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 Music discussion - hardcore
 Question on todays happyhardcore....

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
weba_d why has happyhardcore changed so much over the years, i've only just really noticed... i dont listen to much new hhc, i like old 96' stuff, but after buying bonkers rezurrection, i relised hixxy and sharky just dont sound the same ne more.. what does everyone else think about this issue??.. can we help change it back to the happy melody days... isnt that what happyhardcore is all about???

'what goes up must come down'... so keep popin!!!!

Brian K why should hixxy & sharkey sound the same? what's wrong with people having their own identifiable style of hardcore?

"Cuz I'm hardcore, heavyweight, magical man."
kg4 sharkey does the whole freeform thing now :) and hixxy.. i donno whats with his style... its just trancey hardcore is all...

Oh man, I hope I didn't brain my damage...
why has happyhardcore changed so much over the years

it's changed alot less then it has in the past.. hardcore is one of the most quickly progressing genres that i know of. Be it good or bad, it will always progress and change. Listen to a song from 92, and then one from 95, the tempo increased about 20/30 BPM, along with full on vocals, and pianos. Then listen to a 95 song and a 97 song, stompy kicks, offbeat stabs, original vocalists.. faster yet. Hardcore is one of the few genres which you can listen to a song, and fairly accuratly guess what year it was produced in.

Originally posted by virus:
why has happyhardcore changed so much over the years

it's changed alot less then it has in the past.. hardcore is one of the most quickly progressing genres that i know of. Be it good or bad, it will always progress and change. Listen to a song from 92, and then one from 95, the tempo increased about 20/30 BPM, along with full on vocals, and pianos. Then listen to a 95 song and a 97 song, stompy kicks, offbeat stabs, original vocalists.. faster yet. Hardcore is one of the few genres which you can listen to a song, and fairly accuratly guess what year it was produced in.

not to mention the onset of "widespread" Trance-Core that has virtually 'fused' with HappyHard

Classic happy Hardcore Techno Anthems
Hard2Get I think this year HHC has improved ALOT, i mean, there are loads of top qauilty tunes out now, e.g all stuff on KFA, Raw Elements, ATM, Pahse 4, Masterwax etc.....
I'm thinking this year (if the same qauilty tunes will carry on to be released) is as good as 98.

Xenochrome I think that Hardcore needs to change and evolve in order to progress. I'm all for it as long as the energy and vibe remain intact.

HaPPy i LuV Da HaRdCorE HappyHard does need to progress but keeping the old there is also good because even tho its the same style of music it varies and that slight change can b awesome to some but others may not like it.
I say change and it will progress...

Aim for the moon, even if u miss you'll land among the stars...
zarlon It's changed over the years, because everything changes with time.

Honestly, how much fun would you have if everyone stayed the same throughout their whole life?

It's progressed and evolved over the years, developing a new sound, as any genre can be expected to do. For a while I too thought "make it like it used to be", but instead of just re-creating the old why not tie in elements of something new?

Re-doing it all, over and over, without adding anything new or changing the sound.. blah. I love those tracks as well.. I notice each producer has a somewhat different feel to their tunes..


peace :)
dj genocide Its good that the music is becoming so diverse. Im not keen on all of it, but at Future Dance events you hear the tance styles, gabba and happy stuff all in the same room, hopefully this will soon incoporate the reakbeat sound as well.

Freeze fm 92.7 Wednesdays 6-8pm
Hard2Get I really so love the KFA stuff :) And Phase 4 stuff :)
The KFA stuff really is top notch, especially The Erb 2002.

Xenochrome I love that there are so many different styles now. It gives the DJ more oppurtunity to "work" a set, incorporating different sounds to really build the energy to a climax.

StrifeII Double post matt, ARGH!!! I think we shouldnt have changed into trance and shouldve kept the cheese. trance sucks. cheese live on! god damn if i had to sit in a bath of shit for a day to save ardcore i'd do it.

