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 This website is getting pretty deserted these days

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kathryn Wonder why?

It used to be so active ages ago but not a lot of people post and i mean from like 11.16am till now just 8 topics updated.

Looks like it's going downhill might be good Silver to spruce it up a bit you know. Make the colours of the background more vibrant and appealing.

Don't really see many hardcore producers posting on here either or dj's when they used to frequent these forums quite a lot a couple of years ago.

What do other's think?
D-tor I haven't noticed a decrease in activity, but I'm just new.

I do have 20-30 new topics everytime I visit though.
Originally posted by kathryn:
Wonder why?

It used to be so active ages ago but not a lot of people post and i mean from like 11.16am till now just 8 topics updated.

Looks like it's going downhill might be good Silver to spruce it up a bit you know. Make the colours of the background more vibrant and appealing.

Don't really see many hardcore producers posting on here either or dj's when they used to frequent these forums quite a lot a couple of years ago.

What do other's think?

and where's all the mods gone?
I know Whispering still around but thought there were more?
Maybe they felt the same too.
Originally posted by kathryn:
Wonder why?

It used to be so active ages ago but not a lot of people post and i mean from like 11.16am till now just 8 topics updated.

Looks like it's going downhill might be good Silver to spruce it up a bit you know. Make the colours of the background more vibrant and appealing.

Don't really see many hardcore producers posting on here either or dj's when they used to frequent these forums quite a lot a couple of years ago.

What do other's think?

I have the New topics page as my homepage, and basically never off the site. Ill be on it 3-4 hours at a time, and there is quite a bit of topics being updated. I get atleast 20-25 updated topics eachtime
Hard2Get I think it's as active as always, pretty much, it's just that 90% of what's posted is rubbish. If there is less people posting then it certainly has nothing to do with the website, people are either interested or they aren't. No use trying to fix what isn't broken. The website is spot on and has been for many years. Changing it would just make things worse.
When the forum was at it's peak there was a lot less posts/posters. I would rather have quality than quantity. A lot of people posting crap is not a good thing.
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I think it's as active as always, pretty much, it's just that 90% of what's posted is rubbish. If there is less people posting then it certainly has nothing to do with the website, people are either interested or they aren't. No use trying to fix what isn't broken. The website is spot on and has been for many years. Changing it would just make things worse.
When the forum was at it's peak there was a lot less posts/posters. I would rather have quality than quantity. A lot of people posting crap is not a good thing.

Nah not in my opinion sorry.
There's far fewer people, far less new post's.
Wilky coz its major shit.. it looks out dated
Originally posted by kathryn:
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
I think it's as active as always, pretty much, it's just that 90% of what's posted is rubbish. If there is less people posting then it certainly has nothing to do with the website, people are either interested or they aren't. No use trying to fix what isn't broken. The website is spot on and has been for many years. Changing it would just make things worse.
When the forum was at it's peak there was a lot less posts/posters. I would rather have quality than quantity. A lot of people posting crap is not a good thing.

Nah not in my opinion sorry.
There's far fewer people, far less new post's.

If there was more posts it was just more crap, so what does it matter? Unless you like reading crap lol.
Mortis When I joined I'd come home from work and see hundreds of "new topics since last visit". Not I not visit for a week and it'd barely be over a hundred. It used to be really active, tons of posters, tons of new members, loads of producers and DJ's used to post and the people where all spot on. Now hardly any of that is left. It's a shame really but it does feel of late that the site may have run it's course.
Hard2Get Again i don't think the site has anything to do with it. Any time people want to talk about Hardcore on a forum they will come here, if they don't they won't go anywhere.
Originally posted by Mortis:
When I joined I'd come home from work and see hundreds of "new topics since last visit". Not I not visit for a week and it'd barely be over a hundred. It used to be really active, tons of posters, tons of new members, loads of producers and DJ's used to post and the people where all spot on. Now hardly any of that is left. It's a shame really but it does feel of late that the site may have run it's course.

