Release item details
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Item Release date: |
2006/08/07 |
Item release format: |
CD - compilation |
Ownership: |
0% - (0/558) |
Want: |
0% - (0/558) |
Release item tracks |
Warner Music TV
 Hardcore Nation 3 [WMTV018]
 [1.01] - [Seduction, DJ, Gammer] - Put Ya Hands Up (2006 Remix)
 [1.02] - [Seduction, DJ, Joey Riot] - Turn Up The Bassline
 [1.03] - [Gammer] - Cube Negative
 [1.04] - [Sy, Unknown, Lou Lou] - U R My Phantasy (Hardcore Nation Exclusive Remix)
 [1.05] - [Seduction, DJ, Joey Riot] - Out Of The Blue
 [1.06] - [Dougal, Gammer] - Rhythm Master
 [1.07] - [Seduction, DJ, Alison Wade] - All Around The World
 [1.08] - [Filthy Louca] - Teardrops (Sy & Unknown remix)
 [1.09] - [Seduction, DJ] - Hardcore Time
 [1.10] - [Diverse] - The Spirit
 [1.11] - [Nu Foundation] - Takin' My Time (Nu Foundation remix)
 [1.12] - [Seduction, DJ, Darren Styles, Alison Wade] - Sunlight
 [1.13] - [Seduction, DJ, Joey Riot] - Rock The Party
 [1.14] - [Dougal, Gammer] - Unidentified
 [1.15] - [UFO] - Tears
 [1.16] - [Seduction, DJ, Gammer, Alison Wade] - Bright Star
 [1.17] - [Stu Allan] - Music's Got Me (Seduction, DJ remix)
 [1.18] - [Sparky, Sytronik] - Let It Shine
 [2.01] - [Audioscape, Sparky] - Hardcore Nation
 [2.02] - [In Effect, Gammer, Ali] - Stuck In A Moment
 [2.03] - [Heaven-7] - Dance With Me (Joey Riot remix)
 [2.04] - [Audioscape] - Walk Away (Breeze & Styles hardcore remix)
 [2.05] - [Stu Allan] - Far Away
 [2.06] - [Impact, Resist] - Runaway
 [2.07] - [Scott Brown] - Wakey Wakey
 [2.08] - [Gammer] - The Call (Scott Brown remix)
 [2.09] - [Robbie Long, Stormtrooper] - Hitmen (Sy & Unknown remix)
 [2.10] - [Dougal, Gammer, Lisa Marie] - Tell Me A Story
 [2.11] - [Brisk, Ham] - I Got A Feeling (Dougal & Gammer remix)
 [2.12] - [Stu Allan] - Take My Hand
 [2.13] - [Dreadhed] - On Fire (Hixxy remix)
 [2.14] - [Bombay] - Shooting Star (Stu Allan remix)
 [2.15] - [Trinity] - Like The Sun (Sy & Unknown remix)
 [2.16] - [Visa] - All Of My Life (Joey Riot hardcore remix)
 [2.17] - [Tarantino] - Pulp Fiction (Stu Allan's hardcore kill bill remix)
 [2.18] - [Hnk] - A Team (Rob Da Rhythm & Al Twisted's E team remix)
 [3.01] - [Robbie Long, Stormtrooper] - Nation Of Hardcore (HN3 Intro Mix)
 [3.02] - [Stormtrooper] - Phatt Bwoy
 [3.03] - [Smith, Western] - Chicken Lips
 [3.04] - [Robbie Long, Stormtrooper] - Stick Em
 [3.05] - [Ham, Robbie Long] - Entertain Ya Brain
 [3.06] - [AMS, Robbie Long] - Hardcore Rush
 [3.07] - [AMS] - Keep Rockin'
 [3.08] - [BK] - P.O.S. 51 (Robbie Long & Stormtrooper remix)
 [3.09] - [Ethos] - Watch Out
 [3.10] - [D-Lyte] - Da New Joint
 [3.11] - [Simon Apex, Sam Davage] - The Light
 [3.12] - [Robbie Long, Stormtrooper] - Work That Sucka
 [3.13] - [Mauro Picotto] - Lizard (Robbie Long & Stormtrooper remix)
 [3.14] - [Hixxy] - More & More
 [3.15] - [Injured Rezz, MD, The] - To The Rave
 [3.16] - [Millo, DJ] - F*ckin' Trip On XTC (170 1st Trip Mix)
 [3.17] - [Prodigy, The] - Voodoo People (Pendulum remix)
 [3.18] - [Stabilized] - Learn 2 Dance (AMS remix)
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