Release item details
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Release item infomation |
Item Release date: |
2004/06/28 |
Item release format: |
CD - compilation |
Ownership: |
2.5% - (14/558) |
Want: |
0.0% - (0/558) |
Release item tracks |
Rumour Records
 Hardcore Tsunami 2 [CDRAID565]
 [CD1-1] - [Loopfish] - Loopfish
 [CD1-2] - [Fade, Kelly] - Rush Hourz
 [CD1-3] - [CLSM, Seduction, DJ] - Causing A Heart Attack
 [CD1-4] - [Acolyte, The] - The Truth
 [CD1-5] - [Dream Foundation] - Hold You Tonight
 [CD1-6] - [Brisk, Ham] - Rock Da Party
 [CD1-7] - [Impact, Furious] - Take Me Away
 [CD1-8] - [Fade] - Do You Love
 [CD1-9] - [Euphony] - Turn Around Feat. Dannielle (Spinback & Storm, DJ Remix)
 [CD1-10] - [Mickey Skeedale, Gammer] - Into Darkness
 [CD1-11] - [Impact, Fade] - Guiding Light feat. Kelly (Deejaybee & Overflow Remix)
 [CD1-12] - [Frisky, Hujib] - Love Me Forever
 [CD1-13] - [Stompy, DJ] - Maniacs On The Dancefloor
 [CD1-14] - [Dream Foundation] - Ordinary World
 [CD1-15] - [Stompy, DJ] - Born To Love U
 [CD1-16] - [Gavin G, Dan Rolla J] - Dual Love (Deejaybee Remix)
 [CD1-17] - [Bo, Luke] - W.O.W.U
 [CD2-1] - [Dirt, DJ] - Locked Inside Your Mind
 [CD2-2] - [AMS] - Dreamer
 [CD2-3] - [Duncan Oatham] - Ready
 [CD2-4] - [Duncan Oatham] - Push The Tempo
 [CD2-5] - [Kevin Energy] - Fuckin' With The Frequency (Scott Brown Remix)
 [CD2-6] - [Andy Vinal, K-Complex] - World Of Illusion
 [CD2-7] - [Ethos, Dan Devotion] - Cold
 [CD2-8] - [K-Complex, Fury] - Kick Down
 [CD2-9] - [Mark Ashley, K-Complex] - Atomic Orbital
 [CD2-10] - [AMS] - Drop The Beat
 [CD2-11] - [Tazz, Concept] - Planet of Dreams
 [CD2-12] - [Phosphor] - Mass Hysteria
 [CD2-13] - [Dynista, K-Complex] - Mad As Hell
 [CD2-14] - [Impact] - Party Hard
 [CD2-15] - [Kevin Energy] - Go Bizzerk
 [CD2-16] - [AMS] - Hardcore Renegade
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