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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Triquatra I'm curious how everyone keeps up with music, these days.

It used to be (for me at least) a case of whatever CDs were out in the shops: new trance music? Trance Nation 1 just came I know about what was the latest trance. Bonkers 6 came out and then I knew about what was new in the hardcore world...

all seemed so simple

Maybe sneaking a phonecall in to the DJ Mag top 20 to listen to a few of the tunes that looked interesting in the charts in DJ mag. Topped off with listening to the UK Top 40 on Sunday around the dinner table on sunday with the rest of the family. But that was long ago (seriously, all that was 15+ years ago!) and since then the internet has reared it's massive head and things have gotten quite messy.

50,000 sub genres, times that by another 50,000 for actual songs that are being made by a gajillion producers.

Today I heard about Matt Zo fustrated about ghost producing and the new world order of trance music and I searched my face and remembered that I had heard of this Matt Zo person and that he was one of the DJs I had sworn to "check out" when I get home as he was brilliant at Global Gathering 2012. But I'd forgotten in the sea of new music.

So in the ocean of dance music, how does everyone these days keeps up to date with it all? all the music, all the genres all the's exhausting! Seems like you would literally have to glue your face to the screen and tape speakers to your ears...never leave the computer or do anything else just to keep up. Any secrets to it?

djDMS Simple really, you can't!

Unless you make a career out of searching for/listening to music it just can't be done! I went on a big download spree yesterday to catch up on some of the stuff I intended to buy ages ago, ended up getting a load of other stuff instead.

Back when it was a choice of CD/Tape/Vinyl I ALWAYS knew exactly what the forthcoming releases were and never missed a thing - and that was across several genres. Nowadays, there is so much happening it's impossible to keep up (so I've essentially stopped trying to). Unless you follow every artist/label on Facebook/Soundcloud etc and visit every music store 375 times a day things just sneak past.

Captain Triceps djDMS is right. Back in the day (when I only cared about hardcore) I used to buy as many new hardcore vinyl releases from IMO or the Spin Inn as I could. Sometimes I wouldn't even listen to them first, or I'd deduce what track it was from the name and listening to tape packs.
Now I'm older, have a family and responsibilities, I simply don't have the time to listen out for every new hardcore release - let alone all the other genres of music that are out there. When I do make a point of listening to new music, so much of it is utter dross.
I'd like to think the best way would be to pick styles of music you know you like and download appropriate podcasts for that genre, finding new tunes that way. (With hardcore, if you want to buy the tunes, it might be worth listening to last years podcasts. End cynicism.)
I have liked or am friends with enough people on Facebook who post new music, to keep with enough.

So, to summarise, podcasts and Facebook.

jordesuvi I have my favourite artists that I check their pages once a month or so just in case I missed anything on my social media timelines.

I follow a few EDM podcasts from artists that play stuff that has potential to be popular. Hardwell, Oliver Heldens, W&W, Tommie Sunshine and Laidback Luke being the main ones, sometimes I'll check out some bass, hardstyle or twerk artist mixes since they don't usually have weekly podcasts.
Latest few mixes I listened to was Reid Stefan's Showcase Monday mix and Twonk Team Mixtape Vol 7.

MTV Hits and MTV Dance have a "Fresh New Vidz" section I record on Sky+ to keep up with future potential UK hits.

Then for hardcore and not as popular EDM (usually a lot better) it's just checking SoundCloud, Trackitdown and Beatport daily.

And I also look forward to HU's monthly podcast.

Then on certain days I might feel like listening to/catching up on a certain genre like Hands Up or Tropical House and listen to a new popular YouTube/artist mix

With that, I'm up to date with my favourite artists/genres
I can DJ uni/house parties with relevant dance music.
I'm aware of current music trends and new artists to keep an eye on.
And I can run a hardcore rave promotional channel.

TL;DR: Podcasts, artist mixes and Soundcloud.
latininxtc Yea gone are the days when I used to walk from my high school to the bus stop, and take a detour to the local Soundwaves and listen to the latest electronic import CDs. Even miss the Wherehouse music that lets you preview any CD you wanted in the store free of charge and without having to actually buy anything (90% of the time I did buy the CD I listened to though).

I'm with most of you in that I just don't try all that hard because the selection is overwhelming. For non-electronic and mainstream music, I find everything I want by chance. Whether it's inside a store being played over the intercom, on TV, or whatever other outlet I find it and if I need to I'll Shazam it to find the artist.

