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Showing news from 2006/12
   Live Radio Shows
Author: enVias radio is back live, NAHM, DJ Silver and The Swedish Candy Show are taking a break this week but don't worry, The UK Hardcore Show and the Twisted and Brainfire Hardcore Sessions are still running!

Kicking off this live Wednesday The UK Hardcore Show is starting 1 hour early with Andy Myers and Scott Devotion, along with the Geos Crew (DJ Scandal and MC Marley), Sunset Regime, Ramos and Supreme live, and finishing the day is the Twisted and Brainfire Hardcore Sessions this week featuring Stu Allan!

Dec 27th 2006
Times are as follows:
Wed: 5:00pm - 9:00pm - The UK Hardcore Show
Wed: 9:00pm - 11:00pm - Twisted & Brainfire Hardcore Sessions

Thur: 4:00am - 8:00am - The UK Hardcore Show
Thur: 8:00am - 11:00am - Twisted & Brainfire Hardcore Sessions

Los Angeles:
Wed: 9:00am - 1:00pm - The UK Hardcore Show
Wed: 1:00pm - 3:00pm - Twisted & Brainfire Hardcore Sessions

New York:
Wed: 12:00pm - 4:00pm - The UK Hardcore Show
Wed: 4:00pm - 6:00pm - Twisted & Brainfire Hardcore Sessions

Thur: 2:00am - 6:00am - The UK Hardcore Show
Thur: 6:00am - 8:00am - Twisted & Brainfire Hardcore Sessions
   Competition: Win autographed original SMD 1-4 vinyl!
Author: silver  
One of the best competitions we've had on the site,, Ministry of Sound and SMD Records are giving you the chance for 1 very lucky people to win a DJ Slipmatt autographed vinyl record set consisting of the original SMD vinyl records vols 1-4. These records are extremely rare for hardcore and oldskool vinyl collectors, you will be getting a set of all volumes 1-4, all brand new original pressings.

Competition closes 9th of Jan 2007, so get clickin here to enter!

Win SMD autographed vinyl!

   Hardcore 2007 - Exclusive TV advert
Author: silver  
We have received the full UK TV commercial for Hardcore 2007 4 days before it's to show on UK TV, check it out!

"Helter Skelter v Raindance presents - Hardcore 2007" is set for release 26th of December 2006 (Boxing day) and is mixed by DJ's Billy 'Daniel' Bunter and Slipmatt. The album is available for pre-order now by clicking here!

Video (Flash):

Disc One:
1. SL2 - On A Ragga Tip (SL2 2007 Remake)
2. Fedde Le Grand - Put Your Hands Up For Detroit (Slipmatt & Billy 'Daniel' Bunter Remix)
3. DJ's Unite - Vol 1 Remix (Billy 'Daniel' Bunter & Shimano Remix)
4. Liquid - Sweet Harmony (Slipmatt & Billy 'Daniel' Bunter Remix)
5. N Joi - Anthem (Billy 'Daniel' Bunter & Shimano Remix)
6. Sy-Kick - Nasty (DJ Twista Remix)
7. Human Resource - Dominator 2005 (DJ Slam Remix)
8. DJ Seduction - Hardcore Heaven (Rat Pack & Shimano Remix)
9. Stu & Nee Feat. Karen Danzig - You Got The Power
10. Supermode - Tell Me Why (Slipmatt & Billy 'Daniel' Bunter Remix)
11. NRG - Never Lost His Hardcore (Peace Maker Remix)
12. Manix - Feel Reel Good (DJ Twista Remix)
13. Ann Saunderson - Definition Of Love (Billy 'Daniel' Bunter & Shimano Remix)
14. Xpansions - Move Your Body (Elevation) (Rat Pack & Shimano Remix)
15. Slipmatt - Hear Me (Junki Munki Remix)
16. Carl Kennedy & Johnny Gleeson - Present Southside Hustlers Right Before My Eyes (Peace Maker Remix)
17. SL2 - DJ's Take Control (SL2 2007 Remake)
18. Criminal Minds - Baptised By Dub (Slipmatt Remix)
19. Peacemaker - Dance With Me
20. DJ Slam - Check This Out
21. SL2 - Make A Move (Sy & Unknown Remix)
22. Rat Pack - Brothers Sisters (Slipmatt Remix)

Disc Two:
1. Fergus Mayhem - Take Control (CLSM Remix)
2. Jon Doe - Warehouse (Cube: Hard Remix)
3. CLSM Feat. Stefan B - Liberation (Ambush Remix)
4. UK Hard Feat. Nikki Mak - Need Your Emotion (Dougal & Gammer Remix)
5. Rob Tissera, Vinyl Groover & The Red Hed - Stay (Lost Boys Remix)
6. JX - Restless (Sparky & Sytonik Remix)
7. GBT Inc - Better Day (Dougal & Gammer Remix)
8. Slipmatt & Slam - Express (Alistair Storm Remix)
9. Billy 'Daniel' Bunter & CLSM - Feat. Faye Hendry (Taking Me Over)
10. UK Hard - Sounds Running Through Your Mind (Gammer Remix)
11. UK Hard Feat. Nikki Mak - Inside Your Mind (UFO Remix)
12. Neon Lights - You're Not Alone (Weaver & Steve Hill Mix)
13. Neon Lights - Not Over Yet (Weaver & Steve Hill Remix)
14. Paradise - Wanna Be Free (Supreme & Sunset Regime Remix)
15. Billy 'Daniel' Bunter & Jon Doe - Feat. Faye Hendry Round & Round (Sy & Unknown Remix)
16. Masif DJ's ESilence (Technikore remix)
17. Masif DJ's - Every Day (Technikore Remix)
18. In-Effect & Compulsion - Beautiful (Frantic & Resist Remix)
19. Bang The Future Feat. Malaya - Real World (Styles & Breeze Remix)
20. Billy Daniel & CLSM Feat. Junior - Cry Your Tears
21. Jon Doe - Your Body (Robbie Long & Stormtrooper Remix)
22. UK Hard - Next Level (Squad E Remix)