If Barbie is so popular, why do you have to buy her friends?
Brian K ummm, i don't even want to start to think about how many diseases you could get from that =P

the only thing i can think about is that episode of jackass where the guy gets flipped upside down while in a port-a-potty...ick =/

"Cuz I'm hardcore, heavyweight, magical man."
Charco change is good- but is it possible to do so AND keep the unique sounds of happy hardcore going?
What happens if someone changes it....for the worse? slowly butt surely: happy hardcore would die off, it kept going for as long as it did because of what it is.
i say shange...but not too much....

freedom to all who believe!!
ac slater i love hardcore right now! there are so many styles to choose from. Trancy, Ruff, Full on vocal, Breakbeat, Old Skool(ish), Freeform, Gabberish. Imagine where we would be without progression...look what happened around 98/99! Hardcore basically disappeared because it was all the same. Variety is good, and so is progression. Keep on rockin :)


Alex_In_Wonderland I think that it's great that the scene has progressed so much over the years, but I really really do not like the fact that a lot of producers are churning out "trancecore" now days. IMO if the scene carries on sliding into a more trancey sound it will lose it's unique identity that has made it so appealing for so long.

atomicb I know *exacly* what you mean. Put in the dj sy 'old skool' disk from bonkers in the first, loved every damn second of it. Put in the sharkey one 'hmmmm' , then the hixxy one 'hmmmmmmm'

Truth is, haven't decided yet if I like where HH is going. Also, am I right in saying sharkey is hardcore more than HHC (justy know someone is going to rip me about this :S) and hmm.. hardcore I get the impression I'd love it in a big rave, but in my room, it's just.. hmmmmm I'm nto too sure about this. The old skool stuff from 97/97 (some older) and master wax stuff, I love, and will happily bounce along to in my own room, on my own.

The new stuff was a bit of shock to my system, because well I'd been living in my own world with HH, as I didn't know anyone else that liked it, so I what I heard was all I heard :)

It's opend my eyes, but I haven't decided if I like it or not :D

But some new records I know I like, and they keep my faith in it:

MS1 - till the day... sweet dude, sweet :D
MS2 - Konomama - also very sweet, this is the greatest song I've heard in years. The a side has the balance of cheesy/happy/hardcore just right. I love it, and have heard it so many times I hear it in my dreams :D
Deep Inside - I'm sure some of you hate it, I'm not over keen on the other raver baby releases, but somehow this one just catches the eurphoric feel that I crave from happy hardcore :)

I know it's an over used, coined phrase, but I don't care:

'hardcore will never die'

How will you know if there's anything better if you don't try to look for it?
and change it back? No need my man - see the records above, the vibe you descirbe is still alive. Bear in mind that perhaps others didn't like the old stuff and think where it's at today is better, The scene is diverse enough to keep both of you happy, and united under the label of 'ardcore :D

Because it's such a small the scene the community is great, and I've only had a taster of it.

anyway it's a bit late, I'm babbling, excuse me :)

virtigo I think that the Hardcore that is being released today is amongst the best Hardcore that has ever been released. Remeber what we are up against, the trance scene, the house scene and not to mention the mainstreme.

Hardcore really is going somewere. Yeah hardcore has changed considerably since the begining but I all believe that its for the best. I loved 96. Club Kinetic and the superb hardcore that was spinning at 180bpm+. It was amazing! But you have to remember that we cant live in the past. If I had the choice of whether I wanted hardcore to stay as it is now getting bigger and better by the day with more quality tunes and music being produced, or to go back to how it was in 96, I'll stick with how it is now.

You hear MC's on the hardcore stages everywhere saying 'Hardcore will never die', that has never been more true. We went through our bad patch in late 99 into 2000. we've come through that with flying colours. Surely this is a sign to everyone else from anywhere in the world from any other music genre, Hardcore is here to stay and were gonna get bigger and better!!!

Hixxy's music now is well produced quality music. trancy yes but regardless, its still hardcore. Sharkey is still playing what he's been playing since 98 really. His style hasn't really changed a great deal!

