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T O P I C     R E V I E W
terry6680 I know this had probably been done before, but i am making a compilation cd of the very best HHC songs ever, but iv gone totally blank, so if everyone could leave the name & artist of what t
hey think is the best tune of all time i would be extremely grateful!
PS. Only one song per person please!

Thanks for your time.

HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE Scott Brown "Turn up the music"

Many more, but u gota love that tune

"The Milky Bars Are On Me"
mc trev Bang 'Shooting star'

[email protected]
DJ CURLY tripple j -follow the sun
(i think its tripple j anyway)
its a wikkid tune

take a look around all the people getting down.
hardcore id the sound and were underground.
were underground.
terry6680 Ah ha, yes.. follow the sun is brilliant, well done for reminding me!

Pandora One song....that sucks...can I post this one and then another one? Its by the same artists....maybe?
Heart Of Gold - Force and Styles

terry6680 Oh go on then!

Pandora Yippy... OK here it is the other one:
Pacific Sun - Force and Styles

StrifeII He aint after a force n styles album pandora but i think my addition should be brisk - set free

Hardcore Will Never Die
Pandora Those are just two of my favorite songs (first two HHC song I heard, so they are kinda special to me) and they just both happen to be by F&S. I have tons others too but I think I pressed my luck by giving two. Maybe I can get more in later after everyone has given there suggestions. will see!!!

"I kiss your lips and close my eyes, take you away to paradise, make everybody see that I love you and you love me"
sammypoohuk Scott Brown "Elysium"

terry6680 Its all good, keep'um coming!

terry6680 Common, i need more than that!!!

Charco i know only 1 but:
Uranus - Float on a vibe
and technophobic - Rave theme :)

**runs off before someone gets him for putting up two**

freedom to all who believe!!
Simon Someone had to say it.........dunno why it was me but anyway....A-tension "Angels"

Charco F**king RIGHT!!!!!!

**Bows to tune name**

freedom to all who believe!!
terry6680 More please!

Weird Fish "Fiction Factory - Don't make me cry"'s sweets

I'm 41,47727272727273 % insane!!!
HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE *sneaks in a second one*

brisk & trixxy "eyeopener"

"The Milky Bars Are On Me"
kg4 4 Tune Fairy Tales - my little fantasy :D

"We'll always be together; however far it seems. We'll always be together; together in electric dreams. "
DJ CURLY *me break rules and say three*
sy demo- "devotion"
hardcore version of "find a way"
dont know who did it?

take a look around all the people getting down.
hardcore id the sound and were underground.
were underground.
Timbo How about DJ Kaos + DJ Huxley - Jump to this

Has the best break at 1 min 47 sec in the track!

Oh and a really happy bouncy tune..

Justin Time - Sweet in my Pocket '97

I'll keep looking...

Timbo Just thought of another..

DJ Slam - Till We Meet Again

Forward ever, Backward never

DJ CURLY f*** it heres more
sy's- listen to the ace
kaos-hold me now(i think its kaos)
kaos-oceans apart(again i think its kaos)
sy's-tears run cold
bang-break of dawn
???-All i Need

that'll do

take a look around all the people getting down.
hardcore id the sound and were underground.
were underground.
Midway_raver naughty but nice - all out of love
sorry but if its a compilation gotta have dougal n eruption - PARTYTIME:D

Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting
Weird Fish "Love Decade - See Me Jumping"
the tune really makes you feel like a proud bouncer

*sorry, saw the movin text had to try it(impulsive human behaviour)*

I'm 41,47727272727273 % insane!!!
TechnoNut Put some Old skool happy hardcore in your compilation like Vibes and Wishdokta stuff i.e. Sensation'96, No more tears.
and/or Mike Slammer and Red Alert i.e. You are the one.

Usually songs with Amen breaks and hoovers go down well.

=) 'ardcore!
HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE w0w moving text hahaha

everyone else is piling them up so here is another
Dougal and Hixxy "sugar and Spice"

"The Milky Bars Are On Me"
terry6680 Hmmmm, i get the funny feeling that this is not going to fit onto one cd!
maybe i should make two?

pacman i take it you have a nice fast connection and you're downloarding all these tunes as soon as we list them??? 'cos i know you're not using vinyl.