Disc Three:
1. SMD - SMD#4 (Alistair Storm Remix)
2. SMD - SMD#2 (Vibe & Hattrixx Remix)
3. SMD - SMD#1 (Sparky & Sytronik Remix)
4. Slipmatt - You're Mine 2007
5. Weaver & Andy L Feat. Angel Eyez - Time To Let Go
6. Technikore Feat. Alison Wade - Feel Alive
7. Sy & Unknown Feat. Lou Lou - Caught Up In Your Love 2006 (Exclusive Mix)
8. Geos Crew Feat. MC Marley - Gonna Take You High (Gammer Remix)
9. Slipmatt - Rock This Place
10. GBT Inc - Burn Mother ****er (UFO Remix)
11. Sytronik & Sparky Feat. Ali - Wonderland
12. Billy 'Daniel' Bunter & CLSM Feat. Leah Symons - My Desire
13. Technikore Feat. Angel Eyez - Follow The Light
14. Sy & Unknown Feat. Lou Lou - U R My Phantasy (Exclusive Mix)
15. Sy & Unknown - Hardcore Ride
16. Sparky Feat. Alison Wade - Escape From My Dreams
17. Weaver & Andy L - Forever & Ever
18. Billy 'Daniel' Bunter & CLSM Feat. Lisa Abbott - Best Of Me
19. Bang The Future - Body Slam (Sy & Unknown Remix)
20. Alistair Storm & Euphony - Show Me The Way (Ultravibes "Pure Perfection" Mix)
21. DJ Sytronik & MC Spenno Feat. Ali - In Paradise
22. Slippery Project - Jump Around 2007 (Sy & Unknown Remix)

Helter Skelter v Raindance presents - Hardcore 2007

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   Adrenaline Babes: Honeys Of Hardcore
Author: silver  
Nukleuz have sent over pictures of the new formed "Adrenaline Babes: Honeys Of Hardcore" for the new album Hardcore Adrenaline mixed by Stu Allan and DJ Seduction.

From the press release: Nukleuz have also managed to scoop the cream of the scene's top dancers and have created the "Adrenaline Babes: Honeys Of Hardcore".

These girls live and breathe hardcore and dance at all the main events that are constantly popping up across the country in the fastest growing scene in harder dance! The girls also have a wealth of skills between them including fire spinning, stilt walking, pole dancing, glamour modelling and event promoting!

The girls are often overlooked and these great performers should be given the platform they richly deserve. So Nukleuz offer you a taste of them in the CD booklet and on the TV ad!

Back: Rose, Hayley, Lynz, Jenni, Sammi, Becky Dancer. Front: Loanna & Becky G

   Win a Best of Bonkers T-shirt
Author: silver and Resist are giving you the chance to win an extremely limited Best of Bonkers T-shirt! We have 5 to give away in your choice of M, L or XL (if you win). These T-shirts were created to celebrate 10 years of the release of bonkers series.

To enter click here. Competition closes Jan 9th 2007.

Best of Bonkers T-shirts (Back / Front)

   This is Hardcore 2007 - teaser clip
Author: silver  
Ministry of Sound have sent across their Hardcore 2007 mini teaser for the album, check it out!

"Helter Skelter v Raindance presents - Hardcore 2007" is set for release 26th of December 2006 (Boxing day) and is mixed by DJ's Billy 'Daniel' Bunter and Slipmatt. The album is available for pre-order now by clicking here!

Video (Flash):

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   DJ's Billy Daniel Bunter + Slipmatt in chat this week!
Author: silver  
Ever wanted to kick back and chat with some hardcore most famous DJ's? Pick their brain and get tips and advice on DJ's, how they made that tune, how many girlfriends they have, breakfast of choice? Well we've done the next best thing, virtually! via the chat room this week!. Lined up for the webchat are two to of the DJ's of the coming album Hardcore 2007 DJ's Billy 'Daniel' Bunter and Slipmatt!

We've schedule the chat at a time that should be a good time for most people around the world (and the majority of our visitors - sorry Australia and Japan!). To get into the chat, press the white "chat" button in the top navi and the window will launch? or for the powerusers point your favorite irc client to irc://

England: 5pm Thursday 21st December 2006
Los Angles: 9am Thursday 21st December 2006
New York: Noon Thursday 21st December 2006
Sydney: 4am Friday 22nd December 2006
Tokyo: 2am Friday 22nd December 2006
All other times zones click here.
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   Hardcore Adrenaline final artwork + confirmed release date
Author: silver  
Nukleuz have sent over the final artwork for Hardcore Adrenaline to go along with the tracklist we posted today plus confirmed the release date as January 22nd 2007.

Hardcore Adrenaline is a triple disc CD mixed by Stu Allan, DJ Seduction and a bonus "bootlegs" disc.

You can pre-order by clicking here.

Hardcore Adrenaline - Final artwork

   Draft and Method #3
Author: silver  
News from the Draft and Method hardcore label has the third release on the label coming out shortly. We have clipped some audio to check out:

Audio (MP3):
Draft & Method - Torn2Pieces (Alistair Storm Remix)
Draft & Method - The Trip (Ultravibes Remix)
   New FinNRG
Author: DJ_Rx  
For all the freeform hardcore heads out there, FinNRG Records have released information and audio on their latest release, check it out:

Audio (MP3):
A: Carbon Based & Proteus - Heavy Fusion
B: Pain on creation & Orfeus - The Sanctuary
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2006/12/19 Live Radio + Additional live show feat. DJ Storm
Author: enVias radio is in back live again this week! We have a special annouchment of a new UK based radio show called "Twisted & Brainfire Hardcore Sessions" with rotating DJ's, you best sit down for this, Stu Allan (Hardcore Nation / Nukeluz), Joey Riot (Hardcore Heaven / Resist), Al Storm (Warped Science / RaverBaby) and Lee UHF (Total Bedlam)!