Hope not. I love this forum. Looks like I arrived a little late in the day, though.

And by the way, Stu, that is an outrageous lie: "Now I not visit for a week". You're rarely away for more than two hours!
Mortis I meant to say "if I don't visit for a week"
Originally posted by JayHH86:
Originally posted by Mortis:
When I joined I'd come home from work and see hundreds of "new topics since last visit". Not I not visit for a week and it'd barely be over a hundred. It used to be really active, tons of posters, tons of new members, loads of producers and DJ's used to post and the people where all spot on. Now hardly any of that is left. It's a shame really but it does feel of late that the site may have run it's course.

Hope not. I love this forum. Looks like I arrived a little late in the day, though.

And by the way, Stu, that is an outrageous lie: "Now I not visit for a week". You're rarely away for more than two hours!

The site already went way downhill (in terms of the quality of posters/posts) from about 2004 onwards so you don't have to worry about it getting worse.
djDMS I miss the old days!

The lack of activity is probably more related to the lack of anything to talk about than the quality of the members. There are plenty of people who are both knowledgeable and funny but it doesn't come out often enough.

Almost every thread used to be an event in itself with some VERY interesting characters taking part (older members will know the names), but now it seems that a lot of topics never get going due to either lack of interest or lack of quality......a bit like the music that's around at the minute!
jenks I haven't noticed much difference :/
SPOOX I'm still here although i have to admit i don't come on here daily like i used too. It's due to the lack of new topics. There's not much point coming on daily in there ain't been nothing new added.

I really like the idea of a colour or design change. Give the forum a new fresh updated look. Maybe add a few new things to keep things interesting.
The Doc I think it has a lot to do with album releases, before christmas we had a few albums coming out or due to come out ect, now there is nothing in the pipeline for ages, also on the GD forum, there isn't a major post that gets eveyones tits up ect!
Ionosphere Well.... I don't agree that updating/improving the look is necessary.

Should we compare this site to, for example, a Pub that's lost most of it's drinkers and the owners decide to 'Modernise' it to get the punters back through the door.

Who are the 'new punters' that are attracted to this 'New' pub?

They're the vacuous dick-heads that move from one 'new' place to the next and, in a fairly short while, move on to the next one.

No sense of loyalty or commitment, just selfish fun-seekers.

Do you want them here?

This is a good site. True it's not as busy as it used to be but if those who read these posts and don't bother to reply made the effort, it'd be busy enough.

I could be wrong.
Originally posted by Ionosphere:
Well.... I don't agree that updating/improving the look is necessary.

Should we compare this site to, for example, a Pub that's lost most of it's drinkers and the owners decide to 'Modernise' it to get the punters back through the door.

Who are the 'new punters' that are attracted to this 'New' pub?

They're the vacuous dick-heads that move from one 'new' place to the next and, in a fairly short while, move on to the next one.

No sense of loyalty or commitment, just selfish fun-seekers.

Do you want them here?

This is a good site. True it's not as busy as it used to be but if those who read these posts and don't bother to reply made the effort, it'd be busy enough.

I could be wrong.

I know I'm relatively new around here, but that's exactly how I feel.

I like the way it looks, it's homely. I like the format, I think it's efficient and good.

I think the reader-to-comment ratio is poor, though. You see a lot of, for example, 7 replies, 59 views - or something like that. That's especially annoying when it's a track release thread. If you're gonna look, then listen - fcuking say something, give some feed back. And the same with free-track releases. A lot of people clearly download the free track and just don't say anything.
Originally posted by JayHH86:

I like the way it looks, it's homely. I like the format, I think it's efficient and good.

I think the reader-to-comment ratio is poor, though. You see a lot of, for example, 7 replies, 59 views - or something like that. That's especially annoying when it's a track release thread. If you're gonna look, then listen - fcuking say something, give some feed back. And the same with free-track releases. A lot of people clearly download the free track and just don't say anything.

