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 Music discussion - hardcore
 What do you think to the ravers ibiza lineup

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
skarr In comparison to the htid line up i think it's very poor
wong not seen it. but not bothered anyway, only one line up im waiting for and that's westfest which i am 100% coming out of ravin retirement for .Tickets, hotels all booked already :)

sorry i know u dont care about that but it feels like im doin my 1st rave all over again, not been to one in like 6 years lol.
djDMS No idea, what is it?
latininxtc Not as appealing as HTID ITS' lineup. And there's no Gammer or Darren Styles, but you know I guess they didn't want to fork over the supposed $12,000 it cost to book Darren, more likely because they couldn't afford it!

Oh, and there's also no freeform, no gabber hardcore djs as far as I can tell, and no DJs that focus on old skool sets, which is a good or bad thing depending on your taste. Give me a moment while i upload the flyers and link it up on here.
wong is madonna there?
latininxtc Alright so uploading pics now. Odd thing I found was they did the bar crawl the first night and instead of having a hardcore opening night, they did a cop-out and are sending you to some dubstep/dnb closing party at Amnesia. I think that is rather upsetting for those who don't even like those genres. And I was wrong classics set there's a night for that. Interesting that Unknown is doing a Quosh classics set. I'd like to see him do a set like that without using anything that Sy was involved with, good luck with that asshole!

wong hixxy anythin goes set should be good
The drunken scotsman Lineup looks good enough. Styles & Gammer obviously the big difference between this and HTID. Other than that they're remarkably similar. Still think it's a ****ing stupid idea having two overseas events in a scene of this size when most people can only afford one or the other. A sad indication of the small minded pricks running 'the scene'.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
Still think it's a fucking stupid idea having two overseas events in a scene of this size when most people can only afford one or the other. A sad indication of the small minded pricks running 'the scene'.

True, but what's funny is that Ravers Ibiza could have toppled HTID ITS had they done a better job at their event, and had their egos not gotten the best of them. Those Ravers Ibiza cunts just don't know how to keep their mouths shut and they end up making it worse for themselves, and now they'll be the ones struggling to sell tickets for their event like HTID was last year.

And no there are striking differences in the lineup, there's definitely more variety still at HTID ITS, there's freeform, there's a good gabber hardcore presence with a mystery MOH DJ being there. There's 5 nights of quality lineup, a waterpark party and not a pool party, a yacht party (hopefully a yacht with a proper dancefloor instead of having to deal with rows of seating like Ravers Ibiza), free alcohol with your wristband, and you'll have close to 1600 ravers if the capacity is at 2k. And I'm not seeing as many repeat acts at Magaluf as I'm seeing at Ravers Ibiza either. Seems like Ravers Ibiza is gonna try and shove Outforce and Rescue down everyone's throats.
CDJay Whatever else is happening, I am thrilled to see Mob and Prospect get some support.

I occupy a unique position, where I worry about half qualified producers dedicating any time to hardcore. The mere fact this is a win is a huge f**ing dark mark on the scene for me. Why booking people based on 2008 stature, generally, is more important than the next five years I can't comprehend.

Equally, no one listened to the warnings before the crash, why they will with resultant head injuries is up for debate.

Originally posted by CDJay:
Whatever else is happening, I am thrilled to see Mob and Prospect get some support.


I actually like Mob and Prospect. Thankfully Prospect has been gaining a lot of exposure through Lethal Theory, but I think Mob being associated alongside a twat like MC Enemy has been holding him back A LOT. He's produced a lot of good tracks, but I think he needs to work alongside other labels and collab with other producers because I really think he's got more to offer than what he's already produced.

Oh and as far as Mob and Prospect being at HTID ITS and Ravers Ibiza, I only see them booked for one night/set. I don't know whether that written in stone, they could pick up a gig or 2 here and there. When I went in 2012 I think Mob had at least 3 sets, a boat party set, a daytime club set, and a nighttime club set b2b with I think Dougal. He picked up one (or more) when Hixxy missed out due to health issues. Alex Prospect opened up the last night.
CDJay Mob and Prospect are both hugely talented and, to date, horrendously underrewarded. We've lost a lot of good producers over the past 9 years, for that exact reason, and I'm petrified of it happening now. Similarly, I hope to see Rescue and Outforce thrive over the coming years; it's well and truly time to encourage and nurture if we have any collective interest in the future of the genre.