Hardcore in 2002 has hit the top. It has progressed so much that organisations such as Dreamscape and Helter Skelter are making Hardcore comebacks. This is another sign that hardcore is coming back and its coming back better than most of us here on this forum realise. So lets stop trying to put OUR scene down and work together to make sure we never go away! Go to raves, buy the music, listen and love the hardcore. It isn't a hard thing to do. Lets work together eh!!!

Andy 'DJ' Virtigo
Midway_raver i think theres both an up side and a downside, i would say at the moment hardcore is the most orginal and freshest genre about at the moment aswell as fasting growing, people who have been out the scene for time have began listening/buying attending, people are being introduced thru teh freeform getting into hhc/nu style etc and teh scene is growing agen. Admitdly i think 92-96 years will never be beaten for tuneage that was released then but teh new stuff is also great since ive been buying it and spinning it ive got alot more into it, the diversity is what keeps peopel interested.

If u go to a trance/house event ull prob here the same tunes caned by all teh dj's in the hardcore rooms now, u get that but u get so many styles mixed up u never get bored.

I think as long as happy hardcore is fun, original, fast , hard and happy it truly will never die.l I mean howmany other genres have lasted 10 years and revived itself to become at the forefront again....

Like a bolt of lightning it's so frightning..Get ur brain now we're igniting
Originally posted by Midway_raver:
I mean howmany other genres have lasted 10 years and revived itself to become at the forefront again....

swing :D

Oh man, I hope I didn't brain my damage...
But wouldn't everyone be happy if just some producers continued to make '96 style tunes? I know I would :)

.·´¯`°*º¤ ^Å^ ¤º*°´¯`·.
Just close your eyes, and dream with me, you'll hear the sound of muzik
Originally posted by Amber-Jade:

But wouldn't everyone be happy if just some producers continued to make '96 style tunes? I know I would :)

.·´¯`°*º¤ ^Å^ ¤º*°´¯`·.
Just close your eyes, and dream with me, you'll hear the sound of muzik


what goes up must come keep popin!!!

weba_d does ne one agree?

Simon Of course some of us do like myself however I only feel if Hardcore didn't change so much so frequently then it might have died out a long time ago :)

Agent_Double_EE Its all good good! I feel its the only genre out there that can evolve and still keep such a tight close following...but then again...


Haeobogoblin Change is good...some change better than others, but music styles changeing must be a good sign.
If music styles never changed there would be no hardcore, and probably all be listening to classical music or some shit :p

"Just because I have a head shaped like an amusing pile of mashed potato, doesn't mean I'm not sophisticated"
silver But what do you think of the new e-plus stuff?

you, me and hardcore forever.
strychnine 'definition of a bad boy' - top track. it's trancey while maintaining its hardcore-ness. if this is where trancecore's heading then i like it - i find some of the rb/jb stuff just a little too close to being simply fast trance.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
number2301 I have to say I think that Sy CD on Bonkers 8 is terrible! No fault of Sy though.

Since when did Hixxy and Sharkey sound the same anyway? Listen to Bonkers 2 and they're really different!

Number 2301 is godverdomme het HARDSTE!

'Living in my world is easy, there is only peace, love and ... ecstacy'
pacman i'm not a huge fan of the new e-plus stuff. sure some of the tunes are pretty rockin', but they all sound the same! every tune uses the same sounds, the similar breakdowns and the same 'kicking in'....
. Also, am I right in saying sharkey is hardcore more than HHC (justy know someone is going to rip me about this :S)

Sharkey plays freeform - and he's always been more into this side of hardcore!

But wouldn't everyone be happy if just some producers continued to make '96 style tunes? I know I would :)

very much so... this is my favourite sound and i love the stuff storm is doing at the moment. ATM and raindance records are putting out some wicked tunes.

when i start producing i'll be writing this style, just with a newish touch. they can't make exactly the style of tunes that were made then - it's extremely hard to do.

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
ryg0r Personally, I think that Hixxy's "Come together" is weak, as in too trancey and not enough "hands in the air", "jump up and down" type feel.