Getting to it, kicking off this live Wednesday DJ Silver is live from Tokyo, Japan, DJ Bluecore for The Swedish Candy Show, The UK Hardcore Show is back with Andy Myers & Scott Devotion live, and finishing the day is the Twisted & Brainfire Hardcore Sessions this week featuring Alistair Storm!

Dec 19th 2006
Times are as follows:
Wed: 12:00pm - 1:00pm - DJ Silver
Wed: 2:00pm - 3:00pm - The Swedish Candy Show
Wed: 6:00pm - 9:00pm - The UK Hardcore Show
Wed: 9:00pm - 11:00pm - Twisted & Brainfire Hardcore Sessions

Wed: 11:00pm - 12:00am - DJ Silver
Wed: 1:00am - 2:00am - The Swedish Candy Show
Thur: 5:00am - 8:00am - The UK Hardcore Show
Thur: 8:00am - 11:00am - Twisted & Brainfire Hardcore Sessions

Los Angeles:
Wed: 4:00am - 5:00am - DJ Silver
Wed: 6:00am - 7:00am - The Swedish Candy Show
Wed: 10:00am - 1:00pm - The UK Hardcore Show
Wed: 1:00pm - 3:00pm - Twisted & Brainfire Hardcore Sessions

New York:
Wed: 7:00am - 8:00am - DJ Silver
Wed: 9:00am - 10:00am - The Swedish Candy Show
Wed: 1:00pm - 4:00pm - The UK Hardcore Show
Wed: 4:00pm - 6:00pm - Twisted & Brainfire Hardcore Sessions

Wed: 9:00pm - 10:00pm - DJ Silver
Wed: 11:00pm - 12:00pm - The Swedish Candy Show
Thur: 3:00am - 6:00am - The UK Hardcore Show
Thur: 6:00am - 8:00am - Twisted & Brainfire Hardcore Sessions
   Hardcore Adrenaline tracklist + pre-order
Author: silver  
The tracklist for the upcoming hardcore album Hardcore Adrenaline by Nukleuz + Gut Records has been released.

Hardcore Adrenaline is a triple disc CD mixed by Stu Allan, DJ Seduction and a bonus "bootlegs" disc, it is being released in January 2007 with three release dates posted, 15th, 22nd and 29th of January 2007, rest assured it will be out in January 2007 sometime :)

You can pre-order by clicking here.

1. JAKAZiD Ft. Barry Scott - Cillit Bang (Visa Remix)
2. DJ Kurt - Twilight Zone
3. InEffect & Gammer Ft. Andy L - We Come Alive
4. DJ Robbo - Won't Forget These Days
5. Joey Riot Feat. Angel Eyez - Don't Make Me Wait
6. Splash - Blame The Moon (Gammer Remix)
7. United In Dance Ft. Lisa Marie - Lift Me Above (Technikore Remix)
8. Statik - Got A Feelin' (Darren Styles Remix)
9. Stu Allan - Music's Got Me (Visa Hardcore Mix)
10. Visa - All Of My Life (Visa Treatment Mix)
11. Frantic & Gammer - Braveheart 2006
12. Michael Splint Pres. Eruption I Feel Free (Stu Allan Hardcore Remix)
13. DJ Sytronik & MC Spenno Ft. Andy L - One Day
14. DJ Kurt - Secret Raver
15. Dougal & Gammer - 3000 Stomps (Robbie Long & Stormtrooper Remix)
16. The Egg - Walking Away (Robbie Long & Stormtrooper Remix)
17. Robbie Long & Stormtrooper - Dopest DJ (Dougal & Gammer Remix)
18. Adam Harris - Hyperspeed (Sy & Unknown Remix)

1. Seduction & Joey Riot - Feel Free
2. Seduction & Al Storm - Louder
3. DJ's United - Everytime You Touch Me
4. Diverse & Gammer - Along The Way
5. Seduction & Al Storm - Make The Track Spin (Remix)
6. Rampant & Petruccio - Coming Up
7. DJ Seduction Ft. Alison Wade - Dream Maker
8. Sy & Unknown - Rock It Like This (VIP Mix)
9. UFO Ft. Shelly - Blown Away
10. DJ Seduction - 50,000 Watts
11. Dougal & Gammer Ft. Jenna - When I Close My Eyes
12. DJ Seduction Ft. Alison Wade - Open Up
13. Dougal & Gammer Ft. Lisa Marie - Velvet Skies
14. DJ Seduction - Leaving The World Behind
15. Tomo & Smetz - Fireball
16. DJs United - Kick The Flow
17. DJ Sytronik & Gavin G Ft. Angel Eyez - Come To Me
18. MC Keyes - Want It Hardcore

1. JAKAZiD Ft. Barry Scott - Cillit Bang (Original Mix)
2. Love Assassins - Teardrops (Impact Remix)
3. Nukleuz Kollective - Listen To Your Heart (Sparky Remix)
4. Stu Allan - A Feeling (Visa 2006 Hardcore Remix)
5. Uniting Nations - Out Of Touch (UFO Remix)
6. Hi_Tack - Say Say Say (Waiting 4 U) (Sparky Remix)
7. Nukleuz Kollective - Everytime We Touch
8. Filterfunk - Message In A Bottle (SOS) (Sparky & Sytronik Remix)
9. Visa - All I Need (DJ Kurt & Lee UHF Remix)
10. Sparky & Sytronik - Dare Me
11. Stu Allan - Superman (Sparky's Superman Returns Remix)
12. Puretone - Addicted To Bass (Al Twisted & Rob Da Rhythm Remix)
13. Visa - 007
14. Corenell feat Ann Bailey - Keep On Jumpin' (DJ Kurt Remix)
15. Cascada - Miracle (Joey Riot Remix)
16. Starzoom - Billie Jean (People Always Tell Me) (Robbie Long & Stormtrooper Remix)
17. Gammer - Liberation (Fly Like An Angel)
18. Nukleuz Kollective - Heaven (Gammer Remix)
19. Cappella - U Got 2 Know (Spenno, Dizzy & Sparky Remix)

Hardcore Adrenaline

   Best of Bonkers bumped
Author: silver  
The new hardcore album Best of Bonkers released by Resist has a release date change. The previous release date was 25/26th of December 2006, the new release date is now 15th of January 2007.

