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 Shall we all do a mix together?

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
djDMS Possibly a stupid idea but what do you all think about putting together a group mix?

I was listening to a B2B mix i did with Mortis a while back and it popped into my head.

Not entirely sure of the best way to make it work but i was thinking of something like this -

We get together a list of people to take part, once we have enough people, i'll draw lots to choose a running order.

Then, in order, each person on the list adds a track (or 2 if you're quick) to the preceding mix, uploads it, sends me the link and i pass it on to the next - who adds a track to the end etc etc...

Another idea i had for the next mix competition - groups of 2 random members doing a back to back mix together, could bring some interesting results!

Could anybody be bothered to join in either? Thoughts and ideas please
Triquatra I can offer web hosting for this (an FTP which everyone can log in on and upload and download it) would be like an online folder everyone here can access - also might come in handy if we all wanted to collab on a song together..........

i like the idea though this would really only work for those of with CD decks, or a Computer mixing

those of us (like myself) who are solely vinyl would have to sit it out...
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
I can offer web hosting for this (an FTP which everyone can log in on and upload and download it) would be like an online folder everyone here can access - also might come in handy if we all wanted to collab on a song together..........

i like the idea though this would really only work for those of with CD decks, or a Computer mixing

those of us (like myself) who are solely vinyl would have to sit it out...

That's very good of you mate :-)

Sorry it won't be for everybody, did mean to say it might not be possible for some to take part due to equipment restrictions. Saying that though, you can get Virtual DJ free.....
Steeky Thats not a bad Idea.. only downfall is making sure trakcs arent doubled or if someone downloads it out of turn. Its a major pitty that there is people without CD decks or Control vinyl to not take part..
Triquatra having no limits on the tracklist would be an hilarious bonus too - if everyone gets to pick their own choice in song..i'm sure the resulting tracklist would make for a truely amusing listen!

someone continuing from Darren Styles Skydiving into Scott browns Boomstick ;)
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
having no limits on the tracklist would be an hilarious bonus too - if everyone gets to pick their own choice in song..i'm sure the resulting tracklist would make for a truely amusing listen!

That's exactly what i'm hoping for!

And Steeky - i'll be ruling things with an iron hand! Logistically, it could be a pain in the arse but i'm sure i can hold it together.
Triquatra this sounds like too much fun, I'll just have to break out the credit card and pick up some CDJ1000's ;)
D-tor That sounds fun! Although I don't know how it would work... would it just be re-recorded a LOT?
Originally posted by D-tor:
That sounds fun! Although I don't know how it would work... would it just be re-recorded a LOT?

Basically, yes.

Either that or you all come to my house!
Simon What was in your weetabix this morning, nice ideas. I'm down with them, kudos to you Sir.
Samination I sent the parts I mixed over to Bluecore when we made b2b's, then he tried to mix together his tracks, and sent me the last part of his mix to me (to keep same volume and bpm).

The only thing needed is someone who can cut&paste properly (this I can do), and then master the mixes (this I cant :P). A rule would be to try to mix at most -5dB
Triquatra the way i see it is there are a few options

Option 1 (the long one)
pick the first song, someone goes first to start it off the second song is left to play out to the finish (they technically get to pick the first two songs) and that start is uploaded, then the next person is chosen

they then download mix and mixes from the final song into their chosen song which they then let play till it finishes
(whilst recoding it however you would record your mixes)
and then uploads result to FTP

then the next person is chosen and it starts again

audio degredation wouldnt matter too much, this is for the fun factor as opposed to the make an audio perfect mix.
but the issue is recording as the next DJ would have to wait for a very long time to record their bit as the previous songs would have to be recorded too in their version!
each person would have to re-record the entire mix each time, so the process would get longer and longer, which would be a pain if you suddenly had to redo it because you made a mistake or missed the drop!

Option 2. (shorter, but more technical)
splicing, when it comes to an individual's turn they take half the final song out using software, as that would be the correct bpm, then work with that in their cd decks or computer mixer, record, and then resplice their mix back into the full mix using software (Audition/Soundforge/Audacity) then reupload it.

