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Midway_raver has attended 2 events
Posted - 2002/08/24 :  16:40:00  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
Well im 16 and i smoke 30 odd ciggies a day wivout a word of a lie, and having tried other drugs, bass, speed, smoke, etc ......Ciggies n beer r da worst, ive been bad off beer more times that i can care to remeber and ciggies proper **** up my health..i aint noticed no bad effects off other drugs ( other than cum downs) i personally dnt do E but dats my choice, if people wanna take em, thats up to them as long as im having a good time, they r and no one spissing each other off i cudnt care what there on. As long as people are getting on and in a safe enviroment etc then who cares.....if i were a doctor io wud say drugs r bad, but as a raver i'd safe keep it safe n there gud for the experience.

Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting

You will not laugh, You will not cry, You will learn by the numbers!

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Posted - 2002/09/15 :  12:49:46  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit DjMoNkEyBoY's homepage  Reply with quote
It's very true that it is sometimes the few that spoil it for the bunch.
I used to hate on people who take pills, and say that they just don't get it and blame them for all the bad stuff associated with raves.
Since my involovement with dancesafe however, my views have changed.
It's less about people doing drugs, and more about if theydo, then helping them be safe and responsible.
I don't do drugs. I never have. I don't even smoke weed or drink. But I can still respect people that do. One of my best friends only goes to raves for the drugs (E and K). You see we all party for different reasons.
I had to ask myself, how I am serving my community the best I can if I hate on people?
That's when I changed my mindset. I don't care if people do drugs at raves or at my raves. All I ask is that they be safe and respnonsible. I want them to first be 18 or over. Second I want them to know what they are doing before they do it. Read up. Do the research and then (if you still want to) do the drugs -the right way. I know that drugs will always be apart of raves. So rather than agreeing with the govenment and their RAVE act that I'm fighting so hard against. I can serve my community by providing information, compassion, understanding, acceptance, and a fun, safe enviornment where anybody and everybody can party and be as one. And hopefully people will take what they got from the rave and apply it to their daily lives. The philosophy, not the drugs. When I was young I heard my grandma giving some advice to my Aunt who is a drug addict. She said to her "everything in moderation." I suppose that's the best way to go.

Dj MoNkEyBoY
Founder of Monkeyshine Inc.

Keep it Real!

Keep it Happy!

Keep it Hardcore!

Dj MoNkEyBoY
Founder of Monkeyshine Inc.

Keep it Real!

Keep it Happy!

Keep it Hardcore!

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Posted - 2002/09/17 :  04:09:09  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
there is a saying too much too young i can vouch for this staement cos when i was 17 i popped my first pill and everything was beautiful it was heaven and slowly the good feeling was still there but too be expected it got sh***er every time i took it but the last time i did pills was when i left it for 3 months and went clubbing and stayed till the end (cos ive e use my body doesnt let me do it any more im usally gone home or 4 a smoke by 3 instead of 6) but any i left it for 3 months and it was amazing so i know do it every 2 months have a wicked full night and large it!.

and another thing pills eat ur stomach i found out when i was in ibiza that i had a stomach ulcer due to excess chemicals around my stomach lining hence me cutting down! other than this if u lose the feeling just leave it for a while and it will come back!

its time for an education from the overnight sensation spitting in every direction i aim to keep lyrics up to perfection


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Posted - 2002/09/17 :  09:56:01  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit fazza's homepage  Reply with quote
same as me mate. used to do a few eddies every weekend and it did start to lose its magic, so i cut down and only do en every few months and now its lush!

"Hixxy is god!"

all your base are belong to us.

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Posted - 2002/09/27 :  09:38:27  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit zki's homepage  Reply with quote
la la la, anybody read:

came out today (friday) heh.

More tongue in cheek than a lesbian orgy.

More tongue in cheek than a lesbian orgy.

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Posted - 2002/09/27 :  14:44:06  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit number2301's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by Strobe:
drugs are extreamly bad for you- have you ever noticed that you get sick if you take them 2 weekends in a row??

Not really no. But then I am only just starting out :)

The whole point is moderation! Do em once a month or whatever don't get too mashed and if you stop enjoying it stop the drugs! Also do a good few naturals, naturals are class for so many reasons! But drugs are cool as well :)

Also, drugs are bad for you simple as, but then so are most things. ****s sake breathing is what kills us. Fact.

Don't overdo it and have fun!

