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 Covid19 impact on the global club and rave scene

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Smoogie Interesting video

Si Thompson COVID 20
Mr_B_HHC I know what it has done to me. I am a broken human being without my fix. Spend my days in live streams and mixing my own sets, all to no avail. I miss the lasers, the people and the unity our genre fosters :-(

Sad Clown.

Thanks for the interesting watch though Smoogie.
Originally posted by Mr_B_HHC:
I know what it has done to me. I am a broken human being without my fix. Spend my days in live streams and mixing my own sets, all to no avail. I miss the lasers, the people and the unity our genre fosters :-(

Sad Clown.

Thanks for the interesting watch though Smoogie.

I hear ya brother
LeVzi I'm beginning to think that this is deliberate now.

The government are not supporting the night entertainment sector at all. They are not even trying to find a way to open them back up, and they are happy about it. Think about it, it means less noisey inner cities, less trouble in the early hours of the morning. They will lose revenue but they won't care.

Their excuse is no social distancing possible, bad ventilation, etc etc.

Well all I can say is, I hope they realise the backlash that will come their way. I heard that the Chancellor Sunak said yesterday people in music should now retrain, well that's probably the most disgusting thing i've heard. Someone , like many people i know, who've dedicated years to becoming professional musicians , are now going to retrain as what , a builder ? accountant ?

Why should the younger generation lose their ability to enjoy themselves because of a virus that 99% of the time won't effect them.

I caught the damn virus in a nightclub anyway, week before lockdown, as did my wife, and i'd imagine everyone there had it, and probably a blessing in disguise, antibodies.

I think that the British entertainment sector needs support from the people who use it and it's time to hit back at all these lockdowns and restrictions, and show the ****ing government it's time to open up the country and allow people to live again.

Let the vulnerable shield and anyone worried about the virus shield, but let everyone else get on with life.

MusicILove Words cannot express how angry I feel reading that attitude.

And antibodies will not save you. It will come again and again.

There is only very short term immunity from this virus

I guarantee you are not immune anymore.
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by MusicILove:
Words cannot express how angry I feel reading that attitude.

And antibodies will not save you. It will come again and again.

There is only very short term immunity from this virus

I guarantee you are not immune anymore.

Dont think you or anyone else can guarantee anything when it comes to the virus. It will come again and again until it weakens through peoples immunity and dies out naturally, or we accelerate the process with a vaccine.

All lockdown is doing is delaying things in the hope that we do get a vaccine. If we dont then the only way is for it to run its course. Imo lockdown is just as big a risk as herd immunity due to all of the other effects on peoples physical and mental health caused by lockdown, not to mention the devastating effect its having on the economy.
Originally posted by MusicILove:
Words cannot express how angry I feel reading that attitude.

And antibodies will not save you. It will come again and again.

There is only very short term immunity from this virus

I guarantee you are not immune anymore.

You are vulnerable, therefore you need to shield or take a vaccine when it comes. The rest of us, need to live our lives with no more restrictions. Herd immunity doesn't go away, or we'd all be having chicken pox and measles again. You over sanitise and hide the human race from these viruses, you destroy its immune response, the body needs to know how to deal with these things.

Lockdowns are not working. Its being proven.
The drunken scotsman In Scotland our first minister has basically closed down all pubs and restaurants for two weeks from Friday. That woman is clueless and a bigger threat to Scotland than the virus has ever been. Nobody has any idea what her goal is by doing this.

Completely reliant on support from the U.K. government but just blames it on them when things go wrong.. ****s me right off how she gets such an easy ride.
Samination We're still waiting to see if a 2nd wave of the virus will hit Sweden.

We've had a milder lockdown and used herd immunity, and so far, we've done far better (after the initial stage, were everyone feared Sweden would become a hivenest of ill people) than most other countries.
The drunken scotsman Sweden is an interesting one. Easy to say all countries should have done the same at this point but all countries are different. The government appear, at the very least, to have a clear strategy which theyve stuck by despite a lot of criticism and fair play to them for that. Clear rules that dont change every couple of days and an attempt to keep life as normal as possible for everyone.
Impulse_Response All bars have been closed in Texas for some time, even though our restaurant capacity was increased a week or two ago. One bar in my town put up a big sign that says WE REFUSE TO SHUT DOWN, and they've been pulling decent crowds.
whittle1 This is being done to deliberately crash the economy. The last attempt was made during the financial crisis of 2007-2008. There's no way that businesses can survive with all the imposed restrictions. And if their doors don't shut immediately they will eventually due to not being allowed to have as many customers in their facility as normal. Scandalous.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
In Scotland our first minister has basically closed down all pubs and restaurants for two weeks from Friday. That woman is clueless and a bigger threat to Scotland than the virus has ever been. Nobody has any idea what her goal is by doing this.

