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 Hardcore fans view on drugs?

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Foxy Hi, So where does everyone stand on drugs??? Personally I was into hardcore for a year before I first touched an E, though I've had many since!!! I've got 3 mates who came with me & 1 doesnt take anything, whoever he seems to be in the minority! What about the non-uk members are drugs part of the hardcore scene over there?

Hardcore family never dies.
Well I've never been to a rave but I think it's a shame that HHC is seen as being so associated with drugs. It probably makes lots of people think that all HHC lovers are mindless idiots...

.·´¯`°*º¤ ^Å^ ¤º*°´¯`·.
Just close your eyes, and dream with me, you'll hear the sound of muzik
terry6680 Iv been to my share of raves, and iv never touched a thing!
I went to One Nation at Bagleys a month or so ago, and although all of my friend were doing pills, i was completely "sober" all night!.
I think, if you love the music in the first place then you dont need to take drugs to enjoy yourself!

Foxy V.true this is my point! Although I enjoy taking drugs occasionally, it's seen as going hand in hand with the best music genre ever, & possibly detracting from the music's stature!

Hardcore family never dies.
terry6680 Nice picture by the way Amber!

Thanks :)

.·´¯`°*º¤ ^Å^ ¤º*°´¯`·.
Just close your eyes, and dream with me, you'll hear the sound of muzik
Simon My View.

Drugs = Bad Thing
Happy Hardcore = Good Thing

Enuff Said really!!!

slipped Hi all.
Unfortunately(?) drugs do play a heavy role in ALL types of raves, not just hardcore.
But as far as drug use goes, there's two types of people:
1) people who go for the music, who TRULY LOVE the music, and enjoy taking a few pills while they are there.
2) people who only go for the drugs, and don't care/know about the music they are hearing. (when meeting someone at a party, the first thing these one's like to ask is "so what are you on tonight?" )
Argh, that question drives me nuts.
However, I do LVE my hardcore! Weeeee!


Hugs, Kisses and Happy Hardcore Wishes

milo yah, slipped is right, it's a part of the scene and unfortunately it is abused by some. Granted getting a little messed up can be fun, doing things to the point were you won't remember the night or what you did, or even how to control your mind and body is not ok.

"Everybody... rock, rock on.. "


...Now I feel so pure!!
Kaoticnoise Drugs=nothing

Beau Stewart

virus i've been going to parties for 5 years, and never touched a chemical.

DJ STYLUS Wot about spliffs???

...Now I feel so pure!!
Oli G spliffs aint chemical are they :)

i dont take drugs, but to those who do fairynuff, and to those who dont fairynuff too
s'ur choice
depends what you buzz off init...
i buzz off the atmosphere some ppl may need a lil more

Garage Is where You Keep Your ****in Car
House Is where You Live
Hardcore Is HOW You Live

\o/ <o/ \o> <o> /o\ _o/ \o_
DJ Mouse imo there's fags,booze,weed and drugs. i stay away from drugs...

"Don't frown when someone annoys you, it uses 42 muscles. Bitch-slap the fu©ker, it only uses 4"

DJ Mouse
Brian K me? i don't do drugs, drugs are bad for ya, i only do only weed; or however that half baked line goes =P

i personally would love to see more kids in the scene for the love of music. it's the only way i can see the scene becoming that much better than a bunch of f*cked up re re's out there not knowing what they are doing...

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."
strychnine I don't mind the odd indulgence, but there *is* a limit to that.

The way I see some kids hit the substances, I can tell for a fact that they won't last in the scene any longer than, say, 6mths. It's probably a good thing, but unfortunately, for every drug-f***ed moron that burns out there's another 2 that step in and take their place. Thankfully some of them wake up to themselves and become the kind of people that you want to be around, but the sight of that many people f***ed up on that many pills can ruin the vibe of even the best party.

Everything in moderation, people ... not just for you, for the rest of us as well.

Don't dream it's over
Jaide I used to do drugs too much for my own good...but that was never my reason for going to raves. I've always loved the music, BUT when I started getting more interested in the DJing world and started buying vinyl, I realized that I couldn't buy both drugs and vinyl, it was getting too one had to go, and it was the drugs... Now I have a HARDCORE vinyl addiction, and I don't regret my choice at all... It's nice not waking up every morning and having to call my friends and ask them how my previous night went.. SOBER is definitely the way to be. I still enjoy the music just as much as I did before, if not more. :) Drugs are bad!

