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 Vaccine Passports

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T O P I C     R E V I E W
LeVzi So it seems the entertainment sector is on its way back with a planned vaccine passport system.

Now I find this weird as its going to take a lot longer to vaccinate EVERYONE, but do you welcome or dismiss this way to start up the scene again ?

Personally I think people are so battered by lockdowns they'd accept anything at this point. Which makes me think was that the intention all along ?

Covid is here to stay, we all know that, hiding away from it, doesn't stop it, variants are the new scare tactic, and they can render the vaccine useless, so at what point do we just say **** it and live ?

For those planning to go abroad this year, of which I am one, I am laughing at the Tory scam to get ?120 PCR tests twice, I wonder which cabinet member has shares in the PCR companies. I heard today, they are going to drop that to ?60, so again, still a rip off. You have to do the same in the country you are going to, so ?120 here for tests, and another ?120 there for tests, you are saving NOTHING.

possys2 so you have to stay at home to not a catch a virus, which is about 0.2% chance of catching with a 98.7% chance survival rate, average age of people who unfortunately died from this was 80 plus years old. also now saying 25% of covid deaths, was not covid

to then go and have it injected into you, so you then can have a passport, to be let in/out of the country and into most venues. also you can still catch and pass it on after the injection.

think this is a way of getting that government ID thing they was pushing for a few years ago.
everything will shut down again in the winter but at least the flu has gone now!

yes i watch alot of alex belfield on youtube!
LeVzi At least its not Alex Jones !

tbh I just wanna do stuff I did before, and travel is one of them. I got family abroad and I got a great nephew I wanna see, and a neice i've never met, so im desperate to get outta the country to see them.

But i'm not paying nearing double the price of the flight, just to line the pockets of the PCR test companies, when i'll be fully vaccinated.
possys2 ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
we got the get back to 'normal' somehow, if the injections speed that up, its got be done.

alex jones lol he just a bit to much. good to watch tho. he 100 mph with all his facts and figures. it was good when he was on joe rogans podcast, as joe was slowing him down n fact checking his points
Originally posted by possys2:
ya gotta do what ya gotta do!
we got the get back to 'normal' somehow, if the injections speed that up, its got be done.

alex jones lol he just a bit to much. good to watch tho. he 100 mph with all his facts and figures. it was good when he was on joe rogans podcast, as joe was slowing him down n fact checking his points

Alex Jones is on the bottle again, not going to end well for him this time tbh
Smoogie Better than nothing I guess. I have a new job as a cleaner and where I work (a bus station) I have been aware of how many people (the essential bus drivers) have been exposed to Covid. This thing is real and we must find a way to live with it as best as possible.

I will have to say though that I am getting fed up of the excuses people make not to go back to work. A survey reveals that around half of people who usually work in offices are afraid to go back to work yet are they the same ones who want to go back to pubs and restaurants. I mentioned this on a local Facebook group and got attacked by so called 'Work from home' people who all seem to be anti vax and also seem to vote Labour.

I rest my case.
possys2 ahh facebook.. so glad i turned it off and twitter, if you dont have to same opinions as the mob they will come after you, cant have any reasonable debate any more.

facts dont care about your feelings. they never had an answer for that, then it was just turned into name calling. hahaha. my time is better spent trying to get a few quid then arguing on a phone screen all day with morons!
jenks I'm not taking the vaccine.
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Better than nothing I guess. I have a new job as a cleaner and where I work (a bus station) I have been aware of how many people (the essential bus drivers) have been exposed to Covid. This thing is real and we must find a way to live with it as best as possible.

I will have to say though that I am getting fed up of the excuses people make not to go back to work. A survey reveals that around half of people who usually work in offices are afraid to go back to work yet are they the same ones who want to go back to pubs and restaurants. I mentioned this on a local Facebook group and got attacked by so called 'Work from home' people who all seem to be anti vax and also seem to vote Labour.

I rest my case.

