Release item details
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Release item infomation |
Item Release date: |
2005/03/07 |
Item release format: |
CD - compilation |
Ownership: |
0% - (0/558) |
Want: |
0% - (0/558) |
Release item tracks |
Warner Strategic Marketing (UK)
 Hardcore Nation [WSMCD208]
 [1-01] - [Gammer] - Let It Go
 [1-02] - [Sy, Unknown] - Caught Up In Your Love
 [1-03] - [Insight] - Only Your Love (Scott Brown remix)
 [1-04] - [Deejaybee, In Effect] - Fresh Cuts Last
 [1-05] - [Asa, S1] - Making Me Wanna Dance (Sy & Unknown remix)
 [1-06] - [Sy, Unknown] - Make It Bounce (V.I.P Album Mix)
 [1-07] - [Gammer] - Feel The Bass
 [1-08] - [Visa] - Fly Away (Seduction, DJ mix)
 [1-09] - [Storm, DJ, Seduction, DJ] - Make The Track Spin
 [1-10] - [Dougal, Gammer] - Kick Your Legs
 [1-11] - [Sy, Unknown] - I See The Light
 [1-12] - [Flyin', DJ, Sparky] - Energy Rush (Stompy, DJ remix)
 [1-13] - [Seduction, DJ] - Slammin 'n' Jammin
 [1-14] - [Stompy, DJ, Abeyance] - Time To Fly (Seduction, DJ remix)
 [1-15] - [Adam L] - Body Shake
 [1-16] - [Deejaybee, Compulsion] - Energy
 [1-17] - [Aluna] - All Of My Life (Breeze & Styles remix)
 [2-01] - [Diss Reaction] - Jiiieehaaaa
 [2-02] - [Stingray, Sonicdrive] - Cold As Ice
 [2-03] - [Stu Allan, Pete Pritchard] - Love You More (Original Hardcore Mix)
 [2-04] - [Paul Elstak] - Don't Leave Me Alone
 [2-05] - [Organ Donors] - What's Up? (Dougal & Gammer hardcore mix)
 [2-06] - [Praga Khan] - Injected With A Poison (Hixxy's Hardcore Till I Die Remix)
 [2-07] - [Visa] - Don't Go Away (Visa 2005 Mix)
 [2-08] - [Visa] - Fly Away (Visa original hardcore mix)
 [2-09] - [Bang!] - Cloudy Daze
 [2-10] - [United in Dance] - Still The One
 [2-11] - [Impact, Resist] - Drifting Away
 [2-12] - [Energy] - Serenity (Visa hardcore mix)
 [2-13] - [Breeze] - Let's Fly
 [2-14] - [Charly Lownoise, Mental Theo] - Wonderfull Days (Trance, DJ mix)
 [2-15] - [Force, Styles] - Pretty Green Eyes
 [2-16] - [Visa] - Gave You My Love (Visa 2005 Mix)
 [2-17] - [Force, Styles] - Apollo 13
 [3-01] - [2 Damn Tuff] - Blow The Roof (Stormtrooper's Intro Remix)
 [3-02] - [Alex-90] - The Message
 [3-03] - [Stabilized] - Drop The Needle
 [3-04] - [Ham] - Jump 2 Da Groove
 [3-05] - [Flyin', DJ, Rampant, DJ, Storm, DJ] - X-Rated!
 [3-06] - [Stabilized] - Learn 2 Dance
 [3-07] - [Robbie Long, AMS] - Ear Popper
 [3-08] - [Eclipse, DJ] - 24-7
 [3-09] - [Stormtrooper, Dair] - Do It Like That
 [3-10] - [Vinylgroover, Red Hed] - Everlasting (Flyin', DJ & Storm, DJ remix)
 [3-11] - [Robbie Long, AMS] - Acid Bath
 [3-12] - [Cally, Juice] - All You Bastards (Robbie Long & Stormtrooper remix)
 [3-13] - [Impact, Resist] - Insomniak
 [3-14] - [Delta-X] - Keep Pushing (AMS remix)
 [3-15] - [Stormtrooper, Dair] - Underground
 [3-16] - [Xavi Metralla] - Vibrations
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