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T O P I C     R E V I E W
roundhead711 Just thought i'd post the shoking news that rankin has a released track now on AATW....SHOKING!!!!!
DJ-Pure proof or it never happened.
Pope C XXIII Link or I call bu||shit.
Meph751 it's actually true

though i don't feel like digging up the link, as i have to go study for a german test, but someone else can!
Leto I don't believe it...
Samination it wouldnt suprise you tho? arent AATW supposted to be moneyhogs?
bulby_g It's true. However... Apparently he done none of the work on the track (it was engineered for him and he sat on his arse). Seems AATW are just cashing in on the name, with a bit of luck they'll rip him off as well :).
Originally posted by bulby_g:
It's true. However... Apparently he done none of the work on the track (it was engineered for him and he sat on his arse). Seems AATW are just cashing in on the name, with a bit of luck they'll rip him off as well :).

And more information? Perhaps people will rip him now.
bulby_g If you read through that you'll see it's confirmed by the person doing the remix on the flip.

Yeah, can't wait for Cammy or someone to rip off his tune ;)

I don't see how they expect to make money from it anyway... It's a known fact that the sort of people who listen to DJ Rankin are kids who fileshare :S
clarke101 170 bpm version coming to Raver Baby soon then.
Originally posted by clarke101:
170 bpm version coming to Raver Baby soon then.

If that happens UK Hardcore name will officially be changed to UK CorporatismCore.

Anyway, i will be boycotting AATW if they release a "Rankin" tune.
Ard2theCore I'll Second tht.
Originally posted by clarke101:
170 bpm version coming to Raver Baby soon then.

not forgetting Quash and all the other Upfront/Uk Hardcore acts out there lol
DJ SICOSIS I can't wait for someone to download it, speed it up, and add some out of time vocals and stupid f@ckin noises, (or more of) hehehehe

Taste you own medicine rankin !!!!!!!!!!!!

HARRIBO i wont beleive it until its official on there website
Originally posted by DJ SICOSIS:
I can't wait for someone to download it, speed it up, and add some out of time vocals and stupid f@ckin noises, (or more of) hehehehe

Taste you own medicine rankin !!!!!!!!!!!!

I'd be churning that track like butter!
The Doc
Originally posted by roundhead711:
Just thought i'd post the shoking news that rankin has a released track now on AATW....SHOKING!!!!!

if he does so what! no one will buy it! I long for the day when Rankin does a mix on Bonkers, this site would crash!
SPOOX If Skankin did do a mix on bonkers he'd just get one of the other original bonkers CD's mixed by someone else, play it all the way through & add to it all his usual out of time mish-mash shite!! OH yeah sorry i forgot He'd speed it up a bit too just so ya would'nt recognize it!! Ha Ha
Lilley While on this topic, where has Cammy been lately. havnt really seen his head being thrown around here recently
Originally posted by DJ SICOSIS:
I can't wait for someone to download it, speed it up, and add some out of time vocals and stupid f@ckin noises, (or more of) hehehehe

Taste you own medicine rankin !!!!!!!!!!!!

If that did happen do you think he'll be a hypocrite and try to sue? Interesting thought.

Mansy if it couldnt get any worser and that little twat face rankin gets a track release, well lets all fuk his tracks up, lets all get a copy and do the same shit he does and post it over the internet everywhere,

thinking about it i dont think i wanna waste my time or computer power
Originally posted by SPOOX:
If Skankin did do a mix on bonkers he'd just get one of the other original bonkers CD's mixed by someone else, play it all the way through & add to it all his usual out of time mish-mash shite!! OH yeah sorry i forgot He'd speed it up a bit too just so ya would'nt recognize it!! Ha Ha

Not forgetting some vocals from a few of the Clublands added to spice it up, and a little bit of Hip Hop just for the chavs
Chris B Rankin, scouse house, uk gaycore

all same old pish if you ask me, people who seem shocked it's happening need to give there head a shake.

All pish music for kids and mentally ill folk on too many pills, infact i prefer rankin in a lot of ways cos he makes shit tunes into comedy
novaboy OMG!! this angers me so much! How can they accept him on a label if they realise of how much of a talentless plaigariser he is! Absolutly apalling... dispicable.
Originally posted by _nova_:
How can they accept him on a label if they realise of how much of a talentless plaigariser he is!

To be fair most of the people on AATW seem to be like that. The label is rife with talentless "artists".

Gav001 Heres a sample of the Lee S remix...

Apparently its two producers making the tunes and there just using Rankin's name cause they know they cud make a quick buck off him.......
silver Top page news.
impish Why am i not surprised that "his" new tune that "he" made... is a remix of another tune

Poor Lee S... i had alot of respect for him as an artist but teaming up with Rankin?!

It's a sad, sad day.
Lilley haha watched those videos. what a ****up the dipshit who wrote the Cammy n Rankin video must be. i seriously thought about adding him for a laugh. wonder how he knows Cammy is a chick. isnt he supposed to live in queensland somewhere? or was that a different cammy? hell i could be cammy for 50 bucks. dont no how to beat match but thats not really a problem id just plug one of the clubland cds.
Hard Daze Whats worse is that if Rankin sees success off of this there will be alot more "artists" ripping off the real producers, just to build a name for themselves.
Al_X Lol, check this out.

The truth must be known :P
DJ-Pure This is pathetic, Some so called 'DJ' wings all his tunes by adding poor placed extras with the worst E.Q and sequencing I've ever heard manages to get a release, while Legitimate DJs such as my self and alot of others who put time and money in to making a track to have it turned down whilst we struggle to hit our industries standards. This is appalling and personally i think owners and promoters of AATW should be told of his illegal activities and have his tune withdrawn.

This just proves that almost every scene has become a money whore wanting to turn out shit that hasn't had no heart or soul put in to the song, track or tune what ever you want to call it.
Originally posted by DJ-Pure:
This is appalling and personally i think owners and promoters of AATW should be told of his illegal activities and have his tune withdrawn.

I've no doubt in my mind that they already know of his history and are using it to cash in on his name and also using it to corner the market of the teenage kids who listen to crap dance on their phones.

Originally posted by Mortis:
Originally posted by DJ-Pure:
This is appalling and personally i think owners and promoters of AATW should be told of his illegal activities and have his tune withdrawn.

I've no doubt in my mind that they already know of his history and are using it to cash in on his name and also using it to corner the market of the teenage kids who listen to crap dance on their phones.

Indeed all they are seeing is the £'s. Rankin probably got a shit deal and AATW will be laughing all the way to the bank.
Originally posted by clarke101:
Indeed all they are seeing is the £'s. Rankin probably got a shit deal and AATW will be laughing all the way to the bank.

Let's hope that part is true, it seems like AATW is keeping it secret
mart887 Isn't what he does illegal how come no one has sued him yet
Uproar So, why is this on the top page? I've no idea what this has to do with Hardcore.
Meph751 so, about the song itself

don't shoot me for saying this, but for what is, it's really not awful (donky bassline happy stuff, what genre would you even call it? scouse house?). I wonder how much rankin actually took part in the creation of the track?
DJ Fracus :S
Samination mart887: if he was selling the 'tracks', then there should be no problem to do that. Also, he was mostly active with that when he was underaged.
But alas, Rankin himself haven't sold any tracks on places there he could get caught.

