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 Why is Happy Hardcore hated??

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
apc_azmodian_apc Hi I'm new to the genre only about a year of truly understanding what it is. Before it was all techno. I have told people I know that I like happy hardcore and they instantly lose any respect they had for me why is this??? I also would like to know what a candy raver is? thnx peace out yall!

Ryan Thornton
Brian K they loose respect for you because everyone (for the most part) are jaded stuck up wankers because they think their (whatever that may be) music is better than ours. I personally could give a rats' @$$ about these type of people because as we all know, hardcore is the best =P

Every where you go you are going to find people like this. Usually whenver I'll play you'll find people that love it, and people that despise and loathe it. Usually the people that loathe it never really give it a chance in the first place. I've always suggested to these people that they give it a listen, usually they will slof me off, but on occasion i'll get a few heads turned. I personally think that you shouldn't try and foce the idea of them listening to it, because then they will only talk more shit about you =P

Just let people be people, because one thing we are good at is war.

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."
evangelion ^^ Amen!

Midway_raver Ur lucky in the US at least ur scene is growing here in the UK it seems to b small as ever tho Old skool is being played alot now,Sum1 mentioned it on anuva post but what needs to happen is teh big name sneed to start doing hardcore agen (happy hardcore) i.e slipmatt etc, plus helter skelter and teh such liek need to put on more events to kik start teh scene , it feels a bit stagnated even with all the new releases./ Peopel ove rhere seem to lose respect for hardcore cozit aint popular even tho there beloved hard house has more hardcore rips than anything, People also ove rhere se eit as "kids" music n think that when u start growing up u shud liek "seriosu" music liek house or trance n stuff, but as long as theres till events fcuke m i'll go n enjoy myself why they go to there clubs n stand @ the twatin bar all nite "putting out teh vibe" on the pull......n i'll jst av a fcukin gr8 time n laff @ em!

go too the flow where the E wil rush me ooooooohhh Rush me.....e rush me...go to the flow where the e will rush me..rush me nicely.
xxhappyxx its cos it aint ppl obviously cant like a different music 2 their friends...grrr! sumtimes its just not peoples kinda thing which is fair enuff, but sum people are so narrow minded they cant open up their eyes 2 sumthin different, oh well their loss...!:)

go 2 if ya wanna c what a candy raver is! :P

'come fly my child 2 a special place, with angels in the sky, the time has come 2 fly!'
Duckie I dont get it either..i luv happycore its fun and enerjetic..however we are finally starting to get some hardcore representation, i loooove hardcore- and happy hardcore the "happines" to it just makes it fun..ppl are so judgemental of music nowadays...geeze i remember when everyone hated jungle because it wasnt real "big" down here..but now the jungle scene is its gonna take its time but i think eventually hardcore, and happyhardcore will explode in "the scene"...another thing ppl hate about it is that they associate it with candy-ravers, and automaically associate candy kids with e*tards..the drug problem at raves is not because of candy kids..people are going to take drugs wether they want to or not, not because they wear plastic beads..and its not only the candy kids getting messed up at parties..the big problem with the scene is the not understanding other types of music or ppl..and of course the hypocrts out there that need to blame someone or something for the "fall of the scene" sorry but the scene is very much alive for me, and as long as me and my friends are having a kick ass time the scene will always be alive-it is what you make of it..

I always wanted to be a procrastinator...

Keep it real, keep it happy, keep it hardcore..

AIM: Duckie12784
wal2k1 I no it's the same everywhere people need to stop takin it so seriously and realise that if it gets your heart racing it's gotta be a good thing!
Rave on

A smith
infrared wal2k1 you speak my language - i confess i dont play hardcore and mainly listen to drum and bass but its like this nothin gets you heart racing like hardcore does nothing else comes close. the d&b vibe is argueably as good but just totally different more soulful probably, but beleive me as the old sayin goes harcore will never die, it's time has yet to come, especially if things are growin in the states somethin i was totally unaware of,

Lusive For some people the music that they listen to makes them cool.. for whatever reasons. Those people are very scared to listen to new styles (or in this case old styles) and different music. I think if a certain style of music makes you feel great then it doesnt matter if your mates like it or the cool kids that hang out at the local [insert hangout place here] like it.

