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 Kesha - We r who we r (filthy hoodzie remix)

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Hoodzie Alright guys

Thought id share a lil clip of this with you all ;) far from finished tho but enjoy :) all comments welcome!!
Samination you will like my comment ----

originality is a go!!
Triquatra not to sound too negative...but....

Why????? lol
Hoodzie Haha why not. Its kl man everyone has there opinions...might end up takin the vocal off not decided yet
Triquatra well in the nicest possible way..and not to start any large arguments or anything i would say first that the hardcore scene is littered and saturated with this style of hardcore, and chart remix, wouldnt it be a bit more inventive to come up with somthing new or different and not take the easy route!
Hoodzie It sells mate thats why its gettin done so much. Originality doesnt sell yep its a big shame n its sumfin i hate. I always make original tracks and hardly do remixes like this and just fancyed it.
Jimouk I kind of like it :|
latininxtc it's CXH worthy, with that being said it's not all that great imo. with the exception of her "rapping" i was really enjoying the track until 0:45

fine if you want to produce music for the sheeple, but originality ftw!
Hoodzie think its 1 of those things that producers have to do to gain interest from ravers that are into this style of hardcore pop remixes. it brings alot more attention as its a known track. is a shame but the smaller artists in hardcore have to do it to pull attention to them
Triquatra well, i consider myself a future small artist, to make a chart remix, or do a style that isnt my own would only serve to make me feel cheap
if i dont get anywhere, its not a problem - because I was at least true to myself (as gay as it sounds lol)

you say "have" to do, but imo it only serves to make you blend in with everybody else making the same style of hardcore..
if everyone is wearing a red t-shirt, the only one who is going to stand out is the guy wearing the bright green one!

genericore has been diluting the scene for ages now - its killing it

also - you want to get popular with the ravers who want K$sha remixes? :P

I was going to keep my mouth shut - but you said "have to" which is absolute nonsense - just look at the NEC, CLSM, Luna C
popularity and integrity! :)
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
I was going to keep my mouth shut - but you said "have to" which is absolute nonsense - just look at the NEC, CLSM, Luna C
popularity and integrity! :)

Well, CLSM remixed a Robbie Williams track and Luna-C has remixed countless pop tracks.

I can see where Hoodzie is coming from in a way. I'm not an artist myself so I can't draw on personal experience but maybe a good way to get noticed by a wider audience and some of the bigger named producers is to conform once in a while and make a pop remix. Nearly all hardcore producers have remixed pop and all sorts of other genres.

For the record, I don't like the track myself. I'm a big fan of yours Hoodzie, as you know, but just not feeling this one.
Triquatra but point reinforced by the second part of what you said! :P
Luna C was at least an exception but was at least being original with what he does..CLSM the track you mentioned was at least once well established

minor points though when bringing it back to my main point ..integrity :)

seeing as you quoted that point though - are you then agreeing with him, the only way to get noticed is that you HAVE to make genericore and chart remixes?
Ionosphere ....Sell? ....have to? I'm kind of with Triq on that one and with latin re; appealing to the 'sheep' but at the same time, Why not?

I like it well enough and everyone should remember that a large percentage of Hardcore has always been about ripping stuff off. ;)

....and, it has to be said, we've done more than our fair share of it
Hoodzie ok yea reading and thinking bout it i think your dont have to do tracks like this but it helps is what i ment to say.

as for selling yourself out hmm na i dont agree with that at all, i enjoy producing and ill enjoy producing anything (even if i dont like the genre) as its still being creative and thats what im all about as everyone who knows me knows. i create all my ravers addition video advert, all my artwork and all my tracks simply because i like being creative.

but yea ignore what i said about HAVING to do it :P
I like it well enough and everyone should remember that a large percentage of Hardcore has always been been about ripping stuff off. ;)

shame alot of people forget that ;)


lest we forget! :)
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
but point reinforced by the second part of what you said! :P
Luna C was at least an exception but was at least being original with what he does..CLSM the track you mentioned was at least once well established

minor points though when bringing it back to my main point ..integrity :)

seeing as you quoted that point though - are you then agreeing with him, the only way to get noticed is that you HAVE to make genericore and chart remixes?