Anyways, it's a known fact that popularity sells. Heck, just look at Paris Hilton
Originally posted by DjSamination:
just look at Paris Hilton

I'd rather not, she's a skanky whore.
Samination ok, keep your look at kathryn then, and the rest of us can look at the skanky whore ourself.

Well you know what I mean, she keeps getting headlines with what she does
Triquatra it not even original its a cover/rip of an old whigfield song "think of you" from 1996

Jayfive Firstly yes this is all true and confirmed by Steve Kelly at AATW on their forum:
The track has been signed but whether it will be released as a single or appear on a compilation are unclear at the moment.

AATW have been aware of rankin for as long as anyone and when the track was offered to them by Sean Mack (Chill FM) and George Bowie (Forth FM) who are Rankin's producers, AATW signed it not on the basis of the track being good, but on the basis of Rankin's name having a large following due to his rampant plagarism.

AATW make no excuses for themselves and have signed this track purely on the basis that Rankin's name might make them some money. At least they are honest I suppose.

Rankin had no creative input whatsoever in the making of this track and was not even present during it's production.

Lots more juicy tidbits (not to mention a whole range of excuses and justifications from the AATW people) can be read on that thread linked earlier.

Might I suggest anyone who feels strongly about this firstly make their opinions known to AATW here:

Also anyone who thinks Rankin should get a taste of his own medicine: keep watching the skies for the Rankin Remix Project.
Hard Daze So Rankin has now effectively become the Milli Vanilli of the techno music.
this-is-bonkers its the first sighn on the apocolypse!!

what stolen track got him sighned?...
Jayfive Oh and don't bother expressing any opinions on the subject on the AATW forum. It appears they have an admin-nazi deleting anything that isnt directly about the track itself. Why are these people covering up for rankin?
Roberticus I hop in to see if I could find any good news on hardcore, but no...
I hope this will the first and the last of the kind...
drivebye well this has made me rethink my life (music tech degree in the making),
the people at AATW have made it clear that the key to success isnt talent, love for music, creativity
They are promoting the use of computers and technology as a way of cheating your way through life, instead of using it for good!
The easy way out isnt it!
Many artists (including Green Day), got it right when they sang "nice guys finish last"

if this track is released i will be ashamed to say im an avid fan of dance music...

(this is a conversation i imagine will occur at some point in someones life) :P

"what music do you listen to"
>"well i enjoy dance music, hardcore"
"oh yea like dj rankin?"

Yoda would have a thing to say about this...
Chris B

Hahahaha he is a fanny of a boy but at the same time i have more respect for him taking the piss than half the sacks on here who take it so seriously they think it's the end of the world and there on a mission to save hardcore from this evil.

While he's gettin wrecked shaggin them two birds with his name on there knickers before playin to a massive crowd, your all sittin on an internet site bitching about it.

Music and dance music especially is full of rip offs, loadsa tunes sell totally off samples they steal from other tunes and nobody bats an eyelid.

When i'm rockin away to exlaxl i doubt enya would think it's a good remix of her work or gave permission for it. Pretty much all the big names and others have done rip offs from other peoples work before, if they do a good job why not's my opinion.

These kids like it when rankin mashes up the scouse and uk stuff so be it, aatw are a business so all the bitchin in the world aint gonna make them listen to some nobody off the internet.

But aye people listen to a lot of shit music, what can you do about it.
Hardwired Raver But aye people listen to a lot of shit music, what can you do about it.

Kill them :D Rankin or whatever his name is quite simply an cock end of.
Pope C XXIII Rankin is proof that success is purely a combination of balls and luck, and nothing else.

And seriously, why's everyone getting all worked up about this? It's not like he's plotting the downfall of electronic music or anything. Let's all just have fun and play nice.
The Doc
Originally posted by Chris B:

Hahahaha he is a fanny of a boy but at the same time i have more respect for him taking the piss than half the sacks on here who take it so seriously they think it's the end of the world and there on a mission to save hardcore from this evil.

While he's gettin wrecked shaggin them two birds with his name on there knickers before playin to a massive crowd, your all sittin on an internet site bitching about it.

Music and dance music especially is full of rip offs, loadsa tunes sell totally off samples they steal from other tunes and nobody bats an eyelid.

When i'm rockin away to exlaxl i doubt enya would think it's a good remix of her work or gave permission for it. Pretty much all the big names and others have done rip offs from other peoples work before, if they do a good job why not's my opinion.

These kids like it when rankin mashes up the scouse and uk stuff so be it, aatw are a business so all the bitchin in the world aint gonna make them listen to some nobody off the internet.

But aye people listen to a lot of shit music, what can you do about it.

nice one chris! I used to hate MC Hammer and all his shite music, and my cousin Sean (RIP) used to always say to me, MC Hammer doesn't care what the f**k I think about, he doesn't know me, he doesn't give a sh*t and he doesn't need me to count the millions of pounds in his bank account!


so, Dance Music is full of rip-offs, nothing anyone denies, but dont compare it to DJ Rankin


compared to that, I still cant see why illegal downloads (for those who onyl listens to them and not rename it their own), is considered copyright infrigment
Chris B Ayer but he makes f*ck all money on those tracks illegally labelled, loadsa producers have sold loads completely because people like the stolen samples they use and gave nothing to the original creators.

I couldnt care tbh love loadsa rips but is totally hypocrisy to then cry thief to someone who put a few shit mixes on some download sites.
xavi1234 leave the kid alone! ur not even sure its him changing thoose names and not a guy that dont like him ! he looks like a good kid
djDMS We're all doomed a tell ye.

Originally posted by djDMS:
We're all doomed a tell ye.


They don't like it up um
luminate i find it hard to believe that AATW signed it, considering that he ripped off artists signed to them!
if i were signed to a label n rankin ripped off me, then was signed to it, i'd never hav anything to do with that label ever again.
and i'd imagine that breeze & styles would make them WAY more money then rankin would
Originally posted by xavi1234:
leave the kid alone! ur not even sure its him changing thoose names and not a guy that dont like him ! he looks like a good kid

How do you think it all started?
Maybe "THE" Rankin didn't do all the track's he supposedly renamed, but he still started it, and he has done it for so long that he has no credabilty with anyone who know's what (uk)Hardcore really is
Aaron-Htid Rankin n aw th rest eh th pc djs oot there r aw ***** losers :S need ti git a ***** life.
kathryn well if he reads this hes gonna think look at all the fuss over him!
so hes probably laughing to himself.

P.S. Chris B, he's not just sampling stuff as in Exlxaxl where the Enya bit is sampled. He's playing songs by other artists badly pitched up and adding little samples randomly here and there, and instead of calling it a mix, just releases it as a song under his name, which people believe.

