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T O P I C     R E V I E W
whispering We haven't had one of these in a long time. Finally got a new camera and just cleaned my apartment, so figured id make one.

Hopefully everyone will give a little peek to their castle, since virtually every phone these days has a camera, theres no excuses :p
You can upload the images to e.g.

Heres mine:

Living room

Living room

Living room


Hallway (need to figure out how to make it look like less of a mess)


Bedroom (precious DVD's, still need to buy few more shelves)

Bathroom (Notice the outstandingly good looking oak furniture that was designed by me ;) Still need to buy a glass door for the shower.)

Bathroom (Need to finish making the lamp above the sink. I've made it, but have to paint it and buy some white glass.)

Balcony (The only thing i didn't clean, had to go buy beer. As they stop selling it at 21:00 here)

The girl

The dude

acidfluxxbass I'll post some of my bedroom soon. Perhaps some of my flat in september/october ;)
D-tor Awesome house man, love those empty shelves.

I made a video of my room for my friend. Nothing has really changed except the sheets and a Bruce Lee poster. (Don't think I'll be embedding this one)
latininxtc I was wondering where all the pussies were lol. does the girl only have one eye or is that just the lighting?

I too got a new camera it's a point and shoot nothing too pricey but I love it. If I finish cleaning my room in time I'll def take pics and post them. And of the evil pussy as well
m0nst3r Those shelves above your computer are amazing!

I would post a pic of my room but im kind of mid-pack at the moment and its a horrible mess D:
TheOneNOnly Two things:

That hallway is messy? Wtf.

Originally posted by TheOneNOnly:
That hallway is messy? Wtf.

Yeah, seriously, if you think that's messy then you would be horrified at actual mess, LOL.
Originally posted by m0nst3r:
Those shelves above your computer are amazing!

I would post a pic of my room but im kind of mid-pack at the moment and its a horrible mess D:

yeah those shelves are amazing.

Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by TheOneNOnly:
That hallway is messy? Wtf.

Yeah, seriously, if you think that's messy then you would be horrified at actual mess, LOL.

Exactly why i'm posting 0 photos lol
whispering The shelves were meant to be cat pathways without actually looking like cat furniture (got the idea from here). The cat furniture they sell in stores all look horrible, with weird colors and all. Just look at the litter boxes to get an idea.

The hallway looks somewhat neat now, though its usually covered in cat litter. I've concentrated all open storage there (i have a tendency to put items to the nearest surface). Which makes the shelves look all irregular and messy, cause the stuff in it are so random. Those black/red Ikea boxes made it look a little better, but still not satisfied.

Originally posted by latininxtc:
I was wondering where all the pussies were lol. does the girl only have one eye or is that just the lighting?

Yea, something happened to it and it lost all vision, due to the pain it was removed. Though it happened with the previous owner (got them in feb 2010). She also has a chronic ear infection and something in her lungs. Going to the vet for a second x-ray at the end of the month. Which hopefully will shed some more light on that.

Originally posted by latininxtc:
I too got a new camera it's a point and shoot nothing too pricey but I love it. If I finish cleaning my room in time I'll def take pics and post them. And of the evil pussy as well

I bought a Sony DSC-HX5. Loving the automatic thing, doesn't matter if its light, dark, macro etc it gets all settings pretty well. Better then i could :P

Originally posted by TheOneNOnly:

The last bottle was half that size and lasted over a year. But that was the smallest i could find from the store i use (from that brand).
JayHH86 That is a really, really nice apartment you've got there Teemu! (see, that Get To Know Each Other thread is proving fruitful already!).

Mind if I ask how much you pay a month for that?

My 'crib' is just one main room and a bathroom at the moment. If I can make it look presentable, I will post some snaps.
Originally posted by JayHH86:
Mind if I ask how much you pay a month for that?

Thanks for the kind words Jay! Its a bought house, so i pay about 500e for the loan (for the next 15-20 years :P) and 200e for "maintenance" (the money you pay in apartment buildings for keeping the building up and running plus water/electricity).
Originally posted by whispering:
Thanks for the kind words Jay! Its a bought house, so i pay about 500e for the loan (for the next 15-20 years :P) and 200e for "maintenance" (the money you pay in apartment buildings for keeping the building up and running plus water/electricity).

