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Posted - 2002/10/30 :  11:44:32  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
I think another aspect that people don't consider is the fact that weekend recreational use comes with it the understanding that you're not gonna be doing it for the rest of the week. When you start taking drugs just to make everyday life "worthwhile", or to get through everyday challenges (like using speed to study), then I think there's something to be very worried about.

Me, I haven't taken recreationally for about a month now, but in that time I have dropped speed on more than one occassion to meet deadlines for essays and reports. Sure, where talking about a vastly smaller quantity here, but I realise now that I'm so accustomed to facing stress and pressure with the "help" of meth that I've just made it very difficult for myself to study without it - IMO this is a more lasting and damaging addiction than simply looking forward to Saturday night's weekly let-your-hair-down session.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.

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Posted - 2002/10/30 :  18:42:26  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit weba_d's homepage  Reply with quote
its called "good use" and "abuse"
its not hard to distingish one's use of the drug

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!


Same street, Different house.

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Posted - 2002/10/30 :  19:28:48  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
It's one thing to know you have a problem, and difficult that is all on its own. Doing something about it is another kettle of worms entirely.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.

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mr bishi
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Posted - 2002/10/31 :  16:13:37  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
really i dont give a poop aboot E im jus in it 4 da tunes


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Posted - 2002/10/31 :  20:33:15  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
yeah it isn't just about the E ... it's also about K, M, Z, and all the other letters of the alphabet. i'm particularly fond of Q

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.

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Posted - 2002/11/10 :  16:27:48  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
Anything that makes you feel good will make you feel twice as bad the next morning.

Sex doesn't make you feel twice as bad the next morning !!!

I think the crap that the media come out with about XTC is funny I used 2 b a heavy drinker in my early teens and I found that drinking is alot more dangerous than poppin the odd pill !!!! its ironic isn't it that the legal drugs are alot more harmful than some of the illegal drugs. And why don't they ever put statistics on alcohol related deaths in the papers then ppl would actually wake up and realise that some drugs arn't as bad as they r made out 2 b.

And why does the law forbid you to do what you want to yourself so long as you arn't harming others?I don't see what the problem is. It's a waste of prison cells bangin ppl up 4 takin drugs they cud put real criminals in them then they'd actually be doing something useful.

"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music"

"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music"

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Posted - 2002/11/10 :  16:33:41  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit toxic's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by RaverBaby69:
And why does the law forbid you to do what you want to yourself so long as you arn't harming others?I don't see what the problem is. It's a waste of prison cells bangin ppl up 4 takin drugs they cud put real criminals in them then they'd actually be doing something useful.

correct me if im wrong, but ive never heard of anyone being put in jail for *taking* drugs. isnt it more on possession of an illegal substance or something along those lines

Crack another one !!!

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

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Posted - 2002/11/10 :  16:40:05  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by RaverBaby69:
Sex doesn't make you feel twice as bad the next morning !!!

It does when you roll over and discover who ... correction, what it was that you just spent a drunken night with.

toxic: Yes, it is about possession, not use ... and let's face it, low-level (ie personal use) possession is not gonna land you in prison. IMO the problem is more about getting a smudge on your criminal record for what is, in many ways, a relatively harmless pastime.

However, I'm not a big fan of the legalisation idea. I'd prefer decriminalisation through selective non-enforcement.

Forty-two purple crayons

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Edited by - strychnine on 2002/11/10 16:47:12
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Posted - 2002/11/10 :  16:58:51  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
Ok sorry I should have put possesion thats wot I meant. I don't understand tho why alcohol and ciggys r legal but less harmful stuff is illegal somebody please enlighten me

"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music"

"I'm having the best time being off my pickle and feelin the music"

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Posted - 2002/11/10 :  17:00:58  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit toxic's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by strychnine:
toxic: Yes, it is about possession, not use ... and let's face it, low-level (ie personal use) possession is not gonna land you in prison. IMO the problem is more about getting a smudge on your criminal record for what is, in many ways, a relatively harmless pastime.

i know of some ppl whos personal use is not low-level ... how would u enforce against that?
eg: "i swear officer, all 15 pills are for me, its personal use"

Crack another one !!!

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

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Posted - 2002/11/10 :  17:38:30  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by RaverBaby69:
Ok sorry I should have put possesion thats wot I meant. I don't understand tho why alcohol and ciggys r legal but less harmful stuff is illegal somebody please enlighten me

(1) Tobacco and alcohol are, I think, the two oldest drugs to be used recreationally. They've had time to establish, maintain, expand their (legitimate) markets to the point that the criminalisation of their use would have massive ramifications on both national and global economies, with subsequent impact on revenue-raising for many developed nations.

(2) The effects of alcohol and tobacco are well-known and the public at large are accustomed to them. For instance, when they see a person walking wobbly and yelling obsenities, and they think, "Oh, they're drunk", and get on with their lives. To a great extent, these effects are considered socially acceptable within limits.

The effects of other drugs, however, are not so well known, and when people see someone peaking or whatever they see strangeness, something out of the ordinary - and that makes it "dangerous" and unsuitable for mainstream society.

Forty-two purple crayons

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noiz labs
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Posted - 2002/11/11 :  02:00:53  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
i think drugs r a beautiful thing if u have enuf respect for them and for yourself not to become dependant. ... but i thik . to find out how not to become dependant it is enevitable that u must experience addiction. and then u have to see that the problem lies not with the drug but the drug user.

i think if u r not willing to try drugs because of what u have heard or seen then i think u r being very narrow. there is much to be learnt.

all sivilizations b4 us existed in harmony with their natural intoxicants .. some like myans.. and azteks and american indians used natural halusonagens , not for recreation but as a spiritual tool, aidng their shamanic voyges. and thoses civilizations existed perfectly well ( i think they lived freeer than us ) for thousands of years.. with no air condisioning and stuff.

so the governments theory that drugs destroy ppl and scosietys is i think bs. ppl nowdays tend to destroy themselves and eachother.

however, withought respect, drugs can and probably will aid in your demise,
and its a descusting thing wen with eyes rolling bak and almost drooling the 13 year old says he is waiting for his 3rd pill to kik in so that he can go dance. ,,,,

yes .. so that asied. what is every bodies favorite drug? . . . .. .

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Posted - 2002/11/12 :  01:52:39  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit terry6680's homepage  Reply with quote
Anything that changes the way the body works is bad for you because it is un natural and plays havok with your bodily systems but if your talking about the moral and social views then the only drug i think is ok is canabis.

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Posted - 2002/11/12 :  01:58:16  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit toxic's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by terry6680:
Anything that changes the way the body works is bad for you because it is un natural and plays havok with your bodily systems but if your talking about the moral and social views then the only drug i think is ok is canabis.


Crack another one !!!

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

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noiz labs
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Posted - 2002/11/12 :  02:30:05  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
terry . u know sleep changes your bodliy functions heaps. . i know we all hear like to rave all night but u must agree sleep is benificial.

hihi. seriously .. from a nerochemical\physical standpoint sleep is a huge change. less say than lsd which works in a similar way to sleep .. alowing a your normal everyday stream of conciousness to be interlaced with yur past memories. which in walking conchous ness results in a conflicting inner represeentation of the outside world... ( halusination) ( cant spell it)

but the nerological triggers r much the same as sleep\ dreaming /. so its not rilly un natural as such... it is however unusual, TRY IT all it dose is make u dream wen u r awake ... :)

n y is cannabis the moralists choice ?

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