I have had bad experiences telling people that i like happy hardcore. Especially because everyone knows me in person as a nuskool breakbeat dj so as soon as i mention happy hard not only do they loose respect for me but also assume i couldnt possibly know anything or be an "authority" in the breaks scene.

Another reason being that some people tend to associate the cheesyness with being gay. I feel that even though some happy hardcore is incredibly cheesy its more than just happy vocals.. its the only style that can be fun/cheesy/stupid yet uplifting at the same time.

A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. "Hear that?" you say. "That's dynamite, baby." -Jack Handy
Frompy I might have said this before, somewhere else, but I'll say it again. There are a lot of things that we strive for the "outsiders" of the ENTIRE electronica scene to understand, but first unity must be achieved within.

Lusive very true.

and at the same time you dont really love music if you only (ONLY) like one particular style and that style only.

| A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. "Hear that?" you say. "That's dynamite, baby." -Jack Handy |
kayleigh hey! i know im new on the scene but i totaly agree,wen i first moved to a new town i didnt know about happy hardcore(i was young and all) and i didnt like it ,a few of da lasses here thought i was wierd or suming cos i didnt know of it but i gave it a try and i liked it more and more!! now i cant get enough i luv to sing and would luv to do som work with dj's wen im older i guess wat im tryin to say is sumtimes its different in different places and different upbringings and backrounds like diff things i suppose!!but give it a try its not gonna bite ya is it if ya dont like you daont its that type of music i luv all kinds but this really gets me goin and racin!!

Simon Yeah I dunno why everytime I mention HHC to someone around here they just laugh and try to take the pi*s and half the time if I say to them what is hardcore then they don't have a clue what it is but there also not interested in giving it a listen either. What s wrong with these people?


Originally posted by Sy:
What s wrong with these people?

They suck and they deserve whatever crap they listen to, at least that's what I think

Simon I think your right Lixx.
Your usually right on's forum aren't you!!!!!!


Jaide I think it's funny when I'll talk to a hardcore junglist who tells me they hate happy hardcore..and i tell them I love happy hardcore..and then to watch them laugh..but then i always have to shut them up and explain to them that there's PLENTY of happycore tracks with drum & bass samples in them, happycore and drum & bass are very closely related and fun to mix with...I've yet to have a self proclaimed hardcore junglist argue that fact with me...they ususally just shut up, and walk away..hehe :)

DJ AcidBunE
Founder/Promoter of I-Jam Productions
Simon What you have to tell junglist's is that if it wasn't for hardcore maybe there music would have never even existed!!!


Lixx Actually what you have to tell junglists is that what they're listening to IS hardcore. Jungle is definitely a form of hardcore, same roots, same bpm.

xxxFRIARxxx Well, if I may, deviate from the topic to tell my own personal story on how I got turned onto HHC.

One day this past summer, I'd actually gotten done inhaling some "foggy" air, if you will. I then started to contemplate why I did such a thing. I didn't have the foggiest (sorry for the pun) idea. So, I quit that, cold turkey. Then, about a week later, I decided that I wanted to be happy, since I would have thought of myself as clinically depressed (although probably not) at the time. So, I took my trip over to Best Buy. I immediately went to the dance/techno section only to be greeted by a CD with a bunch of green and yellow smilies on it. (Note, the CD is Happy2BHardcore chapter 4. Best one out there.) I thought to myself "Hey, this CD looks happy. Maybe it will make ME happy!" After the purchase, I instantly put it in my CD player in my car. I was greeted with the theme from "2001: A Space Oddysey". It was a song that I could easily get in tune with, since I've heard it so many times. But then, something happened, the note from the theme just kept repeating, and then, later, a BOOM, BOOM, BOOM was added. I think to myself "Oh yes, here we go..."

This has spread within me a fairly newfound interest in HHC music. One that I think that will never be broken.


