Release item details
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Release item infomation |
Item release format: |
CD - compilation |
Ownership: |
7.7% - (43/558) |
Want: |
0.4% - (2/558) |
Release item tracks |
 Bonkers [REACTCD083]
 [CD1-1] - [Hixxy, Sharkey] - Toytown
 [CD1-2] - [Dougal, Eruption] - Partytime (remix)
 [CD1-3] - [Hixxy, Ikon] - The Wizard Of Oz
 [CD1-4] - [Hixxy] - Thumper
 [CD1-5] - [Hopscotch, Dougal] - Steamtrain
 [CD1-6] - [Hixxy, Bananaman] - Together forever
 [CD1-7] - [Dr. Who] - Love of my life
 [CD1-8] - [A Sense of Summer] - On Top (Hixxy Remix)
 [CD1-9] - [Highlander] - Hold Me Now (Bass-D & King Remix)
 [CD1-10] - [Bass-D] - Like A Dream
 [CD1-11] - [Seduction, DJ, Eruption] - Bust The New Jam (Remix)
 [CD1-12] - [Seduction, DJ] - Step To The Side
 [CD1-13] - [Vinylgroover, Quatro] - Calypso Summer
 [CD1-14] - [Brisk] - Airhead (SMD remix)
 [CD1-15] - [Eruption] - Let the music (original mix)
 [CD1-16] - [Force, Styles] - Funfair (previously unreleased mix)
 [CD1-17] - [Hixxy] - A ha ha ha
 [CD1-18] - [Scott Brown] - Now Is The Time (Hixxy & Trixxy Remix)
 [CD2-1] - [Sharkey, Marc Smith] - Truth
 [CD2-2] - [Force, Styles] - All Systems Go
 [CD2-3] - [Terrible Twins] - Burn This Joint (Tekno Dred & Helix Mix)
 [CD2-4] - [Seb] - Rainbow Islands (Sharkey Mix)
 [CD2-5] - [D-Zyne, Supreme, Billy 'D' Bunter] - Out Side World
 [CD2-6] - [Vampire, The] - Teknostorm (Sharkey Remix)
 [CD2-7] - [Ham] - Is there anybody out there
 [CD2-8] - [Bananaman, Druid, DJ] - Tweedledum
 [CD2-9] - [Sharkey, Sy] - Feel The Heat
 [CD2-10] - [Druid, DJ, Sharkey] - Bonkers Anthem
 [CD2-11] - [A Sense of Summer] - Techno Round The World (Remix)
 [CD2-12] - [Sharkey, Druid, DJ] - Punpim
 [CD2-13] - [Sharkey, Druid, DJ] - Rocket To The Moon
 [CD2-14] - [Sharkey, Druid, DJ] - Frantik
 [CD2-15] - [Sharkey] - Revolution (Slipmatt Remix)
 [CD2-16] - [Brisk] - On & On
 [CD2-17] - [Styles, Force] - Wonderland
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