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 life suckz

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don_simon3000 someone shot me dead please
Originally posted by don_simon3000:
someone shot me dead please

Chin up mate.
don_simon3000 wot use for? they let you work till you get a burnout, docs do nothing besides administrate the status quo, people are so selfish annoying pricks. at university they don't like me cause i am working class still more intelligent, being in excellent shape as well, still no friends.
all i feel atm is very frustrated and depressed.
wong Life's a bitch mate
don_simon3000 i just feel as a honest and nice guy i would deserve better.
latininxtc Oh gawd is this another suicide thread??? Well I'm not gonna make the call this time around!
don_simon3000 well if you always just get put in a corner you will start to think why continue the life that's just normal behavior
Hard2Get Why compromise your own life because of everyone else? **** that. Don't waste your energy on people that aren't worth it anyway, even if that's most people. The only person who is losing out by feeling this way is you. Sounds like you need to live somewhere better.
don_simon3000 yeh just called that helpline and realized that i need to move to the uk but can't because i am short of money.
Originally posted by don_simon3000:
  • at university
  • still more intelligent
  • in excellent shape as well

There you go. Three things you listed yourself that are good.
You're at university, which is a means to a better future. You're more intelligent which helps at uni and you're healthy. I don't know any tips on how to magically make friends I'm afraid. You've got to put on a brave face and grit your teeth and be nice to people. At the same time, you've got to be selfish. You're at university for yourself, and you'll eventually graduate and compete with these people for jobs. Get your qualification with flying colours, and get the better jobs at their expense.
Claxton Exactly what Elipton said. I think you are feeling a bit sorry for yourself when you have every reason to be optimistic about many things.

If you perceive things in a more positive light you are much more likely to be happier. Focus on the positives and work around them. Also, rather than blaming everyone else, perhaps look at what YOU can do to change things you don't like about your life. You are in control!

That might sound a bit blunt and harsh but... and in no way am I trivialising depression, which is a horrible, horrible illness.
AceofSpades_Lorenzo From personal experience; go seek professional help in therapy/counseling(whatever you want to call it) on a normal basis. It'll help you keep your head on straight. It's awesome how helpful it is discussing your problems with a professional who understands things. You'll be surprised on how much it'll help.
The Dopeman you think youve got it bad...don't get me started on half the shit i've been through my whole ****ing life if i was to tell you even a small portion of the shit i've had to go through you would realise how ****ing lucky you are hell you're at uni ffs i would KILL to be at uni (really i would)

in the past couple of years i've had to deal with suicidal thoughts, crippling depression major panick attacks (the kind where you legitimately think you're about to die kind of panic attacks) they have been so severe i sometimes can't leave my house for days on end and have literally become a recluse not to mention living everyday with a mental health problem that dictates everything i do 24hrs a day i lost my aunt and 2 month old nephew in the space of a month and tried to kill myself just before xmas

you think your life sucks give me a ****in break
Ken Masters I suppose the general understanding is to look at the positives in your life & try your best not to focus on the negatives.

You have the power to change your life & grow. Many people aren't so fortunate to be in that position to begin with. There are people out there who dont even get the chance of basic education. With being at Uni the world is yours, grab it & dont waste your chance. Life really is far too short.
Ken Masters .
don_simon3000 i have bipolar disorder, i am seeing 2 docs regulary already. today so far i am feeling much better again. i'm also very sensitive to weather changes, during winter depression kicks in, in summer i am on an up, can go weeks with only 5 hours of sleep and feeling amazing.
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
you think youve got it bad...don't get me started on half the shit i've been through my whole ****ing life if i was to tell you even a small portion of the shit i've had to go through you would realise how ****ing lucky you are hell you're at uni ffs i would KILL to be at uni (really i would)

in the past couple of years i've had to deal with suicidal thoughts, crippling depression major panick attacks (the kind where you legitimately think you're about to die kind of panic attacks) they have been so severe i sometimes can't leave my house for days on end and have literally become a recluse not to mention living everyday with a mental health problem that dictates everything i do 24hrs a day i lost my aunt and 2 month old nephew in the space of a month and tried to kill myself just before xmas