Best of Bonkers is a 3 CD album mixed by Sharkey & Druid, Hixxy & Recon, and Scott Brown - You can pre-order now by clicking here.

Best of Bonkers - now 15th January 2007

   Quosh 79
Author: HARRIBO  
Quosh have posted audio of their 79th release. Check it out:

Audio (MP3):
QSH 079 (February 2007)
A - Sy & Unknown - Maniac Psycho
AA - Sy & Unknown - Closer to heaven
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   Thin n Crispy's latest
Author: silver  
We havn't posted on the TNC crew in a while. here is some of their latest releases with audio, check it out:

Audio (MP3):
A: Weaver - Pump It Up
AA: Ben Fable - Stabiliser

A: DJ Kurt - Secret Raver
AA: DJ Kurt - Don't Hold Ya Breath

A: Al Twisted & JFX - Raise The Roof
AA: Rampant & Obie Vs Darwin - Beyond Us

A: Druid & Stormtrooper - Pump This Party
AA: Druid & Stormtrooper - Body Rock
   Universal Recordings SMD#2
Author: silver  
Universal Recordings have sent over to us late last week a press release on their next release SMD#2 "The Remixes" featuring a "Vibes & Hattrixx" and a "Alistair Storm" remix. The calalogue number is UNI018 and release date is schedule for 18th of December 2006 in both vinyl and legal digital download forms.

SMD#2A EVibes & Hattrixx Remix
SMD#2AA EAlistair Storm 2007 Remix
   Maximum Impact 26-28
Author: silver  
Maximum Impact have released information on their upcoming titles. Check it out:

Audio (MP3):
MAXIMUM IMPACT 028 (5th February 2007)
A - Seduction and Gammer - Put ya hands up
B - Seduction and Gammer - Bright star

MAXIMUM IMPACT 027 (11th December 2006)
A - DJ Seduction feat. Alison Wade - All around the world
B - DJ Seduction - Cross the fader (joey riot remix)

MAXIMUM IMPACT 026 (27 November 2006)
A - Seduction and Joey Riot - Turn up the bassline
B - Seduction and Joey Riot - Rock this party
   Best of Bonkers sound clips
Author: silver  
Resist have sent us over some clips of the new Best of Bonkers album due for release 25th of December 2006. Check it out!

The 3 CD album will be mixed by Sharkey & Druid, Hixxy & Recon, and Scott Brown - You can pre-order now by clicking here.

Audio (Flash):

To listen you must install Flash Player.

Disc 1 - Hixxy & Re-Con
1. IKON - Give Yourself To Me (Fade & Bananaman Remix)
2. J.D.S. - Higher Love (Slipmatt Remix)
3. HIXXY & SUNSET - People Party (Remix)
4. FORCE & STYLES - Harmony
5. VAMPIRE - Techno Storm (Sharkey Remix)
6. FORCE & STYLES - Wonderland
7. E-LOGIC & DNA - Kick Your Legs In The Air
8. O.M.G. - The One
9. TRIPLE J - Have It All (Pan Mix)
10. ANTISOCIAL - 24-7
11. DJ PAUL ELSTAK - Don't Leave Me Alone (Hardcore Mix)
12. CRITICAL MASS - Burnin' Love (DJ Weirdo & DJ Sim 173.683 Remix)
13. ANTISOCIAL - Forever Young
14. WEDLOCK - Ganjaman
15. LOCKJAW - Deep In The Underground
16. PHOENIX - Now Who's In Control
17. DISS REACTION - Jiiieehaaaa
18. LOCKJAW - Reactor
19. NOSFERATU - The Future
20. WEDLOCK - I'm The **** You Man

Disc 2 - Druid & Sharkey
1. HIXXY & SHARKEY - Toytown (Exclusive Intro Mix)
2. SEB - Rainbow Islands (Sharkey Remix)
3. DRUID & SHARKEY - Bonkers Anthem
4. HELIX & TEKNO DRED - U R Everything Feat. MARLON & BECKS
5. DRUID & KEVIN ENERGY - Future Dimensions
6. BRISK & TRIXXY - Back To The Top
7. BANG THE FUTURE - Body Slam
8. SHARKEY - Revolutions Pt 2 (Slipmatt Remix)
9. DJ SLAM - Influence (Exclusive Bonkers Remix)
10. DJ FURY - Lemonade Raygun
11. KEVIN ENERGY - Vertigo
12. DJ FURY - De Sensitize 98'
13. KEVIN ENERGY - Waves Of Desire
14. SHARKEY - The Awakening
15. K COMPLEX - Adagio
16. DJ KAOS - Can You Feel It (Acid & Bass VIP Mix)
17. ETHOS & KAOS Ft. MC SHARKEY - Get ****ed
18. CLSM - John Peel (Not Enough)
19. KAOS & ETHOS - Technorocker
20. CLSM & SHARKEY - Wicked MC
21. MARC SMITH - Boom 'N' Pow (Exclusive Marc Smith Bonkers Remix)
23. HELIX - Now Control
24. SHARKEY - Product Of Society
25. DJ ECLIPSE - Ultraworld 5