It's more of a moral thing that's irritating, I don't give a shit whether or not AATW signs him. I don't have respect for that label anyway. :D
Hashlygreen69 Anyone know where i can get an acapella for this track? il put my own name on it if i do a remix
Samination presumable, Lisa Abbott did the vocals (atleast on the Lee S remix)
Originally posted by Aaron-Htid:
Rankin n aw th rest eh th pc djs oot there r aw ***** losers :S need ti git a ***** life.

dude, I'm a PC-DJ and I can tell you that real PC-DJ's dont do what Rankin does

heck, you could use Windows Sound Record to make what Rankin does, that isnt the same as PC-DJing
Leto ^^Indeed.
nailbiter check this out****er

I love Fire in the Sky, so this one really pissed me off.

Edit: you need to copy and paste the URL and replace the **** with the orignal letters.
Jayfive Thats a fake myspace account. So are all the other 'dj rankins' on myspace.

Rankin's real myspace account got deleted a few weeks ago.
Originally posted by DjSamination:
Originally posted by Aaron-Htid:
Rankin n aw th rest eh th pc djs oot there r aw ***** losers :S need ti git a ***** life.

dude, I'm a PC-DJ and I can tell you that real PC-DJ's dont do what Rankin does

heck, you could use Windows Sound Record to make what Rankin does, that isnt the same as PC-DJing

I contend theres no such thing as a PC-DJ. Messing about with other peoples mp3s on a PC isnt Djing of any sort its just....messing about with other peoples mp3s on a PC.

kathryn A real dj uses vinyl
Originally posted by Jayfive:
Originally posted by DjSamination:
Originally posted by Aaron-Htid:
Rankin n aw th rest eh th pc djs oot there r aw ***** losers :S need ti git a ***** life.

dude, I'm a PC-DJ and I can tell you that real PC-DJ's dont do what Rankin does

heck, you could use Windows Sound Record to make what Rankin does, that isnt the same as PC-DJing

I contend theres no such thing as a PC-DJ. Messing about with other peoples mp3s on a PC isnt Djing of any sort its just....messing about with other peoples mp3s on a PC.

You obviously have never heard of Traktor. There's such a thing as vinyl emulation.

And if I had the money, I'd use Final Scratch. Still workin' on that though...
Originally posted by Leto:
Originally posted by Jayfive:
Originally posted by DjSamination:
Originally posted by Aaron-Htid:
Rankin n aw th rest eh th pc djs oot there r aw ***** losers :S need ti git a ***** life.

dude, I'm a PC-DJ and I can tell you that real PC-DJ's dont do what Rankin does

heck, you could use Windows Sound Record to make what Rankin does, that isnt the same as PC-DJing

I contend theres no such thing as a PC-DJ. Messing about with other peoples mp3s on a PC isnt Djing of any sort its just....messing about with other peoples mp3s on a PC.

You obviously have never heard of Traktor. There's such a thing as vinyl emulation.

And if I had the money, I'd use Final Scratch. Still workin' on that though...

Yes Ive heard of it Smartypants. Ive got it on here somewhere. Sitting at home on a PC isnt DJing. DJing is as much about the performance to an audience as is it the tools you use. That even extend to Final Scratch (which Ive seen used effectively). And that description to all you folks who call yourselves 'DJs' but have never played outside of your bedrooms. Ive got spanners and such in my kitchen cupboard to fix the sink if it leaks, that doesnt make me a practising plumber.

And while this doesnt apply to anyone in this thread and 99% of the honest people on this site but PC-DJ is also used as a justification to produce mixes full of downloaded illegal MP3s.....Exhibit A: DJ Cammy (the australian one, not the scottish one)
Originally posted by Jayfive:
Originally posted by Leto:
Originally posted by Jayfive:
Originally posted by DjSamination:
Originally posted by Aaron-Htid:
Rankin n aw th rest eh th pc djs oot there r aw ***** losers :S need ti git a ***** life.

dude, I'm a PC-DJ and I can tell you that real PC-DJ's dont do what Rankin does

heck, you could use Windows Sound Record to make what Rankin does, that isnt the same as PC-DJing

I contend theres no such thing as a PC-DJ. Messing about with other peoples mp3s on a PC isnt Djing of any sort its just....messing about with other peoples mp3s on a PC.

You obviously have never heard of Traktor. There's such a thing as vinyl emulation.

And if I had the money, I'd use Final Scratch. Still workin' on that though...

Yes Ive heard of it Smartypants. Ive got it on here somewhere. Sitting at home on a PC isnt DJing. DJing is as much about the performance to an audience as is it the tools you use. That even extend to Final Scratch (which Ive seen used effectively).

PC-DJ is also used as a justification to produce mixes full of downloaded illegal MP3s.....Exhibit A: DJ Cammy (the australian one, not the scottish one)


I play gigs, have a radio show and record mixes in my bedroom. I buy all the music that I play. There is such a thing as a PC-DJ.
Hiya, I'm new on ere n i heard bwt Rankins release, is pritty shockin!!

Hard Daze Man, if Rankins gonna make a rip off song at least TRY to make it good. You could sit a chimp down in front of a computer and you'd get the same result.

My suggestion to AATW for Rankin's next record, pair him up with our MC GARY'S HEAD give them an hour in a studio and just put out whatever they come up with.
Originally posted by Leto:

I play gigs, have a radio show and record mixes in my bedroom. I buy all the music that I play. There is such a thing as a PC-DJ.


Its a pale imitation of actual DJing. How much do you actually do and how much is done for you? You're there but theres no skill or performance involved. And the skill and performance is at least part of what DJing is about. So until you actually perform, you're not really a DJ. Just someone who plays music.

You might as well have an ipod running.

Anyway, thats my luddite-esque take on it anyway.
Samination jayfive, you're contradicting yourself.

a DJ IS someone who just plays music, where do you think it originally came from? Just because someone learned to "mix" tracks, doesnt mean all the DJ's need to do that, just to be called DJ.

Are you saying that Hixxy, or any of the top-tier DJ's who just plays their own stuff have skills? anyways, most of them use CD-DJ's now aswell.

To add myself into the topic of "pc-djs". After a while discussing what a DJ is on's IRC channel, I came to the conclution to not call myself DjSamination anymore.

but after thinking it throu, what do I do? I mix. Live or not, I create mixes so people can listen to them. Should I call myself a producer then? Bootleger?

If this means that I'm giving Rankin some kind of credit, I'd rather do that than having you comparing me to Rankin

jayfive, you're contradicting yourself.

a DJ IS someone who just plays music, where do you think it originally came from? Just because someone learned to "mix" tracks, doesnt mean all the DJ's need to do that, just to be called DJ.

Im not referring specifically to mixing. But just *playing* music isnt all of it. Im referring generally to the element of performance and SPECIFICALLY to the people who mess about with MP3s and call themsevles DJs.

Are you saying that Hixxy, or any of the top-tier DJ's who just plays their own stuff have skills? anyways, most of them use CD-DJ's now aswell.

I dont understand what relevance that has. What have CDs and/or playing your own productions got to do with anything mentioned up to this point? DJing with CDJ has a whole range of skills in itself. Ive seen the Scratch Perverts do some awesome scratching etc tricks with CDJ's that just arent possible with vinyl.