PLUR - People.Look.Ugly.Rollin :)~
I wish I had a fan club...will you be my friend? :)

DJ AcidBunE
Founder/Promoter of I-Jam Productions in St.Louis *Fully representing the Underground*

AIM: JmeHHC or Jaide0123
Don Giovanni Never taken any drug or smoked anything. never plan too.

If people want to use them, that's their choice. So long as they can keep some self control and aren't totally dependant on their drugs to have a good time, i don't have a problem with them.

'Together united as one indeed, WE ARE THE HARDCORE FAMILY!
B.C the way i see it,the music is amazing and the atmosphere is amazing at raves.i agree u can hav a totally shit hot time sober but having a pill is like an added bonus. Ur nite just goes so much better and will be more memorable.

I hate this "Drugs are bad,if u do them then ur bad" attitude. Its up to the ppl wot they do and wot they take and ppl who hav never tried a pill and bump it r scum. How the hell can you judge something u hav never experienced. I used to be the exact same until i tred a pill,now i hav 1 about every fortnight and hav a healthy life. wots rong with that????

"The music was like new,black,polished chrome that came over the summer like liquid night"
1xtcraver i absolutly love hardcore and so do my mates it's the only music we listen to. pills and speed just make you appriciate it so much more. belive me you've never listened to hardcore until u've listened to it mashed.

that's just my opinion i respect people that don't take drugs but drugs r the lifestyle i have choosen

Point it at your temple with the intent to kill
Charco a nice, easy going topic
no slagging which is always a good thing [:P]
ive been listening to happy hardcore since i was a small child and never have or have seen the need to take drugs/. i love hhc, i listen to it non-stop 24hrs a day, 7 days a week throught the year, i couldnt live without it to be honest.

i have to agree with what ppl like :

Nortants...and everyone who thinks along those lines,

true you only live once, but why not live happy rather than wasted?
*(in my opinion)*

and drug users, if they say they love the scene, how come they need to use drugs to enjoy it? those who truely love it, enjoy it for what it is, not what sounds like when your "mashed".

Ive been to a few raves over here and met a few dj's ( well proud ) and ive enjoyed it just as much as anyone else and i dont smoke, drink, use drugs..anything! so all TRUE hhc fans do enjoy the music not just for the drugs.

**i know alot of that seems one sided, but i despise drugs (not so much the users cos its their life style) but for the drugs! they ruin so many ppl**

#again in my opinion#

It was said before and i'll say it again,

HHC = GOOD!!!!

well, theres my opinion added

freedom to all who believe!!
one_scatterd_lil_monk_e i do e when im at raves.., i just love the feeling on it makes everything sooo good as much as just listening to hhc does too, but just being on e and listening to hhc ohhhh unbelievable... but thats just meeh, i dont expect others to take drugs , i dont touch weed , dable with speed every now and again and thats all...

*i wish i had a cool qoute*


I hate this "Drugs are bad,if u do them then ur bad" attitude. Its up to the ppl wot they do and wot they take and ppl who hav never tried a pill and bump it r scum

Lets face it - drugs are associated with crime in a big way, which is why people who take drugs make such a bad image for themselves. I would never want to be classed as that.

.·´¯`°*º¤ ^Å^ ¤º*°´¯`·.
Just close your eyes, and dream with me, you'll hear the sound of muzik
weba_d quote
i do e when im at raves.., i just love the feeling on it makes everything sooo good as much as just listening to hhc does too, but just being on e and listening to hhc ohhhh unbelievable... but thats just meeh, i dont expect others to take drugs , i dont touch weed , dable with speed every now and again and thats all...

totally agree.. I know how bad drugs are and i admit i take them at raves, dont get me wrong i listen to HHC all day everyday too...ppl have gotta understand that the ectasy is all about. when u take ectasy it stimulates a nerve in the brain call 'saratone'... saratone is like when u get that great feelin like a one second rush or a massive orgasm or something... to all the ppl that havnt tried drugs... u cant knock em... I think the word 'Drug' is really bad.. ppl need to understand what they are all about b4 they knock em... although they dont do wonders to your brain... there the best feelin u will ever have, with the muzik... its your choise ne ways... what can we do??? thers no point even tryin to stop ppl... but its ok to have your own opion... u have your own fun in your OWN WAY.