Disc 3 - Scott Brown
1. SCOTT BROWN & HYPERBASS - We're Droppin' This (Plus System Remix)
2. PLUS SYSTEM - Make You Freak
3. PLUS SYSTEM - Prince Of Darkness
4. SCOTT BROWN - Turn Up The Music (Breeze & Styles Remix)
5. PLUS SYSTEM - Commence
6. SCOTT BROWN - Wakey Wakey
7. PLUS SYSTEM - Neckbreaker
8. SY & UNKNOWN - Bring Me Round To Love (Scott Brown's Evolution Remix)
9. SCOTT BROWN - Rock You Softly
10. SCOTT BROWN Feat. CAT KNIGHT - All About You
11. SCOTT BROWN - Taking Drugs?
12. PLUS SYSTEM - This Is How We Do It
13. SCOTT BROWN - Elysium+
14. BRISK & HAM - Angel Eyes
16. ART OF FIGHTERS - Earthquake
17. SCOTT BROWN - Ghosts
18. HARD CREATION - Bastard / *******
19. THE VIPER & TOMMYKNOCKER - The Prophecy Unfolds (Tha Playah Remix)
20. SCOTT BROWN - Boomstick

Best of Bonkers - 25th of December 2006

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   Kreatrix Unmixed CD Vol 2
Author: kreatrix  
A new limited release unmixed CD released by the record label Kreatrix is coming soon to a hardcore store naer you. We are told it is a collaboration with Electronica Exposed (DJ Shanty/The Mexican). The CD is professionally mastered and should be avaiable sometime in 2007.

1 : TwistedFreq - Alien
2 : Micken - Change The Past (Special 2007 Forthcoming Release)
3 : TwistedFreq - Dirtier World
4 : TwistedFreq - innocence
5 : TwistedFreq - Marie's Demonik Lullaby (Special 2007 Forthcoming Release)
6 : Micken - Portal
7 : Micken - Possessed
8 : TwistedFreq - Rougher Than You
9 : TwistedFreq - Unleashed
10 : Micken - What You Want
11 : Micken - XC
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   RaveHeart oldskool CD
Author: silver  
A new Scottish hardcore CD released last month missed our radar and went unreported but thank to member scotch00uk here is the details and order information. Looking at the tracklist it seems the tracks are possibly unmixed.

According to scotch00uk the CD has tracks for the likes of Scott Brown, QTEX, QFX, TTF, Ultrasonic, Love4sale Tom Wilson and many more.

If your looking to order click here.

Disc One
1. New Emotion
2. The Power Of Love
3. Obsession
4. Freedom
5. Braveheart Theme
6. Do You Feel So Right
7. U Got 2 Know
8. Energy Rush
9. Don't Stop
10. The Ultimate High

Disc Two
1. Power People
2. Hold Me
3. It's Just A Feeling
4. Follow You
5. Check Da Bass
6. Techno Cat
7. The Future
8. Angels
9. Do Ya Wanna Party
10. Soap On A Rope
11. Virtual Reality


   Twista + Moondance
Author: silver member Benz interviews UK DJ Twista ahead of the Moondance NYE UK event.

Not heard of Twista? Well you've heard of Moondance right? Hardcore 'Til I Die? Old Skool 'Til I Die? Raverbaby? This guy is resident for ALL of them! He's been playing on the old skool/rave scene for around a decade now and has forged a name for himself in the UK as one of the leading DJs for the sound. He's been in the studio too recently crafting some new beats...but I'll let him fill you in on the details. We chatted ahead of his set at Moondance NYE - a 5 arena, 3000-capacity old skool, hardcore, DnB, house, electro and club classics rave in London at seOne Complex...

How did you first get involved in dance music then? When and where did you pop your clubbing cherry?

Around the late 80's I was heavily into rap music like Public Enemy, Boogie Down Productions and Ice Cube which was a result of watching far too much MTV. But my first encounter with rave music was from a mates older sister listening to the "Deep Heat" albums throughout '89-'90...but at the time I was too young to know about the actual rave scene itself. It wasn't until about the end of the summer '91 that a driver who worked for my Dad heard me playing a Deep Heat album, and lent me a Carl Cox tape and basically explained about raves.

My first rave was when I was 16 years old - Ravelation NYE '95-'96 at Wembley Arena and pretty much straight after that I became a Labrynth regular.

Youfve been involved in graphic design for many years now, designing flyers for many of the countryfs biggest promoters. Did your involvement with dance music stem from your job or the other way round?

Sort of both really. I had always loved the airbrush artwork on the early flyers... Dreamscapes, Helter Skelters, Slammin Vinyls etc, pretty much anything done by the artists Pez or Junior Tomlin. I went to college to learn graphic design and did my final exam piece as designing a club flyer. As soon as I left college I got a lucky break with a design and print company who specialised in club / rave flyers and at the time were the biggest company of its kind in London. You name the rave - they either designed or printed the flyer. I got all kinds of links with promoters and radio stations etc through this.

You have also been involved in the world of pirate radio for many years now. How did that all start?

This stemmed from where I worked. Being an eager up & coming DJ, I gave mix tapes to most of the people I designed flyers for. At the time I had sort of grown out of mixing happy hardcore, and joined the garage movement which was just about blowing up. This was about 1997. I passed a tape to the guys from South London's Upfront 99.3FM and they gave me a show - Thursday 12-2A<. It was the biggest mission as the studio was in Crystal Palace and I lived in Edgware in North West London and wasn't getting back home until 4AM, then back in to work in Clapham Common for 10AM...but I loved it.

Do you think that pirate radio still has a future? Do you think it will still be going strong in 10 years or will things have changed?