'but after thinking it throu, what do I do? I mix. Live or not, I create mixes so people can listen to them. Should I call myself a producer then? Bootleger?'

Do you mean 'mixes' as in 20/60/90/whatever minutes of beatmatched track or 'mixes' as in what the likes of Rankin and Cammy do? Well you dont have to really 'call' yourself anything. You do what you do.

Though if what you do if the latter of the two things, what you should do if stop mucking about with other people's tracks and make yer own flippin tunes. I see more remixes being posted up on forums at the moment than I do original productions. But if you're doing these 'mixes' to sharpen you're production skills and aren't banding around the things as your own productions then you're not the same as Mr Rankin.

You're not a 'bootlegger' that for sure - thats a word that been incorrectly banded about much too much. A TRUE bootlegger in music terms is someone who creates fake versions of rare items (eg God Save The Queen by the Sex Pistols) and sells them as real. What rankin does badly and what some of you do well are just unofficial/on-spec remixes.

Its worth noting over on discogs we dont use 'bootleg', we use 'unoffical release' :)

I suppose the word bootleg sounds more exciting and dangerous :P

So, why is this on the top page? I've no idea what this has to do with Hardcore.


Rankin, scouse house, uk gaycore

all same old pish if you ask me, people who seem shocked it's happening need to give there head a shake.

All pish music for kids and mentally ill folk on too many pills, infact i prefer rankin in a lot of ways cos he makes shit tunes into comedy

Moan, Moan, Moan why do you always call uk hardcore gaycore or summit people like you piss me off mr macho gabber snob
Leto Jayfive,

Everything I do is manual. I don't use any sync features or anything. I use a touchpad and keyboard.

And, to top it off, I've tried mixing with vinyl, and I can do it! Holy cow!

I'll continue to call myself a DJ and until you demonstrate that you have to be a turntablist to be a DJ, I'll stop.

And Rankin isn't making mixes, nor is he a PC-DJ.

That isn't to say that beatmatching tracks together is all there is to DJ'ing, I'll agree with you on that.

But a PC-DJ isn't necessarily excluded from that category. I still have control over the mix and what songs I play and any effects or anything that I put on the mixes. I also record the mixes live, so any mistakes are included in the mix.

All in all, this is a pointless argument. Go ask someone who has no concept of DJ'ing what DJ'ing is and they'll tell you that they play songs at parties.

Listen to or check out my radio show to listen to my mixes if you want. You can judge whether or not I deserve to be called a DJ on that I suppose.
Triquatra this is BT

he is a DJ

he is one of the highest paid american Djs

this is BT, unhooking one of the turntables from the warm up DJ.....

and hooking up his mac + midi controller!!!

omg wtf!!! :O

BT rocks.
Chris B
Originally posted by Marshy88:

Moan, Moan, Moan why do you always call uk hardcore gaycore or summit

I refuse to call sped up dance music hardcore, and it seems to wind up fannies like you so bonus

people like you piss me off mr macho gabber snob

Jesus Christ you tit, get a life it's only an internet site ya sack
Chris B
Originally posted by Leto:
P.S. Chris B, he's not just sampling stuff as in Exlxaxl where the Enya bit is sampled. He's playing songs by other artists badly pitched up and adding little samples randomly here and there, and instead of calling it a mix, just releases it as a song under his name, which people believe.

It's more of a moral thing that's irritating

Oh yeah i no exactly what he does, i remember before i even came on the internet he used to sell his cd's in glasgow outside 23rd and all my wee brothers mates thought he was amazing.

Basically take one standard cheesy dance, old makina or uk hardcore track then pitch it up to f*ck addin shitty out of time samples "insideinsideupsideinsidethisweighticantbearupsidedown" etc etc etc totally out of time with the music. My fav one for comedy value was one with an old makina tune "Tam Tam" with 50 cent "in the club" totally out of time and in the wrong place.

Still remember havin a party one of my wee bros pals puttin it on all of us rollin around the floor in hysterics at how bad it is.

Anyway obv it got on filesharing and loadsa people actually like that shit, as i said a lot of people like reaqlly shite music.

I do understand your point about morals in that he didnt write it was a remix but said it was his own track when he'd done nothing but add stupid shit to them.

But it just seems people only use morals when it suits them. Doesnt matter if a big name sells a track purely on stolen vocals and makes a phat wad of cash out of it, but when a stupid kid puts tracks up for free with his name on them it's suddenly out of order.

Sure i've been through it before but think of all the versions of 4am that have came out over the years. I'd bet not one of them has paid the original creator of the vocals anything and some have sold shitloads, without the vocals wouldnt have been released.

I dont care cos i like hardcore using samples from anywhere and everywhere pretty much, just dont see how morally its much worse if any worse what he's doing
djscorch Not as shocking as your spelling
boober Dj Rankin Fu cking sucks
if you want to watch somthing good
watch Dj ravine on you tube
He knows Rankin Blows!
Originally posted by djscorch:
Not as shocking as your spelling

go on son hit him where it hurts.... his grammer!
Im_British I good way to take revenge on Rankin would be to upload the hell out of this AATW track to various P2P networks and ******* sites; therefore minimizing Rankin's and AATW's profits.

Not that I would download it.
Originally posted by Meathead:
Originally posted by djscorch:
Not as shocking as your spelling

go on son hit him where it hurts.... his grammer!

It's Grammar actually
Originally posted by Chris B:
I refuse to call sped up dance music hardcore, and it seems to wind up fannies like you so bonus

Hey man, just chill out. (and that goes for anyone getting all pissed off about anything in this thread.) Let people define stuff how they want, and don't get all pissed about differing opinions.

Look at yourselves. A bunch of ****ing ravers getting pissed off at each other about having different opinions. What the hell happened to all the utopian dreams of the 90's? Peace, love, unity, and respect. It's not just some letters to make yourselves feel like you're not sitting on your ass and allowing the world to just keep on whatever depressing nosedive it's going into. Don't stop loving.

Originally posted by clarke101:
It's Grammar actually

You forgot a period.
Originally posted by NeXuS:
Originally posted by clarke101:
It's Grammar actually

You forgot a period.

Or a "full stop"....if your English

bent_bananna surely someone on here must know someone, who knows someone else, who knows Rankin. It'd be good if he came on here and aired his views
Originally posted by bent_bananna:
surely someone on here must know someone, who knows someone else, who knows Rankin. It'd be good if he came on here and aired his views

I have emailed him for comment, nothing yet.
Originally posted by NeXuS:
Originally posted by clarke101:
It's Grammar actually

You forgot a period.