Damn right. Too many people only interested in what's in it for them....

....oh, does that mean that the selfish, vacuous dick-heads are already here?


and, case in point, to back-up what Jay's just said - 19 replies, 135 views (so far).
atomsk Even thought you guys say we dont need a update, I feel like we do. We still have cell padding going on here...
The colors are fine, but the layout is just old feeling. I mean like the "my home" thing has been in beta for as long as I have been on this site.

The comparison to the pub is not fully true imho.. I see it like this..

This used to be the "happing place" lots of people came in and had fun. The place started to fall apart, and many of the people have left, some of the old timers have stayed for the fun old times. After a while it has been falling apart more and more..

I think it is time for a face lift, many old members might not like that idea, but that is how the internet goes.

Old and stale = few loyal members.
New and up-to-date = more people to make the site more alive.

The only downside would be the forum hoppers that come and take shits where they want, but we have that from time to time...

So I say we should have a update.
silver In terms of traffic is the site is getting more now than it did in 2004. Suggestions are great, but help in terms of programmers and designers and even in some degree donations (to pay for running it) is what the site needs. I can do all this myself, and I have been for over 10 years (paying for the site - not cheap! and designing it).... yet in saying that I can't do it all by myself.
Originally posted by silver:
In terms of traffic is the site is getting more now than it did in 2004.

That's what I thought but it's good to have it confirmed.

As for atomsk's comments,I stand by what I said and it's nothing to do with 'not moving with the times'.

Imo, those attracted to the 'new and shiny' don't have.... the right, erm.... depth of enthusiasm, interest, heart.... you know what I mean?

There are other Hardcore sites that have 'modernised' and I've not noticed any increase in their traffic flow.

Of course, and I'm not being unkind, you're always free to go somewhere more 'happening' and 'shinier' if that's what you want.
Originally posted by silver:
In terms of traffic is the site is getting more now than it did in 2004. Suggestions are great, but help in terms of programmers and designers and even in some degree donations (to pay for running it) is what the site needs. I can do all this myself, and I have been for over 10 years (paying for the site - not cheap! and designing it).... yet in saying that I can't do it all by myself.

I know I said this when I joined years ago, but I'm learning some php and MySQL, and I'm handy around photo things.
So maybe after some time I could whip up something and see how people like it, if it works maybe we could implement it.
But sadly I cant help with the money thing.

Do we even have a mobile site?


Originally posted by Ionosphere:
As for atomsk's comments,I stand by what I said and it's nothing to do with 'not moving with the times'.

Imo, those attracted to the 'new and shiny' don't have.... the right, erm.... depth of enthusiasm, interest, heart.... you know what I mean?

There are other Hardcore sites that have 'modernised' and I've not noticed any increase in their traffic flow.

Of course, and I'm not being unkind, you're always free to go somewhere more 'happening' and 'shinier' if that's what you want.

But you have to understand how younger people work.
Homepage = older not bright, eye catching. They wont even bother looking at the forums. Yeah some might still look, but it still helps to look a bit kept up and "shiny"

With the traffic lets look at it like this.
Bebo, was all the rage a few years back, didnt keep up with the others growing websites, now its a wasteland.
Myspace, try to keep up every month with the latest and greatest coding, shit went down hill.
Facebook, updates every six months or so, the member base is grown everyday.

If that does not make sense to you then I really dont know lol...

But it still stands that we do need some type of update, full face lift maybe not, but something to be more pleasing to newer people.
Hard2Get When i said peak by the way i meant in terms of quality not quantity of members. But yeah like i said before and like the people that are agreeing are now saying, do not change anything. It works, there is nothing that can possibly be improved by changing the forum. The rest of the site possibly (though i don't think so personally), but the forum absolutely not, it's the best forum style I've used. At the end the day it's just a place to talk, i don't see how changing something that contributes absolutely nothing to that one way or the other is going to make any difference. If you really wanted to be up to date it would probably be best not to use a forum at all as they are pretty dated in terms of how methods of communication via the internet have progressed.
JustIncredible Even though I feel that this forum is outdated, I don't think the forum is the cause. It's the content that keeps bringing people back, something I think is lacking. I can't really speak of how this forum was back in the early days, because I simply wasn't here, but going through old topics I'll admit that the forum was better back then rather than now.

