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 Why some people don't like hhc

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Super_Dragon2 Hmm...That has questioned me for a while.I can go to a techno chat,and I'm the only one that listens to hhc.IMO i would say it's cause they're not down with best,u feeling me on this one? ;)

aznwasian uh huh.


-I can't stop raving...
virus with happy hardcore, you either love it, or you hate it, you just have to associate yourselves with those who love it =)


xxhappyxx well, most people i know havnt even heard of it, im not really sure how i even got in2 it. but even if ppl havnt heard the actual music, they kinda assume that its crap, n where i am, its got a reputation 4 being shite, cos every1 listens 2 limp bizit n stuff like that. every1s 2 narrow minded n they just follow the crowd...but im working on em! but soon its gonna b big n we'll take over the world! (i hope..)!

'come fly my child 2 a special place, with angels in the sky, the time has come 2 fly!'
Super_Dragon2 :) Today,tomorrow the world!
Most techno peeps I know hate hhc :(

Midway_raver We have an invasion of punk's @ the mo too, people don't like hhc coz they feel they shudnt like it coz of the people saying it shit, when they really do liek it just scared to admit it! HARDCORE WILL NEVER DIE!

Ant B
xxhappyxx i kno! wot is up with that!! every1 i kno, has turned in2 sum greebo punk, n they r all obbsessed with limp bizkit n blink 182 n stuff, no1 gives hhc a chance!! grrr

'come fly my child 2 a special place, with angels in the sky, the time has come 2 fly!'
Super_Dragon2 I think it's just punk kids tryin to be hardcore. ^^;;

scifijungle most people haven't even heard of HappyHardcore, like someone else said on this forum, when ppl hear happyhardcore, they think it's some porn or something rude so they don't bother . and another thing,
Ppl in my areas thingk happyhardcore and techno/trance/house/dance music is all the same to them, which i don't think it is, or maybe it is to them?? not 2 sure.

I'm gone sending you outer find another race...
aznwasian i told one of my peeps about and they thaught it was a porn site... lol

-I can't stop raving...
Skeenip I always fgured that people don't like happy cause they rather listen to crap that either makes em feeling like breaking or abusing things (ala punk, rap etc.) or makes em feel like crying cause their gf/bf just dumped them (ala r'n'b). I don't know about everyone else but i'd rather listen to music that just makes me happy and smile, whats wrong with being hapy anyways?. Don't get me wrong though I like all kinds of music just that happy is most preferable.


Scifijungle Said:
Ppl in my areas thingk happyhardcore and techno/trance/house/dance music is all the same to them, which i don't think it is, or maybe it is to the???

if you look at it the other way alot of people think "rock" is just a clump of everything not "techno" . Sub-genre's of music pop up all the time and it's hard to know the differences unless you keep up with the scene.

"...Will there ever come a day, when I can turn around and say, It's alright now..."
Carrie HappyHardcore bashing is quite popular... its true, you either love it or hate it. :)

the smiling face of HaPpY HaRdCoRe
Midway_raver In reply to u all really i have loved this scene for years and im sure many of u have!I spin happy hardocr ein the uk, but some times it hard to be taken seriously as a dj and mc in the hhc scene,people think if u aint in the hard house/trance/ etc game no one shud bother with u!Ignore skill etc! But im here to put a big 2 fingers up @ the sad twatz who judge the music!n say HARDCORE WILL NEVER DIE ! LIEK IT OR LUMP IT

Ant B
silver USED to be a porn site, I didn't run it someone just let the domain name slip hehe :)

I told my mother I run and there was this silence... I told her it's not a porn site and she was happy haha :)
Elation for me, happyhardcore is a way of life, it inspires me, motivates me, makes me smile, it makes me want to hug my friends and sing and dance, sending chills up my spine.

if you dont like happyhardcore...i feel sorry for you that your missing out on such a positive afermation of music.

i myself love all kinds of music. including: 1950's jazz, celtic, beatles, big band from the 1950's. with all the electronic stuff as well. i used to be a skater kid, so growing up all i listened to was punk and hardcore, like circle jerks, snapcase, ignite. i even get off on shit like slayer, and sepultura. ive even had my dose of country music...thanks to my parents.

so all in all, if your not listening to or are completly closed off to happyhardcore, i feel youre missing out on a whole life experience.

the more music you expose yourself to the smarter you will get. i totally believe that.