Interesting. That seems really quite reasonable, given the look of the size of the place. Obviously location is a massive factor. Are you near a major city/have to commute far?
Triquatra I clean the house today and put up some pics :)
Originally posted by JayHH86:
Interesting. That seems really quite reasonable, given the look of the size of the place. Obviously location is a massive factor. Are you near a major city/have to commute far?

I live in Turku (pop. 177 000), and the apartment is about 2 km from the city center (where i also work). Far enough that theres not that much traffic noise, but still close enough so you can get to the city center in few minutes with a bicycle or walk home after a massive amount of drinking. I consider the location ideal for my needs.
whispering If anyone is interested;

I bought the apartment in june 2007. Heres a few pictures few days after getting the keys:

...a month after:

...2 months after:
Originally posted by JayHH86:

Don't you know it, baby!
Samination just you wait! I will clean up my room and i will take a shot of it!!!!
Ionosphere It didn't look very promising to start with -

but after checking it out, our interior designer thought that she could do a lot with it -

and, as it turned out, she was right -

We're well pleased.

Samination what are you? a pimp? anyways more boobsorgtfo
Triquatra weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, heres "my" bedroom (have to say that because i guess its the wifes too)

full size:

full size:

Aualex sound treatment foam stuff
KRK Rokit 8's
PC i built
Antec Case
24inch LG Monitor
unlocked i5 processor (unlocked so it's 3.20ghz Quadcore)
1GB graphics card (shitty generic one if i remember right)
ATH M50 headphones
a gaggle of External HDD's
a seat, from ikea!
which reminds me, i built that desk out of an old table and the headboard of our bed!
a digital photoframe ;)

my son tried to get in this picture

full size:
really need to get another expedit, but thats not going to happen for a looong time!

see on first apperances it looks like i live in quite a tidy house..

full size:

of course, i'm not show you the rest of the house because..well, our upstairs looks like this..

full size:

you might notice the lack of turntables, they disapeared a few months ago along with my Yamaha CS2x - contrary to what.. somepeople..think about me, even though i spent years saving to get half this stuff i ended up having to sell them so i could put food on the table, feed my wife and child. -.-
i'll be lucky if i can even manage even 2 raves this year with the money situation as it is.
HAAAAA and then i get another child next year!

oh god

Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
weeeeeeeeeeeeeeell, heres "my" bedroom (have to say that because i guess its the wifes too)

Loving the curtains. Is that a picture of Jay on top of you PC? ...and whats the function of the door left to the computer?

Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
of course, i'm not show you the rest of the house because..well, our upstairs looks like this..

Your cleaning turn again i take?
Originally posted by whispering:
Loving the curtains. Is that a picture of Jay on top of you PC? ...and whats the function of the door left to the computer?

Ha ha! That's my bloody avatar isn't it!? Explain yourself Rowan. I'm not angry. Mildly concerned/aroused, but not angry.

Great spot Teemu man, never would have seen that!
Originally posted by JayHH86:
Originally posted by whispering:
Loving the curtains. Is that a picture of Jay on top of you PC? ...and whats the function of the door left to the computer?

Ha ha! That's my bloody avatar isn't it!? Explain yourself Rowan. I'm not angry. Mildly concerned/aroused, but not angry.

Great spot Teemu man, never would have seen that!

He was masturbating, jeeez, give the guy a break.
Triquatra just seeing if you guys are awake ;)
its a digital photo frame, its now cycling through pictures of Oliver, Dana...and Jay

I actually ended up cleaning the entire house whilst the wife was out at her amateur dramatics thing
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
I actually ended up cleaning the entire house whilst the wife was out at her amateur dramatics thing

I see you did a ...great job :p
8D Ugh Tri's music collection is just godly

I woulda took a picture of my room but It's almost all packed now as I'm moving in 6 days
Originally posted by Samination:
what are you? a pimp?

Pimp? forgot, Drug Dealer, Gun Runner, People Trafficker, Security Consultant and all round scum bag.

Anyway, here's a photo of our local pub 'The Hero', just a drunken meander down the lane -

latininxtc alright so this is the before picture. not a great pic I was messing around with the panorama option and this is what I got. I only took pics of my room since it's where I spend most of my time in the house.

and some after pictures

some pics of the bathroom

and this is what working in retail for 7yrs with an employee discount gets you lol

and here's the cat the flash is annoying here

8D tooo many huge pictures bro D:
Samination did the cat ate all the hardcore?
djDMS Whispering - that is a majorly impressive transformation mate!
Audio Warfare Whispering - Looking nice man! You've put in some hard graft it seems.