'Do what thou will shall be the whole of the law as long as you hurt noone'

Or somat like that :)

Number 2301 Is Getverdomme Het Hardste!

'Living in my world is easy, there is only peace, love and ... ecstacy'

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Posted - 2002/09/28 :  05:23:20  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
Of course drugs are bad, they wouldnt be illegal if they weren't. they make some people angry, agressive and paranoid and can kill, but for others it makes them happy, euphoric and peaceful. It's mostly about the way you do it. With pills, you're told to drink water. A girl in my school died from pills and it wasnt from de-hydration it was from drinking too much water when on them. It's all about who you're with, if you're with an experienced drug taker and among farmiliar faces who all know what to do in an emergency you should be ok. I admit to being a bit of a pill head but i know that if i wanted to i oculd still have a ****ing wicked night just sticking to alcohol or maybe even completely sober but i havnt tried that one yet hehe!

yOu'rE nOt aLoNE...


Oh, Oh, i am sincerely yours the one my heart beats for the one i adore... oh oh i am sincerely yours the love that you give ive never felt befoooooooore!!! Choooooooon!!!!!

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MC RizlaDizla
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Posted - 2002/09/28 :  05:46:22  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit MC RizlaDizla's homepage  Reply with quote
be nice to find out the silly ppl bitching about drugs being wether they smoke fags or drink beer.

"Step into the light and let the power take you higher
Let it creep inside dont fear it let it capture,
Ya souls and emotions its the key ya have within,
Adjust ya way of finking and let the journey begin"

Oh my goodness, Oh my gosh!!!

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Posted - 2002/09/29 :  03:50:59  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by XxXbUnnYgAlXxX:
have a ****ing wicked night just sticking to alcohol or maybe even completely sober but i havnt tried that one yet

i have, and i had a fkn blinder of a nite. its awesome, but in such a different way that it took me a while to figure out how to appreciate it. once i had it, though, there was no stopping me

Don't dream it's over

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Edited by - strychnine on 2002/09/29 03:58:27
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mcjutt has attended 5 events
Posted - 2002/09/29 :  04:33:05  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
of course alchol gives u a good night theres something that will never lose its magic have a vodka redbulls and u feel like ur pilling anyway but i wouldnt go raving on vodka and red bull

get with my lyrics il make u sweat
im a bad boy mc youll never forget
the quickest mc u evr met
all my competion get set for a rough ride u cant even touch my vibe where all the raving crew tonight


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Posted - 2002/09/29 :  05:08:21  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
^^ i was talking about going to a rave straight, as in sober

although i have also gone to a rave tanked. was ok, but i kept on having to walk back to the bar for another (overpriced) drink to top up my batteries, and my hangover was something to behold.

Don't dream it's over

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Posted - 2002/09/30 :  04:49:13  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
i is a pioneer!!
Dont do anything :P
Go to raves anyway.....NO STOPPIN ME!!!!
For me its the music that gets me going.....once it starts up forever!!!!
....and if i feel like pushing the boat out....i might have a glass of coke :o)

Everyone has their own ways of enjoyin' happy with long as it doesnt burst into fighting...not good when ur tryin to BoUnCe!!!

happy 4ever!

freedom to all who believe!!

26 and 6 = 1.
Unity and Peace

Go Here: or here: . Happy? You should be!! And of course: My tunes:

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Posted - 2002/09/30 :  18:27:29  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
I've met heaps of people who don't do anything at raves. What shits me about many (but not all) of them is the pretentious, elitist, snobby attitudes that they come with, they way they look down on drug users as if they're nothing but spineless junk-addicts who don't care about anything but the drugs. I'm glad that it doesn't affect everyone (mustapha you're living proof lol) because IMHO it does as much damage to the vibe as the whole e-tard-slumped-on-the-wall phenomenon.

Where's that god-damn drum machine?!

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Posted - 2002/10/27 :  09:57:48  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit zarlon's homepage  Reply with quote
My response would have to be, drugs are good but in moderated amounts and used responsibly. They can open your mind to new aspects of life, and give you a completely perspective that you would never before have considered.

Just don't do too many of them, or dose too often, and it's all good.

What made the 'rave scene' anyways? :)

peace :)

peace :)

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Posted - 2002/10/28 :  02:54:58  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit miss-mitzi's homepage  Reply with quote
e testing kits r a total waste of time it doesnt actually tell u anything!!

If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!

If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!

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