Option 3. (shorter still, less technical, possibly 'safer')
is basically the same as option 2 but I (or someone else) does all the splicing, i'm quite happy to, but basically that would make it easier for those who dont want to dabble with audio programs they may not have. I (or someone else) could keep track of who's turn it is and can put the half mp3 for the next person to mix out of into their song on the FTP, they can record their part, let the song play out to the end and reupload to the FTP where I'll attach it to end of the mix and cut off the end of the song to send to the next person, the process continues till the mix is ended, and i can upload the final mix in full for everyone to enjoy.

Option 4 (more expensive for most)
we all take our cds/mp3s, go round to DMS's place for beer and hookers.

option 2 and 3 get around the whole illegal track thing, because nobody ever has a full track, its like everyone is given just the 2nd half of the song (enough time to mix out however you want)

any other thoughts?

*edit* samination beat me to it there!
i'm not fussed about who cuts and pastes - though I'd like to add it would be a massive shame if people started circlejerking about audio quality - its not about that, and it'll put people off if others start farting off about it. people will be going from CDs to PCs, vinyl to cds, mp3s to mp3s, mp3s to vinyl - quality should only enter into it when it comes to bitrate and audio levels, so that we just have some sort of constant..this should stay as something fun, where people of different abilitys and equipment can get involved!
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
I can offer web hosting for this (an FTP which everyone can log in on and upload and download it) would be like an online folder everyone here can access - also might come in handy if we all wanted to collab on a song together..........

i like the idea though this would really only work for those of with CD decks, or a Computer mixing

those of us (like myself) who are solely vinyl would have to sit it out...

maya44 usb soundcard + traktor vinyl + download = problem solved. less than traktor new, but still expensive. works like a charm though

D-tor I think Option 2 or 3 is best... that way I can participate as the Atlantic separates me.

Also if we go through with this this should be on the radio cycle. Not only would it be awesome but there would be so many B2Bs in the title name... I'm chuckling just thinking about it.
Triquatra lol! I highly doubt it would get one the radio as i'm sure it wouldnt reach the high critera of minimal happy hardcore, freeform, breakbeat and gabber and maximum UK hardcore. plus if i'm not mistaken when a mix goes on the radio is has to be exclusive and isnt allowed to appear on other radio stations and websites for download..
Ken Masters I'm well up for this. Great idea! Count me in
Originally posted by D-tor:
but there would be so many B2Bs in the title name... I'm chuckling just thinking about it.

I can assume the final product will be really funny

I'll join in on this, sounds fun. Another great fun idea coming from Dms
Samination so to try to keep the filesizes to a minimum, this might be a working way;

1. person 1 does the first mix (the first 2 songs).
2. person 1 uploads the result to a shared FTP/online.
3. person 2 takes first mix and mixes the 3rd(or 3rd&4th) track.
4. person 2 uploads the result.
5. person X cuts (copy-paste) the last song and uploads it to the FTP.
6. person 3 downloads the cut out last song, and mixes his track(s).
7. person 3 uploads the result.
8. person X cuts(copy-paste) the new file and uploads the last song to the FTP again.
9. repeat 6-8.
10. after last person, person X edits the files together.

That's somewhat Step 2 and 3 in one, but I wouldn't mind do step 4 :P I need to get out of this country, but then Im visiting London in 14 days
TheOneNOnly Sounds like a really good idea, would be a mad end piece there too.
latininxtc so are y'all doing this a digital download album mix? or just a promotional mix for radio??? i'm a bit lost on the details.
Originally posted by djDMS:
groups of 2 random members doing a back to back mix together, could bring some interesting results!

How do 2 random groups do a back to back mix?
Originally posted by Lilley:
Originally posted by djDMS:
groups of 2 random members doing a back to back mix together, could bring some interesting results!

How do 2 random groups do a back to back mix?

They don't. That says groups of 2, not 2 groups.
Originally posted by latininxtc:
so are y'all doing this a digital download album mix? or just a promotional mix for radio??? i'm a bit lost on the details.

It was meant to be a digital download mix, but I suggested it to be on the radio cycle. I didn't know the mix had to be exclusive... (no wonder I can't find Shin no Noir).

Addressing that, there's CoH and I was able to download White Mix from Flashback. That probably doesn't change the possibilities... man I'm just hopeful.
JayHH86 Option 4! Option 4! All round Dean's for beers and hookers!!

This sounds EPIC. Count me in provided my communication issues can be overcome. Seriously difficult to get more than ten consecutive minutes online where I am - let alone downloading and uploading!