Thankyou, I shall treasure it for the rest of my days.
kathryn Is this topic still going on?
Samination oh, its about grammer bashing now... how offtopic off you all
Originally posted by DjSamination:
oh, its about grammer bashing now... how offtopic off you all

Originally posted by DjSamination:
oh, its about grammer bashing now... how offtopic off you all

Of not Off
Dj Fonz
Originally posted by Leto:
Originally posted by Jayfive:
Originally posted by DjSamination:
Originally posted by Aaron-Htid:
Rankin n aw th rest eh th pc djs oot there r aw ***** losers :S need ti git a ***** life.

dude, I'm a PC-DJ and I can tell you that real PC-DJ's dont do what Rankin does

heck, you could use Windows Sound Record to make what Rankin does, that isnt the same as PC-DJing

I contend theres no such thing as a PC-DJ. Messing about with other peoples mp3s on a PC isnt Djing of any sort its just....messing about with other peoples mp3s on a PC.

You obviously have never heard of Traktor. There's such a thing as vinyl emulation.

And if I had the money, I'd use Final Scratch. Still workin' on that though...


Get with the time kid!

Final Scracth is non exsitent now, no longer are any updates made availablie!

Serato finished off stantons attempt at a DVS solution, although Native Instruments have just released TRAKTOR SCRATCH wich is in no way connected to final crash! The only thing similar is that NI also made the software for the windows version (I believe v1.5+) of final crash!

And seriosly before buying any of NI's products (or stanton's) you should read up on the company, i for one would never give them (or stanton) another penny of my money!
Samination may I devert you to my avatar, so you can see what kind of ass country I'm from?
Originally posted by DjSamination:
may I devert you to my avatar, so you can see what kind of ass country I'm from?

devert you mean divert
Originally posted by kathryn:
Originally posted by DjSamination:
may I devert you to my avatar, so you can see what kind of ass country I'm from?

devert you mean divert

And while were picking holes you avatar doesnt mention any country.
Originally posted by clarke101:
Originally posted by kathryn:
Originally posted by DjSamination:
may I devert you to my avatar, so you can see what kind of ass country I'm from?

devert you mean divert

And while were picking holes you avatar doesnt mention any country.

Originally posted by clarke101:
Originally posted by kathryn:
Originally posted by DjSamination:
may I devert you to my avatar, so you can see what kind of ass country I'm from?

devert you mean divert

And while were picking holes you avatar doesnt mention any country.

i believe you mean your. and he means underneath his picture

Originally posted by Meathead:
Originally posted by clarke101:
Originally posted by kathryn:
Originally posted by DjSamination:
may I devert you to my avatar, so you can see what kind of ass country I'm from?

devert you mean divert

And while were picking holes you avatar doesnt mention any country.

i believe you mean your. and he means underneath his picture

Originally posted by Dj Fonz:


Get with the time kid!

Final Scracth is non exsitent now, no longer are any updates made availablie!

Serato finished off stantons attempt at a DVS solution, although Native Instruments have just released TRAKTOR SCRATCH wich is in no way connected to final crash! The only thing similar is that NI also made the software for the windows version (I believe v1.5+) of final crash!

And seriosly before buying any of NI's products (or stanton's) you should read up on the company, i for one would never give them (or stanton) another penny of my money!

...Well. You certainly misconstrued my point. It's entirely irrelevant what form of Final Scratch, Traktor Scratch, Serato Scratch, or whatever I'm referring to, I merely am referring to the technology in existence.

All of this was to prove the point that there is such a thing as a PC-DJ and that Rankin is not one.
Ken Masters DJ Rankin is a ****ing joke! He's a disgrace to all the legends who fought to create the scene that we all love today! With people like that fanny gettin a name for his self it doesn't look to good for the future of the scene! How someone can get good hardcore vibez from his rip off tunes? Makes me really sad:(
dparkster i think DJ Rankin is a waaste of space who should be stung up by the ballz for his sins to good music turning it into garbage nonsensical noise, all in all the man is a dickhead and AATW should be ashamed of themselves for even associating with the fraudster.
Ken Masters well said mate! It's ****s like him who give hardcore a bad name!
Samination and drugs dont?
Originally posted by silver:
Originally posted by bent_bananna:
surely someone on here must know someone, who knows someone else, who knows Rankin. It'd be good if he came on here and aired his views

I have emailed him for comment, nothing yet.

Dont hold your breath for a reply. Rankin's too cowardly to come on any forum but his own. And even when one of his cronies do, they use fake account defending him.

Heres one comment Rankin himself posted on his forum. The content and the fact the moderators on his own forum removed it speaks volumes:

Well hello troops! sorry ive not been on the new site much this is my first time ive been busy on tour l8ly rockin to the masses as always! Anyways welcome to the forums i will have some free stuff to giveaway soon for valued members , members that post over 500 msgs will be given prizes in the next few months so get posting! More info on this will be posted by the Administrator soon! well a little update ive been touring europe l8ly just returned to scotland and played in dunfermline it was rocking as always , gotta love the home crowds! For any of you thats heard this crazy truth bull kicking around trying to bring the new generation of Djs down , lmao wot a lot of junk , first off these guys dont have there facts right secondly wtf do most djs do when they start off djing? BOOTLEG its not like theres profit made from it it is simply a HOBBIE and if ppl are enjoying it wheres the harm? I must say its so funny how i get abuse from bootleg "DJS" doing what i done when i was 13 telling me that i am a theif??? WTF lol and you have made your own songs ?? NO you chuck an acapella here and there just the same! Have i produced my own songs YES!but for there info i now produce my own material like i said ,have mastered turntables cdjs etc in all aspects so wotever man dont hate the player hate the game! As you no my album will be out soon more info will be posted on this soon ! I am also workin with Micky Modelle ( Dancing In The Dark ) in ireland right now on some stuff etc more info soon. I must say a MASSIVE MASSIVE thanx and Respect to all the loyal fans out there keeping it real thanx for your support and i promise every1 of you i will repay you as best as i can for it you guys RULE and you no it!

I dont think I can even begin to point out whats wrong with that quote...
dagapman wow i almost died when i watched the youtube videos about this
it hurts to listen to that "music" Rankin "made"
i'd rather stab forks in my ears
or stab rankin's balls with the forks,
whichever brings faster relief

big disappointment is AATW
DarrenJ I hope he dances with gay saliors like whigfield did in sexy eyes
Dj Fonz
Originally posted by Leto:
Originally posted by Dj Fonz:


Get with the time kid!

Final Scracth is non exsitent now, no longer are any updates made availablie!

Serato finished off stantons attempt at a DVS solution, although Native Instruments have just released TRAKTOR SCRATCH wich is in no way connected to final crash! The only thing similar is that NI also made the software for the windows version (I believe v1.5+) of final crash!

And seriosly before buying any of NI's products (or stanton's) you should read up on the company, i for one would never give them (or stanton) another penny of my money!

...Well. You certainly misconstrued my point. It's entirely irrelevant what form of Final Scratch, Traktor Scratch, Serato Scratch, or whatever I'm referring to, I merely am referring to the technology in existence.

All of this was to prove the point that there is such a thing as a PC-DJ and that Rankin is not one.

Nah mate i never misconstrued your point, YOU STATED FINAL SCRATCH, and as that is a trademarked brand i assumed your were talking about final scratch. If you had stated a DVS then there would have been no confusing!

