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1,540 posts Joined: Sep, 2002
Posted - 2003/01/15 : 22:34:26
quote: Originally posted by silver:
UK is big, but running I can see how things are doing all over the world, I think there are more and bigger hardcore parties in Australia at the moment.
Ahhh yes, at the moment we do have a lot of parties, but that might have something to with it being summer over here. Someone correct me if im wrong, but does the hardcore scene around the world also pick up when they have their respective summers?
Dont get me wrong, im absolutely lovin' it at the moment. 
Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
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12,565 posts Joined: Feb, 2001
894 hardcore releases
Posted - 2003/01/16 : 05:51:00
quote: Originally posted by CandyAss:
What about Japan's hardcore parties? How do they compare?
You have to remember Japan is tiny tiny, and everything is expensive and everything is open 24 hours a day, so it is hard to put on a bif party and get alot of people to come.
In Australia everything closes at 6pm and the other thing you can do is goto a party.
you, me and hardcore forever.
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 United States
471 posts Joined: Jul, 2001
Posted - 2003/01/16 : 22:01:07
Yeah, but there's a lot of people in Japan and all the Japanese TV I've seen just screams "This country is ripe for a happycore scene." Seriously, some of their game show themes sound like happy hardcore remixes. Hope your weekly is doing well and that's kinda' cool about everything being open 24 hours. I would open a rave that never closes. Rave music live 24 hours a day. It could work maybe.
Back on topic though, Australia sounds great. I need to find time to go there within the next few years.
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Edited by - CandyAss on 2003/01/16 22:01:55 |
Stevie c
Advanced Member

3,836 posts Joined: Dec, 2002
204 hardcore releases
Posted - 2003/01/17 : 04:22:14
When I have some money you are top of the list!!
Your into the sound of Rebellion
me white gloves and neon sticks leave an endless trail
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321 posts Joined: Apr, 2002
71 hardcore releases
Posted - 2003/01/17 : 18:03:43
did any1 goto that free party in sydney lastnight
Sams party
was it any good
The FORCE is strong with this one
Go hard or GO HOME!!
The FORCE is strong with this one
Go hard or GO HOME!!
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1,540 posts Joined: Sep, 2002
Posted - 2003/01/17 : 22:00:47
^^^ errr, umm, the free party in sydney is 2nite (18/1/03) ... its called Just for Fun ... check the events section
last nite it was army of hardcore at castles nightclub 
Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
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151 posts Joined: May, 2001
Posted - 2003/01/24 : 11:57:55
Ok every ones been talking about sydney, i'd like to hear about melbourne, as far as i know its pretty dead.
The Brisbane scene however, is undergoing a huge change. 6 months ago, apart form the occasional uk hardcore import, all you heard was dutch gabber, and as much as the music in its own right is cool, it was killing harcore's reputation. Hardcore was a dirty word amongst all promoters and most ravers.
Recently however, people have shown an interest in freeform/new happy hard, and after playing a few sets out, i have noticed that there really is a better following for it than i first thought. Its all very new to the average hard house/trance punter, which is a good thing cause it keeps their minds open. And you find lots of ppl that are hugely into it but you never knew cause it didnt get played out.
Theres really been some huge vibrations recently, and hardcore's becoming a comonly muttered word around here, raves like mayhem have started to build interest (we got anabolic frolic/ufo/davepsi & qt here tonight). System 6, the local
| A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. "Hear that?" you say. "That's dynamite, baby." -Jack Handy |
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1,540 posts Joined: Sep, 2002
Posted - 2003/01/29 : 01:22:46
quote: Originally posted by Lusive:
Ok every ones been talking about sydney, i'd like to hear about melbourne, as far as i know its pretty dead.
Dont know, and quite frankly dont really care for the melbourne scene. Sydney scene rocks, thats all that matters, even Storm said so 
Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
Whisper something nice, and ill make you scream twice !!!
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2,268 posts Joined: Feb, 2002
92 hardcore releases
Posted - 2003/01/29 : 18:10:59
I was under the impression that the Melbourne scene was non-existent, save for a few bedroom producers and whatnot.
________________________________________________________________________ - can you really afford to miss a party this sick?
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New Member

29 posts Joined: Jun, 2002
Posted - 2003/02/19 : 16:11:34
The issue with the Sydney rave scene not going forward is simple. The promoters. Not saying anyone here in syd isnt doing a good job but facts are facts. Every now and then there will be an international or a sydney DJ who will play a bit more advanced(style wise) but at the end of the day the promoters , or at least the promoters of the bigger parties will always put on what and who they know as opposed to taking a risk and putting on people who will play a bit different. This isnt a bad thing as i get to hear all the tunes i love whenever i go out, BUT... i have been hearing most of these songs and sets since 96!
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2,268 posts Joined: Feb, 2002
92 hardcore releases
Posted - 2003/02/19 : 17:00:31
^^ ummm ... exactly what rock have you been living under? The top echelon of HHC DJ's in Sydney very rarely play old tracks anymore (with the exception of the odd classic that they'll throw into a set every once in a while), and are getting more and more adventurous re integrating other genres (eg freeform, gabber, trance) into their sets. In light of this, you'll also find that the top ranks of up&comers (eg Kaz, Finley, Kwest) have also strived to progress a little more in terms of distinctiveness when they play.
The promoters aren't stupid either. If they're gonna charge more than $25 then they have to offer something special, be it a big-name headliner, mindblowing production (eg award-winning lightshows etc), or simply giving the performers an avenue to try something different.
Admittedly, much of the progression has only happened in the last couple of months or so, but it shows no sign of letting up and I see bright things ahead for the scene.
Nothing is random. You were meant to read this.
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12,565 posts Joined: Feb, 2001
894 hardcore releases
Posted - 2003/02/19 : 17:36:56
Kind of true, you used to never see internationals at events in Sydney, now they are there all the time... All Australia needs now is quaility producers.
you, me and hardcore forever.
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New Member

29 posts Joined: Jun, 2002
Posted - 2003/02/19 : 18:06:55
Look sorry if you got the wrong impression about wht i was saying, let me try again. Yes freeform and gabba get used more now but its nothing new, i didnt say EVERY dj is playing the same old infact i said it tends to be the bigger parties that remain the same. I know hhc dj's here are doing a lot more recently than what has been getting done for a while but its still not fresh as such. just because its not a classic doesnt mean its new. i know of atleast two dj's personally in the sydney scene who have recently played original hartcore..yes hart not hard and also early jungle and breakbeat and people thought it was all new stuff. So all i am saying is there isnt much i havnt heard before, not saying its bad or that its wrong just that it would be nice to hear some of the newer hhc and hc from overseas.
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789 posts Joined: Jun, 2002
Posted - 2003/02/19 : 19:46:11
Weaver is starting to bring out some new stuff, hes got a studio setup now.
I have a good feeling the producing side will become a bit stonger in the future, cos the aussie scene is "Bangin!" right now and the more ppl hearing the new hhc the more chance it will sell here.
With a weak feasibility here so far for pressing records is starting to look a bit more possible.
save your Brain
Same street, Different house.
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