Working from home has become too attractive to many and its just nicer for them. Fact is, a lot of government / council departments are not functioning at all because ppl are at home. This has to change, they need to be able to do the job as well as before or get someone in who is willing to go back to the office.

If people don't want the vaccine, fine, but if vaccine passports are introduced, you watch them change that opinion quick sharpish.
The drunken scotsman People working from home in the longer term is a disaster waiting to happen. The economy depends on people going to work every day not sitting around home in their pyjamas. Really ****s me off seeing how people just think working from home is the new normal. It discourages proper communication and will just make us more introverted in the long run.

As for vaccine passports, no problem for me. Will be getting the vaccine when offered.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
People working from home in the longer term is a disaster waiting to happen. The economy depends on people going to work every day not sitting around home in their pyjamas. Really ****s me off seeing how people just think working from home is the new normal. It discourages proper communication and will just make us more introverted in the long run.

As for vaccine passports, no problem for me. Will be getting the vaccine when offered.

Exactly, people will get lazy and complacent and stop caring about their work.

I have already had the 1st jab, just waiting on the 2nd :)
Originally posted by Smoogie:
Better than nothing I guess. I have a new job as a cleaner and where I work (a bus station) I have been aware of how many people (the essential bus drivers) have been exposed to Covid. This thing is real and we must find a way to live with it as best as possible.

I will have to say though that I am getting fed up of the excuses people make not to go back to work. A survey reveals that around half of people who usually work in offices are afraid to go back to work yet are they the same ones who want to go back to pubs and restaurants. I mentioned this on a local Facebook group and got attacked by so called 'Work from home' people who all seem to be anti vax and also seem to vote Labour.

I rest my case.

Says the bus station cleaner who votes tory.....

Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
People working from home in the longer term is a disaster waiting to happen. The economy depends on people going to work every day not sitting around home in their pyjamas. Really ****s me off seeing how people just think working from home is the new normal. It discourages proper communication and will just make us more introverted in the long run.

As for vaccine passports, no problem for me. Will be getting the vaccine when offered.

For doing the same work, it saves me an hour a day on commuting. Why would i travel to another place when i can do everything at home (and save 5 hours a week)? TBH communicating with Teams is much easier then face to face, since you can screen share. Depends on the work i suppose.
Triquatra I don't think they will bring in a passport system for clubs, pubs and restaurants as has been *speculated* in the press.

Seems pretty sensible to have the system in place for those countries who want people to be vaccinated before they come in, would be daft to be able to get vaccinated and then have no way to prove it lol.
Samination Finding a vaccine against hooliganism would have been better though :P
Triquatra As suspected. It won't be mandatory.
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
People working from home in the longer term is a disaster waiting to happen. The economy depends on people going to work every day not sitting around home in their pyjamas. Really ****s me off seeing how people just think working from home is the new normal. It discourages proper communication and will just make us more introverted in the long run.

As for vaccine passports, no problem for me. Will be getting the vaccine when offered.

For doing the same work, it saves me an hour a day on commuting. Why would i travel to another place when i can do everything at home (and save 5 hours a week)? TBH communicating with Teams is much easier then face to face, since you can screen share. Depends on the work i suppose.

So that you dont become lazy and isolated. People expect far too much these days. Working from home can be ok when needed, but to do it every day is going to cause big problems now and in future.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
So that you dont become lazy and isolated. People expect far too much these days. Working from home can be ok when needed, but to do it every day is going to cause big problems now and in future.

I think the exact opposite. Everyone trying to cram themselves into city centers is a relatively new thing.
Now being lazy (at least in my profession) is just as easy in the office as it is at home, though the management do see if you get work done.
Originally posted by Triquatra:
As suspected. It won't be mandatory.

There are mixed messages about pubs and clubs, but I think they need to get it put in place, get everyone vaccinated and give a good reason to get vaccinated.

