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 Is HHC the devil?

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bLOODY_dAN My dads convinced that techno in general is too upbeat to be good...Whatever that means? he says that it raises your puls too much and when you come down from a "techno high" you cant deal with normal life...He read it all strait out of a book, with evidence and what not...But i still thinks its total ********! So my life has become a living hell since then!

What do yall think about that?

-=And behold a light shown forth proclaiming truth and those who believed were saved=-
silver Then I must be the devil himself if I preach hardcore 24 hours a day :)

Don't believe everything you read, and you can always find some book or a poll or media article that says what you want it to say, tell him that the music that the beatles made is drug music and classical music seems to put old fat people into a trance...

Even if it did give you a "techno high" what the hell is wrong with that? It does not harm you... Tell you father that your "techno high" is much better for your health than the beer he drinks.

it's all hardcore.
Tell you father that your "techno high" is much better for your health than the beer he drinks.


My dads convinced that techno in general is too upbeat to be good...Whatever that means? he says that it raises your puls too much and when you come down from a "techno high" you cant deal with normal life...He read it all strait out of a book, with evidence and what not...But i still thinks its total ********! So my life has become a living hell since then!

What do yall think about that?

And i thought that was utter ********!

ryg0r I'm a Christian (Silver can attest to Lamington talks....) but I wouldn't ever say that HHC is the devil.

Silver being the devil himself? Thats a whole other story.

The fact is that anything that takes you away from God is from the devil. Simple.

Where did he get the info from? What does the bible say about dancing? Read what Moses, Miriam and Aaron did after they crossed the red sea? They got down and boogied. They had the dance of their lives!

You know Saul prophesied naked? You know David danced and wrote dance music (for the time).

You know that any music you love, your favourite song will give you a "high", a release of endorphins, cos you love that song!! Its simple.

The fact is that you have to make the decision for your self.

xglowwithme Haha! That is so crazy-- Electronic music does give me a sort of high, a natural high! I suppose techno is no worse than Elvis shaking his hips, or rap music? Come on now, your dad should get some common sense!

DJ Superman
The fact is that you have to make the decision for your self.

that's the most important part, it doesn't make a bit of difference what you're dad thinks. you parents are there to guide you in the right direction but you have to find out exactly how you perceive things for yourself. if they try and impose their view on you too much then they are just clouding your judgment and making things harder for you in the long run. the best thing you can do is establish your independence and let them know that you feel differently to how they do. as long as it is backed up with logical reasoning then there is no reason why your argument is any less valid than your dads. take a stand my boy!!!!

whizz-billy-the-kid's got you in his sights

any opinions?

Death By Stereo!!
ryg0r THats a pretty interesting site.

Of course you could say the same thing about pubs, clubs, chemists (drug stores), concerts, almost anything.

Brian K yes it is....JOIN US

"we'll delete the weak"
silver That site the biggest piece of crap I ever wasted my time reading... this is so typical of uneducated people... They are confusing country law with the law of the bible... They assume anything that is against public law is a sin, in that MDMA is a sin to use and you will goto hell for it... thats utter crap...

This devil music stuff they talk about is crap... You don't mix religious stuff with music and drugs they are seperate things....

it's all hardcore.
thecrazyg your dad is stoooopid :) hahaha ! maybe he got the 'substances' section mixed up with the 'techno' section. . talking about comedowns from music and all haha

ANybody wanna donate some cash to the "Turntables for Gav fund?" ~ If you don't, you could be to blame for the demise of happy hardcore!
hrz_fxpimp Eh. As with any type of music they don't understand is the devil. I remember watching a Christian show and they were quoting some metal lyrics. They were preaching how bad this song was and how it glorified satan. Yet they were taking the lyrics out of context. The song sang about the evils of addiction to cocaine. So they were pretty much clueless and yet they get all uppity when you take the word and take it out of context.