Yeah course it has, but it won't be on radio as such its obviously gonna move to the net even more so than it is now, and I'm sure digital licenses will become more affordable for pirates to become legit. Something has to be worked out.. there's too much underground dance music out there in the World for it not to be herd one way or the other.

I see you have been making some bits in the studio...whatfs the goss there?

Yeah, I've been teaching myself to produce for about the past 3 years now. I mainly make nu skool rave music / hardcore breaks / breaks or what ever people want to label it as. It's basically very much like old skool hardcore but made with modern technology. I've had some really good response from some of my tracks and remixes, with forthcoming releases on Sharkfin records and Junki Munki Recs early next year, plus I have just finished official remixes of Manix "Feel Real Good" and Sy-Kick "Nasty" for the new Helter Skelter album which is due out Boxing Day. They've have had heavy playing support from Slipmatt, Billy Bunter, Ellis Dee, Snypa, Faydz, Trix & Rumble to name a few.

I'm also touching on the drum & bass side of things, so expect a few tracks floating about in the New Year.

What clubs are you resident for and what do you play for them?

My main residencies are with the Hardcore 'Til I Die / Old Skool 'Til I Die / Raverbaby collective, which hosts multi-arena events all over the UK but mainly at Air superclub in Birmingham. I play all sorts of old skool hardcore ranging from around '91 up until early '95 happy hardcore / breakbeat, as well as nu skool rave / breaks.

My second residency is with Tasty and its sister event Love Muzik, which holds events at The Renaissance Rooms in Vauxhall, the Mass in Brixton and at Hidden also in Vauxhall. Playing a more eclectic mixture of old skool and club classics ranging from classic piano house, to old skool hardcore and club classics of the mid '90s...this one's for the party crew! Oi Oi!

I've also been a regular at Moondances for around 2 years now.

Youfre playing in the main arena at Moondance NYE, one of Londonfs biggest New Yearfs parties. You claim that your set their last year was the highlight of your career. Do you think this year will top it?

Lol, I'd love to say yes straight away, but last NYE was really surreal. Funki had booked me to play 11PM - Midnight in the main room, with Squirrel to actually do the countdown and play 12 - 1AM. I played my set, it got to about 11.50, and someone came running up to the decks and said to me "Squirrel is stuck in gotta do the countdown"...and I nearly pissedmy self I was so excited! (It cost me a fortune to have the road block put up).

I think this year Moondance has really pulled out all the stops on the whole line up, and I know the production is gonna be wicked. The music has also progressed so much in the past 12 months. It's deffo gona be one to be remembered!

Itfs a pretty huge line-up, with lots on for the junglists especially. Who are you looking forward to checking out?

My 2nd musical love is Drum & Bass, both to mix and listen to. I'm always a big fan of the likes of Hype and Mampi, but at the minute Friction is doing it big time! They call him the "quartz clock kid" coz he has the sharpest timing on his mixes, plus he plays such a wide variety of tunes. I'm also looking forward to checking out some of the newer names to the scene that some people like to call us the new era DJs. With that there's always a new take on things with different tunes and I like this as it keeps things fresh.

How did you get involved with Funki and his merry army of Moondance ravers in the first place?

I had known Funki for quite some time, as he also printed his flyers at the company I worked at, and I had always raved at the events he did for quite a few years.

But I actually was noticed by Phillipa (part of the Moondance Team) after I was giving out mix CDs at an event I was playing at, and she passed the CD onto Funki, who then booked me for a Back 2 '92 event soon after.

And finally, what have been your highlights of 2006? Biggest tune? Best gig? Best non-clubbing moment?

This has been pretty much the best year for me DJ wise. The main things which have stood out were doing the count down at NYE, playing at Fantazia in Scotland and at Digital Circus festival in Wiltshire... which was 1800 ravers in a big top circus tent...but the icing on the cake was being asked to remix tracks for the Helter Skelter Album.

My tune of the year? That's a tuff one. Old Skool hardcore - it's too tuff to pin down as I'm always playing different eras. For nu skool rave / hardcore breaks its gotta be a track called 'Wound Up' (a bootleg of Prodigy's 'Wind It Up') which a few people are playing on dubplate / CDR. For Drum & bass it's by far Subfocus "Airplane".

My best non-clubbing moment - that's gota be (here comes the cheese) celebrating 5 years together with my missus, as she is always there supporting me, and without her I wouldn't be doing what I do today.

Interview by Benz
   Clubland X-Treme Hardcore 3 TV advert long version + pre-order
Author: Joren  
The extended edition of the Clubland X-treme hardcore 3 TV commerical has been released and has it for everyone to checkout in our new video player - sexy!

Like what you see? pre-order now!

Video (Flash):

Disc 1 - Mixed By Darren Styles:
Liz Kay - Castles In The Sky (DS Remix)
Darren Styles feat. Wayne G - Lost The Plot
Wave - Piece Of Heaven
United In Dance - Here Come The Drums
Cascada - Everytime We Touch (Styles & Breeze Remix)
Darren Styles & Francis Hill - I Say I Love You
Dougal & Gammer - Nobody Likes The Records
Darren Styles - Skydivin' (Vocal Mix)
DéjEVu - Face Down Ass Up (DS Remix)
Hyperlogic - Only You (Re-Con Remix)
Darren Styles - Save Me (Re-Con Remix)
Sy & Unknown feat. Lou Lou - Be With You
Styles & Re-Con - Sure Feels Good
Styles & Breeze - Do You Want Me Honey
Vince Nysse & N J Hinton - Silver Water (DS Remix)
United In Dance - Boom Daka
Metro - Make This Happen