Completely reliant on support from the U.K. government but just blames it on them when things go wrong.. ****s me right off how she gets such an easy ride.

I simply cannot believe she's doing what she's doing. Wee Jimmy Krankie is going to destroy Scotland if you ever get independence. However you feel about breaking away from the Union, she would not be my choice of leader, you'd be back in the EU in a hearbeat and then I wonder how that is going to work with the rest of the UK, a hard border between Scotland and England ? Wow.
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
In Scotland our first minister has basically closed down all pubs and restaurants for two weeks from Friday. That woman is clueless and a bigger threat to Scotland than the virus has ever been. Nobody has any idea what her goal is by doing this.

Completely reliant on support from the U.K. government but just blames it on them when things go wrong.. ****s me right off how she gets such an easy ride.

I simply cannot believe she's doing what she's doing. Wee Jimmy Krankie is going to destroy Scotland if you ever get independence. However you feel about breaking away from the Union, she would not be my choice of leader, you'd be back in the EU in a hearbeat and then I wonder how that is going to work with the rest of the UK, a hard border between Scotland and England ? Wow.

Sturgeon and the SNP are clueless. Scary to think that an independent Scotland with their ilk in charge is a very real possibility.
Si Thompson Nicola Sturgeon.

That Humza Yousaf is another whopper. What a collective bag of AIDS that party is.
Originally posted by Samination:
We're still waiting to see if a 2nd wave of the virus will hit Sweden.

We've had a milder lockdown and used herd immunity, and so far, we've done far better (after the initial stage, were everyone feared Sweden would become a hivenest of ill people) than most other countries.

Sweden still is the hivenest of ill people. Just not from Covid ;)
Seriously though, i always found it ironic when people criticized Sweden's response, when its the only country where experts instead of politicians make the decisions.

Due to my lifestyle i haven't had really any impact from Covid. I now work at home though, which has been great.
LeVzi Be thankful most of you don't live here in Wales. They've gone insane here. 2 weeks FULL lockdown, and they've banned the sale of non essential stuff in the shops like clothing, etc.

"I'm expected to work from home, but I can't buy printer paper" , that was quote of the year for me, shows how fking stupid the Welsh Government are.

Drakeford , the first minister, is risking a backlash, maybe a violent one, if he continues this , he's already talking about banning Christmas (He's banned Halloween and Bonfire night) and he's talking about another "Fire Break" lockdown in January / Febuary.

There are videos online of people ripping down the coverings of non essential items, and others walking in , in their pants (Clothes are non essential right ? ) and the sad thing is, the people in the shops are taking the abuse and its not their fault.
The drunken scotsman Much the same up here in Scotland. Not to the extent of banning sale of non-essential items but similar lockdown measures. Theyve also introduced a 5 tier system because the three tier system in England wasnt confusing enough.

Personally Im getting fed up of the lies. Sturgeon initially claimed we would be having a circuit breaker lockdown for 2 weeks. To nobodies surprise it got extended by a week, and now theyve introduced the tier system so basically when the circuit breaker is done things will be the same anyway. Treating us like kids.

Absolutely shambolic handling of this second wave all over Europe with the obvious exception of Sweden.
whispering Been a bit surprised about the response in all the english speaking countries.
Here if they want to do that type of measures, they first have to declare State of emergency, and its narrowly defined what constitutes an emergency and what measures they can take, the law is mostly for war time.
They used it last spring to ban large gatherings and to quarantine Helsinki area from the rest of Finland, which TBH could have been made permanent ;)
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Much the same up here in Scotland. Not to the extent of banning sale of non-essential items but similar lockdown measures. Theyve also introduced a 5 tier system because the three tier system in England wasnt confusing enough.