Edward Yeah! Too right Midway Raver!!!

Alex_In_Wonderland I think that the main problem with happy hardcore is that not many people have really listened to it enough and so follow everyone else when someone bashes it. Because it's not chart music (thank f**k for that) people just dismiss it as rubbish. When I play some of the classic tunes to my friends or anybody they love it. The go with the flow attitude is what brings hardcore down when it comes to public opinion. Oh well, their loss.

FingazMc round here ppl dont like hhc cause pretty much everybody used to listen to it like around 96 97 and they got the image that hhc is just women singin cheesy vocals but its not the newer hardcore is alot more trancey so i reckon if u played sum hhc tunes to em and didnt tell them that it was hhc theyd say they liked it!!!

"Give a man a compilation tape and he will dance for a night teach a man to scratch and he'll be dancin for generations"
Elation i agree with alex in wonderland...people arnt exposed to enough of it to make an educated opinion. alot of the stuff people hear is the crap and then base that experience on the whole scene.

its eaiser to follow then to lead.

i realize happy is cheesy, but thats why i love it...its totaly and completely FEEL GOOD music for the soul. you cant deny the feeling you get when you spin it, so how is that wrong...its not!!!

ive even been shunned as spinning the devils music...what...the...f** that? insperation, love, unity, and uplifting. it dont sound like the devils music to me. now the person that said that to me was a big minimal techno fan...and she thinks happy is the devils, shes got alot to learn.

i just gotta say to all you DJ's out there. never stop spinnin, never let anybodys stupid opinions affect you. you gotta realise people are afraid of what they dont understand. let them wallow in their misunderstandings and be affected by us spinnin hardcore. i know i will...

DJ Mouse i've heard ppl say to me it's too fast to be music,but if you ask me,the faster,ther better,well,up to 180bpm at least

it's like a dream,no end and no beginning...

Edited by - DJ Mouse on 11 Sep 2001 07:16:17
Elation i get that response all the time too DJ Mouse...

i usually say the exact opposite, how can you dance to that slow azz potato house??

sorry, but i think happy is a perfect speed fer keepin me goin. sometimes i get board when the trance is too slow.

Midway_raver BANG ON ELATION!!!!! i spin hhc in the uk and altho the seen very small now i neve rstop spinning!! i love the music and wehen i older and richer gonna produce for it too, liek ised a million times with peeps liek us HARDCORE WILL NEVER DIE. Allt hsi boollox about progressive house etc u cant beet a good pahtt hhc tune to get u, ur mates or a crowd in the mood for a party innit!! Happycore in me 4eva!

Ant B
Mr LoSTiT people mistake happy hardcore for lots of stuff but all i have to say is if they dont know what it is they probably wont like it eatheir they like it or not some people hate because its "too loud" or other stuff like that

i know im alive but why??? my face has been forever sealed behind the mask
Originally posted by silver: USED to be a porn site, I didn't run it someone just let the domain name slip hehe :)

I told my mother I run and there was this silence... I told her it's not a porn site and she was happy haha :)

hey SIlver : is your mum a HappyHardcore Raver ? does she Rave a lot?

I'm gone sending you outer find another race...
==CPX is the most horniest radio station in the WHOLE of Sydney...I LOVE IT!!!==
silver scifijungle: Don't get personal with me you little prick... I own this site, this site belongs to me and I pay for it out of my own pocket, I don't demand respect and I but I expect my users to have at least some. If you are going to act like a wanna be "gang-banger" then I will have to ban you and every other reincarnation of you. I have put up with your shit for the last 6 months and done nothing major about it. I created this site for the all the GOOD hardcore people out there.

Have you ever heard the expression PLUR, you know what it stands for? PEACE, LOVE, UNITY and RESPECT!

