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 Australia With Force | Back Catalogue Now Free

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
_Jay_ Sup girls.

"Hey everyone,

It still seems like just the other day that i started up my own Hardcore label called ?Australia with Force?. The label officially began with it?s 1st release on the 27th of February 2009, and concluded on it?s 50th release on the 28th of December, 2010 ? almost 2 and a half years ago now.

My intentions were to provide a solid outlet to display a brewing congregation of talented Australian producers, and in turn, showcase to the rest of the world our sound.

The material is un-available to purchase now, and has been for quite some time. In the past few years, I?ve received many messages and e-mails asking where to purchase certain releases from the label. So rather than let all these releases we have all worked so hard for sit beneath dust, hidden from the world, the entire label, ?Australia with Force?, (consisting of 50 releases and 94 tracks in total), is now freely and readily available to download.

Jamie has very kindly offered to host these tracks on Hardcore Highlights, Thanks Jamie! On that note, here they all are. Please feel free to share them with your friends, and so on. I hope I attract some new fans to Hardcore at the same time.

Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy the music!



Beeferchiefer Wowsa! Excellent news, how kind to put them up for free. And well done Jay for such a great collaboration with the label!
_Jay_ No wozza's mate! Really glad to be able to help out!
wong downloading now. thank you please
DJ_FunDaBounce I think that this is the best thing for the AWF back catalog. Was afraid the massive impact AWF had on the scene would no longer be felt after the removal of imodownload. Thank you, Jamie for hosting. And thank you James "Starstruck" and all involved in AWF for the memories.
djchexmixer Wow, many thanks James.

And thanks _Jay_!
_Jay_ Generosity like James' does make me wonder if other people/label owners might be receptive to doing similar things with defunct labels and catalogues of tracks.

Originally posted by DJ_FunDaBounce:
Was afraid the massive impact AWF had on the scene would no longer be felt after the removal of imodownload.

thank you James "Starstruck" and all involved in AWF for the memories.

Couldn't agree more!

Hope everyone's getting stuck in. There shouldn't be, but if anyone has any problems with the downloads, please do let me know!
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Generosity like James' does make me wonder if other people/label owners might be receptive to doing similar things with defunct labels and catalogues of tracks.

Originally posted by DJ_FunDaBounce:
Was afraid the massive impact AWF had on the scene would no longer be felt after the removal of imodownload.

thank you James "Starstruck" and all involved in AWF for the memories.

Couldn't agree more!

Hope everyone's getting stuck in. There shouldn't be, but if anyone has any problems with the downloads, please do let me know!

Only other guy I have seen do this is Scott Majestik, who released his label Higher Order in WAV format too. Sadly I never managed to download them all
Simon Grabbing these, thanks to both the J's
Ken Masters Wow, very generous! Thanks :)
Ken Masters For some reason i'm having trouble downloading Jay?

All I seem to get is a blank screen when I click the download buttons & when I save target as it's saying there's a server error.

Tried on a couple of browsers aswell. It could just be me but figured i'd mention it incase anyone else has trouble.
_Jay_ Cheers for mentioning it, Ken.

One other guy was having trouble this morning, as well. I tried it myself and also got the server failed error message. Tried it ten minutes later and it was okay.

I'm pretty sure it's where multiple people are trying to download the same file. Normally that's not a problem, because the file is downloaded in a couple of seconds (single track or EP), but where it's 1.11GB, it's taking people a fair while to get it downloaded, and people trying simultaneously are getting that error message.

I think, annoyingly, it's just going to be a case of waiting and trying again mate. Sorry!

Edit: I'm going to try sort a couple of alternative links!
Simon I downloaded it this morning, about 5 minutes after I posted (above) and it was pretty smooth, no problems detected whatsoever and all downloaded in 15minutes.
_Jay_ Super, cheers Simon. :-)

Hopefully that's the case for most people!
Ken Masters No worries Jay, looks like i'm getting it now with the new links. This could take a while! ha!
djchexmixer Ah, man. So many wicked tunes... managed to get most of these back when they were for sale.

Thanks again for sharing your entire label. And everyone else for the hard work of sharing and hosting. This made my week.

That remix of Tetris, so so sick. Haha, I've played that tune so many times.
Originally posted by Ken Masters:
For some reason i'm having trouble downloading Jay?

All I seem to get is a blank screen when I click the download buttons & when I save target as it's saying there's a server error.

Tried on a couple of browsers aswell. It could just be me but figured i'd mention it incase anyone else has trouble.

i had same problem. i just right clicked > save link as. did the trick
scottyd2k9 THANK YOU!!!!
Starstruck Thank-you Jamie you legend, and thank-you to every single person who took the short time to download this piece of work that myself, and all artists involved are all very proud of. I met a lot of amazing and talented people through out this time, and it's full of great memories.

Incase you didn't catch it on the Hardcore Highlights page, here is the discogs link for Australia with Force, which may be a helpful reference.

Please feel free to share this with your friends and so forth. I really want as many people as possible to hear it - and hopefully with this - introduce some new people to hardcore, which I myself, came across by mistake at the age of 13 or so.