The early bird gets the worm.
The second mouse gets the cheese.
DJ Pathfinder why people it "hate" think about the attitute of it and most poeple judge before they listen to it and they even dont want to hear it. that theres problem not mine he he.

You can't see me,because i am the future.
manic There is alot of this sh#t that goes on in Sydney. People think's its too commercial or that they have outgrown happy hardcore or they don't give it a chance. I like all forms of techno, but when I'm peaking I luv to dance to happy hardcore. It has droped off here , but, is slowly picking up with 3 stores now stocking happy hard. A while ago there was only one store stocking happyhard. Yet, it is still not back at the levels it used to be.

" Hardcore is a feeling, not a fashion" DJ Scott Brown
farchid Hey happy hardcore and hated should not be used in the same sentince!

I dont think i know anybody who has no respect for hardcore or it's followers, all people like that are just screws!

..._/-Cummin' up like a 747-\_...
Originally posted by apc_azmodian_apc:
Hi I'm new to the genre only about a year of truly understanding what it is. Before it was all techno. I have told people I know that I like happy hardcore and they instantly lose any respect they had for me why is this??? I also would like to know what a candy raver is? thnx peace out yall!

Ryan Thornton

Happy Hardcore is now a redundant term in the UK, that is because it was famously used to describe vocal focused tracks during 96-98. We use the term Hardcore or UK Hardcore now over here.

Forward to the New School.
M.C Menace Lets put it this way happy hardcore rules thats all there is to it. Fare enogh let people think what they wan't but in the end its what u like and nobody can take that away from you

joltzy Ok heres my opinion (if it matters). People who say bad things about hardcore are just not comfortable with them selves! Example being hardcore has alot of melodic voices and sweet lyrics and sad ones to. There fore mr junglist (or who evere it might be) thinks he wont be excepted if u like something so beautiful as hardcore. Because it might sound girly or be to fun and not dark enough. But what it all boils down to is who they hang with and what they here people say. But to me its all just hardcore and if it makes you happy then why the f-uck not listen to it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BE WHO U WANT TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IF it were gay music why would it be hardcore! AND THATS THAT! JOLTZ

miss-mitzi happy hardcore is only hated by small minded sheep who have on taste in music or clubs or anythin lets face it they just have no sense at all!!! let them b sheep we know the score!!

happy 2 b
Annex I have some minor experiance with this :)
good buddy o mine, luvs his jungle, n his drum n bass... and that's fine :)
but crikey he shakes his fist the the happyhardcore that i love ;)
he just says it's too damn cheesy... which.. is.. sorta fair, but that's part of it that i love ;))

but yeah! i have some friends who have no idea/interest in the rave scene, or any music to do with it, which is fine... but i'll be asked what i like, and i'll be like.. happycore..
and try and describe it.. where i usually stumble around n say something to the effect of.. "upwards of 180 beats per minute, electronic music, with cheesy happy lyrics, with an overall uplifting feel" :)
soooo they get a bit scared by the speed, and such.. and their all "o..k then"

had some of em in my car, driving back from the university the other day, and i FINALLY borrowed an adaptor from don giovanni so i could make tapes from the computer.. (drive a 92 volkswagen passat with the original tape deck heh)

had one girl bouncin around a bit, goin "hey, yeah it's not as bad as i thought it would be"
got another 100% addicted to eyeopener ;)
another guy who was like "yeah this is actually pretty good! i can't really see myself listening to it for any real length of time, but it's enjoyable"
and another one bouncin, and he really quite enjoyed the vocals :))

i was like.. BOO YEAH!
happy core for all :)
much heart warming to see some posative responses, even if their babysteps ;)

Don Giovanni Ah yes the great bashing of other genres...I noticed on this list garage seems to be the genre of choice to bash, dunno why.
Anyway people are passionate about their favourite genre of music. They feel it is best and to show how much better their genre is they feel the need to slam other genres. I think this is incridibly stupid and closed minded to act such a way.
Happycore, though it has similarities to other genres,is somewhat more unique/different. As result it becomes and easy target. Many people complain the about distinctively cheesy ultra happy lyrics, and find the beats even too happy and energetic for them. Y? because they feel the need to hold up some dark or 'sophisticated' image. They think happycore is childish or unintelligent and dismiss it to early. So they make fun of it, then others hear how everyone makes fun of happycore and they do it to, following like sheep (similar to how most people hate candy kids for no reason).
but hey if they don't like it, their loss...just leaves more room for me on the dancefloor when the beats start a pounding :)

