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 Todays Stereotypes (townie, grunger etc)

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
hooverlover what's your opinions of all the stereotypes we get (I'm from the UK) and we get:

Townies/Chavs (called losts of different names in area's of UK, maybe the UK version of the Gabba)

Greebo/Grunger (greebo used to mean biker but now it's just people who listen to rock/metel/punk)

Goths (you know who these are)

Skaters (and these)
Emo's (people who listen to 'emo'tional punk)

Trendies (the name says it all, somtimes these are a variation of a townie but not so bad, they just dress up better)

Ravers (I wouldn't know what to look one if I saw one but in Canada it's easier right? they wear these candy beeds thingies and popular UFO-trousers that are 3 times too big)

If there's one of those stereotypes i HATE, it has to be the Townie/Chav (Ned in Scotland I believe...) it's their attitude I hate - they walk around towns and cities as if they are competing with anyone who eye contacts them, they are UK's number one vermin next to rats (and the flying rats they call pigeons) they also like to cause trouble at raves and hopefuly get kicked out before starting fights. Just to let outside UK people know what they look like - they are all the same. 'Burbery' baseball caps tilted skyhigh at the front, shothair, tracky bottoms (tucked into their socks) and sports clothes, lots of fake gold 'bling' and a pair of rebok classis. saying things like: 'you got 50p mate?' 'don't lie to me boy or i'll kick ya 'ed in and get me big brothers on ya' also like shouting 'oy!' and other stupid things and walk around like they are the kings of the street with their arms swinging out and a wierd sort of limp.

mind you, all these wannabe grungers/skaters that are like 10-14 wearing a blink182 and slipknot hoodies (they might not even know who these bands are but wear them just for the sake of it), walletchains and skatershoes (even tho they probably can't skate) are just as much vermin as the townies.


Hard2Get So it's not the stereotyping you dislike? It's the people that are stereotyped, that you dislike ?:P Though i totally agree with the chav thing, they are complete idiots, and the streets would be much more safe and pleasant without them.

JesterDJ ^^^You really are a very wise minded person hard to get. applause to you.

and yes mate. i know exactly what ru talkin about/ most of those people within that stereotypical gauge piss me off to high heaven, however, there are the very few exceptions.

the thing is though, the only way to distinguish one from from another is to check out their proper personalities; luckily enough though, with proper townies and shit, that can be seen effectivvely straight away.

these people do piss me off and i wish there was something that could be done about them, but at the end of the day, these people are basically just another part of those trendies and thats what pisses me off the most about anyone; people that follow trends, because even if they do like it, if they didn;t know about it in the first place, they would dress like that to begin with, therefore it isn't really their true personalities or attitude to society;music, whatever etc etc....

Always remember; you are unique, just like everyone else

Dave Murray Ned's heh.

Non Educated Delinquent's

Also would be under Townie's / Chav's.

Keep Jumpin Ya Bastard's
djsytronik Jezz I think we have the worst of townies down in Essex big time!! I mean like you said hooverlover, they just want to cause shit with people if someone looks at them, happens all the time down our way. With the grunger thing, I mean of course as you know I used to be in that scene and I would hate it when kids would wear the tops because they have heard one song from Kerrcrap! You know when I was travelling all the way to london to see bands and even play mind you and go see like some band that no one knew and it was like me and like 4 mates moshing, that is something different.

But the townies foook me off big time!!

DJ Sytronik

Global Frequency
Every Monday 8pm-10pm

Drum And Bass N Hardcore In Da Place

clarke101 Chavs i mean how cool do you look with your trackie bottoms tucked into your socks. Fake Burberry hats and those coats that they sell in millets (the ones designed for getting stuck up a hill in the rain)

I wear skate shoes and can't skate so what does that say about me?

Chris B

Venga familia!!!
Excessive CHAV - Council house and violence

If it moves, eat it. If not wait until it does moves and then eat it.
mark shark
Originally posted by hooverlover:

If there's one of those stereotypes i HATE, it has to be the Townie/Chav (Ned in Scotland I believe...) it's their attitude I hate - they walk around towns and cities as if they are competing with anyone who eye contacts them, they are UK's number one vermin next to rats (and the flying rats they call pigeons) they also like to cause trouble at raves and hopefuly get kicked out before starting fights. Just to let outside UK people know what they look like - they are all the same. 'Burbery' baseball caps tilted skyhigh at the front, shothair, tracky bottoms (tucked into their socks) and sports clothes, lots of fake gold 'bling' and a pair of rebok classis. saying things like: 'you got 50p mate?' 'don't lie to me boy or i'll kick ya 'ed in and get me big brothers on ya' also like shouting 'oy!' and other stupid things and walk around like they are the kings of the street with their arms swinging out and a wierd sort of limp.