Its good that Hardcore evolves because it makes it that much more interesting to listen to.

strychnine yeah i like most of the ATM stuff (although some of it is just a little *too* cheesy for me) as well as masterwax - just as "happy" as half a decade ago but with a cleaner, more well-produced (but not over-produced) sound.

then again, i like the fact that hhc is now borrowing sounds and themes from a wider variety of sources, instead of the old piano, hoover and horn based sound that i'll admit i was getting sick of a little. i think now that there's a variety of styles to choose from the old style is coming back into its own, IMO no more or less important than the other styles.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
aznwasian I like the bonkers 1-2 stuff, and

i like the stuff that is coming out now, and

sure as hell hope ill like the stuff that is going to come out. bonkers 9, masters of hardcore, etc...

Originally posted by strychnine:
(although some of it is just a little *too* cheesy for me)

i didnt think that it was possible for anything to be too cheesy for u

Crack another one !!!
strychnine my tolerance to cheese is not boundless - there's only so much of the '96 sound that i can take without feeling the urge to go for some of the more dark or trancey stuff to even it out a bit.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
my tolerance to cheese is not boundless - there's only so much of the '96 sound that i can take without feeling the urge to go for some of the more dark or trancey stuff to even it out a bit.

u must be able to take listen to alot of cheese ... its *very very* rare that i hear u listening to dark or trancey stuff

Crack another one !!!
strychnine by "dark or trancey" i don't mean that gabber s*** that u like to poison whatever it is that passes off as your brain with. i mean some of the (relatively) newer stuff from raver baby or nextgen. it's still hhc, but with less of the 'just shot a pill up my ass'-style uplifting-ness that some of the older tracks come with.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
i mean some of the (relatively) newer stuff from raver baby or nextgen. it's still hhc, but with less of the 'just shot a pill up my ass'-style uplifting-ness that some of the older tracks come with.

well why didnt u say that in the 1st place ... geeeez

Crack another one !!!
strychnine because, my intellectually challenged friend, this thread's about hhc, and i figured that any mention of a style of music in the context of this discussion would, unless specified otherwise, refer to a style of happyhard, and should be interpreted as such. i mean, it's so simple even a brain-damaged toad would've figured it out. what's your excuse?

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic ribbit

Crack another one !!!
strychnine hmmm toxic the toad ... now there's a concept that works. you're about as ugly as a toad, and horny as well :P

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
hmmm toxic the toad ... now there's a concept that works. you're about as ugly as a toad, and horny as well :P

well id rather have a head like a toad, than an arse (like the pic u have)

so i guess its safe to say that u *talk shit*

Crack another one !!!
strychnine *ahem* you know as well as i do that that's not my face in the pic, it's my arse. after all, it took me forever to get your lips out of the way so i could have the picture taken in the first place

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
Originally posted by strychnine:
*ahem* you know as well as i do that that's not my face in the pic, it's my arse. after all, it took me forever to get your lips out of the way so i could have the picture taken in the first place

*ahem urself*
this a prime example of u talking shit ...

Crack another one !!!
Simon is this now the "Strychnine" and "Toxic" post thread? :)

pacman and yet another thread is raped by mr toxic and sir strychnine (who used to be speccedninja????). the two of you should rack up close to 2000 posts between you by the end of the year at this rate!

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
weba_d arhhh, i look on my browser and see that my topic has raised from 2 to 4 pages..hmmm then i take a closer look and lmao at u guys

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine ummm ... in my defence I'd to point out that for once I *tried* to keep it on-topic - at least, I did at the beginning (a quick look at the thread will back me up here). However, I just couldn't resist the opportunity to take a few cheap pot-shots at my retarded slightly less articulate friend.

And pacman yes, I is speccedninja and speccedninja be me - I just thought that name had too many syllables. As for 2000 posts, methinks not even me and tox' can crap on *that* much.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic strychnine, ur just as much a rapist as me ... dont deny it

Crack another one !!!
strychnine I'm not denying it, tox, I'm just saying that in the present case at least I put in a token effort to keep it on-topic. Didn't last, though. Oh well.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic Just like i put in a *token effort* in one of the threads when u went after me ... in the end we got the waffle award

Crack another one !!!
Originally posted by toxic:
Just like i put in a *token effort* in one of the threads when u went after me ... in the end we got the waffle award

No, you didn't. You just answered the original poster's question, and that was before I stepped in. Here, though, the topic was still in discussion when you got involved, and I *tried* (for about 3-4 replies) to keep it on-topic before I just gave in to the hilarity.