LEARN IT! I don't want to police everything. You leave my mother out of this. Why don't you go somewhere else and quit annoying people.
aznwasian lol... don;t be dissing silver and/or his momma, this site occupies about a half of an hour of my day... what would I do without is, something productive?

-I can't stop raving...
Dave-Rayvon I think there are many reasons why people dislike HHC. For a start it is not really "mainstream", as soon as you walk into your local music shop you're bombarded with chart music like "N-sync" and all that cack. Another thing could be that most of the songs are positive, full of descriptions of eternal love and happy-ness. Most songs out there (Especially if it's rap and rock music) seem to deliver lyrics describing hatred, maybe this gives kids the feeling that they're "Bad" listening to this. Most people I have introduced HHC to have loved it, my girlfriend has always got at least one of my CDs.

Elation i agree with that alot (but not all) of RAP and HARDCORE BANDS put out quite a negative and aggressive message. i know that theyre just singin about life struggles and such, but with all the crap we put up with in daily life, i dont want to be reminded of it all. instead i want my music to take me to a place thats wonderful and amazing to forget all the s**ty stuff goin on.

HAPPY HARDCORE does exactly that...and i LOVE it for that reason.

MC RizlaDizla I get a load of people say to me, "how can you like that music, how you suppose to pull, when all your doing is jumping up and down blowing a whistle." I hate that.

"Why dont you mix garage"

Its like, when I'm at a rave I there for 1 reason, and thats the music. Not trying to get my willy wet on the night.

"Oh my goodness, Oh my Gosh. Here we go with a badboy rush".
xxhappyxx i kno its bad that lotsa ppl dont like it or give it a chance, but i think this is better than being majorly commercialised. and i h8 it so much wen ppl say it wud b better if it was slower! wots that about!?

'come fly my child 2 a special place, with angels in the sky, the time has come 2 fly!'

OMG, all my raver friendz always ask me "why do u listen to that HHC crap? don't u like d&b or trance or some shiii?"
it frustratez me soo much that prob. one of the most uplifting and positive genres of music ever created can be sooo overlooked and ridiculed because of people's inability to accept things that are different and not mainstream.
i think people are too scared to say they like HHC due to their lack of self confidence and inability to think for themselves........... LOLOL
i must give a shout out to "DJ DAISY" DA BEST HHC DJ IN ARIZONA :O!!!
------> keep it real , keep it ourz, keep it happyhardcore...... ;)

da kAnDy KiD ;)
Elation i feel that too...kanddy kid...that people are scared or even embarrased to say they like it. i know what its like to have the question pop what do you spin??? and after you say HHC, you get a pause or a change of expression from the other person.
i think it inhibits people and even us (maybe) to say we like it.

just thoughts...hmmm...

damo-disorder spot on elation i get that feelin too u just cant beat it, can u mate?

dj-efeks i dont feel inhibited at all when i tell people i spin hhc and they dont like it, it actually makes me kinda proud =P

...we were taught to believe, that everyone was created equal in the masterplan...
Elation yea, i feel pretty good about tellin people i spin HHC. i know that alot of people are judging HHC on the LITTLE they have actually heard, so i dont really care that people give me the pause or the misunderstood "thats cool". it makes me pretty damn happy to play/spin it and ive seen it change peoples lives (on a low impact scale). i got a good response from alot of people at work too. i used to work in a factory and was able to play my tunes on a radio, so i exposed alot of people to it. some people even wanted a tape. i was known as "the rave guy" there. lol. i notice people that like high energy/dance radio seem to take to it eaisly, i think its cause of the covers that of done that make HHC a good cross over style too.

huggablez420 I'm PROUD to say that I love Happy Hardcore.

I have found that people tend to shy away from Happy Hardcore, simply because it's SOOO happy! Some people I talk to say it gives them a headache, too, because it's too fast.

Where I'm from House and Jungle music rules all, and it's really hard to get people to open up to new genres.

I'm content, though, because those of us that love it will continue to love it, and those who get here late will just have MISSED OUT!