I am thankful they are dropping the amber country quarrentine on return if you are vaccinated, I am outta here next month :) Happy days.
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by Triquatra:
As suspected. It won't be mandatory.

There are mixed messages about pubs and clubs, but I think they need to get it put in place, get everyone vaccinated and give a good reason to get vaccinated.

I am thankful they are dropping the amber country quarrentine on return if you are vaccinated, I am outta here next month :) Happy days.

Not sure what you mean about mixed messages. They aren't legally obliged to, which is all I was talking about when it comes to 'mandatory'. The only obligation they have is to the public, their choice to do it or not depending on what their customers (or they) want.
Originally posted by Triquatra:
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by Triquatra:
As suspected. It won't be mandatory.

There are mixed messages about pubs and clubs, but I think they need to get it put in place, get everyone vaccinated and give a good reason to get vaccinated.

I am thankful they are dropping the amber country quarrentine on return if you are vaccinated, I am outta here next month :) Happy days.

Not sure what you mean about mixed messages. They aren't legally obliged to, which is all I was talking about when it comes to 'mandatory'. The only obligation they have is to the public, their choice to do it or not depending on what their customers (or they) want.

The mixed messages are that they could well be legally needed, and not down to the owner.

You will need to prove you are vaccinated to gain entrance to a pub or club.

They are pushing the vaccine now for all under 40's .
Triquatra Nah, it's all recommendations I've not seen anything from the MPs about legally needing to enforce it. Sound like you're getting suckered into the media's opinions and spin, mate.

Both myself and the wife are double jabbed, and neither pubs nor clubs are places we want to frequent, so I am not coming at this from a biased 'nah mate I can still go to a pub even if I'm not vaccinated' point of view.

Samination There's nothing that stops Barowners from barring customers. It's their right as a private enterprise
Originally posted by Samination:
There's nothing that stops Barowners from barring customers. It's their right as a private enterprise

Absolutely and I agree with that 100%.

Though I have no idea what a Barowner is. ;)

*edit* just clicked
The drunken scotsman
Originally posted by whispering:
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
So that you dont become lazy and isolated. People expect far too much these days. Working from home can be ok when needed, but to do it every day is going to cause big problems now and in future.

I think the exact opposite. Everyone trying to cram themselves into city centers is a relatively new thing.
Now being lazy (at least in my profession) is just as easy in the office as it is at home, though the management do see if you get work done.

Your obviously just a lazy **** mate.
Originally posted by Triquatra:
Nah, it's all recommendations I've not seen anything from the MPs about legally needing to enforce it. Sound like you're getting suckered into the media's opinions and spin, mate.

Both myself and the wife are double jabbed, and neither pubs nor clubs are places we want to frequent, so I am not coming at this from a biased 'nah mate I can still go to a pub even if I'm not vaccinated' point of view.

I'm not getting suckered into anything, they are making the same statements daily, club owners are considering making it compulsory to have a covid vaccine proof on some app or another to gain entry.

I think its a good idea. Especially if it gets the clubs going and keeps them open. They are pushing threats through because vaccine uptake from the under 40's is slowing up and they don't want the vaccine. So of course they'll spin it to make people think they have to do it.

But the owners of pubs and clubs woulldn't refuse the idea if it meant they could open without restrictions.
Triquatra Which, as I was saying, has nothing to do with legalities and is down to the club or pub itself. This is a stupid debate which was prove even more stupid after the 19th.
Originally posted by Triquatra:
Which, as I was saying, has nothing to do with legalities and is down to the club or pub itself. This is a stupid debate which was prove even more stupid after the 19th.

I can see by August restrictions coming back in. 10 days of freedom.

UK Is on the red list of a lot of other countries now.
The drunken scotsman It is more like Groundhog Day than freedom day. We will be back in some kind of lockdown by September or October. They will frame it as the new normal but its death by a thousand cuts and gradual reduction of freedoms that we all took for granted before COVID.