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
silver What are your plans for this CD? No one list anything else until terry explains.

you, me and hardcore forever.
DJ CURLY yeah terry where were u gonna get all these tunes from.

take a look around all the people getting down.
hardcore id the sound and were underground.
were underground.
terry6680 Yes i am downloading them- steadily! im only on 56k so i cant do them all at once, that was the reason for saying "only one song at a time"

terry6680 Well iv always wanted to make a hhc cd with the very best tunes, but iv never had the time, or a cd writer to make one, so it really is for personal use, but if anyone has any decent suggestion of what else i could do with the cd then my ears are open.

Weird Fish aren't you gonna get it now!!!!, poor you

I'm 41,47727272727273 % insane!!!
terry6680 get what now??? i have a cd writer if thats what u mean?

Pandora Terry, I've only been on this site for a few months but I have noticed that the members here including the founder find it very offensive when people abuse there limits with downloading mp3's. It is considered ripping off the owners of the songs because they do not get any royalties from your gain. These people spend a large amount of money for our listening pleasure and when mp3's are ripped off it makes it so they don't have the profit from selling tapes/records/cd's to make another release, and could put them out of business. I my self have been reprimanded for discussing mp3's and was slightly offended, but now I understand the reason and severity of the situation. Some labels have gone out of business because they don't have the profit from record/tape/cd sales. Basically Silver wanted to know what you are doing with these songs and why you cant go out and buy a tape/record/cd and record from that. You might think "I don't have the money to do that..." Well think about this...if you don't have the money to do that and you take from an mp3 then that is taking the money from the person who made the song. If you don't have the money then they don't have the money. It's kind of a catch 22....I know. I hope this explains some of the feelings of the members and why they are offended by mp3's.

"I kiss your lips and close my eyes, take you away to paradise, make everybody see that I love you and you love me"
pacman ^^^^^^^^ well said ^^^^^^^^^^

if you have the money to sit on a 56K connection and download songs, you have the money to buy a cd or mixtape.

if you are going to continue to download mp3s, please do not discuss it on this site as our community rejects the concept. thank you.

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
terry6680 I dont think you lot understand the means of "personal use"
i wasnt planning on using the cd to sell or anything of the sort, as i have explained before that i am making a compilation cd for myself to listen in my car and in my room and i just wanted some suggestions of long forgotton songs that i havent heard in ages that would be classed as "best songs" or classics! so get off your high horse and dont fill up my topic with your cr**

terry6680 and i dont know why you think im ripping them off when i said nothing of the sort about selling them or anything like that in the first place so dont go accusing me of ripping anyone off and making look like a c*** OK

silver Terry: Just to clear this up... You are mixing up software and music, some software licences say free for personal use but music is not under that category. It is generally excepted that if you buy a CD and then copy it to your personal MD player or walkman then that is for "personal use" (and you don't give it to anyone else)... but if you don't own the orginal CD then you taking money away from the people that created the tune.

Even radio stations have to pay the record companies for playing songs on the radio.

you, me and hardcore forever.
terry6680 Well, i do have most of the songs on cd, or used to until my house was robbed and half my cds were gone too, including all my classic hhc old songs...... so in fact i have already bought/ paid for the songs, but i dont see any harm in making a personal cd for myself, i would of done it from my cds if i still had them.

terry6680 Poor me!

terry6680 I dont suppose anyone knows of a quite old tune, i cant really explain how it goes or who it is done by, all i can say is that it doesnt have any words and it is a classic old hhc tune? does anyone have any suggestions of what it could be?

Weird Fish * "Nice Try" - don't know by who*

I'm 41,47727272727273 % insane!!!
Hard2Get OMG i'm sure u can describe it more than that.

