Release item details
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Item release format: |
CD - compilation |
Ownership: |
0.5% - (3/558) |
Want: |
0.0% - (0/558) |
Release item tracks |
Massive Music Company
 Hardcore Millenium Party [MMCCD013]
 [CD1-1] - [Midas, Sunset Regime] - Sunset In My Eyes
 [CD1-2] - [Unknown Project, The] - Wonderful Life
 [CD1-3] - [Ramos, Supreme, Sunset Regime] - Life Force Generator 2
 [CD1-4] - [Unknown Project, The] - Raveheart
 [CD1-5] - [CB Project] - Screaming Dreams
 [CD1-6] - [Stompy, DJ] - Test Of Time
 [CD1-7] - [Styles, Force] - Perfect Dreams
 [CD1-8] - [Vinylgroover] - Rainbows
 [CD1-9] - [Unknown, Sy] - What Is A DJ?
 [CD1-10] - [Sy, Unknown] - Head In The Clouds
 [CD1-11] - [Breeze] - I Feel For You
 [CD1-12] - [Select] - Ray Of Light
 [CD2-1] - [Vinylgroover] - Calypso Summer
 [CD2-2] - [UFO, Supreme] - Broken Wings
 [CD2-3] - [Supreme, Ramos, Sunset Regime] - Harmonize
 [CD2-4] - [Jack, Phil] - We Are Unity
 [CD2-5] - [Webley, DJ, Sensation] - Through The Night
 [CD2-6] - [Stompy, DJ] - Three Little Words
 [CD2-7] - [Justice, DJ] - Eternity
 [CD2-8] - [Storm, DJ] - Love Is The Only Way
 [CD2-9] - [Ikon] - Love Somebody Else
 [CD2-10] - [Druid, DJ, Vinylgroover] - Summertime Vibe
 [CD2-11] - [Stompy, DJ] - I Believe In The Beat
 [CD2-12] - [Midas] - Heart Is Jumping
 [CD2-13] - [Ramos, Sunset Regime, Supreme] - Nightraver
 [CD2-14] - [UFO, Marley] - All Alone
 [CD2-15] - [Edy C, DJ] - Meadowland
 [CD2-16] - [Sy, Unknown] - Are U Ready
 [CD2-17] - [Midas, Supreme, UFO] - Whatcanado
 [CD2-18] - [Sunset Regime, Supreme, Ramos] - Higher & Higher
 [CD3-1] - [Midas] - Groovecontrol
 [CD3-2] - [Joshua] - How Could You Do That
 [CD3-3] - [Midas, Donna Grassie] - Pure Love
 [CD3-4] - [Stompy, DJ] - Body Rock
 [CD3-5] - [Midas] - Can't Stop
 [CD3-6] - [Supreme, Ramos] - The Journey
 [CD3-7] - [Go Mental] - Wings Of Love
 [CD3-8] - [Ell, DJ, Dream] - What's Going On
 [CD3-9] - [Underground Movement] - Instant Love
 [CD3-10] - [UFO, Stompy, DJ, Supreme] - Here Beside Me
 [CD3-11] - [Stompy, DJ] - Pump It Up
 [CD3-12] - [Supreme, UFO] - Always In My Dreams
 [CD3-13] - [Stompy, DJ] - I Believe
 [CD3-14] - [Unknown Project, The] - Critical Heights
 [CD3-15] - [Ramos, Supreme] - Crowd Control
 [CD3-16] - [Edy C, DJ] - Good Times
 [CD3-17] - [Ramos, Sunset Regime, Supreme] - Got To Believe
 [CD4-1] - [Ikon, Sy, Unknown] - Give Yourself To Me
 [CD4-2] - [Dream] - Take Me Away
 [CD4-3] - [Tiny Tot] - Dred Land
 [CD4-4] - [Dougal, Hopscotch] - Steamtrain
 [CD4-5] - [Silk Cuts] - Silk Cuts 4
 [CD4-6] - [Sy, Unknown] - Listen To The Ace
 [CD4-7] - [JHAL] - Life We Share
 [CD4-8] - [Vinylgroover] - Shelter Shelter
 [CD4-9] - [Energy] - Hardcore Fever
 [CD4-10] - [Hardcore, DJ] - Always On My Mind
 [CD4-11] - [Dougal, Mickey Skeedale] - Gotta Go
 [CD4-12] - [Stompy, DJ] - Together In Harmony
 [CD4-13] - [Sound Assassins] - I Am The Creator
 [CD4-14] - [Justice, DJ] - Eternity
 [CD5-1] - [Spinback] - Give Yourself To Me
 [CD5-2] - [Dougal] - Life Is Like A Dance
 [CD5-3] - [Elevate] - All I Need (Is Love)
 [CD5-4] - [Sy, Unknown] - Scratchin' feat Storm, MC
 [CD5-5] - [Stompy, DJ] - Thoughts Of You
 [CD5-6] - [Force, Styles] - Fireworks
 [CD5-7] - [Bananaman, Fade] - Dream Surprise
 [CD5-8] - [Vinylgroover] - So Good
 [CD5-9] - [Blitz, Blaze!, Revolution] - Outta My Face
 [CD5-10] - [DNA, DJ, E-logic] - Going On The Way
 [CD5-11] - [DNA, DJ, Dougal] - Tears In Your Eyes
 [CD5-12] - [Dougal, DNA, DJ] - My Love
 [CD5-13] - [Midas] - Break Thru
 [CD5-14] - [Brisk, Vinylgroover] - Smooth And Irresistible
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