choice.

the EU needs an ARMY? Can anybody honestly believe this trash?!

oh well...
Now watch the dominoes start to fall :D

"Last year, 260,000 Austrians signed an EU exit petition, forcing a referendum debate in parliament. A survey conducted this year showed that the majority of those in favor of ?Auxit? are supporters of the Freedom Party, and with the party?s popularity growing steadily ahead of parliamentary elections in 2018, it?s possible that the number of those supporting an Austrian departure from the bloc could grow as well.

Almost exactly a month ago, France?s rightist Marine Le Pen of the National Front likewise threatened that the union was on the verge of collapse. And according to a March poll, 53 percent of French citizens surveyed would like to hold a Brexit-like referendum on France?s membership in the EU."

whispering The EU (or to be exact the people we voted to EU) has been moving power away from people that have been voted in. Its becoming less and less democratic. I hope the brexit vote would start slowly shifting the power back to elected people.
Originally posted by whispering:
The EU (or to be exact the people we voted to EU) has been moving power away from people that have been voted in. Its becoming less and less democratic. I hope the brexit vote would start slowly shifting the power back to elected people.

I doubt very much that that'll happen. If anything the UK leaving will remove a major obstacle for those that want even more federalization.
Craigavon raver
Originally posted by latininxtc:
I wanted to ask someone about that. If Scotland and Northern Ireland, also voted to remain, wanted to remain in the EU, would they have to vote on their independence? Or can they vote to rejoin the EU without having to deal with the independence vote?

Yeah scotland and ni voted to remain, and wales followed england in voting leave, straight after the scottish were calling for a second referendum for independence (which they'll probably win) while sinn fein called for something similar, about mentioning a border poll, but i think it's to early for that, now's not the time, tiocfaidh ar la
Originally posted by jenks:
I doubt very much that that'll happen. If anything the UK leaving will remove a major obstacle for those that want even more federalization.

I'm not strictly against federalization, though i am in EU's current state. I'm against the current form where democracy is a formality, rather then elected people making the actual decisions.
Originally posted by Craigavon raver:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
I wanted to ask someone about that. If Scotland and Northern Ireland, also voted to remain, wanted to remain in the EU, would they have to vote on their independence? Or can they vote to rejoin the EU without having to deal with the independence vote?

Yeah scotland and ni voted to remain, and wales followed england in voting leave, straight after the scottish were calling for a second referendum for independence (which they'll probably win) while sinn fein called for something similar, about mentioning a border poll, but i think it's to early for that, now's not the time, tiocfaidh ar la

A majority of Scots don't even want another referendum, and once they realise that they do more trade with the UK than all of the EU combined, leaving the UK will look like even more of a risk than it did before.

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