Compiling HU7 has been a real eye opener, for me, there's *so* much less out there than there was even 18 months ago.

I think there's room for two overseas events; they're spaced apart and a lot of work goes into them.

Hopefully this year I get to go out and check it ahhhhhht

Guest ibiza goes hard is all gabba/hardcore/hardstyle

all though crap hardcore thats dead, and don`t get played no where except 2 of the big events
skarr It just makes me wonder how keyes thinks he's gonna fill those huge super clubs with a hardcore line up nice concept but never gonna happen
Guest they won`t, its uk hardcore in spain, gabba is hardcore, like the rest of europe, hardcore heads can spend months on youtube telling every its uk hardcore

although you would probably just say shoot those mother ****ers
Originally posted by CDJay:
Compiling HU7 has been a real eye opener, for me, there's *so* much less out there than there was even 18 months ago.

Indeed. Good hardcore music (admittedly it's not just hardcore) is getting harder to find these days. I'll just leave this here:

I think the lull is worse this time than the one in '99.
Captain Triceps
Originally posted by Mortis:
Originally posted by CDJay:
Compiling HU7 has been a real eye opener, for me, there's *so* much less out there than there was even 18 months ago.

Indeed. Good hardcore music (admittedly it's not just hardcore) is getting harder to find these days. I'll just leave this here:

I think the lull is worse this time than the one in '99.

As if you'd pay for that Basket Kase track, fucking hell.
It's hard to think it's as bad as 1999, with the sheer volume of music being released and amount of events happening, completely the opposite of 1999.
It can't be that bad. Can it?
Vladel There are many that might see no gammer and styles as no great loss
Originally posted by Captain Triceps:
Originally posted by Mortis:
Originally posted by CDJay:
Compiling HU7 has been a real eye opener, for me, there's *so* much less out there than there was even 18 months ago.

Indeed. Good hardcore music (admittedly it's not just hardcore) is getting harder to find these days. I'll just leave this here:

I think the lull is worse this time than the one in '99.

As if you'd pay for that Basket Kase track, fucking hell.
It's hard to think it's as bad as 1999, with the sheer volume of music being released and amount of events happening, completely the opposite of 1999.
It can't be that bad. Can it?

When I'm comparing it to '99 I'm talking of quality not quantity.
Captain Triceps
Originally posted by Mortis:
Originally posted by Captain Triceps:
Originally posted by Mortis:
Originally posted by CDJay:
Compiling HU7 has been a real eye opener, for me, there's *so* much less out there than there was even 18 months ago.

Indeed. Good hardcore music (admittedly it's not just hardcore) is getting harder to find these days. I'll just leave this here:

I think the lull is worse this time than the one in '99.

As if you'd pay for that Basket Kase track, fucking hell.
It's hard to think it's as bad as 1999, with the sheer volume of music being released and amount of events happening, completely the opposite of 1999.
It can't be that bad. Can it?

When I'm comparing it to '99 I'm talking of quality not quantity.

Well, I know, but I mean there can't be *that much* that is utter tosh, surely? I don't get much time to devote to listening to a great lot of new stuff at the minute I suppose, I just would have thought there'd be enough decent stuff knocking about.
A bloody shame, really.
Well, I know, but I mean there can't be *that much* that is utter tosh, surely?

Well you heard the Basket Kase tune. Nuff said lol.
Mortis What he said ^^
Captain Triceps Typical, innit. Rare few minutes to listen to new hardcore and it ends up being that gash.
djDMS There's at least 5 totally garbage tunes for every half decent one at the minute
Originally posted by Mortis:
Originally posted by CDJay:
Compiling HU7 has been a real eye opener, for me, there's *so* much less out there than there was even 18 months ago.