A new forum would be nice but I don't see that happening any time soon. Moving all the topics would be a hassle any way, IF you were to change I'd lock this forum and archive it and just have a fresh new forum.

I don't know what silver himself coded into this site but a lot of features is pretty much standard on newer forums (youtube, ect)
Originally posted by JustIncredible:
I don't know what silver himself coded into this site but a lot of features is pretty much standard on newer forums (youtube, ect)

Afaik, this site is mainly Php and html, with some java here and there. The youtube thing is not that hard to include, its basically taking the iframe from the youtube embedder, and changing small parts of the code so it will show up here, as we dont have a custom player, not that much work.
Dont get me wrong, I'm glad he put it in :D (smileys lighten the mood)

As for the moving the topics, that is not hard at all. You see the url ( for the threads? Just keep that format, change the html/flash/php/jquery/ect, of the pages and bamm new look, old threads. Keep in mind, it might not be that easy if Mr.Silver changed everything by hand, then the database is basically a huge cluster****.

If we do have an update, there is a simple thing that we could have to make everyone happy.... A styles button, make it in the preference in the cp. Best of both worlds, right?

But this is just talk, if there was an implementation of a new forum, it would take a month or two to get everything made, working, debuged, so yeah... just tallk..
stray I don't know if I'm fit to comment as I've got bugger all posts (though I do feel the need to post a bit more). But I will anyways :P.

I've used a fair few forums and I'd have to agree with the guys saying quality over quantity. My favorite forum is the Nu Energy forums at the moment, and there are less than 20 regular posters, but everyone always gets along and there is always a laugh to be had in one thread or another.

The flipside of this is a gaming site I post on where there are HEAPS of members and new posts are put up that quick that by the time you read them they aren't on the 1st page anymore. These forums are rubbish, full of arguments, you can't keep up with what's going on and they are just painful. In fact the only time I go there is if I have a bad day and feel like getting in an argument.

I don't think the site needs a facelift, though I would like to see more activity on the homepage. Before recently I only really used this site to log in to my email ( is THE coolest email address, but that's another topic) but I do see the homepage daily to log in. The problem there is, all I ever seem to see there is the radio schedule or occassionally a article about a big commercial release. Maybe a weekly wrap up of what's happening in hardcore or some mention on smaller/underground releases would make the homepage feel more active, instead of just a once a week schedule and an occasional advert for the new Clubland or HTID album.
latininxtc i have to start off by saying that this site DOES NOT need to get a new logo/color palette/brighter colors, etc. wikipedia is by far the most colorless, boring-looking website. and yet, ppl still visit it on a daily basis by the millions. Why? because it has the content that ppl are looking for.

also, bright colors are a distraction and aren't easy on the eyes. yes the younglings might enjoy bright colors, but this website caters to all ages and not just the kandy-kids and the wannabe kandy kids. also, if you'd like to see what kind of crowd bright colors attract, go to USH

As far as the quality of the topics/threads/posts, I think it's better than back from the day. yea there were more ppl posting and more topics, and quite possibly a friendlier crowd, but from what i remember when 1st visiting the forums 7yrs back, most topics barely had more than a page of posts (if even half a page), and there wasn't much substance to those posts, just mostly 1-line posts that were very repetitive. of course there were members that were exception to the rules. and it just seems that ppl are now more vocal about their opinions on the quality and preference of hardcore than before, where back then it seemed like no one wanted to disagree so as to prevent an argument from starting.