"Open your eyes, see all the love in me..."
Trancehedd Same round here everyones into linkin park etc etc etc but that shits only good if youre depressed or something. HHC isnt all about the music its about experiencing the parties and the atmosphere at them as well but a lot of narrow minded h8ers forget about that. I would much sooner have gone to Helter Skelter just once than spend a week at Rock city or some other goth club. Increase the peace

Lets get together and unite cos nothings going to stop us now
DjGAV The ppl who dont like Happy hard are the ppl who dont know how to dance to it. They are used to the slow as house music, where dancing is just bobbing your head.

Why waste our time with narrow minded

Hardcore should stay underground, with
the true fans... and the true players.
xxhappyxx yuh huh, keep it underground n keep it ours!!

'come fly my child 2 a special place, with angels in the sky, the time has come 2 fly!'
bertybassett i've been into hardcore since i was 16. i'm now 24. i'll tell you why
people don't like hardcore in general. 2 reasons.
1. By defintion it is hard music. None of your woosy garage or house
here. Na, hardcore wears people out. so most like somehting a little
2. now you probably saying what about trance, techno, gabba etc there
hard but people like it. Well folks the main difference between
hardcore and the rest of those hard music is the cheese. there is
entirly too much cheese in hardcore today. which you don't get
anywhere else. well, r'n'b and hiphop are starting to chessy covers
and sample rips.

Don't get me wrong i like hardcore, but most people i know don't like
the cheesy stuff.

DjGAV It could be more of a feminate.
You know, like real men, cant have anything cheesey, or nice and uplifting...
maybe not.

yea, yea, this rocks... or maybe...
No, no dont stop a rocken'
Trancehedd Another reason why people dont like HHC..... they watch too much goddamn telly with all of its silly commercialist ads 4 garage nation volume 62.4 gold edition and smash hits teenybopper kiddy music to get out there and rave. Either that or the whole teenage population is slowly transforming into grebo punks who like being depressed cos it gives them a reason to exist. My advice is to go to a rave and enjoy being happy cos there is jack shit wrong with that at all. Increase the peace (and the tempo)

coming up soon with some hardcore power!
DJ Pathfinder here in holland hhc is out and gabba is a smal scene now nad the media is a one of the main reasons about it.
fist creating and hype and then blew it away with bad publicity. And here there are a lots of people that only flolow the masses. what is in at hte moment.

about me i lisning to house in 1989
first rave in 1992 and the hardcore scene was the sound i liked the most.

i what everybody will say about happy hardcore i will always listen to it..
and olso drum & bass
or aphex twin.

Edited by - DJ Pathfinder on 04 Oct 2001 09:49:19
NightSoul Hardcore Will Never Die

if people dont like it > well thats up 2 them > have they got ears *WOW*

Crazy streamer(¯`·.,* ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.->* *.¸¸.·*(¯`·.¸*¸.·´¯) ¸.·'´¯)* streamers(¯`·.,* ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.->* *.¸¸.·*(¯`·.¸*¸.·´¯) ¸.·'´¯)*red streamers(¯`·.,* ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.->* *.¸¸.·*(¯`·.¸*¸.·´¯) ¸.·'´¯)* green streams(¯Crazy streamer(¯`·.,* ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.->* *.¸¸.·*(¯`·.¸*¸.·´¯) ¸.·'´¯)* streamers(¯`·.,* ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.->* *.¸¸.·*(¯`·.¸*¸.·´¯) ¸.·'´¯)*red streamers(¯`·.,* ¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.->* *.¸¸.·*(¯`·.¸*¸.·´¯) ¸.·'´¯)* green streams(¯

dance till the police come
Elation i think more people would like HHC if it was pushed with some advertising. just imagine how a HHC CD would sell, if it had a commercial behind it...hhhmmm...i wonder.

miss-mitzi every time iv gone on the net to find some hhc it always comes bk as if i wanna find porn .....really anoys me! most of my m8s like garage an drum n bass but they all think shootin star is a class tune sooooo im gettin them into it........

If computer games effected us kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!

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