Well as with any type of music. Just make it bland and add the words "oh lord" in there and you can make christian music. Just think of the sales! Christian hardcore! Remix some Jars of clay tracks and have some guy named Mc Minister "rhyme about the time the man himself walked the earth... preach about his works, his life, and the rebirth! Can I get a Amen from the hardcore crowd!!!!!!!!!! We churnin out bass thumpers for the bible thumpers!"

I have no issue with the word or the message. Its the fact that people try to impose and allow what they think is correct when one of the things we are sposed to have and deal with on our own is our free will.

Comet I've seen that website before.. I don't know where, but it's really familiar.

The thing I don't like about that site, is that it's leading raves down to drugs. I rave! I DJ! I don't do drugs and never plan on starting. I have to say though, that the over use of smoking (pot, cigarettes, etc.) really bothers me about raves. I'm allergic to nicotine smoke so that really makes my experience at raves not so fun..

What I'm saying is, they make it sound like once you go to raves, you'll become a drugee. That's not true. While going to raves does make the influence greater, it certainly doesn't, "make you" take drugs. Only people who are irresponsible and don't look into what drugs can do in the long run will get into it.

I'm a christian as well. Music in fact gets me closer to God than to Satan. All of those heavenly melodies just bring you up and so carefree and enjoy life. Music is why I live. I can't imagine being deaf.

MrJakk That website is quite funny, i read it once.

Just threaten a few people with religion and maybe the'll do what you want eh?

It sux when things like that happens, because even tho im not of the religious persuasion, i respect peoples decision to be...

Note: dont close ur eyes when you see something bad, it just imprints the image on your brain! just look away , at the grass or whatever is around!

Hardcore Con Queso
MrJakk My friends neighbor is really like uptight religious i guess, and once they heard the name "happy hardcore" instantly the woman thot it had something to do with evil...i mean like evil, evil. LIke gabber or something. But with the word "happy" in there, how could u confuse? haha o well, its a happy music that makes people want to be kind and loving.. How could that ever be an act of the devil?

Maybe its like the crap people from south park, he's trying to make everyone all happy and loving so he can come up and kill everyone!

Hardcore Con Queso
whispering "Under the guise of Peace and Love, the devil is using music and drugs to deceive masses of young people just as he did in the 60's and 70's."

The gates are open :)

"vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat"
Simon The real evil in this world is people who try and push/force their religion onto others!!!

Music is an art form, not a conjuring of some kind!!!


"Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move
Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove"
ryg0r Lets not go there, cos now you are pushing your beliefs on me

Originally posted by ryg0r:
Lets not go there, cos now you are pushing your beliefs on me

Oh yeah.......Been well and truely cooked there haven't I?!!!!

It's alright Rygor I'm a fellow Christian, so in theory your beliefs should almost be the same as mine!


"Hey, hey, mama, said the way you move
Gonna make you sweat, gonna make you groove"
Squishy Star I should go to church one day and scream out "Happy Hardcore" and watch peoples' reactions. I'm a christian but never go to church! *eep* =X

DJ Phoenix "Pick up your weapons and fight, fight. and dance with the Devil!"

"if you open your eyes then you will realise you are lost in Eternal Darkness!"

... But we're not with the Devil... Only Dougal & Gammer! lol

'Coz we're all Ordinary People with a love for the music
With a love for the scene, and everything that it brings!
mark-ireland This devil music shit recks my head they say he same thing about rock except that crap christian rock.
Its a lod of bollo*.

DJ Phoenix Christian Rock?! HAHAHA... what a load of shi*!

'Coz we're all Ordinary People with a love for the music
With a love for the scene, and everything that it brings!
whispering ^^ I actually like one christian rock tune :) "Mary's song" or something like that...

"vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat"
DJ Phoenix
Originally posted by whispering:
^^ I actually like one christian rock tune :) "Mary's song" or something like that...

"vita detestabilis
nunc obdurat
et tunc curat"

Sorry Whispering... You're one of the only people on these boards that I actually respect... So I'll stop.

