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 **NEW FREE** SCOTT DEVOTION EP & 9 more freebies..

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Well it has been a long time since I have posted on this site. It is good to see some of the old faces that I used to chat with are still on here and people whom used to tune into the radio shows I did on the HH.COM radio station. Hope your all doing good, give me a shout, it would be nice to catch up with you.

Anyway, just to let you know that I have made a sound cloud page, a place really to have some of my tracks and mixes in one place and thank you to some of you on here whom provided me some of my mixes from the past that I had lost. Thank you very much for your time n providing them for me and even more actually listening to them back then. The following will be on the page:

*Older tracks/releases - FREE DOWNLOADS of them and if demand there I'll make all FREE.
*More recent tracks that were on labels and are available to listen to and I may make FREE.
*Mixes - I will be uploading mixes from 1996 - 2010 so stuff for everyone, these will be D/L ready. Event mixes, radio mixes, studio mixes.

* I will also be adding some unreleased newer tracks. So I hope you like the stuff going up in the coming days/weeks and if I get enough requests/follows I will be sure to add the rest on FREE if anyone is liking them.

Please visit the following link TO SOUNDCLOUD and follow me if you can and check out some of the tracks and mixes. I will send out updates with new links to D/L unreleased tracks. I hope you like them and they serve a purpose. I also will have plenty of mixes form 1996-2010 for those who like the memories.

First FREE release is available to D/L on my sound cloud page, please feel free follow, comment, abuse, D/L

Devoted Recordings - Back to the old skool EP - Scott Devotion

Free Download - Devoted Recordings - Scott Devotion - Positive Energy - Feat Fraz on vocals
Free Download - Devoted Recordings - Scott Devotion - Sometimes
Free Download - Devoted Recordings - Scott Devotion & Airtight Remix of DJ Lord's, Original Dangerous

These tracks were due on my label a while ago but I got side tracked with other music works and other stuff and well 3 and half years later here they are. I just thought, rather than leave them on the hard drive, someone might want them, even if it is just once person, it will be better than wasting them totally.

Thanks very much for reading and I hope there is something on the page you may like, it's nothing amazing but as said before it would be good to hear from you guy's I used to speak to on here.

Much Respect
DJ_FunDaBounce Aww yeah! I still listen to your March 2008 showcase mix every now and then. Truly inspiring stuff back then and really a sound I've not yet outgrown. Thanx for the tracks! :D
Triquatra Awesome! Thank you! :) Sometimes and Positive energy are fantastic!!
Warnman Now if this ain't good news...
maddkid53 Great stuff!
Mad Max Thanks mate.

djchexmixer Aw yea! Many thanks!
Originally posted by DJ_FunDaBounce:
Aww yeah! I still listen to your March 2008 showcase mix every now and then. Truly inspiring stuff back then and really a sound I've not yet outgrown. Thanx for the tracks! :D

Thank you mate for the upload mix you gave me, I had lost this mix, one of a few. I will be adding these on the the Sound cloud page soon, lots of my old mixes from events to studio mixes and live radio shows, with out no MC's. Thank you for the kind words, I have had alot of messages from people I used to speak to and it is great to chat to you again. I dont think I will be returning to hardcore unless the demand is there (I very much dout people now like the style of tracks I make with old skool fills and olds kool theme. Listening now I think the music has gone backward to when I last heard a hardcore track in 2010 but that is my opinion, to others its amazing, thats music for ya:) I just persoanlly dont like it and I am in my 30's so feel a bit old compared to the kids out raving, my mates would take the piss big time lol.

If I was to make hardcore again it would be re introduction of the hardcore kick the tuffer kick that would add values to the sound again but retain a new format around that.

Mad Max - your a legend, how are you mate, I hope your doing well.