What I blame the "desertment" of the site on is that we're growing up. Most of us are adults, with responsibilities, some even with families. such is the way of life. we're too preoccupied to spend 24/7 on this site, and i don't blame anyone for that. or also, our tastes in music have changed. i'm sure many have become bored of the genre or too disappointed in the direction it's taking that they've just given up and/or stopped posting on forums. you can't blame them for that either, it is in their right to do so. no one is obligated to stay here.

and i agree somewhat to the Pub comparison. you can change and modernize a pub all you want, but you'll always have a constant change of crowd no matter what.

what i do believe that this site needs is more regular updates with relevant content. i was kind of disappointed that the front page of the site never had a news story about Darwin & Fracus' Balancing Act on the day of its release, yet it had some Hard Dance Anthems album on the same day that had nothing to do with the genre that this site caters to. It was neither happy nor hardcore. if i knew more about website maintenance, i'd be more than happy the help! :)

sorry for the long post, but this topic deserves it
Originally posted by djDMS:
I miss the old days!

The lack of activity is probably more related to the lack of anything to talk about than the quality of the members. There are plenty of people who are both knowledgeable and funny but it doesn't come out often enough.

Almost every thread used to be an event in itself with some VERY interesting characters taking part (older members will know the names), but now it seems that a lot of topics never get going due to either lack of interest or lack of quality......a bit like the music that's around at the minute!

Originally posted by SPOOX:
I'm still here although i have to admit i don't come on here daily like i used too. It's due to the lack of new topics. There's not much point coming on daily in there ain't been nothing new added.

I really like the idea of a colour or design change. Give the forum a new fresh updated look. Maybe add a few new things to keep things interesting.

I really like the idea of a colour or design change. Give the forum a new fresh updated look. Maybe add a few new things to keep things interesting.

Originally posted by JayHH86:
Originally posted by Ionosphere:
Well.... I don't agree that updating/improving the look is necessary.

Should we compare this site to, for example, a Pub that's lost most of it's drinkers and the owners decide to 'Modernise' it to get the punters back through the door.

Who are the 'new punters' that are attracted to this 'New' pub?

They're the vacuous dick-heads that move from one 'new' place to the next and, in a fairly short while, move on to the next one.

No sense of loyalty or commitment, just selfish fun-seekers.

Do you want them here?

This is a good site. True it's not as busy as it used to be but if those who read these posts and don't bother to reply made the effort, it'd be busy enough.

I could be wrong.

I know I'm relatively new around here, but that's exactly how I feel.

I like the way it looks, it's homely. I like the format, I think it's efficient and good.

I think the reader-to-comment ratio is poor, though. You see a lot of, for example, 7 replies, 59 views - or something like that. That's especially annoying when it's a track release thread. If you're gonna look, then listen - fcuking say something, give some feed back. And the same with free-track releases. A lot of people clearly download the free track and just don't say anything.

Absolutely true this can be gutting for those going out of their way to contributing to the sight have loads of people viewing and like you say not commenting enough. It make's the person think 'why do i bother'
Originally posted by latininxtc:
i have to start off by saying that this site DOES NOT need to get a new logo/color palette/brighter colors, etc. wikipedia is by far the most colorless, boring-looking website. and yet, ppl still visit it on a daily basis by the millions. Why? because it has the content that ppl are looking for.

also, bright colors are a distraction and aren't easy on the eyes. yes the younglings might enjoy bright colors, but this website caters to all ages and not just the kandy-kids and the wannabe kandy kids. also, if you'd like to see what kind of crowd bright colors attract, go to USH

As far as the quality of the topics/threads/posts, I think it's better than back from the day. yea there were more ppl posting and more topics, and quite possibly a friendlier crowd, but from what i remember when 1st visiting the forums 7yrs back, most topics barely had more than a page of posts (if even half a page), and there wasn't much substance to those posts, just mostly 1-line posts that were very repetitive. of course there were members that were exception to the rules. and it just seems that ppl are now more vocal about their opinions on the quality and preference of hardcore than before, where back then it seemed like no one wanted to disagree so as to prevent an argument from starting.