you think your life sucks give me a ****in break

It's not a competition ffs! It's a very common problem, everyone has shit to deal with.
The Dopeman i know it's not but he's kinda making a mountain out of a molehill if you ask me his life doesn't sound too bad it's certainly not as bad as mine seeing as he's a uni n supposedly very smart i know how bad being bi polar since i am myself but coming on a forum and saying "oh my life sucks someone shoot me dead" etc isn't the way to deal with it

if anyone on here is a therapist by all means dole out some therapy

the reason i'm so pissed is if i come on here with a problem i either get shit for my ****in grammar or nobody seems to give a shit but this he comes and says "someone shot me dead" and BOOM!! you're all trying your best to make him feel better etc

if i could give you all a small insight into what i've had to go through the past few years you would certainly look at this a completely different way there are loads of times i could have come on here saying "oh i hate life i want to die" etc but i just got on with life i rarely get any help fromfamily i have a grand total of 2 friends i spend most of my days on my own (with my dog) and i can guarantee if i had come on here and made a post about how shit my life is nobody would give a shit (it's happened before) so forgive me for being realistic


Ken Masters If I seen anyone one here with suicidal tendencies I'd always try my best to help. Ive never had troubles so strong to ever consider it but I almost lost a mate through depression & know just how serious it can be.

That goes for messages as well, if anyone out there does feel that low, get in touch & I'll try & help out.
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
i know it's not but he's kinda making a mountain out of a molehill if you ask me his life doesn't sound too bad it's certainly not as bad as mine seeing as he's a uni n supposedly very smart i know how bad being bi polar since i am myself but coming on a forum and saying "oh my life sucks someone shoot me dead" etc isn't the way to deal with it

if anyone on here is a therapist by all means dole out some therapy

the reason i'm so pissed is if i come on here with a problem i either get shit for my ****in grammar or nobody seems to give a shit but this he comes and says "someone shot me dead" and BOOM!! you're all trying your best to make him feel better etc

if i could give you all a small insight into what i've had to go through the past few years you would certainly look at this a completely different way there are loads of times i could have come on here saying "oh i hate life i want to die" etc but i just got on with life i rarely get any help fromfamily i have a grand total of 2 friends i spend most of my days on my own (with my dog) and i can guarantee if i had come on here and made a post about how shit my life is nobody would give a shit (it's happened before) so forgive me for being realistic


You don't need to be center of attention all the time.

Everyone has their issues, and some scale differently for other people. Either way, if someone's unhappy and they use a hhc as a domain to vent, we listen. I don't think there's much basis for your assumption that if you were unhappy no one would care.

If you think we'd give you a hard time for feeling down, why do you remain in this little web-community if you think so little of us?
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
i know it's not but he's kinda making a mountain out of a molehill if you ask me his life doesn't sound too bad it's certainly not as bad as mine seeing as he's a uni n supposedly very smart i know how bad being bi polar since i am myself but coming on a forum and saying "oh my life sucks someone shoot me dead" etc isn't the way to deal with it

if anyone on here is a therapist by all means dole out some therapy

the reason i'm so pissed is if i come on here with a problem i either get shit for my ****in grammar or nobody seems to give a shit but this he comes and says "someone shot me dead" and BOOM!! you're all trying your best to make him feel better etc

if i could give you all a small insight into what i've had to go through the past few years you would certainly look at this a completely different way there are loads of times i could have come on here saying "oh i hate life i want to die" etc but i just got on with life i rarely get any help fromfamily i have a grand total of 2 friends i spend most of my days on my own (with my dog) and i can guarantee if i had come on here and made a post about how shit my life is nobody would give a shit (it's happened before) so forgive me for being realistic


I'm sorry you've had such a difficult time, and that you feel that people haven't listened to you. I can speak from experience that if someone needs support, telling them to buck up and deal with it can often lead to the opposite with potentially catastrophic consequences.