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic ******** ... i tried to save it ... later on i even gave another site that might have helped ... 3 posts in and u took that thread by the scruff of the neck ... it never stood a chance

Crack another one !!!
strychnine At the end of the day it was really just a question-answer topic - there was never gonna be much of a discussion anyway. I just made it certain

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
pacman amazing! they're at it again. get a room guys!!! better yet, send PMs!!

drugs is not the answer... drugs? is the question... yes is the answer
strychnine that "new private message" voice thing annoys the crap outta me

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic u could always turn the sound off and listen to a cd on ur discman (if u can be ****ed to get it out of the car)

Crack another one !!!
strychnine toxic: i *have* a hi-fi in my loungeroom, dude ... i just can't be bothered with the shuffling of cd's between house and car.

pacman: pm's are so much more inconvenient than this :P

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
miss-mitzi hhc has changed loads in the last few years i still recon that the original hhc is the best i would rather listen to bonkers 1 than bonkers 8 but its still ok that it has changed as long as we still get some good old piano choons wi chipmonk vocals .hey it wouldnt be hhc wi out the chipmonks would it!!
the only thing i dont like is bloody trance hhc its shite an we should ban it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
Originally posted by miss-mitzi:
hey it wouldnt be hhc wi out the chipmonks would it!!

Well yeah, it would be. I was never a big fan of chipmunk vocals in general (with a few exceptions like 6 Days and Masterplan) and I think that vocals that are *reasonably* close to real-time are great, especially when you got such great vocalists as jo, jenna, vickie, etc using their amazing voices to channel the words into emotion. Chipmunk vocals could never do that.

Oh and like I said (before I was rudely interrupted) I don't mind all these new directions that HHC is taking, like trancecore - it was getting kinda boring when the 75% of the songs were produced in the same ('96) style. As for the different styles being hard to mix with one another ... well, I guess it makes DJ's *earn* their money, doesn't it

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
miss-mitzi chipmonk vocals make me happy but
jo's voice is somethin else entirely i cant actually explain it tho!!!!

i know wot u r sayin tho its pure choice tho isnt it and i suppose wot mood u r in........

at the moment im in a chipmonk mood!!

(couldnt eat a whole one tho .... they r just 2 cute!!!}

If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
strychnine Yeah it is about choice. Personally i think that chipmunk vocals are only justified if (A) the record is *that* fast that no human being could possibly sing the song in real-time or (B) it's a direct rip of a much slower song. Just me I guess (although I stand by my opinion that the only emotion that chipmunks can effectively convey is happiness).

And what do you mean you "couldnt eat a whole one"? Can you eat half a chipmunk then? Maybe a drumstick, if you just want a snack?

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
miss-mitzi come on u gotta admit they have ever such cute faces...........
(an i didnt mean jo!!......... well!!!>......... mayb!!)

If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
strychnine yeah they are cute. i could never eat one myself ... but you said you could never eat a *whole* one, which suggests that maybe you'd rather a few crumbed, deepfried chipmunk pieces instead of a whole roast chipmunk =P

oh and i think jo's cute as well. i could never eat *her* ... hang on a sec, maybe i can ...

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
miss-mitzi lol yeah i bet u could!!!

hmm no comment!!!!!!

If computer games effected us as kids, we would all be runnin around in dark rooms munchin magic pills and listenin to repetative music!
weba_d I will never get sick of cheezy hhc tunes aslong as we get some new ones, harder and faster

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine I actually *did* get sick of cheesy HHC tunes, until the new age of hardcore ushered in all these different and interesting styles and cheese assumed its rightful place as a vital segment of the HHC pie. Everything in moderation, as they say ...