And i would NOT call some one that use Torq, SSL, Final Crash, etc a PC-DJ! Sure you use a pc (or mac) but thats not really the point is it, YOU STILL NEED TT's OR CDJ's

I use SSL and i don't appreciate being label the same as a real PC-DJ, imo i am a real dj but if you just use a software program then i am sorry to say no matter how good you can make mix cds in your bedroom you are not a real dj!
Leto ^^Even if I perform live then?

You need to re-evaluate your definition of a DJ, because it doesn't hold up anymore.
Dj Fonz You use a computer when playing live? thats great i am happy it works for you but please be under no illusion you are still not a dj! Your are more like a human windows media player! Don't know if you have a dj name but i think dj winamp might be suited to you! haha

A real dj need at least 1 of the following or 1 of each

2 x TT's
2 x CDJ's

And then a must is a mixer, you do not have or use this equipment then you are not djing! No matter how you look at it these are essential pieces of equpiment for the job!

If you honestly think cause you can click on the mouse a few times that makes you a dj then you are either ****ed in the head, on some form of strong medication or just on hard drugs!

Now just for argument sake can you name some famous dj's that use a computer and nothing more when djing? And i mean famous not your 13 year old mate who has d/l some crap program and some tracks from limewire!

Rather than call your self a dj i think seriously at most a music programmer but dj come on man face up to the facts!!

Originally posted by Leto:
You need to re-evaluate your definition of a DJ, because it doesn't hold up anymore.

The meaning of dj is disc jockey. Correct?

when the saying started disc in disc jockey refered to vinyl although now cds would also be considered "discs", yes i use SSL so i spin aiff/wav files but heres the thing to do that i use a CONTROL VINYL and until you do the same...................
Leto 1. **** off.

2. I have complete control. We've been over this. Believe it or not, but the program I use, as I've stated, emulates turntables and has a built in mixer. Times are a changin'. It's no longer necessary to have the clunky hardware.

3. You don't know me, I don't know you. Let's leave it at that.

4. Perhaps if you took your own head out of your ass you'd realize that I'm not arguing with you about most of your points. I'm only trying to say that I'm a DJ because I mix live and have complete control over the songs that I buy. To insinuate that I illegaly download songs is not only an insult to my character, it's blatantly wrong. In fact, I buy vinyl! Isn't that a quandary?

5. In the end I think that I'll let you be an *******, and let other people judge my character.

6. I'm no longer posting on this thread.
Dain-Ja whoever is saying someone using Final Scratch isn't a real DJ is an idiot

FS is just like mixing on vinyl

With that said, DJs that mix using sequencing software or don't "mix live" aren't DJs IMO. If you're not programming the mix in real time, you're just making a prerecorded mix CD. Lame.

However, you can mix in software with a usb/midi controller and do almost everything a vinyl DJ would do. PC DJs that actually mix are real DJs. However, it's pretty much impossible to mix on a PC without a midi/usb controller.

You need EQ knobs to mix properly. can do as much (if not more) on CDJs as on vinyl so whoever criticized CD DJs is an idiot. 99% of the top DJs in the world use CDs for the convenience factor.

Personally, I play about 90% vinyl and 10% CD and I prefer vinyl, but playing on CDs requires almost as much skill.
Dj Fonz
Originally posted by Dj Fonz:
Now just for argument sake can you name some famous dj's that use a computer and nothing more when djing?

No response to my question?

Hey man we all make mistakes dont feel to bad

Originally posted by Leto:
1. **** off.

2. I have complete control. We've been over this. Believe it or not, but the program I use, as I've stated, emulates turntables and has a built in mixer. Times are a changin'. It's no longer necessary to have the clunky hardware.

3. You don't know me, I don't know you. Let's leave it at that.

4. Perhaps if you took your own head out of your ass you'd realize that I'm not arguing with you about most of your points. I'm only trying to say that I'm a DJ because I mix live and have complete control over the songs that I buy. To insinuate that I illegaly download songs is not only an insult to my character, it's blatantly wrong. In fact, I buy vinyl! Isn't that a quandary?

5. In the end I think that I'll let you be an *******, and let other people judge my character.

6. I'm no longer posting on this thread.

1. thx, i love you to
2. if you want to be a real dj it is
3. i never said i did know you
4. a) read my other post i never insinuated anything about you, if you can not read english that ain't my problem b) my head aint up my arse but thx for your concern c) yes its good you buy vinyl now ju8st buy some TT's and even you can be a REAL dj
5. it was you that started with the insults, think i am an arsehole all you want! I have an opinion and if you don't like it basically it your tough shit! An personal opinion can't ever be wrong
6. so you won't answer the question i ask previous? i wonder why hmmmmm

Samination considering you guys ARE WAY OFF TOPIC. let me direct you to a thread/poll on that they are discussion, if PC-DJ's are real DJ's or not. Someone actually posted an image of a famous american DJ who uses a laptop live

Anyways, Saying that using Software is cheating is wrong. So, some DJ Software have auto-mix and stuff, but does it always work? well not for hardcore atleast (not the track's I've been trying it out with), so I'm still doing everything manually.
DJ-Pure No matter what any one says, you're not a DJ if you use a PC

DJ as every one knows means Disk Jokey, you don not touch a Disk on the P.C so there for you do not Jockey disks which in turn means you're not a DJ, your using a PC/Mouse/Keyboard.

CDJ Means you're a DJ because you still work with Disks but aren't in direct contact of the disk but still, you work with a disk no matter what.

End of the 'oh i use a PC and im a DJ' you use a PC, you're not a DJ, you're a PJ easy as that.

And as for allowing Rankin on the site, well! lol it would be good to hear what the con artist has to say about him self and his past actions.
Dj Fonz
Originally posted by DjSamination:
considering you guys ARE WAY OFF TOPIC. let me direct you to a thread/poll on that they are discussion, if PC-DJ's are real DJ's or not. Someone actually posted an image of a famous american DJ who uses a laptop live

Anyways, Saying that using Software is cheating is wrong. So, some DJ Software have auto-mix and stuff, but does it always work? well not for hardcore atleast (not the track's I've been trying it out with), so I'm still doing everything manually.

I hate that board so could only tolerate looking through the first 3 pages, no link there!

Yes there are many that use laptop (i myself do) but as yet i have to see some one perform using only a laptop!

Richie hawtin IMO technos biggest name what does he use.... SSL and Ableton so yes he has a laptop 2 to be exact but he still uses TT's

Paul van Dyk IMO 1 of trances biggest dj same setup as above

Dubfire (half of deep dish) IMO 1 of houses biggest uses SSL on a laptop

I could go on and on but what i want to know is names of "DJS" that "DJ" with out TT's or decks not some ******** link to probably the worst forum i have ever had the misfortune to visit!

But hey if you all happy to kid on your djs by using your pc good luck to you!
Hard Daze What about a "pc-dj" computer's hard DISK drive and the mixing software and music stored on it? Would this not qualify as a form of disk for jockeying?
Dj Fonz in a word NO
NeXuS This is good discussion and all... But Please stay on topic!
If you guys have nothing more to say about Rankin (and I wouldn't mind if nothing else was said) please take your subject and create a new thread. OR reply to the countless other threads already on the subject, for example:
Jayfive What does it matter is the dicsussion goes off topic? Whats the worst that can happen?
Originally posted by Jayfive:
What does it matter is the dicsussion goes off topic? Whats the worst that can happen?