'Coz we're all Ordinary People with a love for the music
With a love for the scene, and everything that it brings!
StrifeII it isnt "the devil", quite the opposite if you listen to anything 95-98ish :|

This post bought to you by Blasphemy

"Even though i've come to far, i know i've got so far to go"
Dibstar To be honest I think that's a bit ridiculous to say that, I mean come on - no music is the devil, it's all about expressing yourself.
Watch the news and see all the crazy shit that happens there - now that's the devil...

The star in my name isn't there for nothing....
bLOODY_dAN WOW! i leave this thread for a dady, and BOOM...everyone posted on it.
i thought it was really funny, on that website they listed "death" as one of the dangers of a rave... hahaha how does going to a rave automaticaly cause death???

Anyhoo....i agree with those peepes that said it doesnt have any negative effects. my dad read it out of a book written in the 70s(you can only guess...)

SoooooOOOOoooo.....LONG LIVE HARD CORE!!!!!

-=And behold a light shown forth proclaiming truth and those who believed were saved=-
ryg0r Christian Rock? Crap? I think not. Personally I think its better produced than secular rock.

P.O.D, MxPx, Pillar, Switchfoot, The OC Supertones, Reliant K and heaps of other bands sound much better than their secular counter parts.

I would say, to research go through you bible and make the decision yourself.

But Dougal and Gammer, for lack of the right words, intruige me...

tizers_revenge WTF i didnt no u were meant 2 cum down...r u telling me iv been up here since '92!

Entrance Six
" The best trick the devil ever pulled....... was convincing the world he didn't exist.."

who cares what some stoopid books say ...

hardcore will never die ......

Blue Frequency Lol, Raver2004, all you posts make you seem like you're writing an article from some magazine

"The Dangers of Techno!"

"Over the 1 month investigation I registered on and to my utter shock there was over 10,000 brainwashed zombies spouting off mindless babble about how hardcore is about happiness when it clearly leads to the sex, drugs, death and the devil!"

"P.S. I think the_fourth is on to me""

Unfortunatly this article will never be published because without your knowing we have slowly brainwashed you as well...

-one of us-

Dont take this seriously!

Originally posted by silver:
Then I must be the devil himself if I preach hardcore 24 hours a day :)

Don't believe everything you read, and you can always find some book or a poll or media article that says what you want it to say, tell him that the music that the beatles made is drug music and classical music seems to put old fat people into a trance...

Even if it did give you a "techno high" what the hell is wrong with that? It does not harm you... Tell you father that your "techno high" is much better for your health than the beer he drinks.

it's all hardcore.

I ****ing love this fella, WHAT A JOKER!!! nice one man, its cool u really know ur stuff, makes me laugh it really does. anyway take heed to the 6th gate: pick up your weapons and fight, fight, AND DANCE WITH THE DEVIL

well actually i dunno the relevance of that to whether r not hardcore is evil, but i don't think it is... its cool anyway so whatever!!

If pac-man really had an effect on us, we'd be runnin' round in dark rooms with repetitive music eating pills!!!
bLOODY_dAN Thats funny pac man...techno....pills....HAHAHA

And that other quote was from the usual suspects. MAN IM GOOD AT THIS GAME! But about techno being the devil, i would definatlry say its not. I just think its funny when people are afraid of something they dont understand. Like witches in the medevil times. Same as techno and people today. PERFECT CONECTION!

-=And behold a light shown forth proclaiming truth and those who believed were saved=-
Originally posted by Raver2004:
I just think its funny when people are afraid of something they dont understand. Like witches in the medevil times.

Didnt they try to fire that politician just because he was a witch in britain like a year ago?

bLOODY_dAN They tried to fir ehim for being a witch??? hahaha thats funny...But what evidence of him being a witch did they have?

-=And behold a light shown forth proclaiming truth and those who believed were saved=-
Originally posted by Raver2004:
They tried to fir ehim for being a witch??? hahaha thats funny...But what evidence of him being a witch did they have?

I think he sayd that himself. Wicca religion is not really that rare, and its not throwing fireballs etc like in the movies...