'Together united as one indeed, WE ARE THE HARDCORE FAMILY!
Jaide ::singing:: "I don't wanna grow up, i'm a toys r us kid..there's a million toys at toys r us that i can play with, from bikes to trains to video games, the biggest toy store there is, i don't wanna grow up because if i did..i wouldn't be a toys r us kid"..

oops kinda lost sight of the topic there.. haha.. just seemed like that little song fit in well there.. but i could be's been known to happen..

PLUR - People.Look.Ugly.Rollin :)~
Ravers don't fall, they trip and roll

DJ AcidBunE
Founder/Promoter of I-Jam Productions
ceilidh There are two girls at my school who used to really like happy hardcore. They liked it so much that they asked me to burn some CDs for them. I did so, and for the following week, they worshipped me. Just recently I heard them say, and this is an exact quote (I am not swearing because I want to)

"Yeah, we used to do that shit, but now we think it sucks. Now we like stuff that's cool."

I almost walked over to them to demand their reason for this statement, but thought better of it because we were in the middle of PE.

~Yes, I talk to myself. It's the only way I can be sure of having an intelligent conversation.~
DJ Bunnyboi In the states I find a lot of Happy Hardcore hate, especially in Detroit. Infact, in Detroit everyone hates everything. I get a lot of different responces here.

Junglist hate the most. And I usually tell them, that Jungle and Happy Hardcore have the same roots. "They're like brothers!" and they don't like that very much. I don't understand these people, I love jungle and hardcore. Isn't that possible?

Then there are the Detroit Techno people. Who say hardcore is corny and simple minded. They listen to Hawtin/Derrick May/Jaun Atkin/ Aquaviva/Mills etc. They are like poets in coffee shops. Most- a lot of these people are real stuck up and think that because they can listen to Jazanova they are intellects. Again, I love techno and hardcore. Isn't that possible?

There are so many other "groups".

Unfortunalty the michigan junglist, who you can argue with at michigan junglist online.. are real uneducated. Most only know the moonshine dj's (dara deiselboy and ak1200) but are real fast to rip on hardcore. Makes me so mad. Just ask most of them who Zinc/Finn/Blackmarket/Kenny Ken are...

In my opinion most haters are just posers trying to put off some kind of image. They didn't even take the few minutes to listen to the music. Haters suck! Down with the haters!


DJ Bunnyboi Actually I think everyone is a poser. There is no way around it... Damn it. I mean everyone, even me, you. Even my mom. Well everyone but my mom. I'm going to go to sleep now. I don't like to put people in catagories. But damn, sometimes you have too.

farchid Happy hardcore is only hatted by people who dress in black and put white paint on ther faces and hang around in things called pits trying to express their individuality, in other words lame ass people who dont fit in with the normal crowds who get forced to find sociality acting like a retard and jumping up and down on a stage shouting stuff that sounds a bit like WAAAAAGHGHAWFRWAGH!

Thats the way i see em as anyway??

..._/-Cummin' up like a 747-\_...
Brian K ^^
are you talking about mimes? =P

"As punishment for your desertion, it's company policy to give you the plague."
Jaide uh i'm kinda confused..ouuuch i'm in pain

PLUR - People.Look.Ugly.Rollin :)~
Ravers don't fall, they trip and roll

DJ AcidBunE
Founder/Promoter of I-Jam Productions
The_Busta I think some ppl just don't get it. Some think its gay, some think its a form of bubblegum pop. (partially maybe...) but neways ppl with closed minds will never survive in the world of today. its just how it is. We must stay strong.
Peace, Love, UNITY, Respect. Together we triumph.

Come to me and take my hand, lets get up in the sky to the paradise of rave.

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