Shout to all for taking an interest, I think I may add some more new bits soon if the interest is there. Keep spreading the word of the free tracks.


wong I hope u do decide to make hardcore again
Bad Corey Your tracks are all fantastic. Never caught your EP when it came out but I just went and bought it. Hope you come back, this sort of sound is making a resurgence.
Originally posted by Bad Corey:
Your tracks are all fantastic. Never caught your EP when it came out but I just went and bought it. Hope you come back, this sort of sound is making a resurgence.

Hi mate, thank you for the kind comments. I just wanted to reach a few people with my tracks, some were old works I had not released and some were fresh material. I released the EP on my Devoted label last week as it was due out a while ago but I just feel out the scene and ended up not liking anything about it at all and after looking at it agian now, I still feel the same. But I wanted to get them out as I knew some people were chasing me down for them.

I have a bunch of new tracks coming very soon, each week a new release will be on the label, so keep checking back. These will all be FREE on the Devoted Recordings label and I hope someone out there likes them and gets some pleasure.

I wont be taking part in the hardcore scene, I just dont like the scene anymore and I am past mid 30's so feel a little old for this style of music now. But there still a few people pushing on in the music and trying dam hard :)

I make DnB and other types of music, that takes up 100% of my music time and the rewards are far greater and the feeling your music is being played by so many more people is satisfying. Watch out for the tracks coming FREE I have a fair few. Please leave me your comments on the SC page.


Ph33rViper Hey Scott, nice to see your face around here. Yep, I'm still here and won't be leaving.

I just wish that Andy Myers would show up around here. Silly old chap he is.

I cannot express how awesome Positive Energy really is.

Nice analog warmth sound to it. That what I miss about UK Hardcore Productions.

If you could, it would be great to see if you could upload the free tracks as WAV which I have noticed you have done with Sometimes and Original Dangerous. Having Positive Energy as WAV would be epic too.

In my dreams feat. Jelly baby - I have not heard this track in years. I remember when she was doing sets live herself.

I know people are sadly getting over UK Hardcore these days and sadly I am one of them. Trance is where it is at these days for me. The Trancier side of hardcore around 10 years ago was nothing short of fantastic.

I still have some of your mixes on my hard drives.

Lastly, whats your email address?


P.S Nothing will beat the epicness of the UK hardcore Show. It would be awesome if you teamed up with Andy again for one last UK Hardcore Show + I would happily be a guest :P
Mad Max All good here Scott glad you are well.

Maybe making some breakbeat hardcore will rekindle your love ;)
Originally posted by Mad Max:
All good here Scott glad you are well.

Maybe making some breakbeat hardcore will re-kindle your love ;)

Hi mate, Glad your well, I will drop you a PM and have to catch up. I not spoken or heard anything about the hardcore scene since 2010 and seems like alot of the people we new have moved on an I just gobsmacked to see so many web sites gone, but HH.COM still standing firm, that is good.

Mate, not enough people would like the music I make with old skool in it, it's all girlie love vocals and the same old routine. I tried but you just get no where with it in hardcore, I make dnb and the acceptance of using oldskool values and new ideas is brilliant, its beacuse the scene is full of old skool heads, people that been into it from day DOT!!!

You still playing freeform?
DJ SCOTT DEVOTION The sun is out here in th UK, so I thought I would mention these three tracks again.

3x sunshine happy oldskool feeling hardcore with pianos.

Also I have a Few more tracks featuring Andy L going up in the next few days for FREE download. As well as more mixes which have been added.

DJ SCOTT DEVOTION Hi mate, sorry never got back to you, I have PM you.

If you can send em some of the mixes you have that would be great, thank you for your time.

Yeah, I am glad you like positive energy and the sounds, there bouncy and punchy old skool flavour in sound, not to everyone's taste but something I liked to do when making hardcore. I may make a batch more up to date ones I dot no, not really liking hardcore music since 2010 at all and I don't think people on mass like the old skool vibes I put in, I dunno, I am well out of touch with hardcore, moved on. Not really sure I want to be associated with it any more.

Speak soon mate and I hope you are well, I will fire some unreleased bits over I have tons of unreleased newer bits but not sure if to put em out now.

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