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 Hardcore CD Singles? Is there a demand?

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Nick of Blaze! Hi guys....

Please don't flame me cos I've put this on another forum as well so we can get an idea.

We're seeing if you guys would be interested in CD singles of TTD (Til The Day).

They would only be available mail order for the time being, but it's an idea we have that some people might prefer a CD to a 12".

There would of course be the 2 12" mixes from phosphor and justrich along with the 2 radio edits and an instrumental.

If there is a demand that makes it worth the pressing then it's a possibility.

The thing that stops CD presses is Napster and the like. We understand that Napster is here to stay and it's just something we have to deal with, although to small genres like HH, it does kill it bigtime.

So as Luna C says on his site:

"It has been many years since I have felt so enthusiastic about the stuff I am producing, but I really need the people who love this music to support it. Basically, I am asking you to buy it.

Pressing records is a much more expensive business than it was 5 years ago, and even if I sell all 700 units of the new Luna C project, I will only just break even. I don't care about making a profit, but I have to cover costs so that the label can continue. If everyone who wants old skool to return supports this, other labels will follow suit...we can create a new scene, and bring back the variety and excitement we all love. So tell your friends..."

So support your scene, and if that means you want CD's then we can do it.

Give us some feedback.

Cheers everyone for your continued e-mails regarding TTD. It's out real soon!


DJ Pathfinder vinyl only

Edited by - DJ Pathfinder on 15 Nov 2001 04:11:41
Sure. Hardcore CD singles can only be a good thing.
DJ Pathfinder for good sales you must make a trance mix nick.

You can't see me,because i am the future.
Nick of Blaze! Yeah... thats right....

We were just toying with the idea that maybe some people haven't got access to turntables, or would prefer the better quality of a CD, even if it's as well as the vinyl copy they have.

There are a lot of people that I know personally who ask me to put the tracks on CD for them, precisely because they havent got a turntable.

We know that DJ's buy the vinyl because they need it to play on a turntable.

We would love to have CD's for people who don't have turntables, but is there the demand for that?

These people don't need the physical article, so will they just get it from Napster and suchlike rather than buy a CD?

That's why I quoted Luna C. He's right about supporting the scene by actually buying the music. I do wonder how much vinyl would get sold if we all had access to vinyl cutters at the same money as CD burners!


And as far as I know, no ones ever asked.

As for trance.........nooooooooooo !

That's a tough call anyway, being actual songs with verses and choruses, you do get people proposing getting mixes done.

Or they want to cover the track like Flip & Fill did with SST.

I do think that if CD singles were available, people who don't normally buy HH for whatever reason, might because its a more convenient media.

I mean, how many people who aren't necesserily HH fans buy HH compilations because they're on CD?

They get the music they want, but at CD quality and in another format.

Again, I dunno.

Anyway, I think were doomed either way cos if we do singles and it introduces more people to HH and it gets popular, and people in the street actually say..."nah...I don't like trance, I prefer HH" then we'll get caned for making the best genre of music in the world...more popular!



Cheers anyway for the feedback.... anyone else wanna shed light on this?


virus i think it'd sell pretty well, like for instance if there was a cd single of eye opener, i'd sell very well i would think..

as long as its a well known tune.. people who dont buy records arent the best trainspotters, and wont know the names of a lot of tunes..


Midway_raver I think u shud b very careful as u mentioned about the cd's with napster etc etc but if u were to release stuff liek Shooting Star etc onto the unsuspecting Public the women would all run and buy it, the guys would to support teh scene even if we have it on countless mixtapes etc...but overall i think u shud stik to a winning formula n say vinyl only..i mean do we really want evry1 liking happy hardcore maybe for u as a producer it would b heaven sellin so many records but i dont think i want happy hardcore commercialised i fort it wud b a good idea then i saw what happened with the releases of mos back to the old skool n rave nation etc.n to see evry1 runnin round love Rave is good for a few days then u realise they all sound liek tossas n dont no what there talkin about n it really ruins it for me as a genuine raver n buddin dj etc. Sorry that was a bit more than my 2p's worth so ill shut up n stop talking s**t:)

Ant B
Brian K but virus isn't that the main point of being a raver? being all clueless and having your favorite track only known as the one that goes *beep* *bleep* *boom* *boom* =P

"do not dream, you dreamed about me"
Nick of Blaze! No mate...your not talking s**t at all, thats exactly the views we need to air so that we get a good picture.

Mind you, I have to say that by merely putting a track on a CD single, that doesn't mean its going to go all commercial. Yes, it may appeal to those who don't usually listen to HH, because now they can, but theres around 2000 singles released every WEEK in the UK alone, so I'm pretty sure, you wont find TTD in the charts as a HH track.

So the question is not really whether the tracks would go commercial as such, TTD is no where NEAR good enough to chart, but whether it's something some HH fans might prefer.

I mean we all use/or have used mixtapes in the past, and you cant get a more widespread format than cassette, and also, the Happy 2B hardcore series sell in excess of 20K units, and through a much bigger distributor.

We could never even compete with that.

So I want to stress that although releasing on CD maybe a great idea, that doesn't guarentee at all that it'll suddenly go all commercial.