Disc 2 - Mixed By Breeze:
MC Storm, Flyin' & Sparky - All About
D-Code feat. Emma - My Direction (Xtreme Edit)
Breeze - Hardcore DJ (Re-Con Remix)
Liz Kay - When Love Becomes A Lie (Breeze Remix)
Breeze & Re-Con - Only If
Cascada - Truly, Madly, Deeply (Styles & Breeze Remix)
Breeze & Euphony - Never Be Alone
Bodyrox Yeah Yeah - (Dougal & Gammer 'The Beat's The Bass' Remix)
Ramos, Supreme & Sunset Regime - Gotta Believe (Re-Con Remix)
Breeze v Lost Witness - Rise Again
SHM & Scottie B - Crash
Breeze & UFO - Dirty
Sy & Unknown feat. Lou Lou - Touch The Sky
Breeze & Re-Con - Love You For A Lifetime
Sublime - Walking In The Rain (Styles & Breeze Remix)
Styles & Breeze - Come On
Re-Con & Squad-E - Good To Me
Infextious - Let Me Fly (Jamie Ritmen Remix)

Disc 3 - Hixxy Tracks & Remixes:
Squad-E & Chris Henry - Untouchable (Hixxy & Squad-E Remix)
Hixxy Take - Me With You
Hixxy, Sy & Unknown - Freaks
Voodoo & Serano - Overload (Hixxy & Re-Con Remix)
Hixxy & Squad-E - Beat Drop
Hixxy More & More (Sy & Unknown Remix)
Hixxy & Re-Con - Come Alive
Hixxy & Dougal & Gammer - Hot Looking Babes
Anti-Social - Forever Young (Hixxy Remix)
Hixxy, Sy & Unknown - First Time Meet Up
Hixxy & Re-Con - Power Of Love
Hixxy & Re-Con - Get Hard
Hixxy & Euphony Feat. Donna Marie - Night Life (Hixxy Remix)
Hixxy & Storm Meet Dougal & Gammer I'm Hardcore - This Is What I Do
Hixxy Sacrifice
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   Vinylgroover does hardcore again!
Author: silver  
The forthcoming album by Ministry of Sound "Helter Skelter V RainDance - Hardcore 2007" features a track by Rob Tissera, Vinyl Groover & The Red Hed called "Stay (Lost Boys Remix)", according to the sleeve notes and discussions with Ministry Vinylgroover came out of hardcore retirement to do this track!

It's not clear to if this is a once off thing or perhaps a full return to hardcore from Vinylgroover - either way it's good to see Vinylgroover going hardcore again.

Vinylgroover stopped producing hardcore around the end of 2000 to work on Hard House and other genres, he owns the hardcore record label "The world of Obsession", more information on Vinylgroover's release can be found on his profile page.
   Hardcore Nation Classics delayed enter Hardcore Adrenaline
Author: silver  
News fresh off the wire has the previously reported Hardcore Nation Classics from Nukleuz that was due Dec 25th 2006 delayed for a while (date TBA) and Hardcore Adrenaline which is actually a join release from Nukleuz and GTV 22nd on January 2007 (previously just reported as a GTV release).

Hardcore Adrenaline is a triple disc CD mixed by Stu Allen, DJ Seduction and a bonus disc - details on the bonus disc are to be confirmed.
   Hardcore Music Terror - Cash Money
Author: silver  
The Hardcore group CLSM have put together their own hardcore music video, in short, the theme of the video is the cashing in of companies in hardcore since it's popularity as of late. Check it out and discuss.

Video (Flash):

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   New album - Hardcore Adrenaline
Author: silver  
A new album has popped up on UK release list's at retail stores this week called "Hardcore Adrenaline" released by GTV or Gut Records.

The album is set for release 15th of January 2007 and is a triple CD compilation, we are unsure if it is DJ mixed, who it is mixed by or even the style of hardcore featured on it. All we know is that the catalogue number is GTVCD09 and the barcode is 5060087563329

The CD is listed on Amazon for pre-order if you're interested.
   The Acolyte, Burger King and Dance Dance Revolution
Author: silver  
A new promotional campaign started today from the fast food chain Burger King and Konami's Dance Dance Revolution brand. The campaign is only in North America and features kids meals with free toys based around the video game Dance Dance Revolution. We posted a few months back has been working closely with Konami to produce music for them for several titles, one of the tracks being "Treble, Bass and Attitude" by The Acolyte, which was also used heavily for promotion in video game trailers by Konami for the game Dance Dance Revolution Universe.

Burger King has chosen The Acolyte's track as the main promotional track for the entire DDR campaign! We are told over 1.2 million CD's will be given away at Burger King with the kids meals, the track will be used in all media including the TV commercial which starts nationwide in North America today. If you want to check out the track, head over to Burger King's website, it's the first track that plays! We don't have the TV advert just yet as is not based in the US, but we're trying to get our hands on it ASAP for people not based in the US to check out!

This has to rank as one of the biggest achievements for a musician let alone a hardcore artist - Congratulations The Acolyte!

The Acolyte + Burger King

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   December Digital News
Author: Leto  
Alright folks, another digital release report. Here is the latest legal digital download release only report, in no particular order.

Audio (Various):

Just Another Label
JAL 44
Darwin feat. Ant Johnson - Take A Ride (Original)

JAL 45
Blox & Lovenation - Ting Woy

JAL 47
Cube::Hard - Vitality

JAL 48
Lovenation - Musical Foundation 2006

JAL 49
Optimistic - Beautiful

JAL 50
Darwin & Jennifer Bolton - Magical Rainbow

JAL 51
Deeper Territory - Electro Funk

JAL 52
Cube::Hard vs. Poison Rain - Spiritual Height

JAL 53
Lovenation vs. Poison Rain - Beautiful Day

JAL 54
Triple J - 7th Heaven

JAL 55
Lovenation & Donna 55 - House Of Fun (Darwin Remix)