Rowan - Looks like your studio setup has definitely come together a bit then. :)

I'll take a couple of shots when I get in. May have to do a quick tidy, had a few mates over Saturday and a lazy recovery day Sunday lol.
Originally posted by latininxtc:
and some after pictures

Thats one huge room. It's weird that you have white walls and roof. On other forums when we've had a similar topic, many in America have all sorts of weird colors, even the roof. Which is _always_ painted white here :P

Also your closet is screaming for a storage system.

Originally posted by djDMS:
Whispering - that is a majorly impressive transformation mate!

Originally posted by Audio Warfare:
Whispering - Looking nice man! You've put in some hard graft it seems.

Thanks. After the initial few months to make it into livable condition, its been a very slow progress. Still need to get money for the shower door and some other stuff, even though it's been 4 years already :P
TheOneNOnly Lmao Latin, nice Texas shower curtain.
Audio Warfare Right, here we go.

Lounge/Dining room:




Can't be arsed to get one of the downstairs toilet or upstairs landing and the bedroom is off limits. ;) Not taking pics of front or back garden either as I think that's a little bit of a security risk.
Hard2Get Loving the living room curtains lol. What a brilliant idea for whoever invented them lol.
Originally posted by Audio Warfare:

Never really understood why no other country uses dish draining closets in the kitchen. Its like the best kitchen invention ever.

Also have a Gunslinger Girl wall scroll myself. Though don't have it displayed ATM. Only have the Haibane-Renmei one visible. Still haven't watched the second season though.
Hard2Get It is an ingenious idea, never seen one before lol. I suspect the same is true for most people here too as they certainly wouldn't be passing up such a good opportunity to be lazy for no reason.
Triquatra we dont dry...we just use a drying rack on the side, like alot of other households:

i expect there are different reasons it never made it over here, that is space people would usually want for food storage (some of our kitchens in our tiny british houses are small enough as they are!!) and often the sink is under a window, so a window would be in the way of where the drying cupboard would be

also - surely if its wood...and you're putting damp, (sometimes hot) things in it to dry then closing the doors.. surely that creates a worrying mould problem? build up of moisture and all that because they arent airing properly..?
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
also - surely if its wood...and you're putting damp, (sometimes hot) things in it to dry then closing the doors.. surely that creates a worrying mould problem? build up of moisture and all that because they arent airing properly..?

That's what i was thinking. Even though there is a big hole in the bottom.
latininxtc might as well get a dishwasher if you want to avoid the whole process altogether. not keen on the idea of the items being over each other on the finnish invention. usually we use something like what Rowan has or when we do have a lot of stuff to dry, we use the dry setting on the dishwasher. Our whole family prefers to handwash everything.
Triquatra hmmmm.dishwashers use alot of electricity, really no point having one when its just myself my wife and the wee one!
Ionosphere Tch! Just get the servants to do it.
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
and some after pictures

Thats one huge room. It's weird that you have white walls and roof. On other forums when we've had a similar topic, many in America have all sorts of weird colors, even the roof. Which is _always_ painted white here :P

Also your closet is screaming for a storage system.

yea well we don't own this house we're only renting it. and yea most ppl even if they're renting paint the whole place up. The rest of the walls in the house are painted though. Every apt. u rent here will always come with white walls or ceilings b/c in most contracts it states that ppl moving out have to make sure that everything is as they received it, including the white walls so they won't get penalized for it. i'm not that into decorating as you can see from the pic lol. I used to have my walls full of posters and whatnot during grade school but stopped after that.

altho I am considering starting a project of kind of "framing" old t-shirts that I don't see myself ever wearing again, but that I don't want to get rid of b/c they carry some sentimental value and whatnot.

as far as the closet goes, spent $200 on some really good velvet huggable hangers and I've had a few break on me, but have also bought a tremendous amount of clothes again after college lol so I'm thinking about buying some more again. It's not really the closet it's me lol i'm terrible at organizing I never am one to put stuff back where they belong after I've used it.

@OneAndOnly lol i bought that shower curtain for when I lived in student housing for college. I thought I'd get it so it would impress my roommates and it did lol.
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by Audio Warfare:

Never really understood why no other country uses dish draining closets in the kitchen. Its like the best kitchen invention ever.