For non-hardcore genres like hardstyle and hard techno I rely on Youtube and some facebook for that. Usually the Q-dance channel on YT has some interesting hardstyle that peaks my interest. And for hard techno I rely on PetDuo and various other videos on YT for that. All others are through aftermovie films on YT or other outlets.

As far as hardcore itself, I rely heavily on HU and their podcasts to steer me in the right direction of what I'm looking for since the label is currently my favorite in the genre. I'll also rely on facebook as well for not only HU material, but material from other producers and labels that I still enjoy from time to time.

I sometimes, but rarely rely on this site for finding new material as well. If it's some stuff from well-known labels and producers I'll try and give it a listen to, especially if it's album previews. Sadly I don't go out of my way listening to member-produced material since I honestly haven't cared for most of what's been produced.
Originally posted by djDMS:
Simple really, you can't!

I went on a big download spree yesterday to catch up on some of the stuff I intended to buy ages ago, ended up getting a load of other stuff instead.
Originally posted by Captain Triceps:

When I do make a point of listening to new music, so much of it is utter dross

Sad but true and the 'good stuff' is rarely that good anyway.

Once upon a time, long long ago, before the inter web there were record labels that only released music that was of sufficiently high quality.

A quality that they believed and hoped would return a commercial gain.

Now, everyone and their dog releases 'music', at no real cost or commercial control so, plenty of crap choice that very few have the time or inclination to trawl through.... very sad. :(

Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by djDMS:
Simple really, you can't!

I went on a big download spree yesterday to catch up on some of the stuff I intended to buy ages ago, ended up getting a load of other stuff instead.

Yes, very much like that!
Audio Warfare The answer is I don't! As a result I buy far less too.

When it was vinyl it was so simple, just go to a store and listen to all the new bits of Hardcore and Hard Trance/House every few weeks. I used to like and buy 50% of it easily. Now there is just too much and on top of that I enjoy a much smaller percentage of it. Also I don't feel any great urgency to pick things up as they will always be there with a digital platform.

All very sad but that's where I am with buying music these days. All I do now when I fancy a couple of new albums is to go Googling for CD's of whatever genre I'm in the mood for. I barely buy any singles but then I barely use my decks now so what's the point. Hardcore wise I just pick up what I can browsing here, from Facebook and checking the HU store.

Perhaps some of this is down to getting older and having less spare time and disposable income too but trying to keep up with everything now feels impossible for me so I've all but given up! Used to be a time when I knew names of every release out and coming, now I can't remember the names of all the tracks I like and own even!
Captain Triceps
Originally posted by Audio Warfare:
Used to be a time when I knew names of every release out and coming, now I can't remember the names of all the tracks I like and own even!

Hell yeah. I can make a mix of new tunes, then listen to it later on and not know half of what the tracks were called or who they were by, which is a pain if I like one and can't find it.

God, it's a boring thing to talk about after all this time but the vinyl days really were better for music. If a track didn't make a vinyl release, there was usually a valid reason for it.
Guest vinyl Vs digital is the same

a whole month of hardtunes, all tunes aint worth shit, except this

buy this for something else, you can play a chill out tune
Triquatra do you think there is a certain amount of irony about posting in a forum asking how people keep up with music these days?
djDMS No, not at all.

Pisses me off so much that the whole world revolves around Facebook.

I'd happily visit loads of individual artist/label websites and forums than have it shoved down my throat all the time.
Guest even worse when everybody hates facebook and nobody uses it except for the middleclass who stay in and read books anyway when there is no club night or event to goto

the latest tunes and club bangers are on headliner podcasts if you dont think about your own sets when browsing a shop
Ken Masters With extreme difficulty! There's always that element of 'What am I missing?' these days. Like Ionosphere said, quality control just isn't enforced as it used to be leaving us searching through a sea of music & inevitability missing out on some real life changing music.

However this could also be seen as a positive thing. I approach my personal music searching very differently now, purposely seeking out producers, bands & music that speaks to me while being relatively unknown. Its much more fun. Sourcing music with the chance that no-one else will ever find it is pretty cool actually :)
Originally posted by djDMS:
No, not at all.

Pisses me off so much that the whole world revolves around Facebook.

I'd happily visit loads of individual artist/label websites and forums than have it shoved down my throat all the time.