The "have to" was just a coincidence. My point was quoting the artists you mentioned

For the record, no I don't think you "have to" but most, if not all hardcore artists have ripped off/remixed a pop song in their time. You can gloss over it any way you want it's still true
Hoodzie i didnt mean to aim that at you lol looks like i did now reading that lol!!!

sorry dude
Originally posted by Mortis:
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
but point reinforced by the second part of what you said! :P
Luna C was at least an exception but was at least being original with what he does..CLSM the track you mentioned was at least once well established

minor points though when bringing it back to my main point ..integrity :)

seeing as you quoted that point though - are you then agreeing with him, the only way to get noticed is that you HAVE to make genericore and chart remixes?

The "have to" was just a coincidence. My point was quoting the artists you mentioned

For the record, no I don't think you "have to" but most, if not all hardcore artists have ripped off/remixed a pop song in their time. You can gloss over it any way you want it's still true

i should have just left it at genericore - it just happened to be a chart remix, i didnt want the chart remix to detract from the original/main point of doing things fresh and new, integrity etc etc..

I posted, my huge list of rip-offs, its not somthing i'm at all sugar coating! :)

at the end of the day, on the personal side of things it depends where in hardcore you want to place yourself

in the wider scheme of things, do you really want to be adding extra water to an over-filled tarn...or do you want to throw some petrol in it :P
Hoodzie Hmm this is where i start to get fustrated lol

Why is it wrong to make a track that is a standard hardcore track? People say be original like it grows on trees lol!! People make hardcore they like and its mainly mainstream hardcore people like. It sells and ravers love it.

Being original or coming up with new ideas that havnt been done is very hard to do. Gets on my titties when people say that. Every hardcore track is differently produced so there for it is original
Triquatra you're entirely right, original is hard to do!
Ionosphere It is hard to do and is probably why so few people do it.

It's also true that it doesn't sell. Ravers are the same as the rest of Joe Public. They mainly only like what they know.... sad but true.

Being original or coming up with new ideas that havnt been done is very hard to do. Gets on my titties when people say that. Every hardcore track is differently produced so there for it is original

This isn't an attack on you or anything, but you're joking right? It's not very hard to do for anyone that actually has learned anything about music. It might be hard for Hardcore producers, and that is because they are largely terrible at writing music. The fact it's hard is the worst reason not to be original ever.
Why is it wrong to make a track that is a standard hardcore track?

Because it's an incredibly low standard.
not to sound too negative...but....

Why????? lol

I ask myself this every time i see a Pop rip-off. Rip-offs are one thing, but of an already terrible tune?
well, i consider myself a future small artist

Lol you produce now?
Triquatra almost two years since i bothered to show any of the stuff i made, Flux (NSR records) and Sleep (Past Present and Future Cd download)
they were both on FLstudio - since then i've made the active choice not to pursue any money making whatsoever (wether they would have made money or not)

and with that in mind, I decided to make some small investments, strictly on a personal level:

built myself a new PC
bought Cubase 5
got a pair of KRK Rp8's
a few decent VSTis, a hardware Rompler (Yamaha CS2x)
Audiotechnica ATH-M50 headphones (though i've had these for a while, and used those to make the previous two tracks)

those purchases were only in October/Novemeber, and this is the first year i've set my mind truely to making can look up the older two on youtube, though both are 2 years old now, sleep is even older!

funnily enough the one i'm working on at the moment is a remix LOL. nothing thats ever been in the charts though..and has no singing, but its a tune i've always thought would translate well into hardcore... :)

i must have 30-40 unfinished pieces, ranging from 30seconds, to 5mins...i'm just never pleased enough with the outcome to post clips lol

the track i've almost finished currently I wanted to submnit to the next Past Present and Future album..

....Ken! :P
Originally posted by Hard2Get:

Being original or coming up with new ideas that havnt been done is very hard to do. Gets on my titties when people say that. Every hardcore track is differently produced so there for it is original

This isn't an attack on you or anything, but you're joking right? It's not very hard to do for anyone that actually has learned anything about music. It might be hard for Hardcore producers, and that is because they are largely terrible at writing music. The fact it's hard is the worst reason not to be original ever.
Why is it wrong to make a track that is a standard hardcore track?