Triquatra hmmm, i cant see someone getting fired for being a wiccan in britian - i could see it happening in america though, either or, so much for equality eh?

Death By Stereo!!
bLOODY_dAN Triquata...Thats the creepiest avatar ive ever seen...

-=And behold a light shown forth proclaiming truth and those who believed were saved=-
Triquatra hehehe, its sharkey!

Death By Stereo!!
warped_candykid ok, i am a Christian (Baptist), but i see nothing wrong techno music. The reason so many ppl dont like techno is because, when you really think about, we are kinda put into a "trance" when the DJ is spinning the music. While we are in that "trance" everything seems calm, we are just in a state of dance and euphoria. For hours we stay in the "trance" till the music stops and reality slowly comes back to us. I think that what the preachers are getting at is how the music makes us all dance in unison, like we are puppetts on strings under 1 puppet master, the devil. When we are in that state of euphoria, the devil is casting his hypnotizing spell on us to make us more into sinners.
You right, they dont understand the music. It's not a hypnotizing spell from the devil, its just highley repetetive music with "ear-shattering" noise in it that makes us happy and dance in unison with each other. They think its like witchcraft or something thats making us dance in unison and making us lose conciense with reality. This is just my views.

Triquatra *satanism

witch's arn't in league with the devil

Death By Stereo!!
Originally posted by Brian K:
yes it is....JOIN US

JOIN US IS MY LINE!!!..but you can borrow it!! :) .. never forget GGJim's..St. Andrews Bondage Cross!

- The Rev

"I am SO raving"
...Hardcore & Propa DnB Rude Gurl...
DJ/Founder of I-Jam Productions in St.Louis
Audio X
Originally posted by Raver2004:
They tried to fir ehim for being a witch??? hahaha thats funny...But what evidence of him being a witch did they have?

-=And behold a light shown forth proclaiming truth and those who believed were saved=-

He turned me into a newt!
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:

any opinions?

Death By Stereo!!

i actually found that site very annoying even though i myself am a confirmed

If pac-man really had an effect on us, we'd all be runnin' round in dark rooms, listening to repetitive music munching pills!!!
Audio X ......I got better
tklown It actually is partly true, I get the "high" that you talk about and when I'm not listening to music everything is a lot more bland. I don't have any trouble "dealing with normal life" though

ryg0r Once again, for me, I don't take drugs, I'm not a raver. I listen to hardcore and I love it.

But to deny that music has any effect on you would be ignorant.

Nevertheless, hardcore is not the devil. Silver is not the devil. Stalin wasn't the devil. Nuff said.

Dave99210 i think its fair to say that website is totally hypocritical. they judge ravers when God preaches to never judge. therefore in conclusion, i judge them to be hypocritical for judging ravers like my friend John Judge.

hmm...i forgot what my point was but judge is a funny word

Keep it Hardcore! ¬
DJ Phoenix
Originally posted by Dave99210:
i think its fair to say that website is totally hypocritical. they judge ravers when God preaches to never judge. therefore in conclusion, i judge them to be hypocritical for judging ravers like my friend John Judge.

hmm...i forgot what my point was but judge is a funny word

Keep it Hardcore! ¬

HAHA... why do people always do this? They think - ah! Teenagers listening to music - must be trouble...

oh, and btw, Dave, have you noticed that your name says
and your avatar says

'Coz we're all Ordinary People with a love for the music
With a love for the scene, and everything that it brings!
Triquatra eh, they'll get over it, america did the same in the 1950/60's to rock'n'roll music when it was first starting out

Death By Stereo!!

Originally posted by Kyle_Buffrey:
there's some funny people out there....

there was a actual scientific study that said that the fast repetitive beats of techno music had an effect on it's listener that is similar to that of cocaine addiction.