Personally Im getting fed up of the lies. Sturgeon initially claimed we would be having a circuit breaker lockdown for 2 weeks. To nobodies surprise it got extended by a week, and now theyve introduced the tier system so basically when the circuit breaker is done things will be the same anyway. Treating us like kids.

Absolutely shambolic handling of this second wave all over Europe with the obvious exception of Sweden.

I have to be honest, watching Wee Nippy is painful. She's as clueless as Drakeford is here. 5 tier system ? wtf. That's ridiculous.

The 2 week "Fire Break" as they call it, was just the start, Drakeford is already warning for another in Jan/Feb, and when we come out of lockdown, apparently rules will continue. People are really starting to lose their patience here.
Samination Kinda hard NOT treating people on the british isles as children when they are morons, just eclipsed by the morons in the united states.
Originally posted by Samination:
Kinda hard NOT treating people on the british isles as children when they are morons, just eclipsed by the morons in the united states.

Lol I'm pretty sure Europe's per capita rates are higher than ours right now
Originally posted by Samination:
Kinda hard NOT treating people on the british isles as children when they are morons, just eclipsed by the morons in the united states.

So why are we morons and those in the USA bigger morons, I assume this is a political reference ?
The drunken scotsman People arent happy and that is understandable as this virus is really not that bad. If you ask a bunch of scientists how we stop the spread of a virus, of course they are going to advise that people stay apart and take action to stop people gathering as much. That does not mean that the government has to do it however. They are not taking account of the bigger picture and the vast majority of people are suffering because of it. Take a look at the stats. As brutal as it might sound the people dying are mostly in the 70 + category but it is everyone below that is going to have to pay in the longer term.

It really pisses me off that those in charge making these rules say they are doing it to protect the health service. If they had spent some of the money that has been wasted so far responding to Covid, on actually funding the health service properly over the last few years then we would be in a much stronger position.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Take a look at the stats. As brutal as it might sound the people dying are mostly in the 70 + category but it is everyone below that is going to have to pay in the longer term.

But actually checking the footnotes is cheating!
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
People arent happy and that is understandable as this virus is really not that bad. If you ask a bunch of scientists how we stop the spread of a virus, of course they are going to advise that people stay apart and take action to stop people gathering as much. That does not mean that the government has to do it however. They are not taking account of the bigger picture and the vast majority of people are suffering because of it. Take a look at the stats. As brutal as it might sound the people dying are mostly in the 70 + category but it is everyone below that is going to have to pay in the longer term.

It really pisses me off that those in charge making these rules say they are doing it to protect the health service. If they had spent some of the money that has been wasted so far responding to Covid, on actually funding the health service properly over the last few years then we would be in a much stronger position.

The biggest problem I have is they are NOT protecting the elderly at all. They are not shielding them properly AND sending them home to care homes from hospital without testing them. At lot of the time thats why care homes were devastated.

I dont trust these advisors anymore I think they are incompetants, the WHO are saying one thing, and Whitty and that other guy are saying something else. Whos giving directions. At the beginning it was all about the WHO, now they dont seem to matter.
Originally posted by LeVzi:
I dont trust these advisors anymore I think they are incompetants, the WHO are saying one thing, and Whitty and that other guy are saying something else. Whos giving directions. At the beginning it was all about the WHO, now they dont seem to matter.

WHO is more or less an extension of China's propaganda department. It became apparent in the beginning of the pandemic (the real beginning, not when WHO said it became one).
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Be thankful most of you don't live here in Wales. They've gone insane here. 2 weeks FULL lockdown, and they've banned the sale of non essential stuff in the shops like clothing, etc.

"I'm expected to work from home, but I can't buy printer paper" , that was quote of the year for me, shows how fking stupid the Welsh Government are.

Drakeford , the first minister, is risking a backlash, maybe a violent one, if he continues this , he's already talking about banning Christmas (He's banned Halloween and Bonfire night) and he's talking about another "Fire Break" lockdown in January / Febuary.

There are videos online of people ripping down the coverings of non essential items, and others walking in , in their pants (Clothes are non essential right ? ) and the sad thing is, the people in the shops are taking the abuse and its not their fault.

