Release item details
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Release item infomation |
Item Release date: |
1999/02/01 |
Item release format: |
CD - compilation |
Ownership: |
0.5% - (3/558) |
Want: |
0.0% - (0/558) |
Release item tracks |
Heaven Music
 Hardcore Heaven Volume 5 [HMLCD105]
 [CD1-1] - [Blitz, Bananaman] - Funk You
 [CD1-2] - [Kaos] - Get Up (Remix)
 [CD1-3] - [Vibes, DJ] - Outer Spaced
 [CD1-4] - [Trixxy, Stompy, DJ] - Party
 [CD1-5] - [James Venus] - Rainbow Tune (X-Clusive Album Mix)
 [CD1-6] - [Eruption, Seduction, DJ] - Bust The New Jam (X-Clusive Brisk remix)
 [CD1-7] - [Hardcash Boys] - Flow On A Vibe
 [CD1-8] - [Seduction, DJ] - Step To The Side (X-Clusive Brisk remix)
 [CD1-9] - [24 Carat] - Tribute
 [CD1-10] - [Styles, Force] - Fireworks (Storm, DJ Remix)
 [CD1-11] - [Devastate, Robbie Long] - Boss DJ
 [CD1-12] - [Demo, DJ, Sy] - Tears Run Cold
 [CD1-13] - [Seduction, DJ] - My Own (Hixxy Remix)
 [CD1-14] - [Dunkley, Dougal] - T.K.M.
 [CD1-15] - [Seduction, DJ] - So In Love (Hixxy Remix)
 [CD1-16] - [Kaos] - Eternal Flame
 [CD1-17] - [Sy Project, the] - Rockin It
 [CD1-18] - [Happy Rollers] - Musik (Ham's '99 Remix)
 [CD2-1] - [Interstate] - Second Element
 [CD2-2] - [Scott Brown] - Take Me Up
 [CD2-3] - [Q-Tex] - Falling To The Earth
 [CD2-4] - [Gillian Tennant, Scott Brown] - Every Time I Close My Eyes
 [CD2-5] - [Bass X] - Pilgrim
 [CD2-6] - [Scott Brown] - Super Sharp Beatz
 [CD2-7] - [Scott Brown] - Feel The Beat
 [CD2-8] - [Scott Brown, Marc Smith] - I Can Rock The Party
 [CD2-9] - [Bass X] - Make 'Em Clap
 [CD2-10] - [Vinylgroover] - Time (DB7 Remix)
 [CD2-11] - [Elevate] - Take Me Anywhere
 [CD2-12] - [Vinylgroover] - No Way Back
 [CD2-13] - [VGT] - Vol. 2
 [CD2-14] - [Seduction, DJ] - Holdin On (Vinylgroover's '99 Remix)
 [CD2-15] - [Vinylgroover] - Rainbows
 [CD2-16] - [Elevate] - Virtual Dreams (DB7 Euro Mix)
 [CD2-17] - [Static Substace] - People (Select Remix)
 [CD2-18] - [Vinylgroover, Edy C, DJ] - Bright Eyes (Remix)
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