Indeed. Good hardcore music (admittedly it's not just hardcore) is getting harder to find these days. I'll just leave this here:

I think the lull is worse this time than the one in '99.

for real?
that track is badass; lolipo dropped it in a hardtek/frenchcore mix
really hard track.
atleast it sounds like hardcore music; much more than can be said for some of the shit i hear from " hardcore producers"

** defo need to get your ears checked; this kills

how do people even think that is bad music at this time; when there is utter shit like this being passed off? haha what!?
Mortis So he gave it away for free and sells it too, nice
Originally posted by trippnface:
Originally posted by Mortis:
Originally posted by CDJay:
Compiling HU7 has been a real eye opener, for me, there's *so* much less out there than there was even 18 months ago.

Indeed. Good hardcore music (admittedly it's not just hardcore) is getting harder to find these days. I'll just leave this here:

I think the lull is worse this time than the one in '99.

for real?
that track is badass; lolipo dropped it in a hardtek/frenchcore mix
really hard track.
atleast it sounds like hardcore music; much more than can be said for some of the shit i hear from " hardcore producers"

** defo need to get your ears checked; this kills

how do people even think that is bad music at this time; when there is utter shit like this being passed off? haha what!?

they sound rubbish..... uk hardcore always fails at being hard, because its not

latininxtc If you have such an issue with UK hardcore, then why the hell are you here? This is a forum that focuses on the lighter side of hardcore, not gabber hardcore. Is there not a gabber hardcore forum where you can troll around?
Guest its all you calling it all shit, uk hardcore is`nt hard, your good green day track is bollox

you either have happy hardcore or hardcore, anything is is pointless

if you want the hardcore sound, listen to hardcore
Vladel that green day track is awful oh and when i want to listen to hard, i listen to Gabba or some select Uk hardcore, it's all about your own personal taste and i'm finding plenty around to fill my ears although it is harder and maybe more like one good track in twenty i go through.
Guest korsakoff, restyle, and all the other tracks i post are gabba, just not shit gabba for homo`s who think they are hard but cant handle sub bass, its the hardcore scene

main events, headliners, sets, the netherlands, where you end up if you make tunes and become a superstar with hardcore, not some crusty club in london

gabba, you don`t have all the big events around europe playing the same tracks, then have some crap from toxic radio or shit from glasgow, which you dont get at any big event except dominator, because nobody cares about it
Guest this is what drum & bass will have in room 2

Originally posted by Guest:
its all you calling it all shit, uk hardcore is`nt hard, your good green day track is bollox

you either have happy hardcore or hardcore, anything is is pointless

if you want the hardcore sound, listen to hardcore

Originally posted by Guest:
korsakoff, restyle, and all the other tracks i post are gabba, just not shit gabba for homo`s who think they are hard but cant handle sub bass, its the hardcore scene

main events, headliners, sets, the netherlands, where you end up if you make tunes and become a superstar with hardcore, not some crusty club in london

gabba, you don`t have all the big events around europe playing the same tracks, then have some crap from toxic radio or shit from glasgow, which you dont get at any big event except dominator, because nobody cares about it

Originally posted by Guest:
this is what drum & bass will have in room 2

You make my brain hurt.
Hard2Get Really poor trolling effort.
Guest you are all calling happy uk hardcore releases rubbish that are released in todays world, over the past decade uk hardcore will fail and take a slump in number of events whenever it tries to be hard

they have just accepted hardcore is hardcore and happy hardcore is happy uk hardcore
Impulse_Response Why is there so much gabber in this thread (and everywhere else for that matter)?
Guest most of you like late 90s -> mid 2000 uk hardcore sound, its just in nu skool "gabba", but with harder kicks
Originally posted by Guest:
most of you like late 90s -> mid 2000 uk hardcore sound, its just in nu skool "gabba", but with harder kicks

Atleast you know what most of us like.


Why don't you go to a hardstyle forum and berate them for taking gabber and slows it down?
Why don't you go to a hardcore rap forum and complain about them not being gabber?
Why don't you go to a hardcore punk forum and give them a reason why gabba should be called hardcore more so than their music style?