D3V i take E most times when im at raves but hey have you tried staying awake for hours on end pissed up to your eyes dancing away (thought not) i like taking them, people say they are not safe,let me tell you something they are safe if u make em safe if you think you are going daft you WILL go on a downer so thats my view OK THANX 4 LISTENING C`YA


Charco everyone has their opinion but i stand by what i say,
drugs is BAD and i will always despise them.....and like i said before- if u use drugs, its YOUR option to, ive nothing against that, its just drugs??? why????

freedom to all who believe!!
Emanation I used to be well into the hardhouse scene n always went out n saw how battered i cud get. Since discovering hhc 2 years ago, its all changed.
I went 2 my 1st Slammin Vinyl, n enjoyed it so much i forgot i had drugs in my pocket......n so it went on!
Slammin this wknd will probably b the same story, n i'm well lookin 4wud 2 it!!!!!!!

*$Hardcore 2 da Bone$*
Pandora I've taken drugs. I no longer take any type of chemicals or man made substances. But I do know how the drugs can effect a body from personal use. Ecstasy or MDMA is very toxic on the system and especially now a days when they cut pure methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) with chemicals like Lye soap, arsenic, gasoline, any thing to shut the bodys defence system down so that the chemicals can take a harder/longer effect on you....and to save money by not having to add as much MDMA. I'm not knocking anyone for using, but I do think that if everyone knew what is put into the pills 90% would stop. MDMA takes all your serotonin including your reserves and dumps the hormone into your blood system all at once, it takes months to regain it and then you still have troubles getting back the amount you originally had. Now try that twice a month. Eventually your body stops producing serotonin and permanant depression sets in and you start to have to take multiple pills. Do what you will its a choice that everyone makes now a days with drugs being so prevelante in the "rave" scene. But at least know what you are putting into your body....

Ecstasy: An illicit (illegal) drug, considered a recreational or party drug. It acts as both a stimulant and a hallucinogen. The chemical name is methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA).

Ecstasy damages the brain, perhaps by affecting serotonin. German researchers studied 28 ecstasy users (who had used the drug an average of 3.5 times a month for about 2 years) and found they performed significantly worse on tests of memory, learning, and general intelligence than nondrug users and than pot smokers.

Ecstasy achieves its high by preventing the brain from reabsorbing the chemical serotonin, thereby prolonging its effects in the body. One study of ecstasy users has shown that they have fewer serotonin "transporters" in the brain; whether the damage is reversible is unknown.

Serotonin: A hormone, also called 5-hydroxytryptamine, in the pineal gland, blood platelets, the digestive tract, and the brain. Serotonin acts both as a chemical messenger that transmits nerve signals between nerve cells and that causes blood vessels to narrow.

"I kiss your lips and close my eyes, take you away to paradise, make everybody see that I love you and you love me"
marty_j well i have been going to raves for about 4 years. The first year i didnt do any drugs and loved it but when i started taking E'z i loved it that bit more.
I agree with both partys, drugs are bad for you but you only live once and you have more chance of getting knocked over by a car than dieing of drugs.

You cant knock E'z till you have tried em. the feeling you get when your on one id unreal but i wouldnt recomend them to anyone

Jaide My brain hates me for rolling so much in the years past. I've been sober for a full year this past June 15th.. Let me tell memory now sucks, and it's obviously just getting worse...and I know it's from rolling so much, so right there proves it's not a good thing. It's finally taking it's toll on me after a year of being without it, and it's going to leave lasting damage for the rest of my life. I hate being in important conversations with people and totally forgetting what I was saying mid sentence. That happens all too often. It's not fun, at all. It makes people think differently about me. I'm proud of myself for now leaving the drugs in the past...but at the same time disappointed for not being smart enough to stay away in the first place.