There is a reason why it is going wrong in Wales and that can be explained in the three words below:

The Labour Party
Samination Didn't know Bojo was in Labour?
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by LeVzi:
I dont trust these advisors anymore I think they are incompetants, the WHO are saying one thing, and Whitty and that other guy are saying something else. Whos giving directions. At the beginning it was all about the WHO, now they dont seem to matter.

WHO is more or less an extension of China's propaganda department. It became apparent in the beginning of the pandemic (the real beginning, not when WHO said it became one).

It's not what they are saying as I think WHO are a joke, and definitely in collusion with China to cover this up. I meant the double standards of the people claiming to listen to them then completely ignore them for their own agenda.
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Be thankful most of you don't live here in Wales. They've gone insane here. 2 weeks FULL lockdown, and they've banned the sale of non essential stuff in the shops like clothing, etc.

"I'm expected to work from home, but I can't buy printer paper" , that was quote of the year for me, shows how fking stupid the Welsh Government are.

Drakeford , the first minister, is risking a backlash, maybe a violent one, if he continues this , he's already talking about banning Christmas (He's banned Halloween and Bonfire night) and he's talking about another "Fire Break" lockdown in January / Febuary.

There are videos online of people ripping down the coverings of non essential items, and others walking in , in their pants (Clothes are non essential right ? ) and the sad thing is, the people in the shops are taking the abuse and its not their fault.

There is a reason why it is going wrong in Wales and that can be explained in the three words below:

The Labour Party

Goes without saying tbh. The new Communist Party here in Wales.
Originally posted by Samination:
Didn't know Bojo was in Labour?

He isn't.
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by Samination:
Didn't know Bojo was in Labour?

He isn't.

Labour are the party of anti Semites. How long did it take for them to boot Corbyn? I predict a nasty split in their party soon
Samination I guess being anti-semite is worse than being a normal racist?
The drunken scotsman Looks like full-on lockdown is coming from next week in England. Goes without saying that Scotland will follow suit and probably go one further by just assassinating all residents of Scotland to stop the spread.
Originally posted by Samination:
I guess being anti-semite is worse than being a normal racist?

a normal racist?
Originally posted by Mental_Adam:
Originally posted by Samination:
I guess being anti-semite is worse than being a normal racist?

a normal racist?

Yeah, you know those people, anyone who didn't vote remain in the referendum
Si Thompson Authoritarian Police force overreaching. Two tier policing now in full effect in the UK. If this was BLM or ER they would've been taking the knee and having tea and biscuits.

Tell ya what, the reporting here from Sky is utter AIDS. MSM needs to die.

Samination Ok. That "Rule of 2" is definitely taking things too far.
Si Thompson I won't be having any vaccine.
Originally posted by Si Thompson:
I won't be having any vaccine.

I always said I wouldnt, but I am going to, I just want the ability to fk off abroad and have a holiday

WITHOUT a mask. (Not that I wear one anyway)
Samination wow... it's almost like you guys don't care for your fellow humans :o

Well. I havent used a face mask either (not mandated in Sweden as of yet), but the face mask is mostly for people who have gotten it or have been around people who have gotten Covid19. Masks doesn't help as much for people who dont have it yet, as you can still get it over your unprotected body parts anyways...
Si Thompson COVID 20.
Originally posted by Si Thompson:

Them bloody minks!
Icewind Unfortunately life will not go back to normal without a vaccine. Thankfully you guys in the uk are getting it first...I'd suggest you take it
Si Thompson
Originally posted by Icewind:
I'd suggest you take it

No thanks.
Originally posted by Si Thompson:
Originally posted by Icewind:
I'd suggest you take it

No thanks.

You will once you realise the restrictions on you, if you don't take it ;)
Si Thompson
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by Si Thompson:
Originally posted by Icewind:
I'd suggest you take it

No thanks.

You will once you realise the restrictions on you, if you don't take it ;)

The UK a Police state? Surely not. LOL
Alex Threat Unfortunately it appears to be turning that way. I will get it if it means I can go back to some normality and be able to do the things i enjoy in life!
The drunken scotsman Absolute shambles up here. We were told in early October that we were having a 2 week circuit breaker lockdown to slow down the spread of the virus. They magically added a week on to that, then at the end of that week they put the country into regional tiers.