I totaly agree!!!! My mate summed it up for me at the weekend, A burberry clad beer boy towny started on us and everybody else in the club!!! My mat turned round and said "blees him its not his fault he just hasn't quit evolved yet :-) Joking apart though they do act like mindless animals, they should be shot and fed to the hounds........

A salad a day then gorging at night gives me the most touchably-soft man-boobs.
-- Slippy Jenkins.
mark shark
Originally posted by clarke101:
Chavs i mean how cool do you look with your trackie bottoms tucked into your socks. Fake Burberry hats and those coats that they sell in millets (the ones designed for getting stuck up a hill in the rain)

I wear skate shoes and can't skate so what does that say about me?

that would be unco-ordibnated then :-)

A salad a day then gorging at night gives me the most touchably-soft man-boobs.
-- Slippy Jenkins.
Originally posted by clarke101:
Chavs i mean how cool do you look with your trackie bottoms tucked into your socks. Fake Burberry hats and those coats that they sell in millets (the ones designed for getting stuck up a hill in the rain)

I wear skate shoes and can't skate so what does that say about me?

hahhaa Just told my work mate, very funny indeed...and indeed true

DJ Sytronik

Global Frequency
Every Monday 8pm-10pm

Drum And Bass N Hardcore In Da Place
DarrenJ I dislike goths

I knew a girl who was nice and was a good friend, feel into a group of "vampyres" now she is in self mutalating

Anyway I dont normally judge ppl on there looks

majik majik ninja's whut
Mortis ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Jezz I think we have the worst of townies down in Essex big time!!
I have to disagree, i come from birkenhead (by liverpool), i think we've got the worse out of the whole of GB.

tunnelrush havent heard of the mentioned stereotypes but "Ricers" irritate me the most around here....These guys put stickers all over their cars and place "TYPE R" badges on their car when its very well known that the type R hasnt been seen in the US for a long time. They get huge chrome rims that are heavier than the car and to top it off they get a nasty sounding exhaust that sounds like a lawn-mower.....

or they get a SUPER BIG ASS SPOILER that has no business being on their car....

This one just made me laugh....

<*>WHAT?! Im sorry, I can't hear you cuz my Hardcore's too loud, ur gonna have to shut up!"<*>
clarke101 Over here there called boy racers.

Steps to becoming a boy racer
1. buy the cheapest car you can afford then spen lots of money making it look worse.
2. buy cheap loud speakers and distort the nasty charty rap and r+b
3. drive like a tit, with no care for anyone else.
4. Hang around car parks till late a night looking at other peoples rubbish cars.

ryg0r we call them "wogs"

Originally posted by hooverlover:
what's your opinions of all the stereotypes we get (I'm from the UK) and we get:

Townies/Chavs (called losts of different names in area's of UK, maybe the UK version of the Gabba)

Greebo/Grunger (greebo used to mean biker but now it's just people who listen to rock/metel/punk)

Goths (you know who these are)

Skaters (and these)
Emo's (people who listen to 'emo'tional punk)

Trendies (the name says it all, somtimes these are a variation of a townie but not so bad, they just dress up better)

Ravers (I wouldn't know what to look one if I saw one but in Canada it's easier right? they wear these candy beeds thingies and popular UFO-trousers that are 3 times too big)

If there's one of those stereotypes i HATE, it has to be the Townie/Chav (Ned in Scotland I believe...) it's their attitude I hate - they walk around towns and cities as if they are competing with anyone who eye contacts them, they are UK's number one vermin next to rats (and the flying rats they call pigeons) they also like to cause trouble at raves and hopefuly get kicked out before starting fights. Just to let outside UK people know what they look like - they are all the same. 'Burbery' baseball caps tilted skyhigh at the front, shothair, tracky bottoms (tucked into their socks) and sports clothes, lots of fake gold 'bling' and a pair of rebok classis. saying things like: 'you got 50p mate?' 'don't lie to me boy or i'll kick ya 'ed in and get me big brothers on ya' also like shouting 'oy!' and other stupid things and walk around like they are the kings of the street with their arms swinging out and a wierd sort of limp.

mind you, all these wannabe grungers/skaters that are like 10-14 wearing a blink182 and slipknot hoodies (they might not even know who these bands are but wear them just for the sake of it), walletchains and skatershoes (even tho they probably can't skate) are just as much vermin as the townies.


snap. we got them all! u want townies? cum 2 Belfast m8, it cudnt be any worse!

its funny because its true!!
StrifeII My mates are townies, the gaylords
one said to me today...

"Man, i ordered these phatt trainers last night, nike with burbrey patterns on like, they look f**king sick man"

Laughed in his face.