I have an idea about the first track. Since the first track is quite special and important, I think it could be an idea to all name one track each that we'd like to open with. Then, we subject the list of tracks to a vote, where you cannot vote for your own track. Track with most number of votes gets to open, and the person who's suggestion it was gets to open the mix? What do ya reckons?
Triquatra sounds like the perfect way to start the mix Jay!

i think we should keep this topic open for a few weeks just to get some interest, so that we know who is onboard then later propose a date for everything to get started..
Samination what about those of us who are intending to play lesser known tracks?
Dante Sounds fun, but will probably be too fast. Don't wanna pitch a 168 track to 180+ ;P
Originally posted by djDMS:

They don't. That says groups of 2, not 2 groups.

Reading. I've been doing it well today.
Originally posted by Dante:
Sounds fun, but will probably be too fast. Don't wanna pitch a 168 track to 180+ ;P

pft, its your mix, as long as you could find an amusing way to pitch down the end of the track to your speed, the next person would just be responsible for trying to get back out of it ;)

all part of the fun!
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
Originally posted by Dante:
Sounds fun, but will probably be too fast. Don't wanna pitch a 168 track to 180+ ;P

as long as you could find an amusing way to pitch down the end of the track to your speed

Originally posted by Samination:
what about those of us who are intending to play lesser known tracks?

You don't have to give away what your killer track would be because you'll get 2 if you're the person to start the mix. Just come up with a great suggestion for the opening track but save your best for the surprise

Cracking idea Jay San
Steeky I know its early days and its not comfirmed but hopefully it is!!

Jus a wee sneeky idea for first track :P
Originally posted by Steeky:
I know its early days and its not comfirmed but hopefully it is!!

Jus a wee sneeky idea for first track :P

damnit that is an awesome track

I'm totes in for this too, i think it sounds fun
the splicing idea sounds like the best route
Samination well, Since I want to play a lesser known freeform track, I dont think it would go as start up
Originally posted by Samination:
well, Since I want to play a lesser known freeform track, I dont think it would go as start up

well like triquatra said, it would make for a funny mix if everyone chose what they want
having it go from "Darren Styles Skydiving into Scott browns Boomstick" quote
Dante Think I've got an idea of what I would like to play if I enter! Torn between some very different tracks tho ;p
Originally posted by Dante:
Think I've got an idea of what I would like to play if I enter! Torn between some very different tracks tho ;p

Mash it up.
Originally posted by D-tor:
Originally posted by Dante:
Think I've got an idea of what I would like to play if I enter! Torn between some very different tracks tho ;p

Mash it up.

That won't sound good.
djDMS The best thing about it will be the total randomness, every single one of us will get to put our own little mark on it.

I'm just trying to narrow it down from my initial list of 75 tunes!
djDMS My first track would be Sandwich bag by Lego pornstars!
stray OK I'm in too. I want to inject some Freeform into the mix :P
Samination Depending on the mayority of the tracks used (variety is nice no?), I will be using one (or 2 if I end up starting the mix) of these tunes;

The Nice Guys - Blue Light (Breaks styled Freeform)
DJ Sharpnel - Blue Betreyal (Gabber)
Dany BPM - Home (Makina)
Shanty - Cerebral Cortex (Freeform)
Frantic - Dimensions (Happy Hardcore)
Xcess & Fade - Deadly Silence (Happy Hardcore Gabber)
D-tor I'll be using

The Enigma TNG - Galactronic (Core-Station Remix)
Gammer vs Basic Element - Rippin' vs Touch You Right Now (Fauxami Mashup)
Helblinde - One Missed Call
Michael Mansion ft. Reese - Closin' In (MrJakk & Tony Benino Remix)

^ Mwuahaha Breakbeat is so hard to transition imo
Originally posted by D-tor:
I'll be using

The Enigma TNG - Galactronic (Core-Station Remix)
Gammer vs Basic Element - Rippin' vs Touch You Right Now (Fauxami Mashup)
Helblinde - One Missed Call
Michael Mansion ft. Reese - Closin' In (MrJakk & Tony Benino Remix)