And I wonder what Scott Brown, one of the guys who helped make gabber (and the brittish hardcore scene) what it was in mid/late 90's, think about your comments here? You're probably gonna piss on him too
Captain Triceps You absolutely, totally can NOT make this man change his ways. He is untrollable as well, it's unbelievable. When he was Rogue on USH, and p0rt and Barry Badman in other forums over the years, its often hilarious as much as infuriating (just Google him!)
I remember on USH Waffle once, someone asked something right simple about woodworking or something, after a couple of helpful replies this guy steams in and within a few words was blathering on about Null Nuke and lines of code, probably with a few mentions of dubstep bumboys in Londan as well.
Captain Triceps He must be insane, like literally insane. It's been going on for years, so many forums have banned him, or had calls to ban him, he's had automatic ignores applied everywhere, and he seems totally oblivious and it's been the same all the way through the years. Just utter nonsense, talking about middleclass pussies, dubstep being gay and proper hardcore being ghetto, amongst other things. Taking utterly unrelated topics on ridiculous tangents, banging on about drum and bass and hardcore in metal forums, etc. I think it's beautiful, in a way.
I've been in tears looking at some of the reactions on these:
Guest just dogs on acid had me on global ignore, they are all middleclass whiney wankers who know nothing about everything and think they run the world

I can happily piss on anyone i like, i`ve been doing my own thing for years, and happily stick to pimped cars, not spend years calling a few million people aload of chavs

pantara chat is full of twats, and alfi runs around in briton sometimes

drum & bass arena, risky will ban me when he ever looks at the forum, i laughed at his boyfriend getting bottled at an event, then he banned 90% of the forum back in 2003 or something and everyone who attention the dnba event

esr is full of crack heads

and then every big uk hardcore event at motion in britstol has had a gabba room for the past 2 years with anime etc all playing in, there can be 8 in a single year
Captain Triceps What is your real name? Where are you from?
When he was Rogue on USH,

Ahhh that's who it is! How did you know?
Captain Triceps
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
When he was Rogue on USH,

Ahhh that's who it is! How did you know?

Oh, come on!
Mortis Thanks for the info Captain, I can now just ignore the little oddball rather than try to interact with it.
Originally posted by Captain Triceps:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
When he was Rogue on USH,

Ahhh that's who it is! How did you know?

Oh, come on!

I don't know anywhere near as much about him as you lol. Only the user 'Rogue' on ush. Completely forgot about it until you mentioned it!
wong i've been thinkin he was strange for a few weeks. but i didn't say owt, kinda thought i was perhaps missing something.. if that makes any sense? ....
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by Captain Triceps:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
When he was Rogue on USH,

Ahhh that's who it is! How did you know?

Oh, come on!

I don't know anywhere near as much about him as you lol. Only the user 'Rogue' on ush. Completely forgot about it until you mentioned it!

they are all cocaine heads, to be remembering stuff from 10 ago when they all lost it over nothing

they probably kept the other sites bookmarked, they`re lives are so crap
Guest its all HTiD, bionic, slamminvinyl, unity, old uproar, westfest, all have gabba, rooms and stages

fantazia has some aswell
Captain Triceps
Originally posted by Guest:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
Originally posted by Captain Triceps:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
When he was Rogue on USH,

Ahhh that's who it is! How did you know?

Oh, come on!

I don't know anywhere near as much about him as you lol. Only the user 'Rogue' on ush. Completely forgot about it until you mentioned it!

they are all cocaine heads, to be remembering stuff from 10 ago when they all lost it over nothing

they probably kept the other sites bookmarked, they`re lives are so crap

You're a pretty memorable character. I'm not gonna lie, you were one of my favourite USHers! The consistency over the years is remarkable!
Guest bionic is tomorrow, its at lakota instead, has some gabba and trance

more on

different events for the gabba and gabber
Guest westfest if on halloween, so it should have angerfist, hes started to actually mix live, instead of just chopping every tune
Originally posted by Guest:
its all you calling it all shit, uk hardcore is`nt hard, your good green day track is bollox

you either have happy hardcore or hardcore, anything is is pointless

if you want the hardcore sound, listen to hardcore

frenchcore/ hardtek smashes gabber :P

//end thread
Guest frenchcore and hardtek suck, frenchcore is just a joke

gabba, nu skool, why it has 15 festivals to itself around europe, its a bass music scene for people bored of drum & bass, trap and dubstep cheese, same as in the uk, but uk hardcore events kill it playing aload of bollox whenever it gets some life

drum & bass Vs gabba/hardcore

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