To Don Simon - I hope you're having a better day. I can't guarantee things will be better after university, but find the things you enjoy doing and make sure you always keep them in your life. A crap job with crap people is ok as long as you have that little bit of light at the end of the tunnel.
Originally posted by Maggers:
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
i know it's not but he's kinda making a mountain out of a molehill if you ask me his life doesn't sound too bad it's certainly not as bad as mine seeing as he's a uni n supposedly very smart i know how bad being bi polar since i am myself but coming on a forum and saying "oh my life sucks someone shoot me dead" etc isn't the way to deal with it

if anyone on here is a therapist by all means dole out some therapy

the reason i'm so pissed is if i come on here with a problem i either get shit for my ****in grammar or nobody seems to give a shit but this he comes and says "someone shot me dead" and BOOM!! you're all trying your best to make him feel better etc

if i could give you all a small insight into what i've had to go through the past few years you would certainly look at this a completely different way there are loads of times i could have come on here saying "oh i hate life i want to die" etc but i just got on with life i rarely get any help fromfamily i have a grand total of 2 friends i spend most of my days on my own (with my dog) and i can guarantee if i had come on here and made a post about how shit my life is nobody would give a shit (it's happened before) so forgive me for being realistic


I'm sorry you've had such a difficult time, and that you feel that people haven't listened to you. I can speak from experience that if someone needs support, telling them to buck up and deal with it can often lead to the opposite with potentially catastrophic consequences.

To Don Simon - I hope you're having a better day. I can't guarantee things will be better after university, but find the things you enjoy doing and make sure you always keep them in your life. A crap job with crap people is ok as long as you have that little bit of light at the end of the tunnel.

Yeah i think the key here is good friends (not just people you know that you call friends) because they are your support system. Even without actually talking to them, knowing they exist is a big thing. Generally humans don't do too well without this. So if you don't have good friends but you do have to interact with a lot of dicks on a daily basis then that's going to make things pretty daunting but just remember that that isn't an accurate representation of all life.
The Dopeman
Originally posted by Elipton:

You don't need to be center of attention all the time.

i don't think i do

the fact is i've been through more shit in my life than anyone else on this forum i've been on the verge of death 4 times (twice due to failed suicide attempts) plus he hasn't given any real insight into why he wants to end his life and from what he's said i really don't see why he needs to end it he's at uni, he's smart, he's fit and healthy and that's all you really need in life having no friends shouldn't be a problem imo sure it's nice to have friends but it's not a necessity in life

i'll have to deal with depression for the rest of my life since it's one of the symptoms of my disability plus being diagnosed as bi polar in the last year doesn't really help me out that much but i look at it in the sense that it's all a state of mind and it can't hurt you unless you allow it to

i really should be dead after some of the things i've been through and done to myself over the years so maybe i'm stronger than most people i don't know but i do know that doctors and the help/medication they can provide along with advice from others be it family, friends or randoms on the internet can only do so much the rest is upto you you just have to keep your mind focused on why it's better not ending your life
Originally posted by The Dopeman:

the fact is i've been through more shit in my life than anyone else on this forum

it's not fact, you've got no idea what others here have gone through
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
Originally posted by Elipton:

You don't need to be center of attention all the time.

i don't think i do

the fact is i've been through more shit in my life than anyone else on this forum i've been on the verge of death 4 times (twice due to failed suicide attempts) plus he hasn't given any real insight into why he wants to end his life and from what he's said i really don't see why he needs to end it he's at uni, he's smart, he's fit and healthy and that's all you really need in life having no friends shouldn't be a problem imo sure it's nice to have friends but it's not a necessity in life

i'll have to deal with depression for the rest of my life since it's one of the symptoms of my disability plus being diagnosed as bi polar in the last year doesn't really help me out that much but i look at it in the sense that it's all a state of mind and it can't hurt you unless you allow it to

i really should be dead after some of the things i've been through and done to myself over the years so maybe i'm stronger than most people i don't know but i do know that doctors and the help/medication they can provide along with advice from others be it family, friends or randoms on the internet can only do so much the rest is upto you you just have to keep your mind focused on why it's better not ending your life

What you've been through has no relevance here. No one's comparing you to him, only you are. You think you're stronger for what you've been through? All your posts have been kicking a man while he's down.