What I blame the "desertment" of the site on is that we're growing up. Most of us are adults, with responsibilities, some even with families. such is the way of life. we're too preoccupied to spend 24/7 on this site, and i don't blame anyone for that. or also, our tastes in music have changed. i'm sure many have become bored of the genre or too disappointed in the direction it's taking that they've just given up and/or stopped posting on forums. you can't blame them for that either, it is in their right to do so. no one is obligated to stay here.

and i agree somewhat to the Pub comparison. you can change and modernize a pub all you want, but you'll always have a constant change of crowd no matter what.

what i do believe that this site needs is more regular updates with relevant content. i was kind of disappointed that the front page of the site never had a news story about Darwin & Fracus' Balancing Act on the day of its release, yet it had some Hard Dance Anthems album on the same day that had nothing to do with the genre that this site caters to. It was neither happy nor hardcore. if i knew more about website maintenance, i'd be more than happy the help! :)

sorry for the long post, but this topic deserves it

I hear USH is a very busy sight but don't want to join up and frequent that website as i feel imo i would be betraying this website that back in the day i couldn't wait to frequent contribute and have a laugh with other members in general discussion.

Plus i do owe a lot to the website and Silver as i wouldn't of me my hubby (Mortis) and we wouldn't have our 3 year old daughter.

Silver big high five for that just wished it could be more enticing like it used to be.
I even have on my facebook for people to link into and look at dont know if they ever have but the thought is there
kathryn This thread from 2005 always makes me laugh good old Dave Murray
and this from 2004>

This 1 has a lot of the old members on and a certain hard2get burried in sand first page
lol further down the page @ 14.57 posted by the funny member bone 8 and 9th pic down of him is the gang from here lol

oh and me and Stu 16.25 first date we had our first kiss 13th June 2006.

Silver never did keep his promise
Originally posted by stray:

I don't think the site needs a facelift, though I would like to see more activity on the homepage. Before recently I only really used this site to log in to my email ( is THE coolest email address, but that's another topic) but I do see the homepage daily to log in. The problem there is, all I ever seem to see there is the radio schedule or occassionally a article about a big commercial release. Maybe a weekly wrap up of what's happening in hardcore or some mention on smaller/underground releases would make the homepage feel more active, instead of just a once a week schedule and an occasional advert for the new Clubland or HTID album.

Originally posted by latininxtc:

what i do believe that this site needs is more regular updates with relevant content. i was kind of disappointed that the front page of the site never had a news story about Darwin & Fracus' Balancing Act on the day of its release, yet it had some Hard Dance Anthems album on the same day that had nothing to do with the genre that this site caters to. It was neither happy nor hardcore. if i knew more about website maintenance, i'd be more than happy the help! :)

I was thinking exactly the same thing as what you two have said here - and although it might not be the exact solution to bringing more entertainment/quality/engaging threads - I still think it's important, would go a long way to getting a few new faces involved with the forums, and wouldn't be especially time consuming.

Didn't there used to be something like a 'Digi Report'? Maybe only sporadically, perhaps.

If people were willing to do them, had the time to do them, and the knowledge-base to do them - there's a whole load of things you could do. Off the top of my head: Monthly reports for each of the following: Freeform, Breakbeat Hardcore, Upfront Hardcore. You could do like a 'From The Archives' series of threads - whack out some amazing live sets from years ago that people have forgotten about - sure that'd get people talking.

Few things like that? I guess, though, that the problem may not be not having the threads and topics in the first place - but the people that are replying on them, since people are talking about "not feeling like it used to on here". It sounds, though, that that's just down to having a totally different collection of characters and personalities back then to what we have now - and there's really nothing you can do about that.