I'm not knocking anyone for thier choice of using them, because i've been there, i know how it works.. I just think you need to prepare yourselves for what's going to happen in the future.. it'll sneak up on you, and maybe when it does, you'll regret it, maybe you won't. Just be careful with what you choose to put in your body. That's all the input i can give.. just speaking from personal expierence.

PLUR - People.Look.Ugly.Rollin :)~
I wish I had a fan club...will you be my friend? :)

DJ AcidBunE
Founder/Promoter of I-Jam Productions in St.Louis *Fully representing the Underground*

AIM: JmeHHC or Jaide0123
1xtcraver ne1 that drinks n says drugs kill should revise the topic. 50,000 ppl die in the uk every year from drink related deaths(drink driving etc) in comparison to no deaths from cannibis 2 deaths from xtc n 4 deaths from speed.

i was anti-drug b4 the experience ppl that haven't tried it don't understand.
it's not that i need drugs to listen to hardcore it's makes it so much better and ne1 who has taken pills or speed will agree with me

Point it at your temple with the intent to kill
Pandora Jaide....We are in the same boat. I haven't done E in so long that I can't remember, I'm sure it has some to do with the effect the drug had on my brain. I had a teacher once talk to his class about the diffrence between a genius and a regular person. He explained in lay-mans terms of having bridges that pass info from one side of your brain to the other and in a genius brain the bridges are always down so info passes quicker. There for in a normal brain the bridges have to be released to come down for info to pass. Well to make my the brain of an user or ex-user those bridges that passes info just aren't there anymore.

I too have troubles holding a conversation of importance and the most imbarassing part is I know what to say it just can't get to my mouth.

And one more thing, everyone who talks of "you only live once". Its so true...But remember that too. YOU only live once. Now you make a once with a brain or live once with half a brain. And that isn't even accounting for death. I've seen my share of over doses, some from only one hit of E. Drugs aren't just what they say they are such as E. They also consist of other substances that kill in small doses.

"I kiss your lips and close my eyes, take you away to paradise, make everybody see that I love you and you love me"
DJ STYLUS I have taken only one drug.....marajawana.

2b honest i kinda liked it (Although it kinda made me tired), but I still aint into drugs!!!! But aint got problems wiv ova ppl takin em though!

...Now I feel so pure!!
pacman i'll just say this: research the pills your taking before you take them - know what's in them.

I realized that I couldn't buy both drugs and vinyl,

so true. but i have to say, a great record is way better than a great pill. cheap bargain records are way better than cheap bargain pills.

everyone use this resource please before you have a night out:

it is internationally recognised and respected community so please follow the guidelines and be safe.

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE I take the occasional e at a rave but im not dependant on them and I dont need them for a good time. I simply have it because the time that you have when your on one is a lot more fun. Ive been straight and it was great just that I couldnt appreciate the whole night because its hard to dance all night straight. e's just give you what you need to go the whole night and make it that much better and you really appreciate the visual's at raves (lasers etc).

Pacman: That sight is really good and i recomend people do use it, I always research b4 i take anything.

Im not condoning drugs or angry at people who dont take them and abuse them. I accept the criticism of those who give it to me but I have made the choice as other's have and when e is used in moderation it can equal a great time.

Aim for the moon, even if u miss you'll land among the stars...
strychnine I've seen a friend taken to hospital, with hoses stuck all over his body and paramedics panicking over him, from alcohol poisoning. I've seen a couple of my best friends go from being people who I could have really interesting conversations with to people who barely know what day of the week it is, thanks to their pot habits. I can't see how these two 'natural' substances are any safer or less harmful than synthetics.

Like pacman said, research your drugs before you take them, make sure you're getting what you want, and just as importantly, take only what you need to to get what you want out of them, and do whatever it takes to make your experience safer. Being irresponsible can have drastic consequences with any recreational drugs, be they organic or manufactured.

Don't dream it's over
Originally posted by speccedninja:
I've seen a friend taken to hospital, with hoses stuck all over his body and paramedics panicking over him, from alcohol poisoning. I've seen a couple of my best friends go from being people who I could have really interesting conversations with to people who barely know what day of the week it is, thanks to their pot habits. I can't see how these two 'natural' substances are any safer or less harmful than synthetics.