^ Mwuahaha Breakbeat is so hard to transition imo

not really, you jsut need to beatmatch each "3rd" beat with each 4th with normal hardcore (it's easy if you use virtualdj or traktor, where you can see the beats on a line).
D-tor I haven't figured it out yet... I'm not using software.
NekoShuffle If you guys can work on a way of getting it all sorted out then count me in!
Ken Masters *boot's thread up the arse*
djDMS Beat me to it mate! Lets keep it going boys, need more 1st tune suggestions.
cruelcore1 I'd like to recommend one of my own as one of the tracks, but considering that I recommend my own stuff this could be understood as showing off so I dont think that'd work. :P
Originally posted by cruelcore1:
I'd like to recommend one of my own as one of the tracks, but considering that I recommend my own stuff this could be understood as showing off so I dont think that'd work. :P

Nothing wrong with promoting your own stuff :-)
Originally posted by djDMS:
Originally posted by cruelcore1:
I'd like to recommend one of my own as one of the tracks, but considering that I recommend my own stuff this could be understood as showing off so I dont think that'd work. :P

Nothing wrong with promoting your own stuff :-)

Thnx, man. I'll think about that.
cruelcore1 For now, my best stuff are 2 of the following. I'll add one more later (it's still in progress) thats even better IMO. Others will be secret until they're released in the pack. For example Galactronic Remix that only D-tor can to use for now.

Davy van Eynde feat. Fara - Irawadi (Core-Station Remix)
(Unofficial remix)

Skyler & Core-Station - Angel (Holy Mix)

As for the first track, it depends about our image of the mix. It could either be similar-to-similar or we could use a "contrast" effect. About contrast, we can start with 1 or 2 happy songs and then switch to "crazy" non-melodic (1 or 2 songs), we can start with "crazy" ones and then play some melodic UKHC or Freeform, we can start with 1 dark song and then play a happy or uplifting one, or we can start with Freeform. And there are many more options.

"Angel (Holy Mix)" could be good IMO as "we can start with 1 dark song and then play a happy or uplifting one". However, dark start can be tricky.

BTW, why don't we make a separate intro? I could make one.

EDIT: I prefer saying "tracks" instead of "songs" but I didn't feel like correcting everything.
Originally posted by Samination:
Originally posted by D-tor:
I'll be using

The Enigma TNG - Galactronic (Core-Station Remix)
Gammer vs Basic Element - Rippin' vs Touch You Right Now (Fauxami Mashup)
Helblinde - One Missed Call
Michael Mansion ft. Reese - Closin' In (MrJakk & Tony Benino Remix)

^ Mwuahaha Breakbeat is so hard to transition imo

not really, you jsut need to beatmatch each "3rd" beat with each 4th with normal hardcore (it's easy if you use virtualdj or traktor, where you can see the beats on a line).

Sounds good if many DJs are expected to assign. However, if not, then every DJ will need to mix a few songs. ^^

And, my suggestion for opening: I thought it might be a nice touch to open with a Nu Foundation track. Not only out of respect, but pretty much every thing he did was superb.

I'm thinking along the lines of Open Your Heart or In Your Head. From memory, both tracks start with a beat, so perhaps we could skip that and start with a nice drifty opening at the beginning of the first break down or something.
djDMS Spooky you should say that! I was just thinking about using It's not me or the Fire and flames remix. Please lets get this done lads, it'd be brilliant!
D-tor So I'm making a B2B atm with another person. It's going quite well... this one needs to start up!
Steeky -The sound of a deserted desert-
D-tor What are we even waiting for?
Originally posted by D-tor:
What are we even waiting for?

probably someone saying, Right comfirmed DJ list reply below
Samination Teh List:

Triquatra my vote goes for a nufoundation track to start with!
acidfluxxbass I'll happily take part in this.

Its like an audiophonic form of the forum sentence game, but with music and mixing and people with too much spare time this summer.
acidfluxxbass This will all be via Wave file right. Early tracks will take a battering if we do this via MP3 wont they? Constant recompression and whatnot
Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
I'll happily take part in this.

Its like an audiophonic form of the forum sentence game, but with music and mixing and people with too much spare time this summer.

lol this!
Samination keeping it as WAV/FLAC/ALAC would be best, even if quality is not the issue.