To be perfectly honest, I still find a lot of stuff entertaining on here - random threads, not just the hardcore-based ones. I certainly find enough stuff on here entertaining to keep me, erm, entertained, so to speak. I don't feel the need for a drastic overhaul or change in direction - but a bit more conscious effort (from any and all of us) with regards to new releases we've discovered and liked, and general stuff like that, would be nice.

silver If you want more content actually anyone can add it themselves :) just goto the news page and click "add news" at the bottom. It will even credit you with submitting it after approval :)
whispering People have been complaining that the sites going downhill as long as I've been a member here. Usually people consider the "good old times" to be the time they started using the site.
Originally posted by whispering:
People have been complaining that the sites going downhill as long as I've been a member here. Usually people consider the "good old times" to be the time they started using the site.

Yeah that's probably pretty true. I've been here since 2001 and can safely say that the forum is not going getting less popular. It's different (new set of members) but not less popular. Times just change. There is less of the people who were here before though if that's what is being seen as 'deserted'.
This 1 has a lot of the old members on and a certain hard2get burried in sand first page

Lol, good times.
kathryn for example 5 topics active since 9.09am and it.s now like over 4 and a half hours ago.

Hard2Get>>I've been here since 2001 and can safely say that the forum is not going getting less popular.

Are you kidding?
Hard2Get No, read the rest of the post. It is not getting less popular than it's been before, it's just normalised if anything. Silver even said it's not.
Originally posted by atomsk:

With the traffic lets look at it like this.
Bebo, was all the rage a few years back, didnt keep up with the others growing websites, now its a wasteland.
Myspace, try to keep up every month with the latest and greatest coding, shit went down hill.
Facebook, updates every six months or so, the member base is grown everyday.

If that does not make sense to you then I really dont know lol...

Of course it makes sense to me, I'm not stupid, but that's not what I'm talking about.

This site isn't just another MyFace, Spacebook or Bimbo and isn't in competition with that format and there's a lot of people glad of it.

It's a respite from all that.

It's a place to come to where you'll meet others who specifically like Hardcore, not the world at large and it's dog.

Silver is a busy man, with a life, and has pointed out -

"If you want more content actually anyone can add it themselves :) just goto the news page and click "add news" at the bottom. It will even credit you with submitting it after approval :)"

so, and this is the point, if you want more from this site.... Contribute.

With the traffic lets look at it like this.
Bebo, was all the rage a few years back, didnt keep up with the others growing websites, now its a wasteland.
Myspace, try to keep up every month with the latest and greatest coding, shit went down hill.
Facebook, updates every six months or so, the member base is grown everyday.

If that does not make sense to you then I really dont know lol...

Bebo and facebook aren't as popular because people don't like them as much, simple as that. Myspace has tried to keep up to date and it's just as bad as ever now, it hasn't helped anything at all. Facebook wins because it's facebook, up to dateness has nothing to do with it. It just has that which the others don't. Nothing to do with updates, they are just annoying.
cruelcore1 i didnt read the entire topic, but its not tht they got bored of the genre - hardcore is great although many people think its crowded with shit nowadays.

its simple - people try out chatting and foruming, they love it and become addicted, and then get enough of it. Smaller number of people stay addicted, but there are still some that keep on chatting in reasonable measures.
Originally posted by kathryn:
This thread from 2005 always makes me laugh good old Dave Murray
and this from 2004>

This 1 has a lot of the old members on and a certain hard2get burried in sand first page
lol further down the page @ 14.57 posted by the funny member bone 8 and 9th pic down of him is the gang from here lol

Some good stuff on there Kath!
Hard2Get All Dave Murray brought was spam to the site, really nothing good about that. He was the first person to ever spam here, then it caught on a bit.
redwingz Someone (I think JayHH86) mentioned about digi-release reports. I think it was Leto who used to add that to the homepage. He would list all the new digi-releases for the month. But remember, with the increasing number of labels these days that would be one hell of a task now.

As for the site. I like it, always have. I dont think there are as many new topics these days. I think this is mainly down to the fact that alot of people dont want to talk on forums anymore. They can find out what they need from facebook etc. There is no rumours anymore because everyone has the DJs as friends on facebook/twitter, so we all know exactly whats going on.

