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 Few questions about Anabolic Frolic

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
joltzy Ok 2 years ago there was a party in Pittsburgh PA. The party was called Twotopia and the big headliner was suposed to be Anabolic. Well do to troubles in the USA that he had he was not allowed to come into the states! So they had to get a new headliner which was not disapointing because it was "BRISK"! But anyways my question is why was he not allowed in the states and is he alowed in now?
My next question. He produced 2 songs on chapter 5 which in my opinion were realy grate! But on 6 there were no new produced songs by him!So is he produceing more tracks or is he not? If he is can u tell me were i can here them? IF not why isnt he? Thank you !
I heard he was not alowed in do to selling drugs! Is that true?

Dj Tripnosis He didn't produce any songs on chapter 5 , i don't think, Anobolic is a local here so i see him like every weekend. it's funny hearing him being such a big deal down there, heh. Anobolic in my opinion isn't the greatest, if Frisky ever comes down your in for a treat !!!! About the drug selling thing, well i don't think thats true, Back along time ago When Hullabaloo ( He's the main promoter ) was just gettin started he used be all nice at the door but when inside he would aks you for drugs and if you were selling he's take you to the security . He's an allright guy , i'm not sure if that was true er not, so don't spread it around , I don't wanna be one to start rumors. Nah but Chris is an allright guy , spins to slow though

Cheers !

4-Beat 4-Ever

-Hi, My name is Auto and i looove to get Blotto !! -
Brian K fah fah frolic cannot return to play in the US due to the fact that he has no work permit to spin over here. Until he gets a work permit he cannot play here legally...

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."
NightRunner Yeah a couple of years ago at he was supposed to spin at Candyland, but didn't show. There's a dozen popular rumors about why he's not allowed to spin in the states, but most people agree that he can't get in one way or another. Unfortunately, noone special replaced him at Candyland. ::Sigh:: That's why I hate the midwest - we have NO HHC DJ's. A year and a half to two years ago, really big parties around here would boast 1 or 2 HHC DJ's that nobody had ever heard of, but these days the one local we have dosen't even perform that often.
In reply to your production questions - In an interview with Freebass magazine, Frolic was asked
"Are you going to start geting into your own music production?"
"Yeah, there are a couple pieces of my own on the last album [chapter 5]. I've invesed in my own studio, the problem I'm having is being my own engineer. I'm working now an engineer from the UK who has moved here to work in a studio in Toronto. He's a qualified Hardcore engineer so I'm able to go in there with my ideas and make them happen. I'm launching my own labels and I'm hoping to put out as much music from overe here as I can."

"At least half of being clever is making certain you are not being stupid."
NightRunner Yeah a couple of years ago at he was supposed to spin at Candyland, but didn't show. There's a dozen popular rumors about why he's not allowed to spin in the states, but most people agree that he can't get in one way or another. Unfortunately, noone special replaced him at Candyland. ::Sigh:: That's why I hate the midwest - we have NO HHC DJ's. A year and a half to two years ago, really big parties around here would boast 1 or 2 HHC DJ's that nobody had ever heard of, but these days the one local we have dosen't even perform that often.
In reply to your production questions - In an interview with Freebass magazine, Frolic was asked
"Are you going to start geting into your own music production?"
"Yeah, there are a couple pieces of my own on the last album [chapter 5]. I've invesed in my own studio, the problem I'm having is being my own engineer. I'm working now an engineer from the UK who has moved here to work in a studio in Toronto. He's a qualified Hardcore engineer so I'm able to go in there with my ideas and make them happen. I'm launching my own labels and I'm hoping to put out as much music from over here as I can."
Lixx This article will explain everything about his temporary exile from the US: . Since Chapter 5 I've only heard of him doing a remix of Let's Fly and frankly it sucks.

Dj Tripnosis cheers to that, i didn't like that either. but hey, gotta give him some credit, he's doin somethin at least , moonshine records and all , but still......

4-Beat 4-Ever

-Hi, My name is Auto and i looove to get Blotto !! -
DJ-SK8 In all acuality Frolic sucks, and should not have the amount of authoraty in the T-Dot rave scene as he does for a few resons.
#1: he has comershalized The hhc scene in North America!!!!
#2: He just plain old sux!!!!
#3: I know ppl who have talked to him and he seems to have larg hatred towards jewish, gay, and polish ppl!!!!

And he has only produced 2 tracks and only 1 of them is on Vinyl right now. There's the one thats on Happy2BHardcore 5, And a lets fly remix witch he butchard completely.
The 2 Toronto Dj's that you should always love are Frisky & D-Minus they are the shit and can produce wicked tracks.

pot smoker
Lixx He actually has two tunes on H2BH 5. For the first one, Feels So Right, he somehow managed to get Cru-L-T in the studio to rip his own tune (Dynamite Crew - Hard Daze on Keep It Fresh 2) and I do like it but I'm guessing Frolic did basically nothing on that one. For the second one, Shelter Me, I heard a rumor that he actually fell asleep in the studio and Devastate did all the work. I will admit I really like the series of cds (which are digitally mixed/edited to perfection) if only for the tracklists, but the only thing you can credit him for is promoting happy hardcore. Besides that he's worthless in my book, because he's definitely not taking the scene anywhere with whatever influence he's gained over the years, and from what I've seen he's only out there to make bank.

DJ-SK8 Acually frolic didn't realy have anything to do with the track he did with Cru LT.

pot smoker
Lixx I'm not surprised but what's your source?

dj beans DJ-SK8 , you are talking out of your ****ing ass!!!

first of all what are you basising you acuzations on that frolic hates jewish, gays and polish??

that is out right bull ****ing shit!

and it is people like you that spread these kinds of rumours!!!

Anabolic Frolic is one on the nicest, most sincere guys I've met and I've never heard anything hate related about any kind of person much less the three you singled out!

And please tell me how exactly he "comershalized" the hhc scene in North America??!!

HHC is sooo far from being commercialized that is is not even funny.

Do you feel good about yourself after spreading lies??

Weiners and Beans Mix Masters
dj beans oh and btw he currently has 4 tracks pressed and is currently working on quite a few projects.

back to the original topic..

chris didnt have a temp work visa for a party he was going to do, and because of that he's been banned fromthe states for a certain amount of time..

im not sure when that ban ends

Weiners and Beans Mix Masters
TommyK OMG what a shocker! Unfounded rumours about Frolic on the net! I've never seen that before.

joltzy Well i dont know about Frolic being this nice guy. Because he did rip me off but we wont get into that. :)

Originally posted by NightRunner:
That's why I hate the midwest - we have NO HHC DJ's. A year and a half to two years ago, really big parties around here would boast 1 or 2 HHC DJ's that nobody had ever heard of, but these days the one local we have dosen't even perform that often.

What are you, ****ing nuts? :P There's a ton of hardcore DJs in the Midwest. Go pick up a flyer sometime! :P


evangelion this thread makes me laugh...
and for many reasons.

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