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Hyperspeed Gold Series

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djstorm is verified hardcore artist
Posted - 2002/09/19 :  16:52:45  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit djstorm's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by pacman:
hey storm can you let me know if you REALLY made silk cuts #11??? coz i don't want to take it to you to sign if you didn't actually do it. thanks.

haha yeah that was me (the 12" version) :) come n see me when im out there and ill sign it for u dude



Al Storm

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Posted - 2002/09/19 :  18:58:48  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit pacman's homepage  Reply with quote
wicked thanks man! i don't think i'll take my records to hyperspeed though cos i don't want to have to worry about them. but you'll no doubt be at one stop dj at one stage, or i could just give them to rob (weaver) to get you to sign them. whatever dude you're a champ keep up the good work!

btw i found out it was trixxy who did hard harmony so i answered my own question thanks hahaha.

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Posted - 2002/09/19 :  20:15:06  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage  Reply with quote
List of DJ Storm's releases

you, me and hardcore forever.

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Posted - 2002/09/21 :  17:54:26  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit pacman's homepage  Reply with quote
nice one thanks silver. i can get ready or not signed too!

well i would appreciate more feedback from the sydney ravers whether they think we should meet up or not?? what's the verdict?

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If Yoda so Smart in Force Is, Why Words in Right Order he Put Not?

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Posted - 2002/09/25 :  16:22:45  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Skeenip's homepage  Reply with quote
A meet-up is still sounding good at this point, before or during the rave works fine (It's not like the whitlam is a huge complex).

"Well it just goes on and on and you don't stop, party people winding up and keep on going til you drop YEAH!"

<Signature Pending>

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Posted - 2002/09/25 :  17:06:11  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
Hmmm ... before the rave ... now there's an idea. Makes productive use of the time normally wasted waiting in line. I like it.

Don't dream it's over

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Posted - 2002/09/26 :  00:37:06  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit pacman's homepage  Reply with quote
yeah sounds like a good idea, also because the main room is all internationals all night, so there won't be time unless we wanna miss a little of someones set. if that's the case i vouch for missing a bit of marc smith's set, no-one will mind will they?? hahaha sorry no offence to him

got my ticket today for $38!!!!!!!! 38 for 6 INTERNATIONALS!!!! i'm excited!(best big kev impersonation)

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If Yoda so Smart in Force Is, Why Words in Right Order he Put Not?

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Posted - 2002/09/26 :  04:27:37  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
My ticket's bought as well ... and yeah, 6 INTERNATIONALS!


Hmph. I *really* should be more excited than I actually am. I dunno. Maybe cuz it's like over a month away. Maybe I'm subconsciously preparing for a shit night, so I can't help but be blown away when it finally comes around. Or maybe, just maybe, it's the sad state of financial affairs I'm in that means even a paltry $38 outlay has pushed me over to the not-so-sunny side of the line marked "Broke Motherf***er".


Don't dream it's over

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HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE
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Posted - 2002/09/26 :  05:46:28  Show profile  Send a private message  Reply with quote
hopefully my mate got my ticket so i get it cheap cheap but if not oh well it is worth the money.

dont mind with the meet up but if guys want i can try to.

dont mind really

Aim for the moon, even if u miss you'll land among the stars...

Aim for the moon, even if u miss you'll land among the stars...

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Posted - 2002/09/26 :  07:14:16  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit saintberry's homepage  Reply with quote
any idea of how many ticks are trying to drag the canberra massive up, but there is no point if there almost sold out.

oh and i dont know if anyone has been informed...but ILL BE COMING HELL OR HIGH WATER!

is there going to be a meet up or something????

god its going to be a manic week...hyperspeed, drive back to canberra for sasha the next day, then *gah* drive over to ****ing south australia for outback eclipse

god its going to be one MANIC comedown

Slow music makes baby Jesus cry.

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Posted - 2002/09/26 :  15:03:44  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
saintberry, you, my friend, are INSANE! GO HARD!

... and on other matters, yeah, I think there're still tickets left, but this one's looking to become a genuine sell-out, so I suggest getting yours ASAP. As for the meetup, I think the Meetup Committee (Sydney Directorate) is still deliberating on the issue, so please feel free to pipe in with your suggestions :)

Don't dream it's over

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Posted - 2002/09/26 :  18:36:42  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit pacman's homepage  Reply with quote
that is insane!!!! not to mention expensive!!!!!! good luck with it.

well a meetup is still in the deciding stages for this, but it looks like (at this stage) that none of my friends are gonna come along :(, so does anyone want a tag-along? i just want some people to hang out with is all hahaha i sound like such a loser but hey, i've been out of the raving scene for too long!! it's okay i'm not the annoying type, i'll keep you entertained!

anyways, there are still plenty of tickets, and there'll be 500 on the door if you get stuck (3000 are being sold in advance). if you get to one stop or dj marcos (in woolongong) in the next couple of days you can get your ticket for $38 instead of $53. but yeah best to get it early hey.

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If Yoda so Smart in Force Is, Why Words in Right Order he Put Not?

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Posted - 2002/09/26 :  20:22:10  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit saintberry's homepage  Reply with quote
ok sweet will do...and i would love to meet you people!

are any of you inthemixers by theway?

>is wickeddream off itm ;)

Slow music makes baby Jesus cry.

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Posted - 2002/09/28 :  18:22:12  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit pacman's homepage  Reply with quote
i am step on inthemix but i've only posted twice (i use another forum (BL))

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If Yoda so Smart in Force Is, Why Words in Right Order he Put Not?

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Posted - 2002/09/29 :  03:26:12  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage  Reply with quote
Originally posted by pacman
so does anyone want a tag-along? i just want some people to hang out with is all hahaha i sound like such a loser but hey, i've been out of the raving scene for too long!! it's okay i'm not the annoying type, i'll keep you entertained!

Hell, I've got a tag-along now that I *really* wanna get rid of but can't seem to - she's my ex-girlfriend LOL. I'm sure you can't be any worse.

Don't dream it's over

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Edited by - strychnine on 2002/09/29 03:39:16

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