No one should have to go through 2 suicide attempts before they're allowed to seek help from people or open up about their problems. don_simon is perfectly entitled to open up, and you are directly in the wrong for some of the things you've said. I had a lot of respect for the way you hadn't your disability, but that respect has gone out of the window.

You have bi polar and you've suffered with what simon's described, so I can't understand why you cant use your experience with it and with depression to stop someone else from having to experience it or trying something as radical as suicide.. What you've done instead, by saying - in effect - 'shut up and stop complaining, my problems are worse' is actually quite spiteful and you're only going to make him feel worse. I don't respect that at all.
The Dopeman
Originally posted by Elipton:
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
Originally posted by Elipton:

You don't need to be center of attention all the time.

i don't think i do

the fact is i've been through more shit in my life than anyone else on this forum i've been on the verge of death 4 times (twice due to failed suicide attempts) plus he hasn't given any real insight into why he wants to end his life and from what he's said i really don't see why he needs to end it he's at uni, he's smart, he's fit and healthy and that's all you really need in life having no friends shouldn't be a problem imo sure it's nice to have friends but it's not a necessity in life

i'll have to deal with depression for the rest of my life since it's one of the symptoms of my disability plus being diagnosed as bi polar in the last year doesn't really help me out that much but i look at it in the sense that it's all a state of mind and it can't hurt you unless you allow it to

i really should be dead after some of the things i've been through and done to myself over the years so maybe i'm stronger than most people i don't know but i do know that doctors and the help/medication they can provide along with advice from others be it family, friends or randoms on the internet can only do so much the rest is upto you you just have to keep your mind focused on why it's better not ending your life

What you've been through has no relevance here. No one's comparing you to him, only you are. You think you're stronger for what you've been through? All your posts have been kicking a man while he's down.

No one should have to go through 2 suicide attempts before they're allowed to seek help from people or open up about their problems. don_simon is perfectly entitled to open up, and you are directly in the wrong for some of the things you've said. I had a lot of respect for the way you hadn't your disability, but that respect has gone out of the window.

You have bi polar and you've suffered with what simon's described, so I can't understand why you cant use your experience with it and with depression to stop someone else from having to experience it or trying something as radical as suicide.. What you've done instead, by saying - in effect - 'shut up and stop complaining, my problems are worse' is actually quite spiteful and you're only going to make him feel worse. I don't respect that at all.

oh i'm so upset i'll have to get a big tub of ice cream and watch a chick flick after what you've just said :(
The Dopeman
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
Originally posted by Elipton:

You don't need to be center of attention all the time.

i don't think i do

the fact is i've been through more shit in my life than anyone else on this forum i've been on the verge of death 4 times (twice due to failed suicide attempts) plus he hasn't given any real insight into why he wants to end his life and from what he's said i really don't see why he needs to end it he's at uni, he's smart, he's fit and healthy and that's all you really need in life having no friends shouldn't be a problem imo sure it's nice to have friends but it's not a necessity in life

i'll have to deal with depression for the rest of my life since it's one of the symptoms of my disability plus being diagnosed as bi polar in the last year doesn't really help me out that much but i look at it in the sense that it's all a state of mind and it can't hurt you unless you allow it to

i really should be dead after some of the things i've been through and done to myself over the years so maybe i'm stronger than most people i don't know but i do know that doctors and the help/medication they can provide along with advice from others be it family, friends or randoms on the internet can only do so much the rest is upto you you just have to keep your mind focused on why it's better not ending your life

stewart this better ****in no be you ya stupid little **** if it is you're gettin the shit kicked out eh yi ya ****in wee trout
The Dopeman you get what you give willy you gave me shit for the mistakes i made you made a mistake by logging in on my laptop and not logging out so **** you you call me a deranged psyco so i'm making you look like one i have your facebook too :p
The Dopeman
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
Originally posted by Elipton:

You don't need to be center of attention all the time.