It must have ****ed me up, because i now find most forms of music slow, the music alters my mood, and worst of all I have to spend large amounts of money on cds and vinyl to support my habit... they must be right about some things in life!

if u wanna know the science about it i can tell ya...

i saw this program ages ago about how sound effects you, and it said that there is a thing next to your ear inside but not within the ear. Any way what this thing is a sack in that is full of a kind of fluid and the music makes it shake and vibrate and this makes a signal to the brain that releases endorphines and adrenaline and makse you rave like a nutter

and that concludes my biology lesson

If pac-man really had an effect on us, we'd all be runnin' round in dark rooms, listening to repetitive music munching pills!!!
Triquatra Well in that case, theoretically ANY type of music can do it to you (including those christian praise cds that get advertised on american tv lots).
making the christian in question view on this type of music mis-informed.

Death By Stereo!!
DJ Superman it's the same as with anything you really like. your body associates hardcore with a feeling good, so when you hear it it releases endorphins and seratonoin, making you happier

drugs like pills release seratonin etc. artificially, so in theory you could still be buzzing your tits off to christian praise CD's

whizz-billy-the-kid's got you in his sights
StaryEyedLoser Tell your father to go eat a dick <_<

HHC is anything BUT the devil

quik334 i dont see how it could be the devil. It makes you feel good and your life better.

"Dancing the night away.."
bLOODY_dAN He doesnt like therefore it must be the devil...LOL
Hes afraid of what he doesnt understand.

-=And behold a light shown forth proclaiming truth and those who believed were saved=-
hrz_fxpimp The other day I was driving home. I was changing the stations on the radio and heard some trance. Well it being the only thing on that I could stand at the moment I listened. In the middle of the song during the breakdown a sample played. It was some line about the bible and all. This kepted on happening. In horror I had relised that I was listening to christian radio station christian trance? What the bloody hell?! This wasnt a line from a movie. It was someone actually giving a sermon. I then stopped myself from running my car off of the road and then found a cd to try to cleanse my ears for the rest of the trip. I dont have a problem with the message. Its just how its being fed to me I had a issue with.

Kyle_Buffrey christian trance? just wait till you hear christian gangsta rap!

Triquatra WWMT - The World Wide Message Tribe,

im fairly sure they're still going.
british christian dance group - they've done everything from Jungle to Drum n Bass, Chillout to hard dance.

they're all farily young producers (18 - 25 i belive)
i still have one of their cds my parents bought me when i was young.

i'll put some samples online for you to have a listen to :P

Death By Stereo!!
quik334 yea true to put it on i actually wanna hear it too see if its good or not

"Dancing the night away.."
bLOODY_dAN Me too. then i could shove it in ma dads face lol!

-=And behold a light shown forth proclaiming truth and those who believed were saved=-
Triquatra well, here you go people

a couple of samples of there older stuff (i dont have any of their newer stuff)
for your listening pleasure


Death By Stereo!!
Triquatra there's a few animations by me on there as well, some are slighty x-rated though lol

Death By Stereo!!
Psilo707 I too get a natural high from electronic music, but it's not negative in any way.

bLOODY_dAN he doesnt like technology that seperates people. eg. Techno music, and computers. He says reletionships are formed on technology not people, and he doesnt like that.

so i dont bother with him anymore. he lets me do what i want as long as its not detrimental to my health.

-=And behold a light shown forth proclaiming truth and those who believed were saved=-
DJ Superman haha, wicked! i love "jumpin' in the house of god". It's like Harry Krishna meets House of Pain

House of Krishna maybe??

whizz-billy-the-kid's got you in his sights
bLOODY_dAN Its all good now...I free of all of this sh_I_t. Im going to "New Dawn" hopeffuly; thats if i can get tickets in time lol!

-=And behold a light shown forth proclaiming truth and those who believed were saved=-
Originally posted by Kyle_Buffrey:

Kinda pointless removing your content when it's still visible in replies ;)
Originally posted by Triquatra:
there's a few animations by me on there as well, some are slighty x-rated though lol

Death By Stereo!!

Lol what?
Smoogie Is it 2004 again yet?

Even I did not post on this forum in 2004!

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