Because it's an incredibly low standard.
not to sound too negative...but....

Why????? lol

I ask myself this every time i see a Pop rip-off. Rip-offs are one thing, but of an already terrible tune?
well, i consider myself a future small artist

Lol you produce now?

this is the kind of thing i was talking about people thinking its piss easy to make something brand new that no1 has ever done before!

really mate cmon?!

like i said previously in this post EVERY track is original as its produced differently has different notes and structures.

If you produce then you should know this?! if you dont produce then you simply wouldnt understand what im saying (not to sound rude)

Triquatra was that at me or matt?

clearly definitions of originality are whats at odds here lol
Hoodzie well if your saying that the kind of sounds ect then im sorry but nothing in hardcore has ever been original and neither has any other genre as all the genres have been using the same sounds since the 90's they have just become better processed.

if your talking about ideas in tracks then again all the ideas you hear now are from back in the 90's and even earlier most probably just better produced.

so im clearly lost??
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:
was that at me or matt?

clearly definitions of originality are whats at odds here lol

lol sorry was at Hard2Get
this is the kind of thing i was talking about people thinking its piss easy to make something brand new that no1 has ever done before!

I'm not saying you have to do something ground breaking that no one has ever done but also that people would like. I'm just talking about original in the sense that it's not a remix of someone elses track. My original post probably sounds alot harsher than is intended but really I'm just saying it quite passively, there is no agression in any of it.
Bonkers4Life Hope this is on the next Ravers Addition!!!
Hoodzie No worries hard2get i know ya wernt sayin it in that way ;)

Im fully aware that not everyone is gona like everythin i do so its all good man!

Like i said i may chuck the vocal out as not sure if ut works wiv the tune
latininxtc Now this is how a proper discussion should be! And I'm not against mainstream remixes myself, just so long as the producer finds a way to make it stand out on its own!
Hoodzie Well in my defence i didnt do the typical upfront feel good remix which is what mist producers do lol gotta give me that atleast :P
Mortis Just had another listen and I think it could work well without the vocal and a few more elements added. Well, it would be more to my taste is what I mean.
Hard2Get Just to clarify i wasn't commenting on the track itself, i would have said the same without listening to it. I was just reffering to the idea of remixing a pop tune.
Hoodzie haha giv me afew days guys am on it now and have got something rather tasty down ;) to go with the track
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Just to clarify i wasn't commenting on the track itself, i would have said the same without listening to it. I was just reffering to the idea of remixing a pop tune.

no sweat fella :D
djDMS I like the idea, unfortunately Kesha annoys me greatly for some reason!

As for some of the other points here i can agree with both schools of thought pretty equally.

It's a real pity that producers with obvious talent need to resort to 'Hardcoreing up' dodgy pop tunes to get people to listen to their work. True, it's not the only way to go about things but it tends to work.

It's more of a pity that real quality doesn't get the respect it deserves because it doesn't have a hook or vocal 'borrowed' from elsewhere to get people to listen.

Suppose it's a case of the remix style of tune getting you noticed but it's the original stuff that gets you recognised.

Personally, i'm all for originality (and longevity), but i have to admit to the odd guilty pleasure - and if that happens to be a Hardcore version of 'My old man's a dustman' then so be it!
Originally posted by djDMS:

- and if that happens to be a Hardcore version of 'My old man's a dustman' then so be it!

That's good then -

F***ing genius!
Triquatra Skifflecore win.

now do Cumberland Gap :P

where's me washboard!?
Samination talking about being original.

Name a track by Breeze & Styles from 2002-2004 that didnt sound identical? :)
Originally posted by DjTriquatra:

now do Cumberland Gap :P

What.... that tranquil Lakeland music?

well, as it happens -
Triquatra lol!
DJ Mellow-Dee Man, what a discussion ! Some guys seem to forget that Hoodzie has made some huge and inventive tracks so far, as well as some very good remixes, so don't mad him for going a little mainstream just to get regognized by a bigger audience :o) Maybe it's not his best track since he made some smashers that can hardly be topped, but I'm sure that it will be sold pretty well......