i don't think i do

the fact is i've been through more shit in my life than anyone else on this forum i've been on the verge of death 4 times (twice due to failed suicide attempts) plus he hasn't given any real insight into why he wants to end his life and from what he's said i really don't see why he needs to end it he's at uni, he's smart, he's fit and healthy and that's all you really need in life having no friends shouldn't be a problem imo sure it's nice to have friends but it's not a necessity in life

i'll have to deal with depression for the rest of my life since it's one of the symptoms of my disability plus being diagnosed as bi polar in the last year doesn't really help me out that much but i look at it in the sense that it's all a state of mind and it can't hurt you unless you allow it to

i really should be dead after some of the things i've been through and done to myself over the years so maybe i'm stronger than most people i don't know but i do know that doctors and the help/medication they can provide along with advice from others be it family, friends or randoms on the internet can only do so much the rest is upto you you just have to keep your mind focused on why it's better not ending your life

ok i know this defo wasn't me because of the fact i've never tried to commit suicide and i'm not bi polar

and although i have been through quite a lot of bad things in my life i would never talk about them on a forum of all places

i've pm'd silver about changing my pw hopefully this will happen asap

@ don_simon3000 don't take any of this to heart mate talk to your doctor and get some help i've been in the same position i'm just lucky i had my family there to help when i felt as low as shit

to everyone else i apologize for this shit and it's being dealt with if it is who i think it is then he's a known troll and it kinda is my fault since i logged in on his computer to upload n post my track on here as mine is now being repaired atm
Claxton Mods: delete this thread!
Originally posted by Claxton:
Mods: delete this thread!

Now why would we want that when it's starting to get juicy???
Hard2Get I'm sure Silver can see what IP the messages were sent from. Lol
The Dopeman
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I'm sure Silver can see what IP the messages were sent from. Lol

he could probably fake that aswell he managed to get into my webcam last month hell he even somehow managed to take music off my ps3 and put it on his pc he actually did manage to get on my fb lucky for me it was an old profile i can't remember the password for so i don't know how the hell he got it he's been putting up videos of dogs being electrocuted n shit he finds it funny thats the ****ed up thing

all this because i told him to grow up and sort his life out
Originally posted by The Dopeman:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I'm sure Silver can see what IP the messages were sent from. Lol

he could probably fake that aswell he managed to get into my webcam last month hell he even somehow managed to take music off my ps3 and put it on his pc he actually did manage to get on my fb lucky for me it was an old profile i can't remember the password for so i don't know how the hell he got it he's been putting up videos of dogs being electrocuted n shit he finds it funny thats the ****ed up thing

all this because i told him to grow up and sort his life out

Didn't this happen to you at least once already??? Sounds like you need to change your passwords to everything AND not have it all saved or remembered on any of your devices, not even email address or screenames.
The Dopeman i changed my password for here it's happened twice once by my cousin n my sister somehow managed to find out my fb password i might actually do that but keep them written down in a notebad i have a shit memory when it comes to passwords
whispering The posts are coming from the same IP. Can other people use the same internet connection as you?
The Dopeman i don't think so he lives in the same block asme so can he use my internet then? there are 2 other networks that say unsecured when i click to connect to my internet so how can i check to make sure mine is or isn't because he's changed my fb password aswell and he's deleted all my youtube videos too

my facebooks gone too

right just figured out i connected to my broadband on his computer and i can't remember if i unchecked connect automatically so can he use my internet and how do i stop that? i'm getting seriously pissed off right now i thought he just changed my fb pw but he's deactivated my account since i just text a friend to check my fb page and all my yt videos are gone too do i need to phone BT can they do anything i've been on google but don't know what i should be looking for
silver change your wifi password, change all your passwords, he might have installed a key logger / remote controller on your computer and is posting from your computer, run a spyware / virus scan as well
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by Claxton:
Mods: delete this thread!

don_simon3000 why did my thread got this much hijacked?

talking to the docs is proper annoying though, finally since 2 days they additionally to trittico gave me cymbalta as well.
raindancerob .

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