Midway_raver No words old hhc song ...hmm u got all day coz that really doesnt narrow it down much!! On the issue of making a cd for personal use i think i'm with terry on this one. I have a massive tape collection bigish cd collection and bought 40+ vinyls or so. I buy vinyl alot nowadays coz i LOVE djing. I really don't see the harm in downloading a few trax for a cd for u too listen to. I do it occasionally. I have most of the trax on cd or vinyl or tape (originals). but it's not the same as having them all at ur fingertips on cd. Ok i might not own Broken wings or it's copywright but if its ok for Skelter and them to put em on tapes etc ect etc and sell em too teh puiblic why aint it ok for us to download a few tracks for ourselves that we can't get anymore. If records labels want me too stop downloading trax so i can listen too em then issue represses of classic coz theyd sell really well and then we'd buy em and evry1 wud b happy. Oh yeah on the subject on a few of my vinyls it says "not licensed for public performance" so if i spin it at a party or on a mix tape am i infringing copywrightr regulations then?

Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting
terry6680 thanks for your support!

silver Midway_raver: Okay let me clear your points up:

"if its ok for Skelter and them to put em on tapes etc ect etc and sell em too teh puiblic why aint it ok for us to download a few tracks for ourselves that we can't get anymore"

This is a gray area just like DJ mix tapes / CD's are, basically with a DJ mix tape or CD, as long as you not really selling more 100 it's cool and it's more promotion for the DJ and not just ripping off the tracks. Now I know Skelter and Slammin sell more than that (alot more), I know for a fact that Hixxy and all the Raver Baby crew will not allow this anymore (unless they get a cut)...

"If records labels want me too stop downloading trax so i can listen too em then issue represses of classic coz theyd sell really well and then we'd buy em and evry1 wud b happy."

You might think that... but it's not the case... it will not sell.... it costs alot of money to press vinyl, and the smallest run you can do is 250 units. You can't expect a small label to take a risk on re-pressing a track that might not sell more than 20-50 copies... There are reasons why labels don't want to re-press, it's a once off thing, a special thing and that is it... If a small car manufacture made a car then stopped making it, you can't just go and steal a car... Things stop for a reason, and there is no excuse to pirate hardcore. I know the problem, but I have a solution to the problem, stay tuned for some major news shortly.

"A few of my vinyls it says "not licensed for public performance" so if i spin it at a party or on a mix tape am i infringing copywrightr regulations then?"

Technically yes, it's more for radio and TV broadcasting.

you, me and hardcore forever.
Midway_raver Thanx silver. To be honest i think that's a wee bit ludicrous of hixxy and raver baby...surely thats taking money off the very people he relies on to promote his stuff thru?!

Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting
silver ^^^^ yes and no... basically they need each other... Slammin needs Hixxy and Hixxy needs slammin... so why should Slammin get all the money... makes scene doesn't it?

you, me and hardcore forever.
HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE YES!

Very well put silver. You run this place very well, nice and tidy and explain the right and the wrong to all us lil kiddies in easy and clear ways...

Thnx mate

Your as funny as a fart in a space suit!
terry6680 God.. and all i wanted was the names of a few classic tracks!

DJSuperb Why don't you look up old hardcore albums on sites like or You can get the track listings and ... well you know the rest...

As for mp3s.... Whats wrong? Does it really destroy record sales when the average raver (not dj) who wouldn't buy vinyl downloads a couple of tracks that they can't get hold of on CD? How many CDs have been released in the past 2/3 years?

Downloading tracks from a CD (which is still commercially available) is wrong. BUT personally I think there is nothing wrong with downloading/copying things like deleted hardcore CDS (from record labels that don't even exist any more!) which are rare (For example my "Sound of Club Kinetic Vol 2" CD) :)

Can't wait for BONKERS! Now if ya download that from Kazza etc I will personally come n get ya. Be true to the scene!

12" of Love
silver ^^^^^
CD sales globally are down so much it's not funny... Hardcore CD's went from selling 8000 to like 200 units for example in Japan... and that is no joke... I blame it on people not understanding that music isn't free and mobile phones, everyone is now spending $50 a month on a phone bill insteed of buying CD's :)

you, me and hardcore forever.
pacman umm... i hate to destroy your argument here terry, but if you previously owned them all on cd, why do you need to ask people the names of tracks??? presumably if you owned them all previously you should basically know what tracks/artists/labels you're after!?? that was the flaw in your argument.

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
terry6680 Because to be honest, i had them stolen quite a while ago- therefore cant remember all the tracks, so thats why im asking everyone to help me with some names etc, plus im not a dj so i dont know the name of every song i ever listened to...

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