If anyone wishes to get in touch with me to discuss anything further, feel very welcome to add me on facebook, I don't use my old australia with force email anymore.

Thank-you all again.

Mad Max Wow thanks :D
_Jay_ Had a colossal surge in downloads today. Has anyone seen this promoted over Twitter or Facebook at all, by someone relatively big?
wong Seen s3rl and saiyan advertise it this morning, So u will probably get a load more downloads today
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Had a colossal surge in downloads today. Has anyone seen this promoted over Twitter or Facebook at all, by someone relatively big?

Cotts posted it on his facebook, also it is top page here :)
Starstruck Thank-you very much Cotts and Silver. I spoke to Jole earlier today and he was very happy to spread word among his fan-base. Here's hoping these tracks reach as many people as possible :).
djDMS That's massive!
Big thanks to Starstruck, and Jay - that's another feather in your already overflowing cap mate.
Originally posted by silver:
Cotts posted it on his facebook, also it is top page here :)

That explains yesterday's surge!

Originally posted by wong:
Seen s3rl and saiyan advertise it this morning, So u will probably get a load more downloads today

That explains today's surge!

Originally posted by djDMS:
That's massive!
Big thanks to Starstruck, and Jay - that's another feather in your already overflowing cap mate.

No idea what that expression means, but thanks?!
Originally posted by _Jay_:
Originally posted by djDMS:
That's massive!
Big thanks to Starstruck, and Jay - that's another feather in your already overflowing cap mate.

No idea what that expression means, but thanks?!

A feather in your cap

Definition ? an achievement to be proud of

DjZelous Im getting "Link appears to be broken" Message. :(
_Jay_ Can't see a reason why it would be saying that for you. Works fine for me, and have had several hundred downloads in the last 24 hours. Just a case of trying again later, mebbeh?
Future_Shock Even though i look back on my part of AWF and realise that it was mostly a steaming pile of wank... We seem to think it was good at the time... Or james just saw something I didn't. Always sees the positive that guy.

As far as producing music goes AWF was the greatest time of my life. Glad to see the actual good tracks see the light of day for free :)

I don't produce music any more really so AWF was pretty much the last thing i was involved in and an was an honour to be involved in it!

I still remember when James was a new producer (terrible i might add - James PLEASE try to find 'generator' it would be awesome to see it again) and then i remember when he surpassed me. Then i was calling him for advice. He'll go on to do some awesome things.

Sorry for getting sentimental. It was just good times. On the D/L now.
nantk you guys james and starstruck are legends, nothing more to say
Dogsy Thanks guys. So many gems on the label :)
_Jay_ 2,186 downloads, so far. That includes individual tracks and big .rar files as well.

I'm sure there's still plenty more people out there that would appreciate these tracks. Hopefully they'll come across them one day! :-)
Samination I've downloaded this. Much of it where never really my stuff, but I can put up a mirror of it on my website if needed :)
Originally posted by Andy_Influx:
Even though i look back on my part of AWF and realise that it was mostly a steaming pile of wank... We seem to think it was good at the time... Or james just saw something I didn't. Always sees the positive that guy.

As far as producing music goes AWF was the greatest time of my life. Glad to see the actual good tracks see the light of day for free :)

I don't produce music any more really so AWF was pretty much the last thing i was involved in and an was an honour to be involved in it!

I still remember when James was a new producer (terrible i might add - James PLEASE try to find 'generator' it would be awesome to see it again) and then i remember when he surpassed me. Then i was calling him for advice. He'll go on to do some awesome things.

Sorry for getting sentimental. It was just good times. On the D/L now.

Thanks a lot Andy, it was great having you on board.

I think i deleted that piece of shit, along with all my early stuff too, haha, no chance!

Something like 3,000+ downloads now. It'll be there forever (unless my drinking gets out of control and I go bankrupt and can't afford the MediaFire subscription) so hopefully there's a whole swathe of people out there that will discover it in the future.


4,000+. Gotta be more than 4,000 Cheese Heads out there, surely?

Bad Corey Cheese Heads is a colloquial term for people from Wisconsin (dairy farmers), so yeah, there's loads. :P

lol!! Would you believe me if I said I knew that?

Impulse_Response I just downloaded the AWF mega-pack and the AWFFREE pack. Thanks for hosting these!

Nice! No worries at all mate. :-)

Raging some good songs on there(have a few already),downloading the lot now,good stuff guys.

Elipton These are still available, and should be downloaded.
Samination In case there are any problems, I uploaded them to my google drive to. These might be slightly modified (re-tagged), but the audio is untouched.

Edit: link does not work any more, see new link below
Samination Apparently Google's done something that makes some links require a gmail/google drive accoutn.
this link should work without having to sign in:
Si Thompson
Originally posted by Samination:
Apparently Google's done something that makes some links require a gmail/google drive accoutn.
this link should work without having to sign in:

Nice one. Appreciated!
Originally posted by Samination:
Apparently Google's done something that makes some links require a gmail/google drive accoutn.
this link should work without having to sign in:

I was actually thinking recently about this backcat recently. Thought it'd be a shame for all that work to not be available.

Nice one, Jacek! :)

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