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic gouda, jarlsberg or brie?

Crack another one !!!
strychnine kraft singles, of course

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
RaverBaby69 I'm all for change......change is good and I think happy hardcore as a whole is gr8 and so long as the music keeps getting produced I'm gonna keep listenin.... and dancin.

Hey Smokey I know u don't smoke weed but i'm gonna make u high 2nite coz its friday, u ain't got no job and u aint got s*it to do!
Heist What a stupid thing to say. As if you wouldnt complain if it DIDN'T change. It'd be boring and unprogressive
toxicmusic I've always like HHC but everyone around me seems to think it's for pre-teens...Which is bad for them cos I play it in my car and they can't say nothing...

weba_d I've come to the conclusion that the word 'happyhardcore' is starting to faze toward 'hardcore'..hardcore has so many diff types but how many does hhc have?
what do we call hhc these dayz
IMO most of it seems to be hardcore these dayz

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine OMG here we go with the names again ...

I know you're out there. I can hear your mouse moving.
toxic Attemptng to re-invent the wheel

Crack another one !!!
TechnoNut I refer to Hardcore, in whatever form as just Hardcore. I like all the styles but I just seem to call them all the same thing. I always change the style Im listening to so that I don't wear them out, like for instance, i'm currently listening to stuff with Chipmunk vocals, pianos with wobbly tuning (from tapes when they sound as if they are slowing down or speeding up), Hoovers the stuff from the colleseum (club in Stockton) but tomorrow I could just fancy listening to some Trancore.

Ahh Jungle Techno Crew
Ardcore Bass Groove!
weba_d its all good in the hood..

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

weba_d Hard german trance is the new shit in hardcore i hear from dj storm, hixxy and a few aussie dj's in Australia
what you think its progessing into ?

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

strychnine ^^ hard German trance isn't hardcore (although some of it does sound like gabber).

________________________________________________________________________ - can you really afford to miss a party this sick?
weba_d well from what i've heard some of the newer stuff spun is classed as hardcore, and will progress faster and faster

"what goes up must come down" keep popin!

TweekiN I hope it gets faster as I CANT DANCE TO THIS SLOW S**T

The FORCE is strong with this one

Go hard or GO HOME!!
weba_d ^^what slow shit you talkin about?

its gone down and wont come up

Stevie c Erm yeah what hardcore do you that is slow?

Your into the sound of Rebellion
strychnine I think Tweekin's referring to Hard Germanic Trance. Keep up with the convo, gentlemen

________________________________________________________________________ - can you really afford to miss a party this sick?
Raver_Davie I agree that there is definately a difference but at least it goes against what most narrow minded people who havent listened to hardcore properly say "it all sounds the same!"

I still think the older hardcore was more bubbly and exciting, I can remember buying Bonkers 4 when it first came out when I was 13/14 and getting all excited about "Visa - Don't go away" - that mysterious tune that was always on tape packs that no one knew the name of! hehe.

weba_d reading this topic witch has been active for around 10 months, id have to say the discussion notacible has changed again, and hardcore is more progressive then i thought, the latest style i've been hearing about is hard german trance style hardcore.


its gone down and wont come up

Originally posted by weba_d:
the latest style i've been hearing about is hard german trance style hardcore.

Okay ... can you give any specific examples?

________________________________________________________________________ - can you really afford to miss a party this sick?
weba_d ^^I was chatting to Storm a couple of weeks ago and i asked him what he will be putting in this year, he reckonds his style is gunna twist into hard german trance staying on the lines of hardcore, I also asked what hixxy was gunna spin at Area 51, (as i thought i would have been atending) and what else he will be spinning into the new yr.

He also said hixxy is getting into that with a load of other producers.

its gone down and wont come up

weba_d can any1 else support this?

its gone down and wont come up

strychnine I don't get it, really ... much of the appeal with German trance is its "hard"-ness, which doesn't translate well into faster genres so I don't see how it melding well with hardcore *shrugs*

________________________________________________________________________ - can you really afford to miss a party this sick?

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