Unrelated kinda, but I laugh every time i see a news article about something that happened on facebook. Like seriously?
Originally posted by djDMS:

Pisses me off so much that the whole world revolves around Facebook.

Can't piss you off that much since you use it almost on a daily basis! ;)
djDMS I meant how everything HAS to go through Facebook, not having to use Facebook.

Smart arse.
Smoogie I don't 'keep up' I make my own music, and use Youtube for the rest
Rodz90 There is a massive selection of music available, but it does help to somewhat filter your tastes to artists, labels, and brands that you enjoy.

For hardcore i do quite little. I listen to the latest Styles or Gammer mix they have made along with the Hardcore Underground podcasts. Finally I briefly scroll through what albums HU release, then counter check on here for reviews and feedback to see if they are worthwhile (easily swayed by public opinion i guess).

Trance and Psy i treat a little differently because the DJs actively promote lesser known artists within there sets and podcasts. For example Kearnage and Mental Asylum radio typically have psy and trance sections of all the latest tunes those producers are digging for that week/month. That helps with discovery because you can source more off whatever particular artist you digged from there filtering.

Short answer: Artist mixes and podcasts.
Originally posted by djDMS:
I meant how everything HAS to go through Facebook, not having to use Facebook.

Smart arse.

Comrade_ Follow a shit ton of stuff on facebook. Otherwise, I almost never buy albums ( I've spent money on 3 albums), as I hunt for freebies on the internet. I simply don't care for mainstream Uk hardcore and rather look for smaller artist who release free shit (artist who happen to often frequent these forums)
Originally posted by Ionosphere:
Originally posted by Captain Triceps:

When I do make a point of listening to new music, so much of it is utter dross

Sad but true and the 'good stuff' is rarely that good anyway.

Once upon a time, long long ago, before the inter web there were record labels that only released music that was of sufficiently high quality.

A quality that they believed and hoped would return a commercial gain.

Now, everyone and their dog releases 'music', at no real cost or commercial control so, plenty of crap choice that very few have the time or inclination to trawl through.... very sad. :(

Amen to that!!!
Samination Mentioning music and saying it's all about gains nowadays... it's just plain silly. Ever since music could be recording it has always been about earnings.
SPOOX I normally check Soundcloud 2-3 times per week.
Occasionally buy a CD pack from an event, make a note of any tracks i like then buy those.

Years ago i would pop to my local record shop. Dance 2 (Guildford) or Slammin Vinyl (Kingston) & spend most of Saturday morning (& most of my wages too) in there.
Originally posted by Samination:
Mentioning music and saying it's all about gains nowadays... it's just plain silly. Ever since music could be recording it has always been about earnings.

Look out everyone, Jackets gone Rogue!
Originally posted by djDMS:
Originally posted by Samination:
Mentioning music and saying it's all about gains nowadays... it's just plain silly. Ever since music could be recording it has always been about earnings.

Look out everyone, Jackets gone Rogue!

I will stay still in a corner at the next stomp and mutter some crazy words!
Captain Triceps
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by djDMS:
Originally posted by Samination:
Mentioning music and saying it's all about gains nowadays... it's just plain silly. Ever since music could be recording it has always been about earnings.

Look out everyone, Jackets gone Rogue!

I will stay still in a corner at the next stomp and mutter some crazy words!

"This sound is for sissies, not original ghetto sound, in your middleclass scene everyone cries because its not proper hardcore" etc etc etc for ten hours, to no one in particular.
Originally posted by Captain Triceps:
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by djDMS:
Originally posted by Samination:
Mentioning music and saying it's all about gains nowadays... it's just plain silly. Ever since music could be recording it has always been about earnings.

Look out everyone, Jackets gone Rogue!

I will stay still in a corner at the next stomp and mutter some crazy words!

"This sound is for sissies, not original ghetto sound, in your middleclass scene everyone cries because its not proper hardcore" etc etc etc for ten hours, to no one in particular.

No, I leave that to Guest :P
DJ Omnimaga I personally just checked the local HMV and Archambault music stores (I live in Canada) for new or old happy hardcore compilations that I didn't find before and did so until both stores stopped selling happy hardcore albums entirely (around when Resist Music went under). Then I relied on Youtube, which I still do nowadays. I am pretty sure that I only know about 0.01% of the happy hardcore tracks out there, maybe 0.1% for 90's eurodance and even less for other electronic genres.

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