- Rob / Blasphemy
Originally posted by clarke101:
Over here there called boy racers.

Steps to becoming a boy racer
1. buy the cheapest car you can afford then spen lots of money making it look worse.
2. buy cheap loud speakers and distort the nasty charty rap and r+b
3. drive like a tit, with no care for anyone else.
4. Hang around car parks till late a night looking at other peoples rubbish cars.

Haha, not quite!

Originally posted by clarke101:
Steps to becoming a boy racer
1. buy the cheapest car you can afford then spen lots of money making it look worse.
2. buy cheap loud speakers and distort the nasty charty rap and r+b
3. drive like a tit, with no care for anyone else.
4. Hang around car parks till late a night looking at other peoples rubbish cars.

Rofl! funny cause its true
The pen is mightier than the sword you claim.
Very well, get out your pens essay writers and prepare to have your logic tested by steel.
Stony McTony im friends with like a few ppl from each stereotype there, i dont like em on the whole but u find gooduns sometimes, apart from emo kids................................i hate emo kids, i really really really hate emo kids, i kno a few boyracers who give me lifts n thats ok, u jus gotta ignore wot theyre saying n there fine, jus nod ure head evry so often n think about the weather or something.

Theres nothing wrong with the boat those big holes help keep our feet cool.
B.C i fookin hate neds. i hate how nowadays (similar 2 wen i woz a child) that groups of people think its kool 2 b banned from places and 2 act like a complete nutsack.

The worst place I've been for neds is glasgow-the first time i went on a nite out there a guy got slashed with a machette and then attacked by a dog.

I won't be going back.

"Let's All Get Down!!"
Originally posted by ryg0r:
we call them "wogs"


i call them c*nts

Always remember; you are unique, just like everyone else

Chris B Understand what your saying mate i grew up in glasgow have to admit was quite bad for neds and people wantin to kill you cos of the area you grew up in. Tbh though i've been around a bit now and wouldnt say it's any worse or better than most of the north east, liverpool to birkenhead area and certaintly aint as bad as belfast. Really do think drugs have had a really bad impact on most these areas especially in glasgow which always had a violent reputation but used to be kept between people who chose to live that way. A lotta the younger ones my age dont care who it is anymore could be someone mindin their own business they'll still want to cause them harm, far too stab happy and i've got scars to prove it. Bad though that people cant get on with there normal life cos of nutters like that. Need to think sometimes for every one of these areas that gets a bad reputation there's a lotta really nice people who have to put up with this shit and smackheads etc day by day and make the best of it.

Venga familia!!!
steve O I hav 2 say the north east is quite bad and the spoil the rave scene up here 2.

'I got 99 problems but the 1st division ain't one!!!'
slavetomysoundwave that site is hilarious!!!

farchid if i had to steriotype people like me and my mates. We'd have to be "hardcore heavyweight mash head party people"

..._/-Cummin' up like a 747-\_...
chemically eeeevolved Class A citizen
Leelo1 well if i wanna wear trackies .. i will
if i wanna wear trendie jeans ... i will
if i wanna wear sk8r jeans ...i will

Cos im me dont go into no catagory

be who u wanna b ......
drink wot u wanna drink....
smoke wot ya wanna smoke....

Sall fun!!!!

bulby_g Chavs seem to be spilling out the DnB rooms and into the hardcore ones lately which pisses me off and there is far too many of them about in town/city centres. I hate them there a bunch of twats.

Goths/Skaters tend to be really nice people.

The C.P.V (car park vermin) just make me laugh they drive round and round the same little route looking cool and picking up little girls a third of there age.

Trendies are the most common type of person round where I live usually all nice people havn't heard of something if it's not in the top 40 and wouldn't even give it a chance.

Ravers you can't spot in my opinion (except free party regulers).

The UK version of the gabba is the skinhead.

Mumbles Chavs are like my grandma's leg warmers. Irritating, and not that pleasant to look at. They pollute everything they lay their sovereign ringed fingers. I think they should invent some sport of olympic sport for chavs. How about phone boxing, yep thats right, destroy a phone box in under 45 seconds and retrieve as many 20ps as you can. Anyone else think of any more Chav olympic sports?

My Pants, I can't find my pants. Quick, Somebody lend me their pants!!
Originally posted by Dave Murray:
Ned's heh.

Non Educated Delinquent's

Also would be under Townie's / Chav's.

hehe clever , I like that
Keep Jumpin Ya Bastard's

HaPpY UnBirThDaY WouLd you LiKe soMe TeA??
Excessive Found this:


If it moves, eat it. If not wait until it does moves and then eat it.
How about phone boxing, yep thats right, destroy a phone box in under 45 seconds and retrieve as many 20ps as you can.


It took 2.14 ninja's to process this page!


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