Release item details
Happy Hardcore Hysteria Volume 2 |
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Release item infomation |
Item Release date: |
1998/01/01 |
Item release format: |
CD - compilation |
Ownership: |
0% - (0/558) |
Want: |
0% - (0/558) |
Release item tracks |
Jumpin' & Pumpin'
 Happy Hardcore Hysteria Volume 2 [ CDB TOT 8]
 [1-01] - [Justin Time] - Help Me (Demo, DJ remix)
 [1-02] - [Trance, DJ] - Break Beat Edit 1
 [1-03] - [Love Nation, Donna] - House Of Heaven
 [1-04] - [Ad Man] - Jungle Jingle
 [1-05] - [N-Zo, Invincible, DJ] - Take Me Away
 [1-06] - [DNA, DJ] - Go Insane (Poosie remix)
 [1-07] - [Love Nation] - Alright
 [1-08] - [Demo, DJ] - Fantasy
 [1-09] - [Demo, DJ] - Dreamin'
 [1-10] - [N-Zo, Invincible, DJ] - Trippin On Sunshine
 [2-01] - [Ad Man, Tekno Dred] - Can It Be
 [2-02] - [Helix] - Change It
 [2-03] - [Tekno Dred, Ad Man] - Spiritual Blessings
 [2-04] - [Haze, The] - Tubular Breakdown
 [2-05] - [Helix, Astral] - Surrounding Symphony
 [2-06] - [Tekno Dred Alliance, The] - Endorphia
 [2-07] - [Tekno Dred, Ad Man, Dave Jay] - Change The Style
 [2-08] - [Helix, Tekno Dred] - Noise + Music
 [2-09] - [WE-3] - Solid Gone
 [2-10] - [WE-3] - Groovy Dimensions
 [3-01] - [Donna] - Stay Now (Helix remix)
 [3-02] - [Adem] - Crazy Days
 [3-03] - [Citadel Of Kaos] - Show Me Love
 [3-04] - [Different Vibe] - My Dance
 [3-05] - [Justin Time, Love Nation] - Ecstacy (Justin Time remix)
 [3-06] - [Adem] - Savior (Remix)
 [3-07] - [Justin Time] - The No.1
 [3-08] - [Ballistic] - Anytime You're Ready
 [3-09] - [Ballistic] - Tiny Woman
 [3-10] - [JT] - Do It Nice
 [4-01] - [Billy 'D' Bunter] - New Sensation
 [4-02] - [Highlife, Style] - Give It To Me
 [4-03] - [Style Concept, The] - Follow Me
 [4-04] - [Ballistic] - Kiss It (Remix)
 [4-05] - [Saint, The] - Saint Goes Marching (Remix)
 [4-06] - [DNA, DJ] - Still Smouldering
 [4-07] - [Ballistic] - Operata
 [4-08] - [Style Concept, The] - The Tick
 [4-09] - [Saint, The] - Closed Counter
 [4-10] - [Highlife] - Classical Adventure
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