The topic turns to fud and we lock it :p
Originally posted by Hard Daze:
What about a "pc-dj" computer's hard DISK drive and the mixing software and music stored on it? Would this not qualify as a form of disk for jockeying?

You manipulate the file on the disk, technically you also manipulate the Disk drive but not enough to crown you're self the tittle of DJ.

I still find this appalling, but by the sounds of it Rankin got ripped of, it's kind of comforting knowing the plank doesn't know much about.. anything but it still pisses me off.

I personally make tracks for the sheer fact i can say 'thats my name, my material on that C.D' instead of saying 'oh yeah i got fu*king loaded for that track', but i stick my best efforts in to that track so people like it, not just for the money unlike Rankin.
Originally posted by Hard Daze:
What about a "pc-dj" computer's hard DISK drive and the mixing software and music stored on it? Would this not qualify as a form of disk for jockeying?

Yes it does qualify. For example Darude usually has 2 laptops with him when hes DJing.

Righteous9 Raving sucks in the UK!, if you don't like his records don't buy em... How stupid do you guys come???
Samination It's not, I dont think one single soul will buy it here. Well I might, but that's for the purpose to share it to the internet.

It's about a large record label like AATW that sign a track purely based on his fame among kids in scotland... and how many can that be compared to the amount of listeners elsewhere?
jamhay AATW are taking peeps views on this here.....

Would have Silver would have condoned this, needing more of the big guns to. It just aint right.
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by Hard Daze:
What about a "pc-dj" computer's hard DISK drive and the mixing software and music stored on it? Would this not qualify as a form of disk for jockeying?

Yes it does qualify. For example Darude usually has 2 laptops with him when hes DJing.

Nice view
Meph751 anus cam!
latininxtc I cannot believe how many ppl are in2 rankin's sh*tty *ss music. i saw a picture on a website with a crowd full of ppl listenin 2 his sh*t. the stuff is horrible and butchers the original songs that they come from. i swear my eyes almost started bleeding while i was listenin 2 it. i'd rather f*ck shards of glass than 2 ever own a dj rankin mix or cd.
Dain-Ja Someone started a petition against it!

I think Silver should front page it ;)
blockfire1000 Signed!
Lilley meh cbf petitions dont do shit
GoBeserk im not violent or anything but
yeah id shoot dj rankin quite happily

i have mates come up to me sayin yeah we hear ur into hardcore n they go so yu like dj rankin then? it always annoys me cos yu have them saying their h.t.i.d n when yu play them something by neophyte or ophidian they say ahh thats too hard... they cant even stand freeform for gods sake

sorry rant over
pinkdevil16 yeah but whos actually gonna want to listen to it...and dont say teens cos thats me n i think that his music is crap lol
Originally posted by pinkdevil16:
yeah but whos actually gonna want to listen to it...and dont say teens cos thats me n i think that his music is crap lol

then ur a wise teen ;) look around.. nuff retarted kids who think rankin is a world leading artist :)
TypeR i can't believe you guys burn up so much energy over this guy. if you were to stop paying attention to him he'd go away.

that's the way marketing works. don't buy, product does not get sold anymore.
Originally posted by The Doc:
Originally posted by roundhead711:
Just thought i'd post the shoking news that rankin has a released track now on AATW....SHOKING!!!!!

if he does so what! no one will buy it! I long for the day when Rankin does a mix on Bonkers, this site would crash!

haha ino theres already enough topics on her bitchin about rankin

Originally posted by GoBeserk:
im not violent or anything but
yeah id shoot dj rankin quite happily

i have mates come up to me sayin yeah we hear ur into hardcore n they go so yu like dj rankin then? it always annoys me cos yu have them saying their h.t.i.d n when yu play them something by neophyte or ophidian they say ahh thats too hard... they cant even stand freeform for gods sake

sorry rant over

Couldn't agree more...i have tons of mates that say there H.T.I.D to but when i play tunes off bonkers or any other compilation thats not been done by hixxy or styles then they say its 'junkie' music

As for Rankin...sorry to say but living in Scotland i couldn't help but hear most of his stuff and its because of him i actually got into proper hardcore
Originally posted by kathryn:
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by Hard Daze:
What about a "pc-dj" computer's hard DISK drive and the mixing software and music stored on it? Would this not qualify as a form of disk for jockeying?

Yes it does qualify. For example Darude usually has 2 laptops with him when hes DJing.

Nice view

latininxtc lol i can't believe that someone did some diggin on this topic, but o well better than starting a new one! just out of curiosity, has anything come out from him and AATW? because i do remember an article stating that AATW did in fact sign on Rankin only so they can cash in on his so-called "fame"
Fritzy Rankin needs a dick. Same with DJ Cammy (A shame as well... Cammy has ruined the name of my favorite Street Fighter character). Most of all I am X-Ray, most of you don't know about him apparently, or mentioned him much, but he's so God forsaken pothetic, he stole from DJ Rankin!!! XD

So basically...

X-Ray Stole from DJ Rankin
DJ Rankin Stole from DJ Kenny
Did DJ Kenny steal from anyone? He has a good name right? :3
Originally posted by Fritzy:
I am X-Ray, most of you don't know about him apparently, or mentioned him much, but he's so God forsaken pothetic, he stole from DJ Rankin!!! XD

You seem to have labeled yourself as pathetic there hey.

Originally posted by Mortis:
Originally posted by Fritzy:
I am X-Ray, most of you don't know about him apparently, or mentioned him much, but he's so God forsaken pothetic, he stole from DJ Rankin!!! XD

You seem to have labeled yourself as pathetic there hey.

How so?

DJ Rankin's music is on X-Ray's profile.. I mean, he promotes it just like S3RL's music, but he still doesn't state that S3RL or DJ Rankin (Even though he didn't) made it.

What exactly do you mean I'm pathetic?

***EDIT*** I'm also talking about their myspace profiles... and I run by a simple rule, if it isn't your music, it doesn't belong on your profile. Unless your promoting for the artist but X-Ray originally didn't have permission from S3RL to post PRG on his profile. IDK about Rankin...

Jackol wtf ive never even heard of this mutha before...
just googled him. went to his site, and watched some vids and listened to some clips.
I HAD NO IDEA THAT MAKING ELECTRONIC MUSIC WAS SO EASY!! All you have to do is rip off some one else's track and put some pitched up acapellas over it! Hot DAMN! This whole time I've actually been using synthesizers and making my own melodies. Man I feel dumb.
Originally posted by Jackol:
wtf ive never even heard of this mutha before...
just googled him. went to his site, and watched some vids and listened to some clips.
I HAD NO IDEA THAT MAKING ELECTRONIC MUSIC WAS SO EASY!! All you have to do is rip off some one else's track and put some pitched up acapellas over it! Hot DAMN! This whole time I've actually been using synthesizers and making my own melodies. Man I feel dumb.