We are being made to pay for the shocking mismanagement of the NHS over the years. That is the real issue here.
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by Triquatra:
Which, as I was saying, has nothing to do with legalities and is down to the club or pub itself. This is a stupid debate which was prove even more stupid after the 19th.

I can see by August restrictions coming back in. 10 days of freedom.

UK Is on the red list of a lot of other countries now.

Yep, I can see that too lol.

Plus this parliment LOOOOOOOVE their control. They'll extend their powers as long as they can. I heard they're thinking of extending them way past the September expiry date.
Originally posted by The drunken scotsman:
It is more like Groundhog Day than freedom day.

Eyyy I hear ya, Neil Oliver!! ;)

He did speak well, didn't he!
Warnman To my point of view, it's pretty much the same discussion over here in Germany! It's all about liberating people, who at least, got vaccinated for the very first time - no matter what the negative consequences might turn out to develope. Pictures from yesterday's unreasonableness from clubs at the U. K. are intensely shocking me (people ripping their masks apart) and party like is there is no tomorrow!
I am working for an airfreight forwarding ageny and we have been ordered to import and export vaccines, masks and other medical products for the past 1 1/2 years. There was absolutely no way to work at home or to avoid getting in touch with people from other companies or even strangers.
My brother-in-law is working as a paramedic near Berlin and his colleagues and he had to daily collect infected patients, without having been supplied with proper hygienic materials (masks, hand gloves, etc.) by his employer - the job simply had to be done!
Considering the fact that both of us took part of keeping the system running, we were obviously considered to be, as being exchangeable - no matter how much the gap between numbers of job resigners and entry-level workers has increased! Meanwhile, politicans (local up to federal ones) have gotten vaccinated, although their priority class was never mentioned at all on the officially published priority classification lists.
Back at the beginning of May, my colleagues and I finally received a short notice that we are allowed to apply for a date of receive vaccination - unfortunately I was tested positive on Covid19 shortly afterwards, so I am not allowed to apply for my first vaccination before end of November. Now my government is starting to reduce my personal rights of freedom, simply because of the reason that I haven't been vaccinated yet, although I was willing to do it. It is considered, that it must have been my own fault...!
Thanks for nothing German administration!
trippnface Still waiting for the Sputnik V .

Western pharmaceutical giants can kiss my ass.
Originally posted by trippnface:
Still waiting for the Sputnik V .

I don't doubt that Sputnik V is a well developed and highly efficient vaccine, but I'd have a morally personal conflict to get vaccinated by this product. It's well known that Russia regularly abuses prisoners without their knowledges and agreements to test any kind of newely medical developements.
jenks In June in the UK, COVID19 was the 26th most common cause of death, making up less than 1% of deaths overall.
Originally posted by jenks:
In June in the UK, COVID19 was the 26th most common cause of death, making up less than 1% of deaths overall.

and is that actual cause of death...or just a death who happened to have covid in their system?
Originally posted by Triquatra:
Originally posted by jenks:
In June in the UK, COVID19 was the 26th most common cause of death, making up less than 1% of deaths overall.

and is that actual cause of death...or just a death who happened to have covid in their system?

They record covid deaths as anyone who died within 28 days of a positive covid test.
Samination So even if they die due to a car accident, it'll count as a covid kill?
Originally posted by Samination:
So even if they die due to a car accident, it'll count as a covid kill?

Yep, that's how they inflated the numbers because after all the scaremongering, it wasn't as bad as they said. They built multiple field hospitals to take the additional people suffering from Covid, and they were all dismantled last August.

Now they are trying their best to put the fear back, with variants evading the vaccines, but its simply not true.

Unfortunately people are past caring if they are under a certain age and reasonably fit. They are going to live their lives and not care about covid. That's all very well and good for them, but there are those of a similar age with underlying conditions that cannot, and will catch it. They need vaccinating.