JAL 56
Darwin & Poison Rain - If You Follow Me

JAL 57
Cube::Hard & Jennifer Bolton - Show Me A Sign

JAL 58
Jennifer Bolton & Darwin - Set Yourself Free

JAL 59
Cube::Hard & Poison Rain - Stingray

JAL 60
Cube::Hard & Poison Rain - Something Pure

JAL 63
Jennifer Bolton & Darwin - Lighting Me Up Inside

JAL 64
Darwin feat. Justin - SOS

JAL 67
Darwin - All Aboard

JAL 71
Twist & Helix - Hands To Heaven (Darwin & Ant Johnson Remix)

JAL 73
Darwin - Hard Tonic

JAL 77
Jennifer Bolton - Higher Ground

JAL 79
Darwin & Pearl Blue - Don't Be Lonely

JAL 90
Pearl Blue, Jennifer Bolton & Cube::Hard - Sit Down aka The Calling

Bedlam Digital Generation
Devastate, Reese & Cloudskipper - Cryin' Bastard

Dan Devotion & Enhance - Hardcore Hip Hop

Tabz - Turn Up The Bass

Lee UHF - Hardcore Machine (Original Zion Vocal Edit)

Tabz - The Hardcore Massive

Amplified Digital
High Voltage - Thinking About You

D.T. Recordings
Danny T - To The Floor (Original Mix)

Danny T - Gotta Feeling

Psyfly Hardcore
Firefly - Reload 2007

Nu Energy Digital
Firefly - Bakayarou

Relentless Digital
Imperial Forces - Hardcore's Terrorising

Kreatrix Recordings
Micken - What You Want

Twisted Freq - Alien

Micken - Portal

If you're a digital label or artist and want to get your release info/audio out in the news in advance, let us know!
   Hardcore on BBC2 TV this week
Author: silver  
If you're living in Scotland and near a television at 10pm this Wednesday 6th, BBC2 (A UK national TV station) will be broadcasting a show called "Tales From The Edge: Scott's Story". The show is part-observational documentary and part-video diary and considers the lives of young people and children who are perceived to be on the edge of society. This particular show is about a young person called Scott who has grown up inside "gang life" but as the end of the year approaches he has to choose between continuing his apprenticeship at the local college or inside Polmont Young Offenders' Institution.

The BBC has contacted us saying that several hardcore tunes are licensed in the documentary as hardcore is apparently Scott's choice of music. If you're in Scotland it might be an interesting if you're the documentary type.
   Hardcore 2007 + pre-order
Author: silver  
Ministry of Sound over the weekend released the artwork for the upcoming album "Helter Skelter v Raindance presents - Hardcore 2007".

The album is set for release 25th or 26th of December 2006 and is mixed by DJ's Billy 'Daniel' Bunter and Slipmatt. The album is available for pre-order now by clicking here!

Helter Skelter v Raindance presents - Hardcore 2007

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   Live Radio Shows
Author: enVias radio live yet again for another mad Wednesday!

Kicking off this Wednesday DJ Silver is live from Tokyo, Japan, DJ Bluecore for The Swedish Candy Show, The UK Hardcore Show is back to the regular schedule with Andy Myers & Scott Devotion (The Geos Crew + Ramos, Supreme & Sunset Regime will be back on 27/12/06), and finishing with a bang it's the 2nd year anniversary of NAHM with special guest DJ Silver!

Dec 6th 2006
Times are as follows:
Wed: 12:00pm - 1:00pm - DJ Silver
Wed: 2:00pm - 3:00pm - The Swedish Candy Show
Wed: 6:00pm - 9:00pm - The UK Hardcore Show
Wed: 11:00pm - 2:00am - NAHM

Wed: 11:00pm - 12:00am - DJ Silver
Wed: 1:00am - 2:00am - The Swedish Candy Show
Thur: 5:00am - 8:00am - The UK Hardcore Show
Thur: 8:00am - 11:00pm - NAHM

Los Angeles:
Wed: 4:00am - 5:00am - DJ Silver
Wed: 6:00am - 7:00am - The Swedish Candy Show
Wed: 10:00am - 1:00pm - The UK Hardcore Show
Wed: 3:00pm - 6:00pm - NAHM

New York:
Wed: 7:00am - 8:00am - DJ Silver
Wed: 9:00am - 10:00am - The Swedish Candy Show
Wed: 1:00pm - 4:00pm - The UK Hardcore Show
Wed: 6:00pm - 9:00pm - NAHM

Wed: 9:00pm - 10:00pm - DJ Silver
Wed: 11:00pm - 12:00pm - The Swedish Candy Show
Thur: 3:00am - 6:00am - The UK Hardcore Show
Thur: 7:00am - 10:00pm - NAHM
   Think hardcore music's big? It's about to get bigger
Author: silver  
Hardcore music is outselling every other genre CD compilation out there, think hardcore can't get any bigger? Well what's in store this month is going to blow your socks off!

We have all the major players, Nukleuz / Warner, AATW / Universal, Ministry of Sound and Resist all releasing albums this month of December, which will also mean 4x the usual advertising in magazine, radio and television in the UK. Turn on the television and you're going to have 4 hardcore TV commercials playing, magazines will have 4 adverts and websites the same. For better or worse it's certainly the most promotion and attention hardcore music has gotten in a very long time. is predicting a massive influx of new blood into hardcore music come 2007 - Hold onto your shorts here comes the hardcore!
   Orbit1 / The Acolyte presents FutureNoize
Author: silver  
A free hardcore download label has started from Orbit1 / The Acolyte. The label is called FutureNoize, at the moment there are 6 free hardcore tunes to download.

We had to wait until the first of the month to post the news as the traffic we send to the site will more than likely take it offline, so grab them while you still can!

Mitosis - Solid State
The Acolyte - It ain' hard to tell
The Acolyte - Make it
The Acolyte - Tsing Tao
The Acolyte feat. Amy - My Heart (4 beat mix)
The Acolyte feat. Amy - When the rain comes (original)

And don't forget to check out the site futurenoize
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