Like pacman said, research your drugs before you take them, make sure you're getting what you want, and just as importantly, take only what you need to to get what you want out of them, and do whatever it takes to make your experience safer. Being irresponsible can have drastic consequences with any recreational drugs, be they organic or manufactured.

Don't dream it's over

i agree my friends that smoke weed r alot more f'd up in the head.. they r slow in speaking think crazy.., i had to give it up because it gave me depression.. i truely think weed is more harsh then e..

*i wish i had a cool qoute*

HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE YeH! I have had two best mates smoke themselves boring. All they ever want to do is have a smoke. Whilst mates that dump pills are exactly the same as normal. They may be a bit scattered for a few days after but nothing worse than what pot does to others. In the long run excessive use may damage the e takers more but I have lost both those mates due to the fact they changed so much they were no good as mates.

Aim for the moon, even if u miss you'll land among the stars...
evangelion drug= shit...

its all about the hardcore alcoholism!

only half kidding,

Heist Anyone who has ever used the statement 'drugs and alchohol' is an idiot.
Alchohol is a drug and a downright useless one at that.

You have made the right choice if you say no entirely to leisure drugs. But you have also deprived yourself of the opertunity to feel somthing wonderful and special. Im not leaning in either direction as ALL leisure drugs including alchohol and extacy can **** up your life.

Its all about being able to make you're own descision and realising when you are not in controll of your use and when you are. That is the maturity you need to take drugs and be mentaly safe. The physical side effects are unavoidable so you should let your body catch up and be at full capacity before you use drugs again.

I get mild short term memory loss for every E i take. It goes away gradually, but I always make sure that its COMPLETELY not effecting me anymore before i do another. I only do pills at events. I dont use any other drugs. I always test my pills and at most i only take a half a month to allow for recouperation of mental stamina.

This is whats called making your own choices and not being caried away by any pro or anti hype no matter where it comes from. I know all the facts and keep myself up to date with research as its for my own good.

Be mature and make a choice based on you're own knowlege of your body and you're chosen chemical and be sensible.
Midway_raver I drink alcohol, smoke weed/draw. But if i go out i don't do pillz or ote, ( part from the 2x i tried speed) i don't think pills r a good idea i seen some people very close 2 me get fcuked up off em. Not so much E , but downers and stuff. I think if u take e, etc, good luck too ya and i hope u have a wkd time, coz when i drink or smoke i wanna have a good time. just like u do on e probably. Each to their own i say. The trouble is on raver dies from an e, or wotnot, its all over the national tabloids etc, 50,000 die of beer no 1 cares? But keep Beer legal for me mr blunkett!!! ( oh n be a real man n just legalise the weed)

Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting
Compulsion personally i think drugs are fantastic, some ppl smoke hash others drink till the turn to jelly some ppl go ravin "au naturell" (i find these ppl are up themselves+think all drug users are skum) and others take drugs and go mental- each to there own innt..

i dont do pills very often but i bosh base at raves cuz i enjoy the effects :):)

i dont do it so much anymore due to the fact that i work alot at the raves and i have and never will drink or take drugs when im mixing, But when my sets over ill get messy!!!

**** it drugs are fantastic without them life would be less fun :):)

like sharky sez- "Get more ****ed and get Rocking!!"

Peas,Lumps & RiceCakes to tha hardcore massive
Pandora Compulsion, You wrote on your last post...."like sharky sez- "Get more ****ed and get Rocking!!""
Well did you know that recently Sharky anounced that he was retiring from the MC'ing business due to drugs.

Here is a small excerpt of his reasons...
"I have to be ****ed to be on the ravers and my own level to enjoy this as everyone else is and that is my style. This has taken its toll on my body and i cannot carry on taking drugs. I do not recover very well and I do not want to f**k all the other things I do up.
I have been to rehab twice and I have no self control and once i start i cannot stop. the only way i can take drugs now is not at all. and wish to stop as I feel that i have more to give in other areas of the scene. I wish to remove drugs from my life completely and this is one of the ways that i can do it."
For the full post from sharkey look at the post in General Discussion named "we'll never forget you mc sharkey"

Drugs take there toll on people, eating them alive, no matter if you let your body fully recover before doing more. After a while your body just breaks down.
I'm not putting anyone down. I just want everyone to be aware of the chance they take everytime you pop a pill.
And about smoking weed, alot of my friends do it, but I haven't seen any of them become more stupid than when they are on E.
Now alcohol, I personally have had full kidney failure and was hours from non-recovery after months of binge drinking. Be careful, it crept up on me without warning.
I know what I put my friends and family through while doing drugs and drinking habitually.
Be safe and think rationally.