No one knows that better than me, it was Sesame's Treet back in the early 90's that was accused of killing hardcore, and that was on 12" for months and still got in the charts. CD sales if I remember rightly accounted for just 30%.

To be honest, in this game, if somethings gonna's gonna go... look at Afroman... no one can stop it.

So, your point is very valid, and no we dont want some of these tossers getting in on the scene to make a buck, but the question still remains is CD more convenient for some people?

The by product of this is that yes, it may make HH available to a wider audience.

As for Napster, there aint nothing in the world we could ever do about that. I just hope that everyone who loves hardcore, and says "hardcore will never die" thinks that for 10 bucks they keep the scene alive, and also that they feel the amount of good vibe that comes from that plastic they bought is well worth it.

As for the Ols Skool CD's, a few of my mates have bought them cos they either lost or damaged the original vinyl, or haven't got turntables. Hardcore has been around for a long time, and if your my age, but not in the scene, you probably aint got a turntable. A CD like this is just a reminiscence thing. Believe me, some of these guys who now have wives/kids/mortgages were the pioneers of the scene.... but are in their mid 30's!!!

cheers geeze!

I'm off to pick up me pension now......


PS...dyu really reckon I could get the girls if I turn up at a PA with a CD of Shooting Star???? Blimey...... Where's that burner!!!!!!

Trouble I think CD singles of Hardcore would be a good idea; however, only if its done right.

I don't think it would increase the listener base though, if they were only avaliable through the website.
If someone wants to go through the trouble of ordering a track, they will order the vinyl. Even if they don't DJ, I don' thnk a CD is any larger of an incentive.

For CDs to be a practical option for hardcore listeners, they need to be easily avaliable, and decently priced.


Careful Click Click
xxhappyxx i think ya shud go 4 it,ill buy it!:) hehe, not all the ppl who like happy hardcore r djs
and hhc isnt gonna go commercial, just cos one song has been released on cd

and many old skool cds hav just come out! ive seen like 10 advertised on tv! wats the obbsession with that?!

'come fly my child 2 a special place, with angels in the sky, the time has come 2 fly!'
ket I think you should press cd's, I live in australia and bumped into phosphor on and loved the music ever since then... I mean, I do use napster to download music I like, but if I can; I try to buy the cd as well.... I have no turntables and I have never seen any HHC vinyls in any shops I have been to... :(

Midway_raver Ok point taken:) Well having had time to sit back and think i believe that it would giv epeopel a chance to listen to their faves tunes in the car/ on the mob etc thru cds players and walkmans and yes if i could get chance to buy teh cd i would if i liked the tune. I wouldn't rip it off from mp3 if i already knew it i download music on mp3 usually out of curiosity and im sure many other ravers do to, I just been listening to sesames treet downstairs and that tune always makes me smile:) I also been talking to my mates (an unsavoury but hardcore loving crowd) and alot of them arent as fortunate as me to have decks and tehy woudl love some stuff that i have on vinyl to come out on cd or tape sumwhere. So this time i am gonna shut up n say GO FOR IT, and yes i too will buy it

Ant B
Lixx I say it's a good idea. Many people are getting cd decks now and so vinyl doesn't help them, and you can't play out an mp3. Hecttech is actually going to be releasing all their forthcoming tracks on cds as well for cdjs. It's only available through their site so they aren't going to worry about how it's distributed; if people want it, they come to them for it. Seems like a good idea, specially with cds being so cheap. Personally I'll stick with vinyl, but why not please everyone?

Edited by - Lixx on 15 Nov 2001 20:04:58
Simon Yeah CD would be a great idea coz I don't have a turn table and so how long will it be untill i can hear good tunes like till the day? CD's are what is most common now and you can fit more on a CD and like hixxy said that you can experiment more with CD singles and get the feed back of other songs that you can put on them. I think that hixxy was thinking about releasing some of his raverbaby releases on CD single. So why not more of the HH producers release their tunes on CD single. I'd buy them and i would'nt post them on music sites.

sammypoohuk Why hasnt cd singles o happy come out b4?? (the answer is probably on here but hey!!)
I think it wud be a gr8 idea to release it on cd, actually i wud prefer cd than vinyl aswell as all my m8s and no wed all really luv it!!
But as a cd will u be able to buy it in more places? Ive only seen it on imo (maybe because thats the onlypace that actually sales it but i dunno!) and i cant order it cos of the damn cookies and other people that use the same explorer have had the same problem (not mentioning any names,(AOL!!)cant do nefing right)Wud we all be able to pop down to our local record shop(like virgin or hmv) and buy it?

silver Actually heart of gold came out as a CD single... I would be the first person in line to press a CD single of MasterWax, but would people buy it?

you, me and hardcore forever.
aznwasian I would.

-I can't stop raving...
Simon Yeah loads of people will buy them coz there's so musch going for CD's

DJ Mouse i'd say yes and no
if i wasn't a dj or didn't have any decks then yes i'd get it on cd
but since i have decks and already have it on vinyl then no.
i can think of a few ppl who would buy it on cd

DJ Mouse In Da House!!!

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