I swear when I was 8 years old that I thought up something like that in my head and pondered why it didn't exist

Hey Cribs usually shows rides too eh? :P

Here is my baby:

She desperately needs a new stereo, those 30 year old speakers just don't cut it for hardcore

Originally posted by 8D:
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by Audio Warfare:

Never really understood why no other country uses dish draining closets in the kitchen. Its like the best kitchen invention ever.

I swear when I was 8 years old that I thought up something like that in my head and pondered why it didn't exist

Hey Cribs usually shows rides too eh? :P

Here is my baby:

She desperately needs a new stereo, those 30 year old speakers just don't cut it for hardcore

there u go fixed that up for u
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
that is space people would usually want for food storage (some of our kitchens in our tiny british houses are small enough as they are!!) and often the sink is under a window, so a window would be in the way of where the drying cupboard would be

also - surely if its wood...and you're putting damp, (sometimes hot) things in it to dry then closing the doors.. surely that creates a worrying mould problem? build up of moisture and all that because they arent airing properly..?

On smaller kitchens you just leave the dishes there, as its where you keep the dishes. Also it doesnt have a bottom so the water just drips to the sink. It takes about the same time to dry there then it would on open air. You get mould problems when water goes to places where it cant dry out, which isn't the case. Also since virtually every apartment here has one, even the ones that use dishwashers, we just don't place the sink in front of windows :P
Originally posted by latininxtc:
It's not really the closet it's me lol i'm terrible at organizing I never am one to put stuff back where they belong after I've used it.

I was thinking something in the line of that:

I'm kinda terrible too. In the past 2 years I've constantly trying to rearrange stuff (few months ago i cleaned and organized the cellar for like 4 times to get more stuff in). I've figured that its easier to keep the house clean if the stuff are in their logical places. Like where i use them. So any stuff i rarely need either go to the attic or cellar. I've also bought loads of clear plastic boxes, so when i actually need something i can see it without taking everything out.

Originally posted by latininxtc:
yea well we don't own this house we're only renting it. and yea most ppl even if they're renting paint the whole place up. The rest of the walls in the house are painted though. Every apt. u rent here will always come with white walls or ceilings b/c in most contracts it states that ppl moving out have to make sure that everything is as they received it, including the white walls so they won't get penalized for it.

Ah that enplanes it. Its the same here, except that most people like the white walls here and don't paint them :P
Originally posted by Ionosphere:
Tch! Just get the servants to do it.

Exactly. I get the servant to load the dishwasher....sorted!
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
It's not really the closet it's me lol i'm terrible at organizing I never am one to put stuff back where they belong after I've used it.

I was thinking something in the line of that:

What the **** is that! That's completely sci-fi looking, if the walls weren't white I might like it a bit more ;P It is organized, but I have the same problem as Lat.. I wouldn't put everything back right, I'd just get lazy and put shit in the easiest, majority of the time, least organized way.
Originally posted by TheOneNOnly:
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
It's not really the closet it's me lol i'm terrible at organizing I never am one to put stuff back where they belong after I've used it.

I was thinking something in the line of that:

What the **** is that! That's completely sci-fi looking

LOL, best description ever.
Future_Shock I can't believe a forum of mostly men are discussing the best way to wash/dry dishes.

What happened to you guys?
JayHH86 lol I have to agree. I thought that conversation got a little more detailed than necessary.

I've had the same single plate and set of chop sticks for 6 months. Miracle I haven't been hospitalized for some bacterial infection.
Triquatra facepalm
Originally posted by JayHH86:
lol I have to agree. I thought that conversation got a little more detailed than necessary.

I've had the same single plate and set of chop sticks for 6 months. Miracle I haven't been hospitalized for some bacterial infection.

What more do you need? And lol you actually learned to use chop sticks? Do they not have forks there or something?
Triquatra in finland they dont use forks, they found a way to circumvent the transfer of food from plate to mouth completlely!

true story
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
in finland they dont use forks, they found a way to circumvent the transfer of food from plate to mouth completlely!

true story

I bet they use antimatter chopsticks

Originally posted by JayHH86:
lol I have to agree. I thought that conversation got a little more detailed than necessary.

I've had the same single plate and set of chop sticks for 6 months. Miracle I haven't been hospitalized for some bacterial infection.