"I kiss your lips and close my eyes, take you away to paradise, make everybody see that I love you and you love me"
atomicb it's all good, in moderation. The only reason I use drugs is beacause I am very, very nervous shy bloke, and a bit of weed/alchol here and there helps me voer come that. Never to to the point of passing out or anything, just to .. u know give me a little nudge :)

never tried e.. hmm *maybe* my main concern is not knowing how much.. erm.. gawd I don't know any drug terminology :P.. how concentrated the tablet is, OD'ing and dieing some how.. I don't want to die :)

But I do that for everything, just not HH, when I ever finnaly get round to going to a rave, I'll take a little bit before I go in, and thats not it.

To those that don't - thats cool, just respect my choice, and I'll respect your's.

To anyone that hasn't tired and is thinking about it.. go for it, but do it with friends, and go easy. try it once, and if you don't like it, fair enough.

peace out :D

moo_moo well gday

now ive been to afew raves and well yup its true drug abuse is massive but.. its a personal choice and i think that only people who have ever tried it should comment on it.. yes people think raves n ahuh drugs fall hand in hand with it def. but its true lol .. every single rave ive been too there are people all over the place egging of thier nuts, snorting something, inhaling something else .. part of the scene.. n if you cant stand looking at it then dont go!! you cant tell me its just about the music what a crock.. its not only about the music its aboout the atmosphere, the people and then the music.. just had to put my 2 cents in..

* look to the stars.. free love mwahh*
Annex responding to this way late
but i'd just like to point out... for the jaide related topic here, about drugs n vinyl....

who the hell on here said vinyl isn't a drug? the damn stuff is worse than heroine, i'm convinced it emits some... strange 'vinyl' particles in the air surrounding it, enticing you to purchase more!....
seriously the way i'm going imma haveta start selllin muh body for vinyl ;)
(which could be fun, lol)

but yeah...... as far as the rave scene goes, i'm a clean boi
actually as far as any scene goes... i'm a bloody model of sobriety....

i've been TIPSY like.. twice... ever..... not even really wasted

hehe oh me oh my ;)
me and my crazy moderation

potatoe :)
keep on smiling
djyogi Drugs is an excuse to fix up your problems, in my personal opinion
E + Happy hardcore = too happy (which means ****en wonderland ****ed)
We live on the ground not on a ****en cloud. Drugs destroy lives not make the experience pleasant. Why destroy an art of djing with drugs???
also drugs suck, because hippies do drugs and if youre a hippy you suck!!!

"My only regret in life is that i wasn't a DJ" Draz
silver I love the smell of new vinyl... if that's a drug I'm hooked :)

you, me and hardcore forever.
virus yogi, if yer anybody but the south park guys, you're stealing my line!

skies2049 I HATE DRUGS!

just dance........
CareSieB drugs cause drama in the scene and drama sucks ass. I personally wont do drugs but i could care less if some moron is doing them as long as it doesnt effect me!

I am mean and everyone hates me
Jaide Annex has a killer vinyl addiction.. like myself.. he's already offered to be my personal canadian slave...just so he could listen to my tracks.. hehehe

totally off the subject here.. YAY IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!.. ok.. carry on.. :)

DJ AcidBunE
Founder/Promoter of I-Jam Productions in St.Louis
*Fully representing the Underground*

Hit me up on AIM anytime: Jaide0123
Foxy WOW-I've really started something here! People obviously feel very strongly about this subject! The only further comments I can make are that surely as long as the music is always put first, then whatever people do while they listen & pay money to listen therefore keeping the scene going is up to them, its only when it jeopardises the music as I believe in the USA it does, that a problem arises.

"look after yourself, and each other"-Jerry Springer

Hardcore family never dies.

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