Keep it going mate, I'm constantly waiting for new releases....
Originally posted by DJ Mellow-Dee:
Man, what a discussion ! Some guys seem to forget that Hoodzie has made some huge and inventive tracks so far, as well as some very good remixes, so don't mad him for going a little mainstream just to get regognized by a bigger audience :o) Maybe it's not his best track since he made some smashers that can hardly be topped, but I'm sure that it will be sold pretty well......

Keep it going mate, I'm constantly waiting for new releases....

I feel guilty as charged. But then I have actually bought one Hoodzie track. And it wasn't because I liked it, because buying an album forces you to buy all of the songs that goes with it :P

but seriously, the only reason Luna-C remixed chart hits is because he liked it, not because he wanted recognition.

So Hoodzie, if you like making chart hits remixes. Keep on going. Don't listen to people like me. Do What You want.

But if you don't like it, why not do as Scott 'Vinylgroover' Atrill and hit the road jack?
Hoodzie The good thing bout doin commercial remixes is gives u new ideas. Iv remixed afew comercial tracks and half way through come up wiv something different for another tune.

As for hitting the lol simples ;)

Love making music and any genre so will never give it up!!

Samination - cheers for the nice comments mate its really appreciated and thats what drives me to make better tracks for the people who love what i do ;) there isnt a better feeling than other people likin my tracks!!!

Oh dont forget Hoodzie - Our Time is out today
Samination that Our Time track is way better. Heck I might even buy it :P

Anyways. Usually people would hate those comments I made :P
Hoodzie Its ur opinion fella everyone has there own. I cant always expect everyone to like and buy my stuff lol ;)
Samination usually non-constructive comments like "your music sucks" arent well liked :P
Hoodzie Well aslong as its constructive comments then its ok what u say
atomsk Even though this thread is turning into mush, I felt like I needed to reply..

I ****ing hate you now Hoodzie...... Why did you have to do this?! Now I like Kesha..... **** me....

I guess I should say this also... Finish the track with the vocals... I kinda want to hear it finished... Maybe do other of her "songs" and yeah......
Originally posted by Hoodzie:
The good thing bout doin commercial remixes is gives u new ideas. Iv remixed afew comercial tracks and half way through come up wiv something different for another tune.

I would rather say that commercial tracks got inspired by underground music. If you switch it, chances are higher to produce a "cheap" tune, but this surely doesn't happen automaticly.

Definetly agree about "new idea". Today's producer need to have a wide spectrum of taste in music to catch up fresh ideas and sounds. Just keeping it to EDM will not work. For myself I like to listen to Symphnic Metal once in a while. I think it can be a great source of inspiration, just like maybe a lot of other genres.
Hoodzie Haha who would of thought a remix cud cause this much trouble haha bit pissed at mo sio will reply soon wen sobar....have a good weekend ravers!!!!
Mortis I don't see it as trouble. Just a good discussion, which is something this forum lacks.
Samination no, what it lacks is empty replies ;)
Warnman Drinking of alcoholic beverages seems to be enjoyable and mean at the same time...

I gotta go.....
Originally posted by atomsk:
Even though this thread is turning into mush, I felt like I needed to reply..

I ****ing hate you now Hoodzie...... Why did you have to do this?! Now I like Kesha..... **** me....

I guess I should say this also... Finish the track with the vocals... I kinda want to hear it finished... Maybe do other of her "songs" and yeah......

This topic wasn't going to mush, until YOU posted this!
8D I dont dislike this cause its a pop remix, I actually thought it was really good untill 0:45 when that terribly dull kick came in
this bassline stuff really sucks, put a nice hook in there or somthing, cause besides that the track is pretty sweet

just cause this bassline shit is popular now doesnt mean your track has to sound liek that
Hoodzie Sorry bout blank reply lol must av knocked my phone n done it doh!!

With the electro sound i think alot of people are likin that sound. They go down a great at events. Plus im bored of people just doin a typical remix where they just copy the notes from the original so thought id go down a completly different route with it

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