That's not the kind of infection you should be concerned about flower!
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
What more do you need? And lol you actually learned to use chop sticks? Do they not have forks there or something?

They do, but using chop sticks is actually a lot more efficient with most of the food out here.

Originally posted by djDMS:
That's not the kind of infection you should be concerned about flower!

Awwww! I love flowers.
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
in finland they dont use forks, they found a way to circumvent the transfer of food from plate to mouth completlely!

true story

Yea, we discovered theres this liquid bread thats made of malted cereal grains.
Originally posted by Andy_Influx:
I can't believe a forum of mostly men are discussing the best way to wash/dry dishes.

What happened to you guys?

Yeh, I was wondering but didn't like to mention it.... strangely more fascinated with domesticity than our local pub....

and Rowan's powers of observation on the decline as well. :-/
JayHH86 Ha ha! I clocked it! Lovely bit of work.
Ionosphere I thought you would Jay.

....and Samination's powers are as bad as Rowan's.
Triquatra LOL!!!!!!

I just saw!

Audio Warfare
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Loving the living room curtains lol. What a brilliant idea for whoever invented them lol.

Nice aren't they. :P Spent bloody ages looking for some I like, had to have these custom made. 99% of curtains have the most awful floral designs lol.

Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by Audio Warfare:

Never really understood why no other country uses dish draining closets in the kitchen. Its like the best kitchen invention ever.

Also have a Gunslinger Girl wall scroll myself. Though don't have it displayed ATM. Only have the Haibane-Renmei one visible. Still haven't watched the second season though.

It would be handy! I'd love to have a sink without a draining board so I have a bit more room for food prep. Maybe I should build one, there is room for it! Never seen one for sale over here.

Nice, I wouldn't mind getting another myself. Scrolls look so much better than posters! Second season of GG is good but I prefered the first. Worth checking out though if you can grab the boxset on the cheap I'd say.

Audio Warfare Ha, can't believe I didn't notice that pub shot. :P Quality.
Ionosphere 8)

Back on topic. Cribs.

Bathroom -

To be honest, it wasn't very good, so I thought it worth a refit

and hated every f*ckin' minute spent doing it -

Originally posted by djDMS:
Originally posted by JayHH86:
lol I have to agree. I thought that conversation got a little more detailed than necessary.

I've had the same single plate and set of chop sticks for 6 months. Miracle I haven't been hospitalized for some bacterial infection.

That's not the kind of infection you should be concerned about flower!

Can you ensure, Jay used them for eating only? People usually behave very strange under the influence of alcohol and Hardcore.
Lorenzo.Tweakn i wanted to do this since i now live with my bro in his quarter of a million dollar condo in the south suburbs of chicago.

my bedroom

my closet

the living room


stairs to the loft

the loft

life in the suburbs is awesome. and the condo is a complete mess.
Triquatra not being funny...but i always thought a 250k condo would look a little more....250k-like?
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
not being funny...but i always thought a 250k condo would look a little more....250k-like?

a condo like this; goes for 250K in tinley park, Illinois. its ridiculous. 30mins south & youll see a 250K condo look like its worth 500K
SpiritWolf The only thing I learn from this thread is that men like discussing how to dry dishes and my house is a total shithole.
Originally posted by SpiritWolf:
The only thing I learn from this thread is that men like discussing how to dry dishes and my house is a total shithole.

It happens when you live alone for a decade an the dishes don't magically turn clean after you leave them in the kitchen. Being a household choir and me being a man, i want to do it in the least time possible.

Ionosphere, really nice bathroom. Though personally i hate glossy surfaces (metal, glass, glossy paint etc), I'm all for matte myself.

Triquatra, it's all about the location. Heres one from Helsinki with a selling price of 330 000$ It has 2 rooms + kitchen and 62m2

Samination, still waiting :P
m0nst3r if i ever get the chance to renovate a house/build a house...the bathroom has to have a huge bath tub in it..cannot have an awesome bathroom without a huge bath :p

all of you been males, it probably wouldn't be first priority haha
Originally posted by m0nst3r:
if i ever get the chance to renovate a house/build a house...the bathroom has to have a huge bath tub in it..cannot have an awesome bathroom without a huge bath :p

all of you been males, it probably wouldn't be first priority haha

Yes ! We only need a king-sized bed and girlfriends...
Originally posted by Warnman:
Originally posted by m0nst3r:
if i ever get the chance to renovate a house/build a house...the bathroom has to have a huge bath tub in it..cannot have an awesome bathroom without a huge bath :p

all of you been males, it probably wouldn't be first priority haha

Yes ! We only need a king-sized bed and girlfriends...