It doesnt surprise me that the site gets more traffic now than before. I just dont think people are as interested in contributing to forums as they were 5+ years ago, but by the view rate, its obvious people are still reading.
Originally posted by Hard2Get:
All Dave Murray brought was spam to the site, really nothing good about that. He was the first person to ever spam here, then it caught on a bit.

He had a sense of humour though which is needed on here at times
Originally posted by djDMS:
Originally posted by kathryn:
This thread from 2005 always makes me laugh good old Dave Murray
and this from 2004>

This 1 has a lot of the old members on and a certain hard2get burried in sand first page
lol further down the page @ 14.57 posted by the funny member bone 8 and 9th pic down of him is the gang from here lol

Some good stuff on there Kath!

Thanks i had a right laugh re reading some of the posts
and the 1 about you needing bryl cream lol
SPOOX I never met Dave Murray but some of those posts made me laugh. We need some more people like him on here to liven things up.
silver We don't really need suggestions, we need bodies, people that want to help out or a rich person to throw money at the site :)...
Originally posted by SPOOX:
I never met Dave Murray but some of those posts made me laugh. We need some more people like him on here to liven things up.

lol did you see the medal he give me?(in the punk thread)
Smoogie Some people are so rude to me I dont bother half the time.

Nothing exciting Hardcorewise. Im sure back in 2002 it was a big thing to have the Bonkers albums make a comeback then there was the Bonkers/Clubland rivalry.

Now its just 'here is another album with the same shite you already heard before'
Originally posted by kathryn:
Originally posted by SPOOX:
I never met Dave Murray but some of those posts made me laugh. We need some more people like him on here to liven things up.

lol did you see the medal he give me?(in the punk thread)

I did yeah
Audio Warfare I like the site layout etc. just the way it is personally. :) It could definitely use Soundcloud embedding but that's a minor gripe really.

I must say I'm guilty of not really posting anywhere near as much as when I joined in 2004. I just don't have the time these days but I try to post as often as I can. I guess a lot of the older members are probably the same. I wouldn't say it feels any less busy to me than it used to though. Plenty new people using the site pretty often.
TheOneNOnly I wouldn't know, ever since I joined it was at this rate. So therefore, I'm just wasting time to post!
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Some people are so rude to me I dont bother half the time.

o good our plan is working! we'll try and increase the rudeness for you ;)

and yea i believe it was mentioned months back about how we can put posts up for the news page, and i had completely forgotten! i'll def try and find things to contribute for that :)

so, how do i add news to the page??? lol

EDIT: nvrmd i found silver's post on how to do it. do i just submit a link to the news source?
Mortis 89 posts since my last proper log which was almost a week ago.
Originally posted by Mortis:
89 posts since my last proper log which was almost a week ago.

hhhmmm that's not to bad eh?
Mortis Hahaha I've just re-read my post and it comes across like I was talking about me not having a dump for a week
Originally posted by Mortis:
Hahaha I've just re-read my post and it comes across like I was talking about me not having a dump for a week

Hard2Get I never read it like that til you said it lol.
kathryn My hubby is up for helping you with any ideas for improving the website.
DarrenJ we need that crazy canadian girl who posts topless pics to come back lol
Originally posted by DarrenJ:
we need that crazy canadian girl who posts topless pics to come back lol

just google search topless pics lol and there you go!
Originally posted by DarrenJ:
we need that crazy canadian girl who posts topless pics to come back lol

LOL Wtf?

Genuinely gutted that I missed out on that.
Originally posted by JayHH86:
Originally posted by DarrenJ:
we need that crazy canadian girl who posts topless pics to come back lol

LOL Wtf?

Genuinely gutted that I missed out on that.

Me too
Originally posted by DarrenJ:
we need that crazy canadian girl who posts topless pics to come back lol

Who was that?

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