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Say, I hear the scene in Australia is BANGIN!

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United Arab Emirates
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Posted - 2003/01/08 :  09:52:31  Show profile Send a private message
can anybody offer any insight?

how does the australia scene compare with the rest of the world?

LOvE iS GoD LoVE IS WaR LoVE IS WhAT YoUR LiFe iS For! Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken. Please dont start WW3 Mr. Bush!! F*ck with me and i'll saw off your legs MWWUUAAAFUUAAK

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Posted - 2003/01/08 :  15:53:43  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage
IME the best way to learn about how a scene is faring is to visit its local rave-site(s), where you'll see info for past and upcoming events, as well as DJ profiles and whatnot so you see what kind of musical cross-section you're faced with. For Sydney (Aus), try Muzikal Kloudz Sydney (run by DJ QT and MC/DJ Dave PSI) and Overdrive (DJ's Fenix and Exile).

If you can't be f***ed, here's a quick rundown for Sydney: very healthy UK hardcore scene, living in uneasy harmony with a healthy Euro gabber scene and a huge club scene. Currently in the opening stages of the annual summer rave-a-thon, with a decent-sized rave every week (or thereabouts) with a few good hardcore clubnights thrown in (Army Of Hardcore, Logic). International talent expected for the near future include UFO and Neophyte, with Frolic (who played at NYE) with one more set to play in Sydney before he leaves.

I can't really speak for the other Aussie scenes, let alone compare us with the rest of the world, so I'll let someone else do it.

Live like there's no tomorrow.
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Posted - 2003/01/08 :  16:24:48  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit toxic's homepage
what he said

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

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Posted - 2003/01/08 :  16:38:15  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage
^^ you lazy bastard.

Live like there's no tomorrow.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like there's nobody watching.
F*** like you're being filmed.

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Stevie c
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Posted - 2003/01/09 :  00:58:19  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit Stevie c's homepage
Man deaf seeing the family in Melbourne I am moving to N S Wales, as long as you don' t get anymore fires!!

Your into the sound of Rebellion

me white gloves and neon sticks leave an endless trail

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Posted - 2003/01/09 :  02:23:44  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit weba_d's homepage
do u hear about the fires way ova there? shit, the grill dosnt effect the sence here..
my coments on the scene.
To me i feel the hardcore scene is always building stronger, i was talking to dj storm and he admitts the scene here is a little behind.. a little, a lot.
he refered to our raves as being more happy then progresive, so therefor he played a more vocal set at hyper.
the scene is in a 94-2000 stage at the moment, which i agree to feel comfortable with.
the raves are still very oldschool happyhard related, and only little progression is being made compared to the uk
but that progression has been fast progression of late, with mixes of new and old style intwinded together from the past raves to the raves to come

arrr I'll stop my ********e

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!


Same street, Different house.

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Posted - 2003/01/09 :  02:36:39  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
Yeah it started to re-bang when I left Australia.... maybe that is the reason ...hehe ... Still cant get booked back in my own country and when you think about it I am the closest international Hardcore DJ hehe :)

you, me and hardcore forever.

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Posted - 2003/01/09 :  04:02:42  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit toxic's homepage
but ur an aussie living overseas, r u not?
so technically that wouldnt make u an international, would it?

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

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Posted - 2003/01/09 :  04:07:16  Show profile  Send a private message
Would it be safe to say that there is a deffo 3rd wave going on, with the second being 97ish? Dunno really, in sydney the crowds and demographics are always going to fluctuate as usually the minute ppl turn 18 they piss off to the clubs and end up with a negative attitude towards raves. comes down to $$$$ in the end the bigger the venue the bigger the crowd the more money they can throw at big name djs from o/s, belive it or not i think that demographics play a huge part in how big the scene is at any given time is as well, i use to joke that if it wernt for upper class kids from hunters hill there would be no rave scene at all, perhaps there is some sort of truth to that, ooh well thats just my opinion and it stinks debate me all ya want

yep yep

yep yep

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Posted - 2003/01/09 :  04:17:20  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit djstorm's homepage
australian scene rocks!


Al Storm

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Posted - 2003/01/09 :  04:20:16  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit toxic's homepage
^^^ nuff said

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

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Posted - 2003/01/09 :  04:22:21  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit djstorm's homepage
Originally posted by weba_d:
dj storm and he admitts the scene here is a little behind.. a little, a lot.
he refered to our raves as being more happy then progresive, so therefor he played a more vocal set at hyper.
the scene is in a 94-2000 stage at the moment, which i agree to feel comfortable with.
the raves are still very oldschool happyhard related, and only little progression is being made compared to the uk
but that progression has been fast progression of late, with mixes of new and old style intwinded together from the past raves to the raves to come

arrr I'll stop my ********e

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!


there is a lot of older stuff gettin played in oz, but its def picking up though, with weaver , hazey etc playing nu school stuff and it going off ... so hopefully ozzie scene willo be bang up to date soon enuff


Al Storm

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Posted - 2003/01/09 :  04:25:53  Show profile  Send a private message
we're always behind with everything, no wonder ppl think we are slow

yep yep

yep yep

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Posted - 2003/01/09 :  15:27:16  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit strychnine's homepage
Us? Behind? Never ... why, I just got that new track "Heart Of Gold" by that up-n-coming duo Force & Styles <=== mark my words, they're a talent to keep a lookout for

Live like there's no tomorrow.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like there's nobody watching.
F*** like you're being filmed.

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Posted - 2003/01/09 :  17:02:12  Show profile  Send a private message  Visit toxic's homepage
u serious? .... like send it over ... i want it

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!

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Posted - 2003/01/10 :  01:18:19  Show profile View artist profile  Send a private message  Visit silver's homepage
You have to excuse Australia, they only got electricity 5 years ago hehhe ;)

Yeah I am an Australian living in Japan, so technically I'm not an international, but I am not considered an international in Japan.... perhaps a reject or perhaps a re-import... hahaha ... srill no excuse not to book me!

you, me and hardcore forever.

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