Don't we all?
Originally posted by Fritzy:
Originally posted by Jackol:
wtf ive never even heard of this mutha before...
just googled him. went to his site, and watched some vids and listened to some clips.
I HAD NO IDEA THAT MAKING ELECTRONIC MUSIC WAS SO EASY!! All you have to do is rip off some one else's track and put some pitched up acapellas over it! Hot DAMN! This whole time I've actually been using synthesizers and making my own melodies. Man I feel dumb.

Don't we all?


and fritzy is a classic 'ranking style dj' name


your all the same XD
Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
Originally posted by Fritzy:
Originally posted by Jackol:
wtf ive never even heard of this mutha before...
just googled him. went to his site, and watched some vids and listened to some clips.
I HAD NO IDEA THAT MAKING ELECTRONIC MUSIC WAS SO EASY!! All you have to do is rip off some one else's track and put some pitched up acapellas over it! Hot DAMN! This whole time I've actually been using synthesizers and making my own melodies. Man I feel dumb.

Don't we all?


and fritzy is a classic 'ranking style dj' name


your all the same XD

acidfluxxbass lol wut?
rosin007 what rankin makes cant even be called music
raindancerob lol so i cant be arsed to read threw all 11 pages anyone wanna post a link ? Rankin needs shooting as do Flip & Fill & Ultrabeat
Originally posted by DjSamination:
Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
Originally posted by Fritzy:
Originally posted by Jackol:
wtf ive never even heard of this mutha before...
just googled him. went to his site, and watched some vids and listened to some clips.
I HAD NO IDEA THAT MAKING ELECTRONIC MUSIC WAS SO EASY!! All you have to do is rip off some one else's track and put some pitched up acapellas over it! Hot DAMN! This whole time I've actually been using synthesizers and making my own melodies. Man I feel dumb.

Don't we all?


and fritzy is a classic 'ranking style dj' name


your all the same XD


lol yes they are as is DJ Fat Cat lol
acidfluxxbass yup. go on youtube and i can guarentee every tune with panning text with a pink background will be a rip off of some song by some cheap-ass loser who has a ginea pig fetish (high pitch voice..)
raindancerob roflmao
catjam I dont even know who this "RANKIN" is...?
Originally posted by club.kinetic.sales:
lol so i cant be arsed to read threw all 11 pages anyone wanna post a link ? Rankin needs shooting as do Flip & Fill & Ultrabeat

I think Flip & Fill are ok because they dont go round calling themselves hardcore ino a bit of there stuff is but there mostly just commercial dance and their quite good at doing that.
raindancerob in away they do tho cuz they get Styles or Sy & Unknown to remix their tunes & hay people think that its a good tune. well it wasnt a good tune before & just cuz a hardcore dj has remixed it, doesnt make it a good tune either.
Originally posted by Fritzy:
Originally posted by Mortis:
Originally posted by Fritzy:
I am X-Ray, most of you don't know about him apparently, or mentioned him much, but he's so God forsaken pothetic, he stole from DJ Rankin!!! XD

You seem to have labeled yourself as pathetic there hey.

How so?

Oops my mistake, I thought that you said I am X-ray when you meant to write something else about someone called X-Ray...I realise now it's a person called I Am X-Ray, sorry
Originally posted by acidfluxxbass:
Originally posted by Fritzy:
Originally posted by Jackol:
wtf ive never even heard of this mutha before...
just googled him. went to his site, and watched some vids and listened to some clips.
I HAD NO IDEA THAT MAKING ELECTRONIC MUSIC WAS SO EASY!! All you have to do is rip off some one else's track and put some pitched up acapellas over it! Hot DAMN! This whole time I've actually been using synthesizers and making my own melodies. Man I feel dumb.

Don't we all?


and fritzy is a classic 'ranking style dj' name


your all the same XD

Lol... yeah... he's right... :( Problem is; 1) I'm not a DJ, and I don't steal Fritzy's music. 2) If you knew anything at all... I'm not the only one "stealing" his name...

This is the DJ Fritzy "Classic" style your referring to, and if anything... I'd steal from him...

And even though he's a classic DJ... some people consider him a rip off artist as well as Cammy and Rankin... not the old one... Like I am X-Ray...someone stole his name, and is making crappy techno... It's really complicated...

All in all, just keep in mind... I'm TRYING to be a DJ... :/ Fritzy is the only name I thought of when making a name, so if you have something better... pitch in because I'm bad with making up names...

BTW: When I said "Don't we all?" I was being sarcastic...

raindancerob Fritzy you need shooting for making poo musik
Originally posted by club.kinetic.sales:
Fritzy you need shooting for making poo musik

WOW Okay... If you took 5 minutes to read my explanation... I'm NOT a DJ... this is JUST a name...


If you call Fritzy crap music... like... do you like new school hardcore??? Because he's old school.
raindancerob first sorry & second old skool as in 92-93 ? cuz thats what old skool is.
Fritzy Yeah, I'm not a DJ Fritzy fanatic, but I'm pretty damn sure he's from around that time... or 1994 which I was originally told was Hardcores high years or... best years (1994 and down) :P
raindancerob thats funny cuz he's after 94
Originally posted by Fritzy:
or 1994 which I was originally told

Reread what I wrote, I wasn't really sure... I'm just going by what I was told... -.-

raindancerob ok then my mistake
Triquatra psh - 94 or not, thats no excuse for some of the noise thats on that myspace page.
Fritzy I kinda like DJ Fritzy... :3 He's the first HH DJ I listened to... :/ He's what got me into HH if anything...
TypeR so do these guys listen to what they make after they make it and notice that it doesn't sound like anything other than garbage?

Fritzy My friend.. "DJ Alizo" just took songs, and sped it up (didn't add annoying voices) and took a...semi rare DotA remix (Basshunter - DotA v.2) and said he remixed it... I don't think they do... XD
Originally posted by TypeR:
so do these guys listen to what they make after they make it and notice that it doesn't sound like anything other than garbage?

if they do then their deaf lol
TypeR like i cant really put into words how terrible it is. i heard this track on this guys myspace one time, some guys on this site linked to it and it was a fcuking mess. and the guy posted it on his myspace like it was top shit or something. like they've gotta know it sounds like that.
raindancerob thats what makes it even more sad, the fact that they think that its good as do all of their teenaged fans.
Fritzy Lol. I know for sure, my friend just listened to the Basshunter song, and decided to say he made it, and he doesn't really need to know what a version of Daddy DJ or Pretty Rave Girl sounds like... so he Virtual DJ'd those and put them on his Myspace.
raindancerob haha pisser
Originally posted by Fritzy:
Lol. I know for sure, my friend just listened to the Basshunter song, and decided to say he made it, and he doesn't really need to know what a version of Daddy DJ or Pretty Rave Girl sounds like... so he Virtual DJ'd those and put them on his Myspace.

then say to him, "why arent you a millionaire you big assed poser?" pretty sure basshunter isnt hurting for dough.

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