And as I said, everyone doesnt need to download the complete mix each time it's their time to add a track. With clever editing, only the last track needs to be downloaded
D-tor So let's do it! I'm down with a Nu Foundation track to start. Anyone got any intro mixes or are we just gonna jump right into it?
Originally posted by D-tor:
So let's do it! I'm down with a Nu Foundation track to start. Anyone got any intro mixes or are we just gonna jump right into it?

Im thinking start off with a song with lik a gd into..(ive got a good example but cant think of the name its on ma other harddrive at home) n then bring 'In your head' into it becuase the song has a pretty good strong mixing outtro
Ken Masters
Intro/Voiceover can be added at the end. Let's not get to picky with the starting track either. it's supposed to be completely random & up to the DJ who's mix it is.

Let's just get it started & see where it takes us, but I do agree that we'll all have to stick to wav's if possible. I also think we should all have to download the full mix & add our track that way. It just keeps things so much simpler even if it will be a fairly large download.
acidfluxxbass can anyone else see shit like this?

Samination Triq hacked your browsar!
Ken Masters
Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
can anyone else see shit like this?

Ladies & Gentlemen. I present to you......'The One'

I knew you were a bit of a know it all but now I know why

Triquatra thats how I usually type!
Originally posted by Fire Shadow:
Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
can anyone else see shit like this?

Ladies & Gentlemen. I present to you......'The One'

You called?
DJseaking this got off topic quickly...
Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
can anyone else see shit like this?

TheOneNOnly This is going nowhere really fast, and at this rate we'll finish by Summer 2012.

First things first, we need to get something clear. Where are we hosting this? I remember vaguely Triq said he could allow us access to a server to do this? Yes? No? Refresh my memory.

Since DMS posted the idea he should be the one to start it all off with the beginning of the mix? Why? He suggested it therefore he should do the beginning to expel all of this "we should pick this song, this song, this song" and do what this is, a back to back mix. So let him start it off and we'll create a system on how to set this up.

My idea(s):
(Does not include the part about hosting, downloading, and rendering of course)

We'll start another thread (or DMS will, anyway) with the first part of the mix created. We should limit the songs to a maximum of four or five (to get flavor and style in from each DJ, too short and you won't get enough, too long and it's not enough). After he posts the mix the first person to respond afterwards will get the mix (possibly sent through PM, e-mail, or password protection on the server hosting? Maybe, just ideas), and they will post when they complete it then the next person, etc. And do this for a set amount of time until it's complete.


We get a list of all the people who want to do the mix, randomize the list (with DMS as first, or not doesn't matter) and post it in a new thread in that order. Then do above except just go down the list and send it to that person where they are more likely to see it (PM, post, or e-mail) and continue until it's done.

We need to get it started, or no one will have time for it. Has to be organized in some fashion or it will surely fail, or take forever to complete.
D-tor That first option sounds too first come first serve status...

The second option sounds fun as well, but with holding commitments, the entire project will halt on that one guy on the list.

So I vote for the first option, TheOneNOnly.

DMS, thoughts?
Samination I have my own hosting, but for reliability, Triq's might be better.

4 tracks/dj sounds too much, if we're more than 8 person, if we're atleast going to fit it on a CD (for those who wish to burn it)
djDMS He's not called The one and only for nothing! Thanks for the input mate, might get things moving a little. Be good if we could go with Triq/Sami's original ideas with someone cutting the parts to make downloading/uploading simpler. Think it's time to get a list of DJ's finalised then we can work out how many tracks each we can use.
JayHH86 Agreed. I think if we can't agree on anything else yet - the first step is to establish the number of participants.
Samination djdms should either make a new post, or update OP whenever a new participant has been counted for.

I'm first!
TheOneNOnly To make it clear, how exactly will we do the end of the mix? I'm assuming we do whatever amount of songs (possibly three?) then mix into a fourth but then just let it record the rest of the entire song so whomever comes next can choose where to mix into?
djDMS Yeah, the final song from each person needs to run to the end so the next person has something to work with

Here's a link to the other topic for all to confirm they're taking part -
Blackcrow YES!!


How about I get some rocket.

Another member gets some basil.

Another member gets some lettuce.

Another member gets some tomatoes.

Another member gets some Olive Oil.

Another member gets some Cucumber.

And Another member gets some Balsmamic Vinegar, and then we all (mix) it together into a Nice Salad....which will be fantastic.

:-p :-|)

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