Of course, here in Scotland we have to be different and because the 3 tiers they have in England wasnt confusing enough, we made 5 tiers. The whole of the central belt (roughly 80% of Scotlands population) was placed in the two highest tiers which effectively meant full lockdown. So instead of a 2 week circuit breaker weve essentially been in lockdown for over 2 months now and counting.

My hometown Edinburgh has had a very low rate of virus for about a month now but the west of the country has not been doing so great. However due to politics we are kept in the second highest tier despite having much lower rates than areas in lower tiers - if they really were ?following the science? we would be in tier 1 but they are making the rules up as they go and they wont lower us because of fear of backlash from the west. An utter shambles and a sign of things to come as the SNP tighten their grip on the country.

I wonder if they would be so willing to harm the economy with these measures if we werent part of the UK? I doubt it. Absolute embarrassment being run by a nationalist government. ****s me right off how so many idiots up here idolise Nicola Sturgeon - she is as clueless as she is dangerous and people get taken in by the way she speaks rather than the words she says. If I were English id be looking forward to the prospect of Scotland going independent.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Absolute shambles up here. We were told in early October that we were having a 2 week circuit breaker lockdown to slow down the spread of the virus. They magically added a week on to that, then at the end of that week they put the country into regional tiers.

Of course, here in Scotland we have to be different and because the 3 tiers they have in England wasnt confusing enough, we made 5 tiers. The whole of the central belt (roughly 80% of Scotlands population) was placed in the two highest tiers which effectively meant full lockdown. So instead of a 2 week circuit breaker weve essentially been in lockdown for over 2 months now and counting.

My hometown Edinburgh has had a very low rate of virus for about a month now but the west of the country has not been doing so great. However due to politics we are kept in the second highest tier despite having much lower rates than areas in lower tiers - if they really were ?following the science? we would be in tier 1 but they are making the rules up as they go and they wont lower us because of fear of backlash from the west. An utter shambles and a sign of things to come as the SNP tighten their grip on the country.

I wonder if they would be so willing to harm the economy with these measures if we werent part of the UK? I doubt it. Absolute embarrassment being run by a nationalist government. ****s me right off how so many idiots up here idolise Nicola Sturgeon - she is as clueless as she is dangerous and people get taken in by the way she speaks rather than the words she says. If I were English id be looking forward to the prospect of Scotland going independent.

Same here in Wales, we are being run by the father of a pedo rapist. Our infection rate is going out of control ,because 2 weeks wasnt long enough and they let people free for all after the firebreak lockdown. We will be locked down again in a week or so. Over Xmas probably and all pubs will be shut for longer.

Drakeford doesn't care a shit about Wales he's fking useless. And he's sealed his fate at next years elections here.

Bring on the vaccine if it puts an end to the bollox I am seeing. Insanity, and I can see its the same sort of thing in Scotland.

Boris seems to have done a better job recently, as Englands R rate is really low atm.
Si Thompson If you get 10 minutes spare, have a watch of this.

Originally posted by Si Thompson:
If you get 10 minutes spare, have a watch of this.

good stuff.

Pfizer is a criminal entity that should have had the top brass publicly executed. Instead, they have been given a lucrative business opportunity. I won't be taking the "vaccine".
Si Thompson
Originally posted by trippnface:
Originally posted by Si Thompson:
If you get 10 minutes spare, have a watch of this.

good stuff.

Pfizer is a criminal entity that should have had the top brass publicly executed. Instead, they have been given a lucrative business opportunity. I won't be taking the "vaccine".

Same here, pal. I'm not anti-vaxx per se, but with their history and the fact it's been rushed through, It's a no from me.
LeVzi I wont be taking the pfizer one, i'll wait for the Oxford one. It's due to be put into circulation soon, so I will refuse the others in favour of that.
Si Thompson Year 2023 - Advert comes on the telly.

"If you took a COVID vaccine between 2020-2021, you may be entitled to compensation"
Originally posted by Si Thompson:
Year 2023 - Advert comes on the telly.

"If you took a COVID vaccine between 2020-2021, you may be entitled to compensation"

Definitely a possibility. Unfortunately it doesn't seem like it's going to go away on it's own any time soon.

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