This virus is going no where, we need to live with it, but we also need to get all people who have existing issues vaccinated, then we can fully unlock with confidence.
Originally posted by LeVzi:
Originally posted by Samination:
So even if they die due to a car accident, it'll count as a covid kill?

Yep, that's how they inflated the numbers because after all the scaremongering, it wasn't as bad as they said. They built multiple field hospitals to take the additional people suffering from Covid, and they were all dismantled last August.

Now they are trying their best to put the fear back, with variants evading the vaccines, but its simply not true.

Unfortunately people are past caring if they are under a certain age and reasonably fit. They are going to live their lives and not care about covid. That's all very well and good for them, but there are those of a similar age with underlying conditions that cannot, and will catch it. They need vaccinating.

This virus is going no where, we need to live with it, but we also need to get all people who have existing issues vaccinated, then we can fully unlock with confidence.

When do you think they will start reporting on the corporate news that it is bio warfare?

LeVzi Never
Triquatra Called it. ;)
LeVzi I hope they stay scrapped but there is a backlash against dropping the ideas.

The way this shit government wave in the wind I wouldn't be surprised next week if they are back on the table again.

On a side note. I am seeing daily how bad the conservative government are handling everything now. They really are shite.

Makes me wonder if Labour had been in control , how much worse things would have been.

Originally posted by LeVzi:
I hope they stay scrapped but there is a backlash against dropping the ideas.

The way this shit government wave in the wind I wouldn't be surprised next week if they are back on the table again.

On a side note. I am seeing daily how bad the conservative government are handling everything now. They really are shite.

Makes me wonder if Labour had been in control , how much worse things would have been.

Absolutely! Though I kind of feel it would be equally bad, but just in a different way haha. Neither parties have any respect for liberty.
possys2 all parties are the same.
all about the money
Originally posted by Triquatra:
Originally posted by LeVzi:
I hope they stay scrapped but there is a backlash against dropping the ideas.

The way this shit government wave in the wind I wouldn't be surprised next week if they are back on the table again.

On a side note. I am seeing daily how bad the conservative government are handling everything now. They really are shite.

Makes me wonder if Labour had been in control , how much worse things would have been.

Absolutely! Though I kind of feel it would be equally bad, but just in a different way haha. Neither parties have any respect for liberty.

And lo and behold yesterday they state that vaccine passports "Aren't off the table" as are lockdowns, they are preparing for a lockdown "lite" which is a ******** excuse just to lockdown and protect the NHS.

Here's the truth, the ****ing NHS have had so much time to prepare for winters now , they just didn't do anything about it. Government didn't fund it, NHS didn't implement it. THey kept capacities the same and didn't care about this coming winter.

And after the last winter they've had months to get ready for it. There is NO excuse for that.
Triquatra I doubt they'll take them 'off the table'. They've shown that all they really want to do is try and please everyone. Seems to mean threaten to do something (which makes one side happy and the other side not) and then at the last minute ditch it (which makes the other side happy and the other side less happy, but satiated that 'at least they were going to do something').
Buncha tools.
LeVzi Well they are real in Scotland and Wales, but not in England.

Won't be long for England to bring them in if they statistics of infection in Wales and Scotland prove they work, or at least the propaganda proves it works.

ReMax i'm currently living with my sister and brother in-law and they're both vaxxed (i'm not) recently my nephew got covid which he then passed onto both of them and they were bed bound for days meanwhile i took 4 lateral flow tests and a PCR and each one came back negative and i had been in close contact with all of them so...

did i just get insanely lucky?

or has covid been blown way out of proportion in terms of how easily it can be spread

don't support this crap. Those who agree with me without an explanation know the score. Anyone who is in the middle or dabbling with agreement with this seriously needs to seek some alternative media and alternative to youtube channels.

you can't mention half of the arguement on here without the people who know the score... as you are either given the label of a racist, biggot etc
Samination you do know this is an 1 year old topic? :P
Originally posted by Samination:
you do know this is an 1 year old topic? :P

Let them have some fun!

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