beds? lol guys will practically do it anywhere!
Originally posted by m0nst3r:
all of you been males, it probably wouldn't be first priority haha

I've successfully removed a bath tub from 2 apartments :P
m0nst3r it is a very girl thing to want to have a big bathtub
wouldnt say no to the massive bed either haha
The Dopeman i had a big bed...but me my gf broke it lol
whispering I recently got rid of my bed, just have the mattress' on the floor. Much better to sleep and easier to clean. If i get the money, I'll probably at some point change the mattress to a futon/tatami combination.
m0nst3r I have a queen bed..but only sleep on half of it as the other half is covered by books and stuff haha
Originally posted by whispering:
I recently got rid of my bed, just have the mattress' on the floor. Much better to sleep and easier to clean.

Yeah same. Only it wasn't recent. Felt odd sleeping so close to the floor for a while.
whispering Still waiting to see Saminations crib and Jay's room in Saigon's red light district. Wouldn't mind seeing DMS's room in the retirement home either.
Originally posted by whispering:
Still waiting to see Saminations crib and Jay's room in Saigon's red light district. Wouldn't mind seeing DMS's room in the retirement home either.

Oh, ha...ha! I've taken the photos on my old Box brownie, just have to wait for them to develop!
Originally posted by whispering:
Still waiting to see Saminations crib and Jay's room in Saigon's red light district.

lol let's hope he doesn't have any "visitors" while taking pics.
atomsk This thread makes me sad..
Originally posted by atomsk:
This thread makes me sad..

Samination cause my crib is slightly larger than his :P

I live in a 1 room flat
atomsk Ouse
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by atomsk:
This thread makes me sad..


My house is half the size of any of the homes posted, yet we have more people living here and mire shitty.
Originally posted by atomsk:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by atomsk:
This thread makes me sad..


My house is half the size of any of the homes posted, yet we have more people living here and mire shitty.

Yeah those are the key words here; 'any of the homes posted'. You've not seen all the ones people didn't post :> Naturally people are only going to post what looks good, but that dosn't mean it's a representation of everyone else.
Originally posted by atomsk:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by atomsk:
This thread makes me sad..


My house is half the size of any of the homes posted, yet we have more people living here and mire shitty.

Hey, don't get like that. We can't help Whispering is a major drug cartel selling millions in drugs and affording a very, very, very white house.
Originally posted by TheOneNOnly:
Hey, don't get like that. We can't help Whispering is a major drug cartel selling millions in drugs and affording a very, very, very white house.

Hehe, i actually ordered few days ago a white sofa that matches with the white walls :P Filthy rich as i am, my brother pays it and i pay him back in a 4 month time frame.

My current ones are 21 years old. I've searched new sofas for 2 years now. Couldn't find any that could fit in my living room. I searched almost every furniture store here. All the sofas are huge these days. But then i discovered the Danish god of sofas, and was now in a puzzle to choose which one to buy. I finally went with their model Ghia in white leather textile. Still a bit afraid my cats will scratch that faux leather in the first year.

When i have that paid out, i'll need to get few chairs to replace the other sofa. I've been thinking of their Cubed-90 chairs.
whispering Still waiting for the sofa, but in the meanwhile bought an Icarus lampshade <3

Originally posted by whispering:
Still waiting for the sofa, but in the meanwhile bought an Icarus lampshade <3

ravefox wants his tail back.
m0nst3r That's really cool!

it makes the light really soft and not that horrible sterile bright that most lights are these days
Originally posted by m0nst3r:
That's really cool!

it makes the light really soft and not that horrible sterile bright that most lights are these days

The soft light actually comes from the light bulb thats, as eu regulations dictate, one of those energy saving ones. Though in the bedroom its better that way ...and often elsewhere, except when i work and need a sterile light, which i need to buy for my desk at some point.
m0nst3r my bf has an energy saving one in his room and its the most sterile light ever..makes you feel as if your in the hospital or something :(
Originally posted by m0nst3r:
my bf has an energy saving one in his room and its the most sterile light ever..makes you feel as if your in the hospital or something :(

The bulbs usually have an indicator how warm/cold the light is (or should be in most cases). The scale basically just goes from yellow to blue. I think the "hospital" light is great when i'm doing something, working, cleaning etc. But if i'm just chilling the warmer ones are much better.
whispering Kitchen at the moment. Ain't going to cook any time soon, not that i would anyway...

TheOneNOnly So much ****ing white.
Originally posted by TheOneNOnly:
So much ****ing white.

haha you should see my room.
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Originally posted by TheOneNOnly:
So much ****ing white.

haha you should see my room.

Originally posted by TheOneNOnly:
So much ****ing white.

The color is now chalk (or F484), not white :P

EDIT: also finally got the glass door for my shower:

Hard2Get What is that a can of on the step ladder?
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
What is that a can of on the step ladder?

Thats Olvi, the last of the big finnish brewers, still in finnish ownership.

EDIT: Almost forgot, finally got that sofa i ordered over 3 months ago:

On the left you can also see my new Full HD projector that i got yesterday :) The roof mount for the last one was custom built, so i'll need to build a new one. Hence the temporary cat proof stand.
TheOneNOnly I expected white curtains too. And those walls are still white!

Also lol @ two bar stools on top of each other holding a projector.
whispering Just got my computer table painted, I'm sure TheOneNOnly can appreciate my choice of color:

Hard2Get Sexy white speakers (covered this before i believe). I'm sure your cat enjoys climbing the shelves too lol.
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Sexy white speakers (covered this before i believe). I'm sure your cat enjoys climbing the shelves too lol.

I bet they love taking every opportunity to knock all that shit down too
TheOneNOnly Oh, oh, I see red curtains!
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Sexy white speakers (covered this before i believe). I'm sure your cat enjoys climbing the shelves too lol.

Year back, was just leaving for a cruise (summer trip with the office), he fell from the higher one. As you know cats land on their feet, so while hes body was rotating hes feet took a fit from the table and he hit ground on hes side. I was watching this from a side eye, all happened very quick. Called my brother to check on him while i was gone, all was well. But he never climed there as much he used to. He used to sleep on the upper shelves, never does it again. Bought some 3M antislip tape, haven't yet applied it to the shelves ...that turned out to be a longer story then i intended.

Edit: ...and to make long story longer, the Audio Pro Addon Five speakers are fantastic.

Originally posted by latininxtc:
I bet they love taking every opportunity to knock all that shit down too

Apart form stretching on my table, hes very considerate of my stuff. So long as i leave him room to move in.

Originally posted by TheOneNOnly:
Oh, oh, I see red curtains!

Thats me using the palette wisely, not throwing 'all in' :P

Also i'm still waiting for the promised peek to Saminations crib and Jays Saigon hideout (which is UK hideout now i guess).
silver Seriously sexy!

oh wait, hang on...
Claxton Would upload pictures of my new student digs but I don't what to make you all jealous of my pad!!
Originally posted by Claxton:
Would upload pictures of my new student digs but I don't what to make you all jealous of my pad!!

highly doubt that.
TheOneNOnly So I think Whispering will be quite happy to know that I have gone to IKEA to replace all the furniture in my room. They are in all white. But, my room is all red so it is not white on white like Whispering's racist rooms are.

Will post pics whenever I actually feel like putting together a bunch of IKEA furniture..
Audio Warfare
Originally posted by whispering:
Just got my computer table painted, I'm sure TheOneNOnly can appreciate my choice of color:


This looks sharp man, nice modern look. Pedestal next though surely! Black with white drawers.

AW Studio 2 is coming along nicely this week:

This was Monday:

Last night:

Just need to get some curtains that actually fit the track that's there rather than stringing up my old ones lol. Bit more sound treatment to do as well and I might even start getting on with some new music again soon. Looks like a small room but it's really long, will be a sofa in the middle and my decks up the other end soon. 8)
_Jay_ Looking absolutely magnificent mate!
Audio Warfare
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Looking absolutely magnificent mate!

Thanks man, pretty happy with how it turned out. Just looking forward to doing the final touches and getting my decks set up, full panorama to follow. ;) Be a while before the sofa goes in though as we need to buy a new one for the lounge first! Got a bit of cash but I don't think there will be much left after doing the soffits and patio doors.
Warnman Yes, a man needs a place to flee from real life!
My brother-in-law who is a Metal drummer built his own music room in the cellar of his new house and now plans a house bar including a nice stereo right next to it.
Elipton It's no paradise, but this studio does the job. Great for doing artwork and uni work, and in May when my time at uni is over, I'll be a little sad to leave this room. It's not set-up for music unfortunately, and I doubt I will ever have a dedicated studio for music. However, its great for artwork and crafts. The big desk with the big monitor on it was a ?30 bargain from a local furniture store.

this is a video tour of my parents' basement I live in at the house I just moved into 4 months ago.

I'm redoing the whole room sometime next year though. :x. I'll post pics when it's done!
Audio Warfare
Originally posted by Warnman:
Yes, a man needs a place to flee from real life!
My brother-in-law who is a Metal drummer built his own music room in the cellar of his new house and now plans a house bar including a nice stereo right next to it.

Indeed! Ahh that sounds pretty cool, a bar would be awesome. Wish I had the space to squeeze one in but that just isn't happening. :(

Originally posted by Elipton:

Doesn't seem to be displaying the picture?

Originally posted by AceofSpades_Lorenzo:

this is a video tour of my parents' basement I live in at the house I just moved into 4 months ago.

I'm redoing the whole room sometime next year though. :x. I'll post pics when it's done!

Nice man, that's a fair size. I wish we have basements over here, would give a house so much extra room.
Originally posted by AceofSpades_Lorenzo:

this is a video tour of my parents' basement I live in at the house I just moved into 4 months ago.

I'm redoing the whole room sometime next year though. :x. I'll post pics when it's done!

Is that a stripper pole i saw in the video?
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by AceofSpades_Lorenzo:

this is a video tour of my parents' basement I live in at the house I just moved into 4 months ago.

I'm redoing the whole room sometime next year though. :x. I'll post pics when it's done!

Is that a stripper pole i saw in the video?

depends on the night, sometimes it's a stripper pole others it's a pole that supports my house!
Originally posted by Audio Warfare:
Originally posted by Warnman:
Yes, a man needs a place to flee from real life!
My brother-in-law who is a Metal drummer built his own music room in the cellar of his new house and now plans a house bar including a nice stereo right next to it.

Indeed! Ahh that sounds pretty cool, a bar would be awesome. Wish I had the space to squeeze one in but that just isn't happening. :(

Well, everything is still planed so far. We'll see what real life is going to serve - especially when I already know that my oldest sister can turn to a very nasty person real quickly. But I'm still confident that this mare will never be able to finally table the stallion living within' my naturally rebellious brother-in-law at all.
whispering Our apartment buildings pipes and electricity were redone. So had to (or they did) redo the bathroom. Almost finished:

latininxtc Whispering where have you been? We hardly hear from you!
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Whispering where have you been? We hardly hear from you!

Read the forums every day. Hardly post cause all you guys talk about these days is Hardcore music :p
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by latininxtc:
Whispering where have you been? We hardly hear from you!

Read the forums every day. Hardly post cause all you guys talk about these days is Hardcore music :p

Yeah i really can't relate to most of it.
DjZelous Mah house is pretty boring aside from my room sooooo, here you have pics of my room.
Vinyl Collection:
VHS Collection:
A Wall:
Audio Warfare Taken bloody months to get there but nearly done with the lounge in the new place now.

This is what it looked like when we moved in:

Mid butchering:


Just need to put a wood floor in and put the curtains up now. That's downstairs down, now it's just all of upstairs to go. :P Feeling the pain of getting a doer upper now!
Hard2Get Loving the wood burner. Brilliant choice.
Audio Warfare
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Loving the wood burner. Brilliant choice.

Cheers, love our little wood burner! Few logs and it heats the whole house through, don't even need the heating on in the evening when it's cold. Can't believe the people who lived there before had boxed in the fire tbh.
Saw those snaps on Facebook, Gaz. Looking sweet mate! Delightful little post-rave, expanasive L-shaped recovery sofa you've got there!

Audio Warfare
Originally posted by _Jay_:

Saw those snaps on Facebook, Gaz. Looking sweet mate! Delightful little post-rave, expanasive L-shaped recovery sofa you've got there!

Thanks Jay! Yeah I can see us crashing on the sofa Saturday morning haha. So much room and it's like being wrapped in marshmallows. It's a bit too comfy tbh, keep falling asleep in the evening. :P

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